The Right of Spoil of the Popes of Avignon 1316 – 1415 |
CASES OF THE PAPAL RIGHT OF SPOIL No. 1 [olim 1] Ademarus Ameil bishop of Marseille, papal treasurer Formerly canon and succentor of Albi; secular prior of Valmoisine (Fréjus) 1313; bishop of Marseille from 1323; died in Curia 23 Dec 1333. Gallia Christiana 1:656–657 mentions a codicil to his testament. Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:245–260. 10 Jul 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3902) licentia testandi. 20 Jul 1329 (Coll. 143, 289r–293v; Bibliothèques II, 333.9, p. 101–108) testament witnessed in the Camera. 15 Dec 1333 (IM 5325) a codicil added to the testament. 15 Dec 1333 (Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:255–257, no. 456) codicil transcribed. 23 Dec 1333 (IE 133, 1r) commission to Pontius de Péret and Raymundus de Morières. 2 Jan 1334 (IE 133, 8r–58v; Bibliothèques II, 333.9, p. 103–104) commissioners’ accounts. 7 Apr 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 148) quittance to chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval and treasurer Guido Raoul. 20 Jan – 16 Feb 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 5211) accounts of the execution of the testament. 5 Sep 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 361) chamberlain is ordered to release goods for the payment of pious legacies. 13 Jan 1338 (IM 1340) payments of legacies by nephew-executor Bernardus Ameil archdeacon of Albi. 5 Mar 1339 (VQ 4:140) commissioners pay 2322 fl., etc. 25 Mar 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7424; Benoît XII closes France 583; Benoît XII closes pays autres 2289) quittance to the nephew-executor for sums paid to the Camera, including 1000 fl. legacy to John XXII. No. 2 Ademarus Austrini de Marcilhac priest of Rodez Died before Sep 1388. 18 Sep 1388 (Coll. 362, 280r–281v) commission to Petrus Borrier LL.D., clerk of the Camera and nuncio. No. 3 [olim 2] Ademarus Froterii OCSA provost of S. Salvy (Albi) Died Nov 1330. 27 Feb 1330 (Coll. 29, 199v) commissioner Arnaldus de Verdale assigned 8 fl.; note of a quittance by the chamberlain. 28 Nov 1330 (OS 12, 136r) commissioner Raymundus de Chameyrac pays 8 fl. Ped. No. 4 [olim 3] Ademarus Robert archbishop of Sens LL.D., formerly provost of Furnes (Thérouanne); bishop of Lisieux from 1359, of Arras from 1368, of Thérouanne from 1371; archbishop of Sens from 1376; died 25 Jan 1385. Gallia Christiana 3:339, 10:1562, 11:787, 12:78–79. Rotuli Parisienses 3:752, 781, 837, 850, 910. Fasti 11:150–154. 1 Feb 1385 (Coll. 360, 208r–209r; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 1) chamberlain FC orders the nuncio, Petrus Gérard bishop of Lodève, and Armandus Jausserand, collector of Sens and Rouen, to take the spoils, up to 16,000 fl., in order to pay overdue services. No. 5 Ademarus de la Roche archdeacon of Toledo Died before Sep 1381. 1 Sep 1381 (Coll. 374, 78v–79r; De Cros Calendar II, 941; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 2) Fulco Perrier jr., collector of Toledo, is to compel the holders of the spoils to pay the archdeacon’s annates. 28 Nov 1381 (Coll. 374, 86r; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 2) the sum due for annates is released to the archdeacon’s father Hugo de la Roche, brother-in-law of Gregory XI, cousin of PC. No. 6 [olim 4] Ademarus de la Voulte bishop of Viviers Formerly provost of Apt from 1324; bishop of Viviers from 1326, of Valence-Die from 1331, of Viviers again from 1337; died before Sep 1365. Gallia Christiana 1:374, 16:323, 573–575. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:300. 27 Sep 1365 (IM 2378, 26; IE 303, 30v–31r) executor Joannes de Chaylerio pays a composition of 750 fl. 27 Sep 1365 (Coll. 353, 49v–50r; Aubert Calendar 347, p. 206–207) inventory of goods by commissioner Geraldus Mercadier includes 1000 fl., 211 m. of silverware, 20 books, etc. before 1370 (Coll. 19, 165r) accounts of Geraldus Mercadier. No. 7 Adjutorius bishop of Veroli LL.D., formerly archdeacon of Patras; bishop of Veroli from 1331; died 1354. 16 Apr 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1466) commission to Joannes Mucii archdeacon of Cortona, treasurer of Campania-Marittima. 4 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1890) commission to Joannes Mucii archdeacon of Cortona, collector of Campania and Marittima. No. 8 [olim 8] Agapitus Colonna bishop of Lisboa Lic.Decr.; a student of Petrarca; formerly papal chaplain and archdeacon of Bologna; bishop of Ascoli Piceno from 1363, of Brescia from 1369, of Lisboa from 1371; created cardinal 18 Sep 1378 by Urban VI, he was deposed by Clement VII and his goods confiscated. Died Oct 1380. Dykmans, “Colonna, Agapito” 256–260. 1378 (RA 91, 302v–315v; Bibliothèques I, 378.9, p. 266–268) inventory of confiscated goods, in Portuguese. No. 9 [olim 9] Aimo de Cossonay bishop of Lausanne Formerly treasurer of Lausanne; bishop from 1355; died 4 Mar 1375. Gallia Christiana 15:368–369. Logoz, “L’inventaire des biens d’Aymon de Cossonay” 51–101. 11 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 13r–14r; De Cros Calendar I, 453–455) commissions and instructions by chamberlain PC to Guillelmus du Lac: two letters patent and one close. 11 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 14r; De Cros Calendar I, 456) a letter close of the chamberlain, chiding the bishop and provost of Lausanne for concealing the goods of the late bishop. 1 Jun 1375 (Coll. 479A, 1r–17v; Bibliothèques I, 375.4, p. 258–259) commissioner’s accounts. 29 Sep 1375 (Coll. 356, 64r; De Cros Calendar I, 579) commission to Joannes Cabrespí. 26 Jan 1379 (OS 42, 143r) successor Guido de Prangins pays 200 fl. Alamanie or Rheingulden, a composition settled with Guillelmus du Lac. No. 10 [olim 10] Aimo de Villersexel archbishop of Besançon Formerly archdeacon of Besançon; archbishop from 1363; died 10 Dec 1370. Gallia Christiana 15:85–86. Fasti 4:62–63. 20 Jan 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 18) commission to Petrus Evrard abbot of S. Vincent (Besançon) and Aubricus Raoul. The collection of spoils caused a civic riot in which the abbot commissioner was killed: Gallia Christiana 15:191. 8 Jul 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 2604) orders Guillelmus de Vergy archbishop of Besançon (Fasti 4:63–64) to excommunicate the murderers of the abbot. 19 Apr 1384 (Coll. 360, 87r) Guillelmus de Vergy is granted a delay in his payment of 200 fr. for the sale of a mitre and crozier. No. 11 [olim 13] Alanus auditor of the Rota Died in Curia before Aug 1348. 13 Aug 1348 (VQ 5:410) executor Joannes Thollemont pays 52 fl. of a composition for 100 fl. 1369 (OS 23A, 96v) the balance was still outstanding. No. 12 [olim 12] Alanus Angall bishop of Quimper Bishop from 1336; died before 3 Oct 1352. Gallia Christiana 14:883–884. 15 Oct 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5427) commission to Petrus Raymond rector of the parish church of Champagnac-la-Rivière (Limoges); the bishop had been collector of the thirtieth in his diocese. 17 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3250) commission to successor Goffridus de Coëtmoisan, who is now bishop of Dol. 18 Apr 1358 (Coll. 255, 127r) 500 écus collected. 15 Jun 1361 (VQ 7:340) successor Goffridus de Coëtmoisan bishop of Dol pays 332 fl. Cam. 16s. of his composition. 14 Aug 1362 (Coll 231, 137v) successor Goffridus de Coëtmoisan pays 332 fl. 24 Apr 1367 (EFR Urbain V communes 20309) commands Goffridus bishop of Dol to continue with his commission. No. 13 [olim 14] Albertus de Lordat bishop of Mende Formerly archdeacon of Flavigny (Autun) papal chaplain; bishop from 1331; died 17 Nov 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:97–98 has a confusion of bishops which may be corrected by reference to Fasti 8:97–103. Fasti 12:1664 Jul 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 57691) licentia testandi. 2 May 1362 (Coll. 497, 78r) successor Guillelmus obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 20 May 1362 (VQ 7:404) successor pays 1300 fl. 18 Jun 1362 (VQ 7:409) successor pays 200 fl. 22 Jun 1364 (Coll. 353, 12rv; Aubert Calendar 252, p. 167) composition payment delayed to next Easter. 20 Dec 1365 (IE 303, 32v) successor pays 347 fl. Fran. 16s. Jul 1366 (IM 2435, 14) successor pays 226 fl. No. 14 [olim 15] Alelmus Boitel archbishop of Tours Formerly provost of S. Dié (Toul) LL.Lic.; archbishop from 20 Jun 1380; died before Sep 1381. Gallia Christiana 14:120–121. 22 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 85r–87v; Calendar II, 957; Favier, Finances pontificales 269 n. 5) successor Guido de Roye is permitted to use the funds from spoils for necessary repairs to houses, mills and granaries: two registries, one unfinished. 7 Oct 1384 (Coll. 360, 172rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 269 n. 6) the collector Armandus Jausserand should inquire of builders what should be paid for the necessary repairs. No. 15 Aleramus bishop of León Formerly archdeacon of Burgos; bishop from 1382; died before Aug 1403. 12 Jul 1405 (RA 320, 23r; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 3) FC at Nice quits successor Alfonsus for 600 fl. Aragon composition paid. No. 16 [olim 16] Alfonsus bishop of Palencia Bishop from 16 Sep 1381; died before 29 Oct 1382. 9 Jan 1383 (Coll. 360, 32rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1108) commission to Seguinus d’Authon patriarch of Antioch and administrator of Nîmes, nuncio in Spain, and to Fulco Perrier jr., to collect a debt of 500 fl. for services from the spoils. No. 17 [olim 17] Alfonsus Annes bishop of Silves Formerly canon of Braga; bishop of Silves from 1313; died before 31 Jul 1331. 26 Jun 1332 (VQ 1:565–566) payments from spoils by successor Petrus Afonso: 3197 duple, 148 fl, 13 agni, 3 regales silver money, silverware, rings. No. 18 [olim 18] Alfonsus Denis bishop of Évora M.Theol.; formerly bishop of Idanha from 1346, of Évora from 1347; died before 3 Oct 1352. 15 Oct 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2697) commission to Petrus Marcel canon of Braga. 14 Apr 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1462) Guillelmus de la Garde archbishop of Braga should order Joannes Afonso bishop of Évora to surrender the goods of his two predecessors, Martinus Afonso and Alfonsus Denis. No. 19 [olim 19] Alfonsus Pedro bishop of Porto Formerly canon of Porto; bishop from 1355; died before Dec 1372. 9 Dec 1372 (Coll. 504, 8 fols.) inventory by subcollector Dominicus canon of Porto. No. 20 Alidosius bishop of Rimini Formerly archpriest of Mezzancolle (Imola); died before Oct 1353. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: This bishop ruled for 21 years and had goods to the value of 2000 fl., which the canons divided among themselves. The commissioner, Guido bishop of Veroli, summoned them; their objections were frivolous, but the Camera got nothing from them. AA replies that the canons should be compelled to restore everything unless they can prove their right. No. 21 [olim 20] Alvarus Perez de Viedma bishop of Ourense Former archdeacon of Vasconcelos (Ourense); bishop of Mondoñedo from 1329, of Ourense from 1343; died before Jun 1351. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 167–168 and 174–175. 6 Jun 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2443) commission to Augerius de Osserano. 13 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 716) commission to Gomecius Manrique archbishop of Compostela and Joannes de Cardaillac, the new bishop of Ourense, to cite the dean and chapter of Ourense, who are holding the spoils and the income of the vacancy. No. 22 Amadeus d’Amesin bishop of Belley Formerly prior of Belley; bishop from 1349; died before Jun 1355. Gallia Christiana 15:628. 2 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1620) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent. No. 23 [olim 21 and 96] Amalricus Augier prior of Espira-de-l’Agly OCSA (Elne) Papal chaplain, not the collector of Narbonne; died in Curia before Dec 1364. 1359 (RA 140, 17r) rubric: licentia testandi. 5 Dec 1364 (IE 303, 25v, IM 2339, 38) Joannes Manchini of the Barruchi company of Firenze pays 76 fr. for spoils. 13 Dec 1364 (Coll. 353, 23r; Aubert Calendar 288, p. 181; Bibliothèques II, 378.6, p. 435–436) commission to Joannes de Garrigue. 1368 (Coll. 156, 130v) £12 received for silver in spoils. 31 Mar 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1183) commission to Bertrandus Raffin. 23 Jul 1378 (OS 42, 127v) quittance to Durandus Barton officialis of Carpentras for a Rosarium. No. 24 [olim 22] Amalvinus de Roquelaure abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Abbot from 1340; died in Curia Sep 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:692. 5 Aug 1342 (Coll. 143, 182r) licentia testandi. 8 Sep 1348 (Coll. 143, 182r–187r; Bibliothèques II, 348.72, p. 272–273) testament. 8 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3949) commission to Joannes de Nabayron, papal scribe. 12 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3953) same commission. 16 Dec 1348 (VQ 5:415) executor Guillelmus II abbot of S. Sauveur (Lodève) pays by hand composition of 1500 fl. for goods in Avignon. 19 Jun 1350 (VQ 5:437) commissioner Pontius de Hermaldis pays 97 fl. 16 Oct 1350 (VQ 5:441) he pays 120 fl. 15 Nov 1350 (VQ 5:441) successor Stephanus de Plantières pays 174 fl. 13 s. 23 Jan 1352 (VQ 5:451) Guillelmus Lufansant pays 100 fl. 1353 (RA 125, 209r; Bibliothèques II, 348.72, p. 273–275) books in the papal treasure. No. 25 [olim 23] Amanevus de Apta de Lamothe archbishop of Bordeaux Formerly canon of Bordeaux; archbishop from 1351; died 27 Jun 1360. Gallia Christiana 2:835–836. Fasti 13:161–166. 23 Feb 1361 (Coll. 497, 73v–74r) Petrus and Galhardus de Lamothe, knights, obligated to a composition of 1100 fl., to be paid to the collector of Bordeaux. 18 May 1362 (VQ 7:403) they pay 228 fl. sent. 18 s. 1363 (IM 2281, 3v) accounts of spoils, following the records of Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye (Bordeaux), collector. 