Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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This search engine allows one to search for dated items by a precise year or by ranges of decades from 1140 to 2050. (We plan to be in business for a while.) The ranges are obtained by manipulating the slide in the engine. The returns are similar to those for the general searches, except that manuscripts, the modern author list, and the library list, which, by and large, we have not dated, are not included. The engine draws its dates from a field that is not displayed. That field gives precision to what is in the date field, leaving out, for example circa or taking the last of a range of dates. The non-displaying fields also contain some dates that we did not include in the displaying field. Hence, early modern editions that are sine anno are given an approximate date in the non-displaying field, when the date is sufficiently likely to warrant its inclusion.

We have not yet combined this search engine with the general search engines, so that word searches in those engines can be limited by date. We plan to do so.


Date Range Search

From: 1140 2050
To: 1140 2050
