[001] ought to be preferred in the exercise of such liberty, since both were granted the [002] right to take tolls and customary dues and were exempted from rendering them to [003] others, grants which are repugnant to one another. Recourse must of necessity be [004] had to priority of issue if neither of them has real use but only quasi-use. But if [005] one of them has used his liberty and has taken toll and customary dues from the [006] others in a vill or market or at fairs, and been1 quit of such in the vill, market or [007] fairs [of the others], he ought to be preferred because of his use and ought to retain [008] [his liberties] since they are prior in use though not in date of issue. This will [009] [always] be true where those who acquired their liberties subsequently have made [010] [first] use of them, [unless those who first acquired aid themselves quickly and [011] without delay,] but if those who acquired first have been the first to use, so2 that [012] they have taken customary dues from the others in [their] vill [and have been [013] quit in the vills] of the others, they will retain their liberties, not only because of [014] priority of issue but because of priority of use. If after such priority of issue and [015] use others acquire a liberty which they may use, those who have priority do not [016] lose their liberty because of that. But suppose that those who are first in issue and [017] use lose [their liberty] by non-use, and before they have been restored the others [018] acquire and use; those who were prior in acquisition and use will never be restored. [019] But if those who have priority have been restored after the others have acquired [020] but before they have used, by such restoration they will retain the liberty they [021] first had and be preferred to the others because of their actual use, which must be [022] preferred to fictitious use.
If one has troubled another contrary to liberties granted by the king.
[024] If one presumes, therefore, contrary to such liberties, to oppress or trouble those to [025] whom they have been granted, let him be summoned to appear before the king or [026] his justices to answer therefor by this writ:
Writ: why one has troubled another contrary to his liberty.
[028] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Summon the mayor and bailiffs of such a city [029] (borough or vill) by good summoners to be before us or our justices at such a [030] place on such a day to answer such a one (or such persons) as to why they took [031] toll and customary dues in their vill, such a one, from the men of such a one (or [032] from such burgesses) contrary to the liberties which he (or they) have by our [033] charter and those of our ancestors, kings of England, which liberties they have [034] hitherto used, as they say. And have there the summoners and this writ. Witness [035] etc.3
On putting forward the plaintiff's case.
[037] 4When, after essoins and delays, the defendants appear, let the plaintiff put forward [038] his complaint