10 Sep 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1221) commission to Sancius Vaquier to collect from Petrus and Galhardus de Lamothe 1900 fl., owed for spoils and a debt for the thirtieth subsidy. No. 26 [olim 24] Amanevus d’Armagnac (first) archbishop of Auch Formerly canon of Toulouse; archbishop of Auch from 1262; died 11 Sep 1318. Gallia Christiana 1:993–994. 25 Oct 1316 (EFR Jean XXII communes 1619) licentia testandi. 26 Feb 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2724) orders Ermengaudus de Pozolis archdeacon of Auch and Augerius de Pozolis to prorogue payment of £700 Tur. owed by Bernardus count of Astarac for a loan by the late archbishop. 1 Jul 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3292–3293) commissioners Arnaldus de Verdale and Raymundus de Piquepoul should compel holders of the goods to surrender them to Petrus Jausens officialis of Toulouse and Raymundus de Durfort prior OP of Toulouse, who may issue quittances. Sep 1327 (Coll. 29, 68r–76v = Bibliothèques II, 318.7 C, p. 74–76) books assigned to the commissioners by the officialis of Toulouse; expenses of collection, etc. Sep – Oct 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58257 and 64241 = RA 42, 397r–405r, 407r, 408r–409v, 414r; RA 47, 232r–254v, 257v = Bibliothèques II, 318.7, p. 56–77) inventories, including books. 14 Apr x 1 May 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3563) commissioners should restore to the chapter of Auch all the goods belonging to the altars and chapels of the church. 14 Apr x 1 May 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3564) orders Jordanus de Durfort prior OP of Toulouse and Petrus Jausens canon of Rieux to turn over all the spoils to the ommissioners. 5 Oct 1328 (VQ 1:543) commissioners Arnaldus de Verdale and Raymundus de Piquepoul pay 222 fl. from sale of 53 m. of silverware. 27 Apr 1330 (Coll. 29, 78rv) inventory of 41 gem rings, value 49¼ fl., 48 Tur. gros. 3 Feb 1334 (VQ 1:371) commissioners pay the fruits of the vacancy. 26 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 59 and 60) orders commissioners to compel Alfonsus de Malobodio canon of Beauvais to give up £1130 which he seized from the bank of a changer of Toulouse, and to pay that sum to Louis duc de Bourbon for the expenses of his coming crusade. 3 Apr 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 153 and 154) commission to Raymundus Flori canon of Urgell and Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida to collect the spoils and pay one-sixth to Louis duc de Bourbon. 1 May 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 171–174) Arnaldus de Verdale is to pay over to Raymundus Flori and Guillelmus Mège what fruits of the church of Auch and spoils of prelates he has collected; the commissioners can summon to Toulouse all debtors of fruits and spoils, can receive what they owe and absolve from excommunications. The prior of the Hospital of Toulouse is to accommodate them in his house. 17 Jul 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 205) commissioners should receive money from spoils from Petrus Jausens canon of Rieux and Raymundus de Durfort OP, granting receipts. 20 Jan 1337 (VQ 4:116) commissioners pay 105 reg. auri from spoils and vacancy. 2 May 1337 (VQ 4:118) commissioner Raymundus de Piquepoul pays 240 reg. auri from spoils and vacancy. 12 Nov 1337 (VQ 4:123) commissioners Petrus Jausens and Raymundus de Durfort OP pay 131 reg., 88 agni, 70 fl. 9 s. 2 d. ob. Fr., 2 fl. 6 Tur. gros. 12 Jan 1338 (VQ 4:125) Raymundus de Taulani notary of Toulouse pays 45 écus, 1 reg. that had been overpaid to him for his services. 12 Jan 1338 (EFR Benoît XII communes 6239) orders commissioner Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida to pay Louis duc de Bourbon 1766 fl. remaining of the 31,000 fl. from the vacancy, granted to him by John XXII. 21 Feb 1338 (VQ 4:126) Raymundus de Piquepoul pays 3 s. 6 d. Tur. 4 Apr 1340 (VQ 4:157) Raymundus de Durfort OP pays 100 écus. 18 Dec 1342 (VQ 5:331) Arnaldus de Verdale pays £270 Tur. parv. due from spoils. 27 Oct 1343 (VQ 5:476) Raymundus de Piquepoul delivers rings, gems, and a pectoral to treasury, value £59 12 d. 5 Dec 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 565) orders Raymundus Flori and Morerius de Morières rector of S. Etienne (Toulouse) (Fasti 5:178–179) to pay to Louis duc de Bourbon 1766 fl. remaining due. 2 Aug 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2693bis) orders Morerius de Morières canon of Agen (Fasti 5:178–179) to pay to Pierre duc de Bourbon the remainder of 31,000 fl. granted by John XXII to his late father Louis. No. 27 [olim 25] Amanevus de Cassis archbishop of Bordeaux Formerly canon of Bayeux, LL.D., papal chaplain and familiar; bishop from 1347; died before 17 Sep 1348. Gallia Christiana 2:834–835. Fasti 13:157–160. 9 Jan 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4024) commission to Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye (Bordeaux). 1 Jun 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4181) commission. 9 Jul 1349 (Coll. 497, 41v) successor Bernardus de Cassis obligated to compositions of 3000 écus and 1000 fl. for the spoils of his two immediate predecessors. 16 Sep 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5066) commission to abbot Elias Magnan to collect the spoils of the late archbishop Bernardus de Cassis (Case no. 166) on account of his own debts to the Camera and those of his predecessor Amanevus de Cassis. 5 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1179) archbishop Amanevus de Apta de Lamothe, who has settled for the spoils of his three predecessors, may freely dispose of them. No. 28 [olim 26] Amanevus de Farges bishop of Agen Bishop from 1314; died before 20 Apr 1357. Gallia Christiana 2:924. Fasti 5:100–102. 20 Apr 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2641) orders Raymundus Roger canon of S. Gauger (Cambrai) and Joannes de Gardaya scholasticus of Oviedo to gather the account books and spoils of the late bishop, collector of Agen. 10 Jul 1357 (Cambarou Calendar 6, p. 205) commission to the officiales of Toulouse, Agen, Albi, Montauban, Lectoure, Auch, Lombez, Condom, and Vaison to secure the spoils and deliver them to the successor, Deodatus Rotbaldo (Case no. 274). 30 Oct 1357 (VQ 7:183–184) successor Deodatus Rotbaldo pays 250 fl. of a composition of 500 fl. 20 Jun 1358 (VQ 7:221) he pays the remaining 250 fl. No. 29 [olim 27] Amelius abbot of S. Michel de Cuxa OSB (Elne) Died before 31 Jan 1357. Gallia Christiana 6:1103. 4 Feb 1357 (Coll. 352, 86v) commission expedited to Fulco Perrier sr., dated 31 Jan 1357. No. 30 [olim 28] Amelius Cabirolli preceptor of the Hospital of S. André d’Albignac (Albi) Died before Nov 1375. Nov 1375 (IM 2877, 9) successor Bertrandus Folcoadi pays composition of 107 fl. 4 s. No. 31 [olim 29] Amelius de Lautrec OCSA bishop of Castres Formerly provost of Belmont d’Aveyron (Rodez); archdeacon of Lezat (Toulouse); abbot of S. Sernin, Toulouse 1321–1326, and rector of the March of Ancona; bishop of Castres from 1326; died 3 Dec 1337. Gallia Christiana 1:67–68, 13, 96–97. 1 Aug 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 5419) licentia testandi. 2 Sep 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4276; IM 7190, 2r) licentia testandi. 14 Oct 1337 (IM 7190, 2r–7r) testament and codicils. 22 Nov 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 383) commission to Pontius de Péret and Raymundus de Chameyrac. 1337–1343 (IM 7190, 84 fols.; Bibliothèques II, 337.8, p. 132–140) commissioners’ accounts. 1 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:150) commissioners pay £142.11.6. 23 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:136) Pontius de Péret pays £400 Tur. parv. 14 Jul 1340 (VQ 4:161) commissioners assign 6 rings and gems to the Camera. 14 Oct 1340 – 22 Nov 1343 (Coll. 145, 321r–325v) brief of accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret for the spoils of Petrus de la Pleine Chassagne and Petrus de Castelnau, bishops of Rodez; Petrus de la Vie bishop of Albi; and Amelius de Lautrec bishop of Castres. 27 Nov 1340 (VQ 4:166) they pay £171.1.11 Tur. parv. 29 Dec 1340 (VQ 4:167–168) payments by Raymundus de Chameyrac for these and other spoils. after 1340 (IM 5246) a memorandum that the spoils were sold to successor Joannes Desprès, except 395 fr., vestments and books assigned directly to the Camera. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:340) assignment. ca. 1344 (Coll. 73, 105r) small collections by Petrus Hugues. No. 32 [olim 32] Andreas bishop of Arezzo Died before Dec 1367. 22 Dec 1367 (Coll. 248, 49r) Nicolaus Lippi pays collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena 27 fl. for spoils. 6 May 1371 (Bibliothèques I, 367.9, p. 237) collector received pawned books worth 43 fl. for their pawned price of 15 fl. No. 33 [olim 33] Andreas OP bishop of Beograd Bishop from 1322; died before 1330. 15 May 1336 (VQ 4:108) Andreas de Verulis, papal scribe, pays 91 fl. for spoils deposited with Petrus de Verulis and Petrus de S. Laurentio. No. 34 [olim 34] Andreas bishop of Schwerin Formerly provost of Poznan; bishop of Poznan from 1347, of Schwerin from 1348; died in Curia in Jan 1357. 31 Jan 1357 (VQ 7:170) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 104 fl. from spoils. 16 Jan 1358 (VQ 7:215) he pays 62 fl. 1 s. 1 d. No. 35 [olim 35] Andreas bishop of Sora Formerly archpriest of Aversa; bishop of Sora from 1358; died before 23 Dec 1364. 4 Nov 1368 (IE 325, 24v) the Camera receives 29 fl. from spoils. No. 36 [olim 36] Andreas abbot of Pomposa OSB (Ravenna) Died before May 1360. 29 May 1360 (Coll. 130, 151v) the marquis of Ferrara pays 1100 ducats for spoils. No. 37 [olim 37] Andreas Advocati bishop of Como Formerly prior of the secular church of SS. Joannes & Reparata (Lucca); bishop of Como from 1357; died in Curia in Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, collects a composition of 400 fl. 27 Jun 1362 (OS 31, 154v–155r; Aubert Calendar 84, p. 98) commission to Stephanus de Gattis bishop of Como. No. 38 [olim 38] Andreas Dotto patriarch of Grado Formerly bishop of Chioggia from 1322; patriarch from 1337; died before Mar 1351. 1 Mar 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2396) commission to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia. 22 Feb 1352 (Coll. 130, 33v) the proctors of S. Marco pay a composition of 250 fl. for the goods which they hold to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, collector. No. 39 [olim 39] Andreas Frédol abbot of S. Afrodise OSB (Béziers) Abbot from 1317; died before Sep 1344. Gallia Christiana 6:392–393. 8 Apr 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 62987) licentia testandi. 8 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1083) commission to Jacobus de Labroue archdeacon of Lunas (Béziers). 10 May 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3860) commission to Morerius de Morières canon of Agen (Fasti 5:178–179) and Bernardus Raymundi almoner of Béziers. 19 May 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3872) commission to Jacobus de Labroue. 28 Jun 1348 (ASV, AA Arm. C, 17; Bibliothèques II, 348.35, p. 239–243) inventory by Eustacius Piscis, including books. 30 Sep 1348 (VQ 5:411) commissioner Eustacius Piscis pays large sums to the Camera. 1348 (RA 101, 26r–36v; Bibliothèques II, 348.35, p. 230–236) inventory of goods at Narbonne. 1353 (RA 125, 226r–227v; Bibliothèques II, 348.35, p. 236–238) books in the papal treasure. 28 Oct 1357 (Coll. 497, 63r) Franciscus Albaroni, lord of Montfrin (Uzès) obligated to a composition of £270. 1357–1359 (Coll. 154, 210r–211r) accounts of spoils by Guillelmus Guilbert. 8 Jan 1360 (VQ 7:291) Guillelmus Albaronis pays the last 50 fl. of his composition. Note that Andreas Frédol was executor of the testament of cardinal Berengarius Frédol, and died in possession of some of the latter’s goods: EFR Clément VI closes France 1088, 1779, 2303, 2509. No. 40 [olim 40] Andreas Ghini Malpigli cardinal priest of the title of S. Susanna Formerly bishop of Arras from 1329, of Tournai from 1334; cardinal from 1342; died at Perpignan, 2 Jun 1343. Gallia Christiana 3:226–227, 336–337. Pycke, “Ghini Malpigli (André)” 1174–1177. Jugie, “L’orfèvrerie dans tout ses états” 371–387. 31 Oct 1342 (RV 214, 149v) licentia testandi. 23 May 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 188) the cardinal is ordered to return from Mallorca to the Curia. 14 Aug 1343 (VQ 5:338) executor Hildebrandus Conti bishop of Padova pays 1645 fl. to the Camera from the testament. 12 Sep 1343 (VQ 5:400) the cardinal’s goods at Tournai are reserved. 20 Oct 1343 (VQ 5:340) the banker Lucas de Abbatibus pays 119 fl. for six books. 23 Dec 1343 (VQ 5:342) executors pay 300 fl. sent., 900 fl. Ped. 10 May 1344 (Coll. 497, 24r) Angelus Galega, papal sergeant at arms, is obligated to pay 83 fl. for his purchase from the spoils. 17 Jul 1344 (VQ 5:350) 112 fl. paid to the Camera from the executors’ sale of goods. 19 Aug 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1035) commission to Bernardus Carit archdeacon of Eu (Rouen) (Case no. 165) to recover the goods held by Joannes Fava merchant of Firenze. 27 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:361; Bibliothèques I, 343.4, p. 153–154) Guillelmus Bos pays 100 fl. for the sale of books. 21 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2058) further commission to Bernardus Carit to collect cloths and grain. 7 Jul 1346 (VQ 5:374–375) cardinal Stephanus Aubert pays 790 fl. for grain purchased from the executors. No. 41 [olim 41] Andreas de Languisel provost of Nîmes Died 25 Nov 1341. Gallia Christiana 6:467. late 1341 (Coll. 30, 120r; Bibliothèques II, 341.8, p. 190) receipts from Raymundus de Chameyrac, including a Bestiarium. No. 42 [olim 42] Andreas Perez Navarro bishop of Córdoba Formerly dean of Córdoba; bishop from 1363; died 14 Sep 1372. 27 Nov 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1220) commission to Antonius Martins dean of Córdoba and subcollector. No. 43 [olim 43] Andreas de Perusio OFM bishop of Gravina M.Theol.; bishop from 1343; died before 3 Mar 1346. Schmitt, “Review of Schneyer, [Autoren R–Schluß]” 585. 2 Apr 1346 (Coll. 168, 54rv) chapter pays 15 unc. to Guillelmus de Rosières for the spoils. No. 44 Andreas Peyral preceptor domus S. Antonii (Béziers) Died before Sep 1394. Gallia Christiana 16:199. 11 Sep 1394 (RV 308, 187v–188r; Favier, Finances pontificales 257) on behalf of Gerentonus de Châteauneuf abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) FC directs Sicardus de Bourguerol to remove the Camera’s hand from the goods. No. 45 [olim 45] Andreas Seri Sari archbishop of Sorrento Formerly canon of Sorrento; bishop from 1341; died before Jun 1348. 10 Jun 1348 – 9 Feb 1349 (Coll. 168, 73rv) Guillelmus de Rosières collects goods worth 6 unc. 11 tar. No. 46 [olim 46] Angelus abbot of S. Maria di Crispiano OSBasil (Taranto) Died before May 1346. 6 May 1346 (Coll. 168, 56v) the prior Leo pays to Guillelmus de Rosières 6 unc. for spoils. No. 47 [olim 47] Angelus abbot of S. Maria de Crypta OSB (Benevento) Died Aug 1368. 31 Aug 1368 (IE 325, 23v) successor Jacobus pays 500 fl. of a composition of 1000 fl. No. 48 [olim 48] Angelus Acciaioli OP bishop of Montecassino Formerly bishop of Aquila from 1328, of Firenze from 1342, of Montecassino from 1355; died 4 Oct 1357. 19 Nov 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2106) spoils reserved in advance; commission to Andreas di Todi prior of S. Paolo all’Orto OCSA (Pisa). 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre. 29 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) expedition, by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre, of the commission, dated 14 Dec 1357, addressed to the bearer himself and to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. 3 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 73r–75r, number 153 and RV 243, 126r–127v) detailed instructions to the commissioners, directing them to use ecclesiastical sanctions energetically against holders of the spoils and the fruits of the vacancy. 4 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 77 A–B, number 156) a copy of the letter of this date to the chapter of Napoli (Case no. 803) was registered to the chapter of Montecassino, ordering the canons to assist the commissioners. 23 Jun 1358 (Coll. 352, 119v) expedition, by hand of Raymundus de Albofolio papal domicellus, of the letters of 3 and 4 May instructing the commissioners and imposing the moderatio on their collection of spoils. No. 49 [olim 49] Angelus Acciaioli archbishop of Patras Former archdeacon of Reggio; bishop of Ventimiglia from 1348, of Tricarico from 1350; archbishop of Patras from 1365; died before 20 Oct 1367. 24–26 May 1372 (Coll. 358, 52r–53r; De Cros Calendar I, 106, 107) the nuncio, Golferius abbot of Cava (Salerno), is ordered to collect more than 1000 fl. owed by Jews of Patras, and to pay to Nicolaus Orsini count of Nola, executor, the 417 fl. required for pious legacies, even using other funds if the collected debts are not enough. The letter patent is acompanied by a letter close. n.d. (BnF lat. 4191, n. 15, 96r–104r) inventory of spoils. No. 50 [olim 44] Angelus de Porta Sola OP bishop of Grosseto Formerly bishop of Sulcis from 1325, of Grosseto from 1330; died 22 Feb 1334. 2 Oct 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 64098) orders Pontius Stephani canon of Béziers, nuncio, to restore the spoils to the successor Angelus so that he may pay debts, including the tenths due. 1335–1337 (IE 145, 29rv; Bibliothèques I, 334.1, p. 118–119) accounts of the commissioner Pontius Stephani. No. 51 [olim 50] Angelus dei Ricasoli bishop of Sora Formerly canon of Cambrai; bishop of Sora from 1355, despoiled on his translation to Aversa, 6 Mar 1357; later bishop of Firenze from 1370, of Faenza (by Urban VI) from 1387, of Arezzo from 1391 to his death in 1403. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre. The reference is to Angelus as “deceased bishop of Aversa.” 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) expedition, by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre, of the commission dated 14 Dec 1357 to the bearer himself and to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 52 [olim 30] Anselmus de Glandèves OCSA bishop of Glandèves Formerly canon of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus); bishop of Glandèves from 1309; died before 24 Feb 1328. Gallia Christiana 3:1240–1241. He had been summoned in 1326 to answer for the goods of Eliziarius Féraud de Glandèves bishop of Toulon (Case no. 305). 1 Apr 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3537) commission to Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye (Bordeaux). 20 May 1328 (VQ 1:537) commissioner pays 217 fl. 10 Oct 1328 (VQ 1:537) successor Jacobus de Monasteriis pays half of a composition for 600 fl. 18 Apr 1329 (VQ 1:537) Raymundus de Glandèves preceptor of the Hospital of Claret pays £300 for grain received from spoils. 31 Jan 1330 (VQ 1:537) successor pays balance of composition. No. 53 [olim 31] Anselmus de Miolans d’Urtières abbot of S. Rambert OClun (Lyon) Abbot from 1341; died 22 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 4:256. 4 Jan 1362 (IM 2245; Bibliothèques II, 361.6, p. 335) notarial instrument of the spoils inquest by Joannes Rousset de Martignac canon of Chalon-sur-Saône (Fasti 15:294); a brief inventory is included. No. 54 [olim 51] Antonius OCist bishop of Lombez Formerly abbot of Fontfroide OCist (Narbonne); bishop of Lombez from 1341; died before Aug 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:211–212, 13:323. 23 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3939) commission to Petrus Hugues for these and other spoils. 24 Jun 1350 (IM 1863) appeal by Petrus Bonet against the collector Arnaldus de Pallières. 1 May 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4955) commission to Arnaldus de Pallières prior of Valentine (Comminges) to complete the collections begun by Martinus de Gérard. n.d. (Coll. 30, 282v) accounts of the commissioner Raymundus Roger. n.d. (RA 101, 72r–74v; Bibliothèques II, 348.76, p. 275–277) executors’ inventory and list of bequests. after 1353 (Coll. 31, 190v, 191v, 192r) collections by Martinus de Gérard and arrears. before 1355 (Coll. 114, 67v–68r) Martinus de Gérard reports receipts of 577 écus, 29 fl., etc. ca. 1360 (Coll. 235, 58r–60r) arrears of debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier. 29 Dec 1361 (VQ 6, 382) Bertrandus de Castanier pays 2101 fr. from these and other spoils in the collectory of Toulouse. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147r, 155v, 251rv, 253r) Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse, reports receipts and uncollectable arrears. No. 55 [olim 52] Antonius OFM bishop of Malta Formerly archbishop of Saloniki; bishop of Malta from 19 Aug 1370; died at Genova 1370. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. 1 Sep 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 279) commission to Raphael della Torre, collector of Genova. 25 Feb 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 563) the same commission. 1376 (Coll. 125, 59r, 60r; Bibliothèques I, 371.8, p. 245) commissioner reports holding four books from spoils. No. 56 [olim 54] Antonius des Collell bishop of Mallorca Formerly archdeacon of Barcelona; bishop of Mallorca from 1349; died 3 Mar 1363. Hillgarth, “Inventario de los bienes de Anthoni des Collell” 504–553. Nov 1361 – Mar 1363 (Coll. 120, 157 fols.) accounts of the majordomo Petrus de Turicella, received and used by the commissioner Jacobus de Sirano. 27 Feb 1363 (Coll. 140, 1r–42v; Bibliothèques I, 363.2, p. 214–218) accounts of the collectors Fulco Perrier sr. and Jacobus de Sirano. 8 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 180v; Aubert Calendar 156, p. 124) quittance to Jacobus de Sirano for goods, including books and jewels, delivered by Bernardus de Cabaretis merchant of Narbonne. 29 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 199r–200r; edited Aubert Calendar 184, p. 138–140) the bishop’s legacy to Bernardus de Lamo is reduced by the amount of a fine levied on the latter for trading with Alexandria. 23 Oct 1363 (OS 31, 202rv; Aubert Calendar 187, p. 141; Bibliothèques I, 363.2, p. 218) some books ordered to be delivered to Bernardus de Olivis. 24 Dec 1363 (IM 2279, 22; IE 303, 16v) Jacobus de Sirano canon of Barcelona assigns 500 Mallorcan regales from spoils and the income of the vacancy. 12 Jan 1364 (Coll. 353, 4r–5r; Aubert Calendar 209, p. 151–152) registered quittance to Jacobus de Sirano for silverware and books assigned to the Camera on 30 Dec 1363, with inventory. 2 Jan 1365 (Coll. 116, 128v–129r) commissioner’s further accounts. 15 Jan 1368 (Coll. 353, 82v–83r; Aubert Calendar 464, p. 259–260) registered quittance to Jacobus de Sirano. No. 57 [olim 55] Antonius Draconis de Valencia cleric of Pavia, papal scribe Died before Oct 1348. 2 Aug 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 45886) licentia testandi. 1 Oct 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1720) commission to Hubertus abbot of S. Pietro di Monteverde (Volterra) and Lazarinus Fieschi provost of Biella (Vercelli) to collect these and other spoils. 27 Mar 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1963) commission to Martinus de Burgaro archdeacon of Vercelli and Bernardinus de Rovedis canon of Tortona for these and other spoils. No. 58 [olim 56] Antonius di Lorenzo secular abbot of the church of S. Simeon de Carrilano (Aversa) Died in Curia before Feb 1375. 12 Feb 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrétes autres 3154) quittance to Florentine merchants for 418 fl. from spoils. 13 Jun 1375 (OS 42, 19r) note that 100 fl. of a composition of 170 fl. should be paid to the Camera before 29 Sep by Ludovicus di Lorenzo di Aversa. No. 59 Antonius de Louvier bishop of Maguelonne Formerly scholasticus of Angers; bishop of Rennes from 1386, of Maguelonne from 1389; died 24 Oct 1405. Gallia Christiana 6:795–797, 14:757–758. Rotuli Parisienses 3:610 n. Fasti 7:213. 15 Oct 1405 (RA 325, 510v–511v) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, commissions Joannes Martin LL.Lic., collector of Narbonne, and Simon de Prades, collector of Arles, Aix, and Embrun, to collect the spoils, referring to the decree of Benedict XII and the precedent of Gregory XI. 28 Oct 1405 (RA 325, 21r; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 6) spoils were reserved during the bishop’s life on account of the large debt of the church of Maguelonne to the Camera for census. 18 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 549v–550r; Favier, Finances pontificales 270 n. 1) Anselmus de Chantemerle bishop of Rennes petitions for payment to the church there from the spoils of Antonius, his predecessor at Rennes. 1 Jul 1407 (RA 326, 32v–34r; Favier, Finances pontificales 266 n. 4) the commissioners pay 32½ fr. for a proctor to appear for them before the Parlement de Paris to answer for their seizure of the spoils to pay for repairs to the church of Rennes, neglected when Antonius was bishop there. 5 Sep 1407 (RA 326, 43r–44r; Favier, Finances pontificales 270 n. 4) Bishop Anselmus may have the works estimated without waiting for the decision of the Parlement de Paris. 7 Feb 1408 (RA 331, 144r–145v; rubric RA 325, 501v) commissioners Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne, and Antonius Gasqui subcollector of Maguelonne, paid to the Camera £1754.2.6 of Avignon, 2874 sestarii of various grains, 59 modia of wine. No. 60 [olim 57] Antonius Orso bishop of Firenze Papal familiar, archpriest of Firenze; bishop of Fiesole from Oct 1301 and rector of the March of Ancona 1302–1303; bishop of Firenze from 1310; died July 1322. Boccaccio, Decamerone 6.3. 18 Feb 1323 (Coll. 414, 7rv, 23r, 26v–27r, 30v; Bibliothèques I, 322.5, p. 106–108) inventory. 23 Sep 1332 (IM 1222) original commission to Pontius Stephani to collect the spoils against the bishop’s debt of 5000 fl. for the sexennial tenth of Clement V. 3 Feb 1333 (Coll. 414, 2r–3r) the same commission. No. 61 [olim 58] Archambaldus bishop of Tulle Formerly abbot of Tournus OSB (Chalon-sur-Saône); bishop of Tulle from 1348; died 26 Feb 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:669–670, 4:973. Albe, “Les comptes de Jean de Cavaignac” 95–160. ca. 1361 (Coll. 78, 148r–180r, 187r) accounts of the collector Joannes de Cavanhac; receipts and arrears. 24 Feb – 27 June 1361 (Coll. 75, 244r–245r) collector’s further accounts. 26 Jan 1362 (VQ 7:387) the heirs’ proctor pays a composition to the Camera. 22 Jun 1362 (IM 2279, 16; OS 31, 150v–151r; Aubert Calendar 81, p. 97) the chamberlain orders Joannes de Cavanhac to assign 300 fl. in cash and kind to the chapter of Tulle. Sep 1363 (IM 2279, 16) Joannes Palaysini collects part of the executors’ composition. No. 62 [olim 59] Armandus de Mirmand prior of S. Gemma OSB (Saintes) Died before Aug 1343. 9 Aug 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 344) commission to Joannes Maleu prior of S. Eutrope (Saintes). 15 Dec 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 569) the spoils are dedicated to the foundation of the abbey church of La Chaise-Dieu OSB by Clement VI. No. 63 [olim 60] Armandus de Narcès archbishop of Aix Formerly dean of Chartres; papal chaplain, auditor of the Rota, dean of Gaye OClun (Troyes) in 1323; archbishop of Aix from 1329; died 21 Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:312–313, 8:1204. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:83–86. 13 Sep 1331 (EFR Jean XXII communes 55938) licentia testandi. 19 Sep 1339 (RA 52, 443r–450r; EFR Benoît XII communes 6513; Bibliothèques II, 348.54, p. 247–254) testament, presented in abstract. 1 Mar 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3764) the archbishop is ordered to the Curia to answer the complaints of some nobles and commons of Provence. 29 Oct 1348 (VQ 5:414) commissioner Joannes de Nabayron pays 1000 gold agni. No. 64 [olim 61] Arnaldus bishop of Troia Bishop from 1322; died before 27 Jun 1332. 20 Jun 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58253; Bullarium I, 67, p. 22) commission. 29 Jul, 17 Aug 1334 (VQ 1:383) commissioner Raymundus de Salgis pays 6000 fl. for this and other commissions. No. 65 [olim 62] Arnaldus abbot of S. Maria de Bouillas OCist (Auch) Died Jan 1347. Gallia Christiana 8:1399 lacks this name. 28 Jan 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3082) commission to Morerius de Morières canon of Agen (Fasti 5.178–179). No. 66 [olim 1174] Arnaldus abbot of S. Maria del Gualdo Mazzocca OSB (Benevento) Formerly abbot of l’Aumône (Blois), of Gualdo from 1363; died 9 Dec 1374. Hilken, Memory and Community in Medieval Southern Italy 43 n. 143. 22 Jul 1370 (EFR Urbain V communes 27203) narrative of the seizure by Arnaldus of the monastery’s treasure and other misdeeds, calling on Bernardus de Rodes archbishop of Napoli to arrest Arnaldus and correct the situation. 5 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 24v–25r; De Cros Calendar I, 497) spoils granted to Guillelmus de Beaufort viscount of Turenne; the monks who hold the goods are cited to appear at Avignon within thirty days. No. 67 [olim 1180] Arnaldus abbot of S. Pere de Rodes OSB (Girona) Obligated himself for services 12 May 1356 (OS 22, 185v); died 1358. 1358 (Coll. 114, 13v–14r) Fulco Perrier sr. reports net receipts of £1635.1.6 Barc. before 24 Oct 1361 (Coll. 117, 175v) he collects £150 of the successor’s composition for £250. No. 68 [olim 63] Arnaldus abbot of S. Marie de Noyers OSB (Tours) Died before Jun 1352. Gallia Christiana 14:293 lacks this name. 6 Jun 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5320) commission to Raymundus de Caunes canon of Tours. No. 69 [olim 65] Arnaldus André provost of Agde, collector of Narbonne Earlier archdeacon of Lunas; collector of Bordeaux; collector of Aragon; died before Aug 1386. Guiraud, “Inventaire d’Arnaud Andrieu” 333–381. Favier, “Le niveau de vie d’un collecteur” 31–48. Favier, Finances pontificales 712. 4 May 1385 (RA 242, 63v–64r; Favier, Finances pontificales 275 n. 8) general quittance for his time of service as collector. 10 Sep 1386 (Coll. 152, 189r–204r, 205r–225v, 227r–238v; Bibliothèques II, 386.7, p. 458–469; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 4, 268–269 n. 1, 271 n. 5–6, 280 n. 7, 282 n. 10) three copies of an inventory of his goods at Narbonne; receipts 2287 fl. curr., expenses (funeral, legacies) 1028, profit 1259. 14 Sep 1386 (Coll. 152, 175r–188r; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 9) inventory of goods left at Agde and Narbonne. 4 Nov 1386 (Coll. 362, 6rv) commission to Raymundus de Verdun. No. 70 [olim 64] Arnaldus Aubert archbishop of Auch, papal chamberlain Nephew of Innocent VI, LL.Lic.; formerly elect of Agde 1354; bishop of Carcassonne from 14 Nov 1354; archbishop of Auch from 1357; died 11 Jun 1371. Gallia Christiana 1:995–996, 6:690–691, 899–900. The accounts of the posthumous building projects at Auch, found in Coll. 32, were edited by Samaran and Branet, “Le château et les deux tours de Bassoues” 197–221. 24 Feb 1354 (RA 128, 598r) licentia testandi. 11 Jun 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 259) commission to Petrus de Vernols, treasurer. 22 Jun 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 274, 276) commission and instructions to PC, chamberlain. 11 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 773) commission to Joannes Allemand, subcollector of Auch. 1 Aug 1372 (Coll. 358, 72v–73v; De Cros Calendar I, 150) Bertrandus Raffin provost of Lleida, collector of Narbonne and commissioner in Auch, is ordered to pay 3000 fl. from the spoils in order to build a chapel of S. Martial as provided in the testament. 14 Feb 1373 (RA 220, 228rv; De Cros Calendar I, 275) the officialis of Auch is to account for the testamentary bequest of 5000 fl. for the fabric of the church of Auch. 21 Jan 1374 (VQ 7:501) the Camera paid to the successor Joannes Roger 500 fl. from the spoils toward building the tower of Bassoues as provided in the testament. 29 Mar 1382 (IM 3102; De Cros Calendar II, 1022) commissioner Joannes de Raymundo Sancii, compelled by illness, appoints seven proctors to collect the spoils of the late archbishop. 5 Jan 1385 (Coll. 360, 199v; Favier, Finances pontificales 265 n. 2) chamberlain FC orders Sicardus de Bourguerol to collect the arrears of spoils left by the collectors Sancius Vaquier and Arnaldus de Peyrat. 8 Apr 1390 (Coll. 365, 76v–77r) FC orders Petrus de Tarascon to collect the debts still unpaid. No. 71 [olim 66] Arnaldus de Barbazán OCSA bishop of Pamplona Formerly canon of Pamiers; bishop of Pamplona from 1318; died Nov 1355. Goñi Gaztambide, “El derecho de espolio en Pamplona” 157–174. 15 Nov 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1826) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. canon of Valencia and collector of Aragon. 17 Nov 1355 (Coll. 352, 85r) expedition of that commission, by hand of Petrus Magister, cursor-mercator. 21 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1903) orders Lupus Fernandez de Luna archbishop of Zaragoza to declare several officials of the king of Navarre excommunicated for disturbing the process of Fulco Perrier sr.: letter transcribed in full. 1358 (Coll. 114, 12v, 161r–162v) collector’s accounts. No. 72 [olim 67] Arnaldus Bernard de la Pérarède patriarch of Alexandria in administration of Montauban J.U.Prof., grand-nephew of cardinal Bertrandus du Pouget and executor of his testament; papal chaplain. From 1329 dean of S. Etienne de Tescou (Montauban); archbishop of Aix from 1348; patriarch, with administration of Montauban, from 1361. Died 1 Sep 1368; in error posthumously created cardinal, 22 Sep 1368. Gallia Christiana 1:323, 13:237–238. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:86–88. Albe, “Autour de Jean XXII” 152–155. Sep 1363 (OS 31, 192r; Aubert Calendar 178, p. 132) erroneous premature commission to collect spoils from the patriarch’s chaplain Lucianus de Senis. n.d. 1369 (Coll. 18, 264v–290v; Bibliothèques II, 368.6, p. 392–395) spoils collected by Aymericus Pellicier including books. 20 Feb 1369 (Coll. 353, 174v–175r; Aubert Calendar 595, p. 316) the chamberlain orders the collector Aymericus Pellicier to pay a legacy to the patriarch’s cubicularius. 14 Apr 1369 (Coll. 353, 214r–215r) chamberlain orders collector to send to the Claretians of S. Marcel du Pouget (Cahors) the goods left to them by cardinal Bertrandus du Pouget, found in the possession of the late patriarch his executor. n.d. 1369 (Coll. 235, 170r–179v, 138r–139v) accounts of the collector. 14 Jan 1372 (Coll. 358, 23v; De Cros Calendar I, 47) chamberlain orders the collector Aymericus Pellicier to pay a legacy to the patriarch’s chaplain Guillelmus Engilbert. 11 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 148r, 156v) report of collections and arrears. No. 73 [olim 68] Arnaldus de Brusaco OSB archbishop of Benevento Formerly abbot of S. Sofia OSB (Benevento); archbishop from 1332; died at Maguelonne 20 Jan 1344. 7 May 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 496) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi and Arnulphus Marcellini canon of Embrun, rector of Benevento. 7 Feb 1346 (IE 230, 246 fols.; Bibliothèques I, 344.1, p. 154–157) accounts of the commissioners Guillelmus de Rosières bishop of Trani, and Arnulphus Marcellini. 18–27 Apr 1346 (Coll. 168, 55v–56r) Guillelmus de Brusaco, nephew of the archbishop, pays to Guillelmus de Rosières 1900 fl. of a composition for 2000 fl. No. 74 Arnaldus de Caraygue dean of Castelnaudary (Saint-Papoul) Died before Jul 1386. 24 Jul 1386 (Coll. 364, 26r; Favier, Finances pontificales 275 n. 5) FC directs Sicardus de Bourguerol and his subcollector of Saint-Papoul to make an inventory and keep the spoils prudently. 1 Oct 1386 (Coll. 364, 40v; Favier, Finances pontificales 286 n. 6) the chapter of Castelnaudary pays a composition. No. 75 [olim 69] Arnaldus de Caucina collector of Hungary and Poland Died 28 Oct 1371. 1371–1373 (Coll. 182, 1r–11r) testament, inventory, and dispositions of goods at Kraków. 28 Apr 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 697) orders Florianus Mokrski bishop of Kraków to turn over the goods held by him to Elias de Vodron, nuncio in Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland. 14 Jul 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1990) commission to Petrus Stephani, collector of Hungary and Poland. No. 76 [olim 70] Arnaldus Cescomes archbishop of Tarragona Formerly archdeacon in the diocese of Barcelona; bishop of Lleida from 1327; archbishop of Tarragona from 1334; died 9 Sep 1346. Rius Serra, “L’inventari dels béns d’Arnau Cescomes” 231–249. 11 Nov 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 30352) licentia testandi. 17 Jun 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 687) commission to Guillelmus de Platulis archdeacon of Vilaseca (Tarragona) and Almeracius Cabrespí canon of Lleida. 2 Dec 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 832) instructions to the commissioners. 14 Sep 1346 (Coll. 113, 88rv; EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1207) further instructions. 17 Oct 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1241) Almeracius Cabrespí should examine the administrators of the diocese, who have not rendered account of the spoils. 26 Nov 1346 (Coll. 473, 1r–19r; Bibliothèques I, 346.5, p. 176–178) accounts of commissioner Guillelmus de Platulis. 12 Jan 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1295–1297) Cabrespí ordered to summon to the Roman Curia Guillelmus de Plicamanibus sacristan of Tarragona, proctor for the new archbishop Sancius Lopez de Ayerbe, and Petrus de Cumbis, a layman of Lleida, brother of the late archbishop. 15 Mar 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1326–1327) orders Pere IV king of Aragon to withdraw his letter, written at the instance of Petrus de Cumbis, commanding Cabrespí to desist from collecting the spoils; and the officiales of Tarragona and Lleida are ordered to summon Petrus de Cumbis to appear in the Roman Curia within thirty days. No. 77 [olim 71] Arnaldus de Falguière abbot of Gaillac OSB (Albi) Died before Sep 1361. 10 Sep 1361 (OS 31, 246v; Aubert Calendar 7, p. 67) commission to Joannes de Cavanhac, collector. 1 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 146v–147r; Coll. 497, 78r; Aubert Calendar 60, p. 87) successor Guillelmus obligated to a composition of 500 fl. No. 78 [olim 72] Arnaldus Fredeti OP bishop of Couserans Bishop from 1309; chaplain and confessor to Clement V; died 31 May 1329. Gallia Christiana 1:1134–1135. 16 Jun 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3881) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale. 25 Jun 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3892) commissioner ordered to apply legal pressures against the holders of the spoils. 12 Jul 1329 (IE 83, 53r–59v; Bibliothèques II, 329.5, p. 95–96) commissioner’s inventory, including books, and accounts. 10 Sep 1329 (VQ 1:558) Elias de Ferreriis OP, provincial of Toulouse, pays 1465 fl. for goods deposited with him. 2 Dec 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4036) commissioner ordered to allow a delay of payment to the holders of spoils if they pay one half of their debt. 20 Feb 1330 (OS 12, 120v) quittance to Guillelmus Fabri, Vitalis Fredeti and others for moneys paid. 29 Mar 1330 (OS 12, 124r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale for 94 marks of silverware, etc. 1 May 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4185) commissioner is allowed to settle for two-thirds of the value of goods held by the bishop’s servants. 1330–1333 (IE 83, 158r–160r) further commissioner’s accounts. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12, 138r = VQ 1:371) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale for 433 reg. 2 s. 2 d. ob. 1333–1335 (IE 83, 186v) accounts of arrears by commissioner. 3 Feb 1334 (VQ 1:371) commissioner pays £83 Tur. parv., etc. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 79 [olim 73] Arnaldus Guillaume abbot of S. Volusien de Foix OCSA (Pamiers) Died before Aug 1375. Gallia Christiana 13:182 lacks this name: there is a lacuna 1337–1384. 11 Aug 1375 (Coll. 356, 49r; IM 2877, 5; OS 42, 28r; De Cros Calendar I, 544) quittance to Arnaldus de Laro, governor of the royal citadel of Montpellier, for his composition of 2000 fl. Fran., paid in 1714 fl. Cam., 8 s. Tur. 15 Aug 1375 (Coll. 356, 47rv; De Cros Calendar I, 546, 547) letters of the chamberlain PC empowering Arnaldus de Laro, domicellus and secretary of Charles V king of France, to collect the spoils in consideration of the composition which he has paid, and ordering the clergy of Narbonne to surrender the goods to him. No. 80 [olim 74] Arnaldus Guillaume de Barta OCSA bishop of Albi Formerly canon of Auch; bishop of Lectoure from 1346, of Albi from 1350; died Nov 1354. Gallia Christiana 1:1080. 26 Jun 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 57586) licentia testandi. 23 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1214) commission to Joannes de Baro, Joannes des Paumes and Bartholomeus Cadorcii. 8 Apr 1355 (Coll. 73, 230r) Joannes des Paumes received 1000 fl. No. 81 [olim 75] Arnaldus de Lavardenchis provost of S. Justin (Auch) Died in Curia Sep 1327. 26 Sep 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3359) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale canon of Mirepoix and Raymundus de Piquepoul. Oct 1328 – 27 Dec 1330 (Coll. 29, 76rv and 80r) accounts of the commissioner Arnaldus de Verdale. 10 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 117) quittance to the commissioner. No. 82 [olim 76, 77] Arnaldus de Lordat bishop of Urgell, then bishop of Tortosa Formerly sacristan of Urgell; bishop of Urgell from 1326, despoiled on his translation to Tortosa 3 Oct 1341; and his spoils were reserved again when he died, 3 May 1346. 16 Oct 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3217) commission to collect the goods at Urgell as spoils. 1341 (Coll. 229, 101r–106v) accounts of collector Almeracius Cabrespí. 1343 (Coll. 229, 169v) further accounts of the collector. 10 May 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 984; Clément VI closes France 2482) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. No. 83 [olim 78] Arnaldus de Molières papal secretary, officialis of the Curia Died Oct 1361. 22 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:366) Joannes de Lacmolio assigns to the Camera a bag containing various moneys. 12 Jan 1362 (VQ 7:384; OS 23A, 110r) the executor Raymundus de Laval pays a composition of 300 fl. No. 84 [olim 79] Arnaldus de Monredondo bishop of Girona Bishop since 1335; died 21 Nov 1348. 21 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:416–417) executors pay 500 fl. of a composition of 2000 fl. 22 Jan 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1910) commission to Bertrandus de Monterotondo archdeacon of Silva (Girona) and Petrus Fressulphi chaplain in the cathedral church of Girona. 1 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:429) executors pay 1000 fl. of their composition. 30 Sep 1350 (VQ 5:440) executors pay 500 fl. No. 85 [olim 80] Arnaldus de Puyana OCSA bishop of Pamplona Formerly prior of S. Avit-Sénieur (Périgueux); bishop of Pamplona from 1310; died at Toulouse 15 Dec 1316. 6 Sep 1310 (Regesta Clementis V no. 5922) licentia testandi. 11 Mar 1317 (IM 600 = EFR Jean XXII communes 5478) instrument of publication, in the Franciscan convent of Toulouse, of letters patent (dated 28 Feb 1317) of Jacobus de la Vie, cardinal and nephew of John XXII, forbidding the friars to deliver the bishop’s goods to his successor Guillelmus or to anyone else. 5 Sep 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 8109) quittance to the guardian of the convent for the goods. No. 86 [olim 81] Arnaldus de Quimballo bishop of Lombez Formerly bishop of Famagusta, of Lombez from 1379; died at Toulouse 2 Apr 1382. Gallia Christiana 13:324. n.d. (RA 54, 460r–464r) inventory by Geraldus de Portali. n.d. (Coll. 235, 145v, 200r–211r) collector’s accounts. 18 Jul 1382 (Coll. 359, 131r; De Cros Calendar II, 1057; Favier, Finances pontificales 258) collector Aymericus Pellicier is ordered to restore the wine, grain, and books, patrimonial goods, to the bishop’s brother Guillelmus de Quimballo. No. 87 Arnaldus Roger de Comminges bishop of Clermont Formerly abbot of Lombez OCSA, then first bishop of Lombez, of Clermont from 1328; died in Curia before Jul 1336. Gallia Christiana 2:285–286, 13:321. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 334 n. 4. 13 Jun 1337 (EFR Benoît XII communes 5054) the pope orders Bernardus de Petenchis cellarer of Bonnefont (Comminges) and Geraldus de Parinhaco prebendary of Lombez to get £1000 Tours that the bishop had invested in Lombez and use it for pious works. 2 Feb 1338 (EFR Benoît XII communes 6251) orders Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida to pay the £1000 Tours to the two commissioners. No. 88 [olim 82] Arnaldus de Roset bishop of Asti Formerly canon of Asti; bishop from 1327; died before May 1348. 4 Jan 1331 (EFR Jean XXII communes 52174) licentia testandi. 6 May 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3844) commission to Bertrandus de Cosnac prior of Brive (Limoges) and Pontius de Péret archdeacon of Vendôme (Chartres). 1353 (RA 122, 212r; Bibliothèques I, 348.64, p. 180–181) 47 books identified as his in the palace at Avignon. No. 89 Arnaldus de Savarico subcollector of Tarbes Died before Apr 1408. 25 Apr 1408 (RA 331, 155v) commission to the vicar general of Auch to judge the claims of the heirs. No. 90 [olim 83] Arnaldus Sterela scribe of the Penitentiary Died in Curia Nov 1354. 26 Nov 1354 (VQ 7:60) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 12 fl. from spoils. No. 91 [olim 84] Arnaldus Tisonis dean of Angoulême Died before Nov 1372. 9 Nov 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 976) commission to Arnaldus Gavin. No. 92 [olim 85] Arnaldus de la Trémouille bishop of Mirepoix D.Decr., former prior of S. Giovanni nei Monti OCSA (Bologna); bishop of Mirepoix from 1377; died 24 Oct 1394. Gallia Christiana 13:271. 26 Nov 1394 (Coll. 371, 25r–26v) agreement between the Camera and the successor Bertrandus de Maumont. 18 Jan 1395 (Coll. 366, 135r–136v; Bibliothèques II, 393.8, p. 488–490) quittance for books to Petrus de Tarascon, collector of Toulouse and Auch. 9 Feb 1396 (Coll. 372, 45r) FC orders Petrus de Tarascon dean of l’Isle-Jourdain (Toulouse) to pay 100 fr. to Joannes Magnin, scribe of apostolic letters. No. 93 [olim 86] Arnaldus de Verdale bishop of Maguelonne Formerly dean in the diocese of Alet, papal chaplain; bishop of Maguelonne from 1339; died 23 Dec 1352. Gallia Christiana 6:783–786. Felten, “Benoît XII, Arnaud de Verdale et la réforme des chanoines” 309–339. 1337 (RA 76, 226v–264v; Bibliothèques II, 337.9, p. 140–146) inventory of 146 books endowed on the Collège de Verdale, Toulouse. 26 Nov 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5469) commission to Hugo Faydit dean of Orléans and Bernardus de Abbate archdeacon of Mirepoix. No. 94 [olim 88] Arnaldus de Villari bishop of Alet Formerly secular abbot of S. Paul, Narbonne; bishop of Mirepoix from 1361, of Alet from 1363; died Dec 1384. Gallia Christiana 6:150, 276, 13:270–271. 31 Dec 1384 (Coll. 360, 198v) collector Arnaldus André ordered to pay the Camera’s debt of 400 fl. to Joannes de Tornemira. Jan 1385 (IM 3203, 3) collector pays 250 fr. to the Camera from spoils. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 159, 94r) collector Joannes Martin receives debts to a total of £131.5. 17 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 551rv) accounts of Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne. No. 95 [olim 87] Arnaldus de Villeneuve papal scribe Died in Curia Mar 1361. 31 Mar 1361 (VQ 7:366) executor pays composition of 50 fl. to commissioner Bertrandus de Cosnac bishop of Comminges. No. 96 [olim 89] Arnulphus Marcellini canon of Embrun, rector of Benevento Formerly treasurer of Campagna; died before 21 Jan 1345. 23 Jan 1345 (Coll. 168, 79r–88v; Bibliothèques II, 345.1, p. 200–205) goods collected by Guillelmus de Rosières, including books. 8 Feb 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1479) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi, nuncio. No. 97 [olim 90] Astorgius abbot of S. Michel de Cuxa OSB (Elne) Died before Sep 1379. Gallia Christiana 6:1103 lacks this name. 21 Sep 1379 (Coll. 359, 159r; De Cros Calendar II, 736) collector ordered to give one half of the spoils to Aaron de Cayrac knight. No. 98 [olim 91] Audebertus de Gorses canon of Bourges, collector of Bourges and Limoges Died Sep 1371. Rotuli Parisienses 3:905. 3 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 875) commission to Petrus Bori. 29 Oct 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 443) commission to Guillelmus Thebard archdeacon of Bourbon (Bourges). 24 Apr 1372 (Coll. 358, 44v–45r; De Cros Calendar I, 87) Petrus Chauvet canon of Sens (Fasti 11:415) collector of Bourges, is ordered to investigate a claim by Cardinal Hugo de S. Martial, that Audebertus used the 1371 income of the cardinal’s benefices for his own purposes, and if true, to repay the cardinal from the spoils. 21 Aug 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1319) a grange, claimed as spoils because the movables did not satisfy the canon’s debts to the Camera, is granted to the dean and chapter of Bourges. No. 99 Audoinus de Acra treasurer of the Comtat Venaissin Died before Apr 1374. 12 Apr 1374 (RA 220, 296rv; De Cros Calendar I, 388) the chamberlain orders the successor, Petrus Mansiaulanhi, to examine the accounts of Raymundus de Maioricis, who collected the spoils, and Mattheus de Jean, who took the dues of the Comtat. No. 100 [olim 92] Augustinus abbot of S. Salvatore OSB (Telese) Died before Apr 1361. 26 Apr 1361 (Coll. 169, 128v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector records that spoils yield 1 unc. 18 tar. 4 gran., and 8 unc. minoris ponderis. No. 101 [olim 93] Augustinus Tinacii de Florentia OESA bishop of Narni Bishop since 1343; died before Feb 1367. 15 Feb – 29 Mar 1367 (Coll. 477, 1r–27r; Bibliothèques I, 367.2, p. 233–236) accounts of the collector Guillelmus de Lordat and his lieutenant Mattheus Salvi. No. 102 [olim 94] Austencius de S. Columba OFM bishop of Sarlat M.Theol.; bishop since 1361; died before 2 Oct 1370. Gallia Christiana 2:1516–1518. 20 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 234r–235v; Coll. 391, 64v, repeated 76rv; Aubert Calendar 854 and 855, p. 432) the chamberlain orders the collector Arnaldus Gavin to release 5500 fl. worth of goods to the executor Sancius Arnaldi de Behasquen for a composition of 2500 fl.; and three rectors to surrender the goods that they hold. No. 103 [olim 95] Aymericus abbot of Aurillac OSB (Saint-Flour) Died Apr 1362. 28 Apr 1362 (Coll. 497, 79v) successor Petrus is obligated to a composition of 100 fl. for spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 29 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 145v; Aubert Calendar 71, p. 92–93) the commissioner Joannes de Scorbiaco is ordered to release the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 7 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 29v–30r; De Cros Calendar I, 520) successor is empowered as a judge executor to collect the debts. No. 104 [olim 97] Aymericus Chat de la Joussac bishop of Limoges Formerly cantor of S. Martin, Tours, elect of Volterra in 1358; bishop of Bologna from 1361, of Limoges from 1371; died 10 Nov 1390. Gallia Christiana 2:533. Barbier de Montault, “Le spolium de l’évêque de Limoges” 369–453 and 249–303. 1363 or 1364 (RA 157, 47r) rubric: licentia testandi. ca. 1391 (Samaran, “Jurisprudence” 148 and n.) the collection of spoils was opposed by a royal action for regalia. ca. 1391 (Coll. 485, 40 fols., ed. Barbier; Bibliothèques II, 390.9, p. 475–485) report by Geraldus de Coumersio, subcollector of Limoges, citing a licentia testandi from Gregory XI. No. 105 [olim 98] Aymericus Guenaud archbishop of Rouen Formerly bishop of Auxerre from 1332; archbishop of Rouen from 1339; died before Jan 1343. Gallia Christiana 11:78–79, 12:317–318. Fasti 2:99–101. 28 May 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 870) commission to Bernardus Carit. 6 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:507) commissioner assigns £63.15 Tur. to the Camera. No. 106 [olim 99] Aymericus Hugues de Chassanh bishop of Lodève Formerly prior of Vatan (Bourges); J.U.Prof., auditor of the Rota; bishop of Lodève from 1361; died 24 Apr 1370. Gallia Christiana 6:556–557. Rotuli Parisienses 2:517. 1370 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 185r) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts because the nephew-executors made a composition in the Camera. 4 Apr 1372 (Coll. 358, 34r–35r; De Cros Calendar I, 69) a note that the executors paid the composition but have not acted in the execution of the testament, and the execution has been transferred to Joannes archdeacon of Vic-Fésenzac (Auch) and Petrus prior of Soriech OESA (Maguelonne), both canonists of Montpellier. 22 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 5v–6r; De Cros Calendar I, 435) chamberlain PC orders Mattheus de Maselis, subcollector of Maguelonne, to compel the holders of the spoils to pay Joannes Hugues and Hugo de Chassanh, son of the late coexecutor Bertrandus de Chassanh. No. 107 [olim 100] Aymericus de Mercato archdeacon of S. Antonin (Rodez) D.Decr.; died after 5 Jan 1405. Fasti 6:127. 5 Jan 1405 (Coll. 488, 12 fols.) testament. 1405 x 1407 (Coll. 91, 337v) a note that the hand of the Camera was removed from the spoils by the influence of powerful men. No. 108 [olim 101] Aymericus de Murat abbot of Brantôme OSB (Périgueux) Died 17 Oct 1352. Gallia Christiana 2:1492–1493. 27 Oct 1352 (VQ 5:459) executors pay a composition of 80 fl. No. 109 [olim 102] Aymericus Pellicier canon of Albi, former collector of Toulouse Formerly canon of Albi and sacristan of S. Jean de Perpignan (Elne); died in Curia early in 1389. Apr 1389 (IM 3337, 49) Bertrandus de Coviarengis dean of S. Pierre (Avignon) pays a composition of 107 fl. No. 110 [olim 103] Aymericus de Peyrac abbot of Moissac OClun (Cahors) Died before 11 Jan 1407. Aymerici de Peyraco chronicon universale a Christo ad annum 1251: BnF lat. 4991A. Gallia Christiana 1:170: “scripsit vitam quartam Urbani Papae V.” 1404 x 1407 (Coll. 91, 338r) collector Petrus Brengas canon sacristan of Rodez (Fasti 6:192) made an inventory, but took no further action out of fear of royal officials. No. 111 [olim 104] Aymericus de Quarto bishop of Aosta Formerly archdeacon of Aosta; bishop since 1361; died 24 Jul 1372. Gallia Christiana 12:816. 12 Jun 1387 (Coll. 362, 48v–49r) chamberlain FC directs Antonius [better: Aimo Sechal] patriarch of Jerusalem and legate, to collect the debts. No. 112 [olim 105] Aymericus de Rochefort abbot of Sorèze OSB (Lavaur) Died 14 Jan 1327. Gallia Christiana 13:364. after Easter 1330 (IE 83, 147rv) successor pays a composition of £300 Tur. to Arnaldus de Verdale. 3 Feb 1334 (VQ 1:371) Arnaldus de Verdale pays £300 Tur. to the Camera. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 113 [olim 106] Ayquelinus de Blaye bishop of Angoulême Formerly archdeacon of Angoulême; bishop from 1328; died before 25 Feb 1363. Gallia Christiana 2:1014–1015. 27 Jul 1363 (OS 23A, 94v; Aubert Calendar 163, p. 126) Ayquelinus Tabarias canon of Angoulême, nephew and coexecutor, is obligated to a composition of 150 fl. Cam. 15 Nov 1363 (OS 31, 206rv; Aubert Calendar 197, p. 146) collector Vitalis Vassal is ordered to restore liturgical goods to the church. 4 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 26r–27v; Aubert Calendar 293, 183–184) the heir of Vitalis Vassal pays to the Camera the money that he had collected before his death. No. 114 [olim 107] Ayquelinus Malavolti bishop of Siena Formerly canon of Siena; bishop from 1351; died 1 Jan 1371. 18 Apr 1371 (Coll. 248, 42r) the relatives pay a composition of 65 fl. to the collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena. 1 Jul 1371 (Coll. 248, 42r; Bibliothèques I, 371.1, p. 245) a list of goods still held by the collector, including three books. No. 115 [olim 108] Balduinus bishop of Famagusta Bishop no earlier than 1306; died before May 1327. 25 May 1327 (RV 114, 91v) commission to Petrus de Manso and Jacobus Raymundi. 29 Jul 1327 (RV 114, 89r) commission to Petrus de Manso dean of Badajoz and Arnaldus de Fabrègues OP, nuncios. 14 Oct 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 43118) commission with instructions to the nuncios: they are to restore to the new bishop Marcus de Salexinis the slaves, animals, utensils, and arms belonging to the episcopal mensa. 14 Oct 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 43119) commissioners are to entrust some books and other goods to the new bishop while the pope decides which articles he wishes to claim. No. 116 [olim 109] Balduinus von Lützelburg archbishop of Trier Archbishop from 1308; died 21 Jan 1354. Gallia Christiana 13:452–462. 26 Aug 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 264–265) reservation of spoils and commission to Daniel de Wichtrich OCarm bishop of Verden, Joannes de Zolumbrio provost of Trier, and Boemundus de Saraponte archdeacon of Trier. 16 Jun 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 688–689) commission to Daniel de Wichtrich bishop of Verden and others, repeated. 7 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 752) asks the favor of Charles king of the Romans to Henricus de Tremonia, commissioned to collect the spoils in order to pay the tenth of Clement VI. 8 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 754) the same, to Guillelmus de Gennep archbishop of Köln. 8 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 755) the same, for Boemundus de Saraponte archdeacon of Trier. 8 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 756) the same, for Fulco Bertrand, primicerius of Metz. 13 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 772) commission to Boemundus de Saraponte, Henricus de Tremonia, and Fulco Bertrand. May 1354 (Coll. 497, 52r) Boemundus de Saraponte, now successor, is obligated to a composition of 40,000 fl. to be paid by 1 Nov; a marginal note: “solvit ut dicitur.” 17 May 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 949) grants to the successor Boemundus the free disposition of the goods. 30 Oct 1354 (VQ 7:59) successor pays 11,200 fl. of the composition. 28 Jun 1355 (RV 242, 160rv = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1653) Boemundus archbishop of Trier promised the chamberlain and treasurer to pay a certain sum for the spoils, but could not collect so much. Guillelmus de Gennep archbishop of Köln is to suspend the consequent sentence of excommunication until Christmas. 27 Sep 1356 (VQ 7:135) successor pays 3000 fl. of composition. No. 117 [olim 1169] Barlaam Prenisti archimandrite of S. Maria di Terreti OSBasil (Reggio [Calabria]) Formerly monk of Terreti; died before 21 Feb 1369. 21 Feb 1369 (EFR Urbain V communes 25137) succeeded by Romanus abbot of S. Maria de Molochio (Reggio [Calabria]). 13 Mar 1369 (Coll. 353, 181v–182r; Aubert Calendar 620, p. 329) chamberlain orders the moderatio observed in collecting spoils. No. 118 [olim 110] Barnabas Malaspina archbishop of Pisa Formerly bishop of Luni from 1363, of Penne-Atri from 1374; archbishop of Pisa from 1380; died 7 Nov 1380. 12 Feb 1390 (DC 1, 160rv; Bibliothèques I, 380.9, p. 268) books from the spoils assigned to the Camera at Roma. No. 119 [olim 111] Bartholomeus (first) bishop of Alet Last abbot of Alet; bishop from 1318; died 30 May 1333. Gallia Christiana 6:274–275. 28 May 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19642) licentia testandi. 29 Sep 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3976) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale. 13 Jun 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4220) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale in advance of the bishop’s death. 9 Jun – 30 Jul 1333 (IE 83, 187v) successor Guillelmus de Alsona OSB makes a composition with Arnaldus de Verdale for £7000 Tur. 17 May 1335 (VQ 4:99) successor pays £2800. 23 Nov 1335 (VQ 4:104) he pays £1012.14.1. 24 May 1336 (VQ 4:108) he pays £516.4.2. 25 Nov 1336 (VQ 4:114) he pays £508.18. 3 Feb 1338 (VQ 4:125) he pays £300. 28 Jul 1338 (VQ 4:132) he pays £200. 6 Oct 1338 (VQ 4:146) he pays 100 pabalhi of gold. 28 Feb 1340 (VQ 4:156) he pays 166 pabalhi. 4 Nov 1340 (VQ 4:165) he pays 134 duple of gold. 25 Oct 1341 (VQ 4:183–184) he pays 59 duple, 10 agni. 21 Nov 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1271) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179). 10 Apr 1346 (VQ 5:367–368) successor pays 418 écus, 200 fl. 7 Sep 1351 (VQ 5:448) successor pays 477 fl. No. 120 [olim 112] Bartholomeus bishop of Termoli Died before Dec 1352. 4 Dec 1352 (Coll. 169, 47r–48r; Bibliothèques I, 352.6, p. 199) abbas Dominicus de Fulgineo canon of Benevento, commissioner of Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento, pays 10 fl., 32 unc. 19 tar. and 8 lb. 6 unc. of silver from the sale of the spoils. 12 Oct 1353 (Coll. 169, 49v) vessels sold for 54 unc. 7 d. by commissioner abbas Thomasius de Limosano canon of Benevento. No. 121 [olim 113] Bartholomeus abbot of S. Pietro della Canonica OSB (Amalfi) Died before Jul 1354. 3 Jul 1354 (Coll. 169, 52r) the collector’s commissioner Joannes abbot of S. Sebastiano (Napoli) received from Andreas Capuano de Amalfi spoils and debts yielding 1 unc. 12 tar. No. 122 [olim 114] Bartholomeus abbot of S. Giorgio OSB Venezia (Castello) Died before 16 Nov 1357. 21 Nov 1357 (Coll. 352, 114r) commission (dated 16 Nov) to Geraldus de Puyfaucon abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, expedited by hand of Johanotus di Venezia. 7 Feb 1359 (Coll. 497, 67r) Geraldus de Puyfaucon succeeds the late abbot, under obligation to a composition of 2500 fl., in magnum dampnum mei et monasterii (Coll. 130, 149v–150r). No. 123 [olim 115] Bartholomeus de Boscario auditor of the Rota, commensal chaplain Died Oct 1361. 30 Oct 1361 (OS 31, 253v; Aubert Calendar 17, p. 70) spoils released to nephew Peyronetus. 13 Nov 1361 (VQ 7:370) executors pay a composition of 150 fl. No. 124 [olim 116] Bartholomeus de Cuino abbot of S. Martin d’Ainay OSB (Lyon) D.Decr., abbot from 1333; died 1361. Gallia Christiana 4:239. 13 Apr 1354 (RA 128, 598v) licentia testandi. 12 Nov 1363 (OS 23A, 118r) successor Guillelmus de Onciato is obligated to a composition of 400 fl. n.d. (Coll. 66, 99r) successor pays his composition to the collector Aubricus Raoul, partly in books. 15 Dec 1364 (Coll. 353, 23v–24r; Aubert Calendar 289, p. 181; Bibliothèques II, 361.9, p. 339–340) Cameral quittance to the collector for books. No. 125 [olim 117] Bartholomeus Galmari archbishop of Torres Formerly canon of Torres, nuncio in Sardegna and Corsica; archbishop from 1349; died 7 Sep 1352. 7 Sep 1352 (Coll. 211, 47r–62v; Bibliothèques I, 352.4, p. 196–198) inventory in Spanish by the canons of Torres. 6 Apr 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 219) commission to Dominicus de Turribus canon of Cagliari. 8 Apr 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 220) the same. 8 Apr 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 875) commission to Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis; the reservation was by Clement VI. 7 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1185) Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis is directed to release the spoils to the successor Didacus de Navasquez. 26 August 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2970) commissioner Raymundus Gileti is ordered to recover from Joannes de Bardaxino OFM bishop of Doglia more than 1000 fl. worth of goods left by Bartholomeus and his predecessor Didacus de Navasquez. No. 126 [olim 118] Bartholomeus Grassi bishop of Fréjus Bishop since 1318; died 5 Mar 1340. Gallia Christiana 1:435. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:362–363. Vernet, “Études et travaux” 92 n. 209. 31 Aug 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 50680) licentia testandi. 1338–1343 (Coll. 105, 341 fols.) testament, codicil, accounts of commissioner Raymundus Noulon to 4 Dec 1340, then of Arnaldus Costolani and Berengarius Blasin. 7 Mar 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 702; Benoît XII closes pays autres 2707) commission to Raymundus Noulon, referring to a reservation of 18 Nov 1339. Feb 1341 (RA 125, 249v–252v; Bibliothèques II, 340.2, p. 165–173) inventory of books. 15 Feb 1341 (VQ 4:170) commissioner assigns money, plate and books to the Camera. 15 Feb 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 813; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3004) quittance to commissioner. 2 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:171) Guillelmus Lombardi pays 6 fl. 26 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:175) Raymundus de l’Herm, executor, assigns rings and books. 28 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:176) Petrus de Tornavia, a familiar of the late bishop, restores four books. 14 Apr 1341 (VQ 4:176) executor Bartholomeus Gaillard assigns 28 fl. 21 s. 6 d. Tur. parv. 25 Jun 1341 (VQ 4:178–179) Bartholomeus Blanqueti, the late bishop’s viceclavarius, pays £52.8.2 Prov. 16 Jul 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 858–861; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3127) commission to Arnaldus Costolani and Berengarius Blasin. 14 Aug 1341 (VQ 4:181) two horses sold for 44 fl. 20 Sep 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 887; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3193) 1000 fl. released for a pious legacy of dowries. 10 Jan 1342 (VQ 4:188) commissioners pay 1736 fl., etc. 1 Feb 1342 (VQ 4:189) Bernardus Puiol, stablemaster of the pope, pays 12 fl. for a white mule sold from the spoils. 23 Feb 1342 (VQ 4:190) Isnardus de Pontevès pays 200 fl. of a 400-fl. debt which he owed to the late bishop. 14 May 1342 (VQ 5:325) Paulus and Bernardus de Caunalhor pay their debt of 100 fl. Jun 1343 (Coll. 289, 40r, ed. Hoberg, Inventare 73) the bishop’s goods in an inventory of the papal treasure. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:341) payments on this and other accounts. 1 Jun 1344 (VQ 5:349) commissioner Raymundus de l’Herm pays 320 fl. from debts and condemnations. 22 Sep – Oct 1344 (Coll. 106, 1r–13v) inquest by commissioner Arnaldus Costolani. 26 Dec 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1363) GL and the papal treasurers Stephanus Cambarou and Guillelmus d’Aubussac are ordered to prosecute the Camera’s claim to a house violently occupied by Lobenchus de Lobenchis provost of Barjols (Fréjus). 2 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1511) commission to Bartholomeus Gaillard canon of Fréjus and Raymundus de l’Herm rector of S. Michel de Favas (Fréjus). Mar 1345 (Coll. 106, 14r–69r) spoils case before the auditor of the Camera. 2 Jun 1345 (VQ 5:358) Raymundus de l’Herm pays 240 fl. 11 Apr 1346 (Coll. 497, 26v) the goods taken by Guillelmus Lombardi will be restored by his heir, as promised by his proctor Raymundus. 15 Jan 1347 – 7 May 1347 (Coll. 106, 70r–89v) spoils case before the auditor of the Camera. No. 127 [olim 119] Bartholomeus Peyroni OCarm bishop of Elne M.Theol.; bishop from 1384; died before Sep 1408. Gallia Christiana 6:1060–1061. 10 Sep 1408 (RA 331, 52r–54v and 257r; Bibliothèques II, 408.7, p. 520–523; Favier, Finances pontificales 263) quittance to Guillelmus Fabri banker of Perpignan. 5 Oct 1408 (RA 331, 259r; Favier, Finances pontificales 264 n. 1) Arnaldus Paladier, treasurer of the late bishop, pays arrears of revenues. No. 128 [olim 120] Bartholomeus Sanchez archdeacon of Medinaceli (Sigüenza) Died before Feb 1375. 27 Feb 1375 (OS 42, 5v–6r) the executor of frater Antonius de Ispania paid to the Camera 68 fl. Cam. 16 s. Avin. for goods in the archdeacon’s spoils. No. 129 [olim 121] Bartholomeus de Sauceto OFM bishop of Forli Bishop from 1351; died before 14 Jul 1372. 22 Jul 1372 (Coll. 129, 237r) spoils and vacancy yield 212 ducats 6 s. No. 130 [olim 122] Bartholomeus di Virgilio OFM bishop of Jerusalem in administration of Tarragona Died 28 Oct 1397. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. 25 Nov 1400 (Coll. 123, 35r; Bibliothèques I, 397.8, p. 270) Joannes de Marello, subcollector of Tarragona, delivers five books to Berengarius Ribalta. No. 131 [olim 123] Bartolus Bardi OESA bishop of Spoleto Bishop from 1320; died before Sep 1348. 13 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1707) commission to Berengarius Blasin, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 13 Sep 1348 (Coll. 232, 174v–219v; Bibliothèques I, 348.74, p. 182–185) commissioner’s accounts. 4 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4156) instructions to the commissioner. 10 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4159) instructions to Joannes Scafredi rector of the Duchy of Spoleto. 14 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4165; IM 6216) directions to Berengarius Blasin treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto for the disposition of moneys. 29 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4180) orders Berengarius Blasin to collect 8000 fl. from Joannucius de Montefalco and Angelicus Raynerii OESA. 29 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1999–2001) orders the government and commune of Spoleto to bid the podesta of Chiusi to compel his prisoners Joannucius de Montefalco and Angelicus Raynerii OESA to pay 8000 fl. to the treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 29 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2000–2001) the same command to Franciscus d’Atti bishop of Chiusi and to the podestà, council, and commune of Chiusi. 7 Jul 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4208) orders the treasurer to receive 6000 fl. from Joannes Scafredi, rector of the Duchy of Spoleto. 16 Mar 1350 (VQ 5:439) Angelus Tavernini, treasurer of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany, pays 3800 fl. to the Camera. 21 May 1350 (VQ 5:536) Antonius Malabayla merchant of Asti pays to the Camera 600 fl. of 8000 fl. paid by the commissioner. 26 Aug 1350 (IM 1838) the commissioner pays 3800 fl. to the Camera. 11 Sep 1350 (VQ 5:439) last payment received by the Camera. 26 Sep 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2309) forgives 700 fl. remaining due and revokes the excommunication of the Augustinian canons. No. 132 [olim 124] Baudetus Renaudin du Chesne canon of Reims, papal secretary, scribe and abbreviator of papal letters Died between 14 Jul and 26 Aug 1383. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries,” 685, no. 19. Fasti 3:251. 14 Jul 1383 (IM 3145) testament. 26 Aug and 16 Sep 1383 (IM 3149, 3150; Favier, Finances pontificales 258) Joannes Rousset de Martignac, collector of Lyon (Fasti 15:294) pays from spoils at Chalon-sur-Saône 100 fr. to the creditor Andreas de Groleya. 16 Sep 1383 (IM 3151; Favier, Finances pontificales 258) 300 fr. to be paid to the canon’s sisters. 26 Sep 1383 (IM 3155) collector pays 700 fr. to Petrus Brossarii merchant of Pisa. 16 Aug 1384 (Coll. 360, 164r–165v; Favier, Finances pontificales 263) quittance to the collector for sums received from merchants of Chalon. 6 Apr 1386 and 20 Aug 1387 (Coll. 364, 47v and 102v–103r; Favier, Finances pontificales 269 n. 2) FC orders the collector of Lyon to pay to Baudetus’s successor as rector a legacy of 200 fr. for repairs to a parish church in the diocese of Chalon. No. 133 Bego de Châteauneuf bishop of Cahors Formerly canon of Rodez; keeper of the papal library; bishop from 1366; died before 11 Oct 1388. Gallia Christiana 1:141–142. 13 Aug 1389 (Coll. 365, 65rv) FC directs Raymundus de Senans to observe the moderatio with regard to a loan of 120 fr. which the bishop left unpaid when he died. No. 134 [olim 125] Belinus de Champlico rector of S. Cristophe à Berry (Soissons) M.Med.; canon of Novara; physician to cardinals Annibaldus de Ceccano and Petrus Bertrand and to Pope Clement VI; died in Curia Oct 1348. Wickersheimer, Médecins en France 1:66. Rotuli Parisienses 1:41. 29 Oct 1348 (VQ 5:414) executors pay a composition of 500 fl. No. 135 [olim 126] Beltraminus Paravicini bishop of Bologna Formerly advocate in Curia; bishop of Chieti in 1336, of Como from 1339, of Bologna from 1340; died before Oct 1350. Fossati, “Il vescovo Beltramino Parravicino” 41–67. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 336 n. 4. 1 May 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19476) licentia testandi. 15 Nov 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7936) licentia testandi. 20 Aug 1350 (VQ 5:438; IM 6640) Henricus di Sessa, J.U.Prof., pays a composition of 1000 fl. for goods in Curia. No. 136 [olim 127] Benedictus bishop of Guardialfiera Died before Apr 1346. 13 Apr – 8 Nov 1346 (Coll. 168, 54rv; Bibliothèques I, 346.2, p. 173–174) accounts of the commissioner Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 137 [olim 128] Benedictus OP bishop of Pola Formerly bishop of Sorres from 1344, of Chioggia from 1348, of Pola from 1353; died before 17 Apr 1360. 18 May 1360 (Coll. 130, 150v) the syndic of the chapter pays a composition of 50 ducats. No. 138 [olim 129] Benedictus archbishop of Salerno Formerly archdeacon of Capua; archbishop of Salerno from 1334; died before 23 May 1347. 15 Oct 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3518) orders Rogerius Sanseverino archbishop of Salerno to assist commissioner Guillelmus bishop of Montecassino in collecting the spoils of his predecessor. No. 139 [olim 130] Benedictus rector of S. Maria di Castro Vedi (Rimini) Died in 1370. 1370 x 1377 (Coll. 129, 234r) 86 ducats paid for spoils. No. 140 [olim 131] Benedictus de Asnago OP bishop of Como M.Theol.; bishop from 1328; died 9 Oct 1339. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 336 n. 2, 3. 25 Oct 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2577) commission to Bernardus du Lac rector of Olonzac (S. Pons-de-Thomières). 7 Jan 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2635) instructs the commissioner to return to the Dominicans some books among the spoils, and to sell the wine and grain. 25 May 1340 (VQ 4:158; OS 18, 158; Bibliothèques I, 339.8, p. 137–138) commissioner Bernardus du Lac assigns a silver cup and a list of books to the Camera. No. 141 [olim 132] Benedictus de Facifeis scribe of the Penitentiary Died Jul 1375. 14 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 38v–39r; De Cros Calendar I, 525) spoils released to the executor Jacobus Tessier, who paid a composition. No. 142 Benedictus Jeyceline prior, curate, or perpetual vicar of the parochial church of S. Germain l’Herm (Clermont) Died before Nov 1393. 22 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 19v–20r; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 4) FC orders Pontius de Cros, collector of Le Puy, to release the spoils to one frater Joannes after payment of debts to the Camera. No. 143 [olim 133] Benedictus de Solerio rector of Gandesa (Tortosa) Chaplain of honor; died at Tortosa before 1402. before 1402 (Coll. 123, 47r; Bibliothèques I, 400.9, p. 271) a Bible from the spoils was sold at Valencia for 60 fl. Aragon 3 s. (= £32.12.6). No. 144 [olim 134] Berengarius bishop of Couserans Formerly canon of Paris; archdeacon of Lodève; bishop of Couserans from 1361; died 17 Oct 1362. Gallia Christiana 1:1136. Rotuli Parisienses 2:572. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 51r–53r) accounts of collector Arnaldus de Peyrat. 19 Nov 1379, confirmed 20 Dec 1381 (Coll. 359, 100v) Raymundus de la Roche asks Cameral ratification of his purchase from the collector of the remains of spoils, both of Berengarius and of his successor Pontius de Villemur (Case no. 1156) for 300 fl. Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 104r; De Cros Calendar II, 995; Favier, Finances pontificales 263 n. 5) confirmation to the collector that the buyer is free to collect the goods. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts 1375–1380 of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch. No. 145 Berengarius abbot of Ripoll OSB (Vich) Died before Feb 1411. 28 Feb 1411 (RA 337, 464rv) LP orders Petrus Rigassol canon and subcollector of Barcelona to execute the abbot’s testament according to the customary moderatio. No. 146 [olim 136] Berengarius Batle bishop of Mallorca Formerly bishop of Elne from 1317, of Mallorca from 1332; died 1 Nov 1349. Gallia Christiana 6:1056. 1 Aug 1321 (EFR Jean XXII communes 13938) licentia testandi. 12 Nov 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2098) commission to Guillelmus Samer rector of the parish church of S. Michael (Barcelona). 3 Aug 1350 (Coll. 497, 44r) successor Antonius des Collell (Case no. 56) is obligated to a composition of 350 fl. No. 147 [olim 135] Berengarius Blasin bishop of Lucca Formerly rector of S. Servian (Béziers) treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto 1345–1349; bishop from 1349; died 12 Jan 1368. Anon., “Blasini, Berengario” DBI 10 (1968) 785–786. 9 Feb – 2 May 1368 (Coll. 248, 11v–13v; Bibliothèques I, 368.05, p. 237) accounts of Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena and collector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany: 1641 fl. 6 gros. and other sums received. No. 148 [olim 137] Berengarius de Cruillas bishop of Girona Formerly precentor of Girona; bishop from 1348; died 25 Jul 1362. 1362 (Coll. 116, 20v–21r; Bibliothèques I, 362.6, p. 213) accounts of collector Fulco Perrier sr., with mention of a licentia testandi. 1 Jul 1363 (IE 303, 12v) collector pays 3813 fl. 12 d. recovered from Pere IV king of Aragon. 29 Jan 1369 (Coll. 353, 156rv; Aubert Calendar 567, p. 306) Bernardus abbot of S. Maria d’Amer OSB (Girona) claims 100 fl. as a debt from the deceased; the collector is ordered to investigate. 31 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 217v–219r; Aubert Calendar 866, p. 437) orders the clergy of Tarragona and Zaragoza to compel Joannes count of Ampurias to pay his debt to the late bishop of 1500 fl. to Arnaldus André, collector. No. 149 [olim 138] Berengarius Gaillard frater, almoner of the Pinhota Died in Curia before May 1341. 11 May 1341 (VQ 4:177) Petrus Natalis, paneterius, pays money from goods and silver. No. 150 Berengarius de Landorra archbishop of Compostela Formerly master general OP; archbishop from 1317; died 1329. 12 Dec 1328 (OS 12, 100 = VQ 1:487) commissioner Berengarius de Landorra archbishop of Compostela pays 120 fl. for the spoils of Simon OFM bishop of Tuy (Case no. 1279). 10 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 869) orders Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga to absolve holders of these and other spoils after restitution. No. 151 [olim 139] Berengarius Maynardi OCist, bullator of papal letters Died before Apr 1342. 18–19 Apr 1342 (RA 55, 485r–490r; EFR Benoît XII communes 9247; Bibliothèques II, 342.3, p. 194–195) donation inter vivos and spoils inventory. No. 152 [olim 140] Berengarius d’Olargues canon of Narbonne, auditor of the Rota Auditor since 1313 (Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 348–349, 354); died before Jul 1331. Guillemain, Cour 349 n. 472, 354 n. 497. 2 Jul 1331 (OS 12, 143v = VQ 1:524) quittance to heir Joannes de Sericata, citizen of Capestang (Narbonne) for a composition of 1000 fl. No. 153 [olim 141] Berengarius de Prats bishop of Tortosa Bishop from 1310; died 19 Feb 1340. 16 Oct 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3218) commission. 1341 (Coll 229, 107r–116r; Bibliothèques I, 340.1, p. 138) accounts of collector Almeracius Cabrespí. No. 154 Berengarius de Rieria abbreviator of apostolic letters Died in Curia, drowned in the Durance Apr 1403. 20 Apr 1403 (RA 308, 10v; Favier, Finances pontificales 253) bull reserving his spoils. No. 155 [olim 142] Bernardus archbishop of Cagliari Formerly archdeacon of Mazzara, collector of Sardegna and Corsica; bishop of Ploaghe from 1361; archbishop of Torres from 1368, of Cagliari from 1369; died at Barcelona 5 Aug 1399. n.d. (Coll. 486, 20r–28v; Bibliothèques I, 399.6, p. 270–271) inventory. No. 156 [olim 143] Bernardus bishop of Rapolla Formerly archdeacon of Venosa; bishop of Rapolla from 1316; died before 21 Aug 1330. 11 Sep 1330 (IM 7188, 6r; Bibliothèques I, 330.6, p. 115–116) inventory by Petrus Regis for the nuncio, Geraldus de Laval. 16 Jan 1331 (IM 6072) inquest by Petrus Regis. 1330 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 152r) the nuncio collects 30 unc. 5 tar. 29 Jul – 17 Aug 1334 (VQ 1:383) commissioner Raymundus de Salgis pays 6000 fl. for this and other commissions. No. 157 [olim 144] Bernardus abbot of S. Chaffre OSB (Le Puy) Died before Mar 1357. Gallia Christiana 2:768. 21 Mar 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1433) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Le Puy. 6 Apr 1357 (IM 6227) minute of the commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Clermont. 6 Apr 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2630) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Clermont. 6 Feb 1358 (VQ 7:216) successor Amblardus pays 125 fl. of a composition of 250 fl. 23 Jun 1358 (VQ 7:222 = OS 23A, 108v) he pays the rest. No. 158 Bernardus abbot of Conques OSB (Rodez) Died before Jul 1386. Gallia Christiana 1:248 lacks this name. 12 Jul 1388 (Coll. 394, 254v, 256v) Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Graulhet (Castres), collector of Rodez, reports his collection: arrears of spoils, £29. No. 159 [olim 145] Bernardus d’Aigrefeuille OClun bishop of Viviers B.Decr.; former prior of S. Martin des Champs, Paris; bishop of Viviers from 1376; died before 11 Aug 1382. Gallia Christiana 7:533, 16:576. Rotuli Parisienses 3:350 n. 11 Sep 1382 (Coll. 360, 18rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1075) the subcollector is ordered to hold the spoils until further instructions. 14 Nov 1382 (Coll. 360, 28v–29r; De Cros Calendar II, 1094) Sicardus de Bourguerol is due 2 fl. per day for the 17 days he spent securing the spoils. No. 160 [olim 146] Bernardus de Altsiaco provost of Pezilla de la Rivière (Elne), chaplain of honor Died 1393. 1393 x 1405 (Coll. 160, 123rv) Joannes de Rivesaltes, collector of Elne, receives £39.11 for grain. No. 161 [olim 147] Bernardus de Barbarano prior of Tortosa Died before Apr 1329. 12 Apr 1329 (OS 12, 105v) bishop Berengarius de Prats was issued a quittance for 80 fl. worth of spoils. 10 Sep 1330 (VQ 1:356) he pays 8 fl. 10 d. Tur. gros. 17 Sep 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 569) commission to Pontius Tessier archdeacon of Auge (Liège). 6 Oct 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 603) permits him to compound for spoils. No. 162 [olim 148] Bernardus Le Brun bishop of Auxerre Formerly dean of Le Puy; bishop of Le Puy from 1327, of Noyon from 1342, of Auxerre from 1347; died 29 Oct 1349. Gallia Christiana 2:724–725, 743.9, 1016, 12:319. 23 Jul 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 63608) licentia testandi. 1 Oct 1349 (IM 1811) testament, copied 15 Dec 1349. 17 – 21 Oct 1349 (IM 1814) codicil and donations inter vivos. 17 Oct – 1 Nov 1349 (IM 1813; Bibliothèques II, 349.6, p. 283–286) inventory for the executor, Guido de Calma bishop of Autun (Fasti 12:130–131). n.d. (IM 1816) list of claimants to goods. 12 Nov 1349 (RV 143, 100v; EFR Clément VI closes France 4299) commission to Stephanus Chautard canon of Bourges. 14 Nov 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4302) commission to Guido bishop of Autun, notwithstanding the earlier commission to Stephanus Chautard. 20 Jul 1350 (RV 144, 48v; EFR Clément VI closes France 4607) successor Petrus Aymé (Case no. 1004) is ordered to collect the spoils left by the previous commissioners and render accounts. 26 Jul 1350 (Coll. 497, 48v) successor Petrus is obligated to a composition of 5000 fl. for spoils; Petrus d’Aigrefeuille bishop of Clermont, obligated to a composition of 500 fl. for a loan-debt. 29 Aug 1350 (RV 144, 96rv; EFR Clément VI closes France 4681) executors Guido de Calma bishop of Autun and Joannes de Braule canon of S. Ursin (Bourges) are declared accountable to the successor and the collector. 7 Sep 1350 (IE 261, 32r; VQ 5:439) executors pay a composition of 5000 fl. 10 Sep 1350 (Coll. 497, 45r) executors undertake to render full accounts. 30 May 1352 (IE 265, 19r; VQ 5:455) Archambaldus bishop of Tulle pays 100 fr. chaises of a debt owed by his predecessor Petrus d’Aigrefeuille to Bernardus. 23 Jan 1355 (VQ 7:95) Petrus d’Aigrefeuille bishop of Clermont pays 200 fl. No. 163 [olim 149] Bernardus Bruni grossator Died in Curia, May 1348. 16 May 1348 (VQ 5:406) composition of 10 fl. and a debt of 40 fl. paid by his executors. No. 164 Bernardus de Bugneto canon of Marseille Died in Curia before Oct 1381. 12 Nov 1381 (Coll. 374, 77v–78r; De Cros Calendar II, 969) executors compound for 300 fl. Cam. No. 165 [olim 150] Bernardus Carit bishop of Evreux Formerly collector of Sens and Rouen; canon of Paris; archdeacon of Eu (Rouen) and S. Séverin (Paris); bishop of Evreux from 1376; died Aug 1383. Gallia Christiana 11:598. Rotuli Parisienses 2:575, 3:103, 269 n., 331 n., 352 n., 838. Fasti 2:162. 12 Jan 1384 (Coll. 359, 194v–195r; Favier, Finances pontificales 252) commission to Sicardus de Bourguerol, collector of Toulouse, and also to the collector of Cahors. No. 166 [olim 151] Bernardus de Cassis archbishop of Bordeaux Formerly canon of Bordeaux, LL.B.; archbishop from 1348; died before Sep 1351. Gallia Christiana 2:835. Fasti 13:160–161. 16 Sep 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5066) commission to Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye (Bordeaux). 5 Nov 1353 (IM 1954) successor Amanevus de Apta de Lamothe (Case no. 25) is confirmed in his use of the goods. 25 Feb 1354 (VQ 7:47) successor Amanevus de Apta pays 200 fl. composition for the spoils of three predecessors: Petrus de Luc, Amanevus de Cassis, Bernardus de Cassis. 5 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1179) Amanevus de Apta, who has settled for the spoils of his three predecessors, may freely dispose of them. 16 Sep 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5066) commission to Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye to collect the spoils of the late archbishop Bernardus on account of his own debts to the Camera and those of his predecessor Amanevus de Cassis (Case no. 27). No. 167 [olim 152] Bernardus de Castelnau bishop of Saint-Papoul Formerly abbot of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne); bishop from 1370; died 12 May 1375. Gallia Christiana 6:847, 13:304. n.d. (Coll. 235, 145v) 503 fl. received from spoils. n.d. (Coll. 236, 323v–324r) collector Aymericus Pellicier reports collections and remains of spoils. 12 Jul 1380 (Coll. 359, 45rv) a legacy of 100 fr. is granted to the prior of Villanova (Béziers). No. 168 [olim 153] Bernardus de Caulasone archdeacon of Elne, papal chaplain, auditor of the Rota Died intestate in Curia before Apr 1354. 9 Apr 1354 (VQ 7:50) Guillelmus de Gemallo and frater Stephanus de Marlhaco pay a composition of 150 fl. 25 Aug 1355 (Coll. 497, 55v) Bertrandus de Requenhio is obligated to a composition of 80 fl. 28 Aug 1355 (VQ 7:97) Brunus de Requenhio has been excommunicated for holding goods without right; his brother Bertrandus pays 2 fl. 14 s. for execution of letters releasing him from excommunication, in consideration of his obligation to a composition of 80 fl. No. 169 [olim 154] Bernardus de Champeriis chamberlain of the monastery of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) Died May 1371. 22 May 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 240) commission to Bertrandus Raffin and Petrus Viguerii. No. 170 [olim 155] Bernardus Fabri prior of S. M. Daurade OClun (Toulouse) Formerly prior of S. Martin des Champs, Paris (Coll. 236, 254r) of Daurade by 1372; died before Nov 1387. Gallia Christiana 7:533, 13:108. 4 Nov 1387 (Coll. 362, 132v–133v) FC directs Petrus de Tarascon, collector of Toulouse and Auch, to deduct the value of these spoils from the debts to the Camera of Aymericus de Peyrac abbot of Moissac OClun (Cahors) on which Daurade depends. 8 Nov 1387 (Coll. 359, 148rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3) report of spoils by Petrus de Tarascon. 30 Mar 1388 (Coll. 362, 203r) Guillelmus de Calario merchant of Toulouse claims a deposit of 224 fr. FC directs Petrus de Tarascon to pay if the claim is true, regardless of the claim of superior right by the abbot of Moissac. No. 171 [olim 156] Bernardus de Farges archbishop of Narbonne Nephew of Clement V; bishop of Agen from 1306; archbishop of Rouen from 1306, of Narbonne from 1311; died Jul 1341. Gallia Christiana 2:923–924, 6:87–90, 11:75–76. Fasti 5:98–99 and Fasti 2:92–93. 1337–1340 (Coll. 146, 257 fols.) accounts of the episcopal mensa before the death of the archbishop. 1337–1341 (Coll. 148, 1r–45v) process of the succession by Martinus Curte, the archbishop’s treasurer. 3 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 834; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3076–3077) commission. 7 Dec 1341 (VQ 4:187–188) silver vessels received by the Camera from cardinal Raymundus Guillelmi de Farges. 6 Sep 1342 (IM 1611) instrument of the inquest by commissioner Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179) into the debts owed to the archbishop. 10 Jan 1343 (Coll. 289, 39r) inventory of spoils in the papal treasure. 9 Jun 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 216) the archbishop’s treasurer Guillelmus Borcier rector of S. Marie de Lairière (Toulouse), suspected of dishonest administration, is released from prison in the Curia; the officialis of Narbonne should receive the men who will stand surety for him. 11 Sep 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 399) Philippe VI king of France is asked not to interfere further in the spoils process. 20 Sep 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 419) recognition of the composition of 500 fl. promised by the successor Gasbertus de Laval. 8 Dec 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1309) commission to Morerius de Morières canon of Agen (Fasti 5.178–179). 27 Nov 1344 (VQ 5:352) chaplains pay 100 fl. of a debt of 300 fl. 17 Mar 1345 (VQ 5:354) Jacobus de Placentia, papal chaplain, pays 38 fl. 24 Jan 1346 (Coll. 497, 26r) Guillelmus Borcier, administrator of a castle for the archbishop, is obligated to pay £207.8.9 and shares of grain. n.d. (Coll. 30, 128v) Raymundus de Chameyrac assigns to the Camera £4546.16.9 Tur., 585 m. 4 unc. of silver. 1341–1347 (Coll. 148, 46r–221v) accounts of Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179). 1347–1348 (Coll. 150; Bibliothèques II, 341.3, p. 183–185) process by Bernardus de Abbate to collect the spoils left deposited by Morerius de Morières. 16 Sep 1355 (VQ 7:97–98) the archbishop’s treasurer pays 120 fl. of a composition for 170 fl. for the cash and grain which he had kept. n.d. (Coll. 114, 80v) Bernardus de Abbate reports receipts of 37 écus. No. 172 [olim 157] Bernardus Folcaud bishop of Pamplona Formerly archdeacon in the diocese of Huesca, auditor of the Rota, commensal chaplain; bishop of Huesca from 1362, of Pamplona from 1364; died 7 Jun 1377. 14 Mar 1383 (Coll. 360, 39r–40r; De Cros Calendar II, 1125) the chamberlain directs the successor, Cardinal Martinus de Zalva, to collect the value of his composition from the holders of the spoils. 1 Jun 1388 (Coll. 364, 130rv) Garsias de Badoztayn, citizen of Pamplona, held some goods. He is absolved of the excommunication placed on him by Guillelmus Boudreville, collector of Navarre, in the hope that he will deliver the goods. No. 173 [olim 158] Bernardus Gaucelme buyer for the papal kitchen Died in Curia between 29 Dec 1357 and 6 Feb 1359. 6 Feb 1359 (VQ 7:260 = OS 23A, 105r) his brother Aymericus Gaucelme pays 100 fl. composition. No. 174 [olim 159] Bernardus de Grumigen priest of the diocese of Kammin Died in Curia Jan 1361. 19 Jan 1361 (VQ 7:332–333) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 20 fl. No. 175 [olim 160] Bernardus Gui OP bishop of Lodève Formerly inquisitor of Toulouse; bishop of Tuy from 1323, of Lodève from 1324; died 30 Dec 1331. Gallia Christiana 6:554–555. Bernard Gui et son monde (collected essays). Guenée, Entre l’Église et l’État 49–85 (= Guenée, Between Church and State 37–70). 30 Jul 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 45848) licentia testandi, although he is a Dominican friar. 1332 (IE 83, 156r) commissioner Arnaldus de Verdale makes a composition with the executors for £200 Tur. 3 Feb 1334 (VQ 1:371) commissioner pays £200 to the Camera. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 176 [olim 161] Bernardus Hugues Fournier de S. Arthémie OCSA bishop of Elne D.Decr.; prior of Sabonères OCSA (Lombez) from 1342; bishop of Elne from 1346; died at Avignon before Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:1058. 20 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3923) commission to Guillelmus Teurini sacristan of Elne. 18 Jun 1351 (VQ 5:608) the bishop’s brother Guillelmus Fournier pays 200 fl. composition to Bernardus de Abbate, collector of Narbonne. 1353 (RV 125, 278v; Bibliothèques II, 348.52, p. 246) books in the papal treasure. 1357 (Coll. 114, 81r) collector reports the income of the vacancy. 1357–1359 (Coll. 154, 213r) accounts of Guillelmus Guilbert. No. 177 [olim 162] Bernardus Joannis notary of the Rota Died in Curia Jan 1361. 17 Jan 1361 (Coll. 231, 119r; VQ 7:332) Geraldus de Puyfaucon, archbishop-elect of Benevento, pays a composition of 20 fl. No. 178 [olim 163] Bernardus du Lac bishop of Viterbo, rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany LL.D, former archdeacon of Elne, canon of Rodez; bishop of Viterbo from 1344; died Sep 1346. Fasti 6:135. 7 Feb 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3376; Benoît XII closes pays autres 762) licentia testandi. 16 Sep 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1211) the commune of Perugia should compel Cecchinus Vencioli, captain of that city, to remove his hand from the fruits of the vacancy. 23 Jul 1347 (VQ 5:392) commissioner’s composition of 300 fl. is paid by the executors. 27 Jul 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3396) commission to Berengarius Blasin, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 27 Jul 1347 (Coll. 232, 126r–141v; Bibliothèques II, 347.6, p. 220–223) accounts of Berengarius Blasin, including books. 28 Aug 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3423) quittance to Raymundus de Albofolio for 2000 fl. 19 Sep 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1484) orders Raymundus de Chameyrac bishop of Orvieto, the pope’s vicar spiritual in Roma, and Petrus Dupin cleric of Cahors to pay 4000 fl. into the treasury of the Duchy of Spoleto. 19 Sep 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3464) orders Berengarius Blasin, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto, to pay the two commissioners 4000 fl. (there is a direct contradiction between the last two items, as abstracted in the two EFR calendars). No. 179 [olim 164, 190] Bernardus de Lipasse bishop of Dax Formerly archdeacon of Aunis (Saintes); canon of Bayonne; papal chaplain; bishop of Dax from 1327; died in the Sinai Desert before Nov 1350. Gallia Christiana 1:1050. 16 Nov 1350 (VQ 5:441) nephew Guinbaldus de Coupona pays 6 écus. 30 Oct 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 613) the spoils were reserved by Clement VI; Innocent VI commissions Martinus de Gérard canon of Agen (Fasti 5:178) to collect them. 28 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 744) commission to the abbot of S. Jean de Castella OPraem (Aire) and Vitalis de Serra, rector of the church of Bonnegarde (Dax). 9 Oct 1358 (IM 4594, 10v, 12r) the spoils of the bishop, who died in the Sinai desert, were collected and sold by Goffridus Spanzota archdeacon of Famagusta and collector, for £3200. 28 Dec 1358 (RV 243, 185v–186r) commission to Joannes de Gardaya scholasticus of Oviedo, nuncio, and Bernardus de Broscereto prior of S. Esprit-chef-du-Pont (Dax). No. 180 [olim 165] Bernardus Marchesii vestiarius of Nîmes Died 1403. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 159, 352r–355v) Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne, receives £539.7.4 from debts. 17 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 551rv) accounts of Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne. No. 181 [olim 166] Bernardus Martin abbot of S. Volusien de Foix OCSA (Pamiers) Died Aug 1371. Gallia Christiana 13:182 lacks this name: there is a lacuna 1337–1384. n.d. (Coll. 235, 139v–140v) successor Arnaldus Guillaume is obligated to a composition of 2283 fl. 20 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 31v–32v; De Cros Calendar I, 65) Aymericus Pellicier, sacristan of S. Jean de Perpignan (Elne) collector of Toulouse, is informed of the composition for 3000 fr. made by the successor. 8 Apr 1372 (Coll. 358, 46r; De Cros Calendar I, 76) the officialis and subcollector of Pamiers are instructed to collect for the Camera all goods not listed in the inventory, and to assign one-third of their net value, after expenses, to the successor. 14 Aug 1372 (Coll. 358, 75r) successor is to be compelled to pay a debt of his predecessor to Raymundus Gavarra, LL.Lic. 11 Aug 1373 (RA 220, 256r–257r; De Cros Calendar I, 335) the officialis and the proctor of Raymundus Dachon bishop of Pamiers, witnesses against Raymundus Ripperie, former treasurer of the abbot, are warned to appear before the chamberlain, and meanwhile not to molest Raymundus. 1373 (Coll. 18, 290v) collector receives 2500 fl. of the composition. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 148r, 157r) collector reports receipt of 2500 fl.; 1250 fl. is still owed of 3000 fl. 16 Jul 1377 (OS 42, 107r) quittance to Raymundus Ripperie priest of Foix, for 70 fl. and £3 of his debt of 300 fl. No. 182 [olim 167] Bernardus Maynard de Stephanotio abbot of S. Pierre de Caunes-Minervois OSB (Narbonne) Abbot from 1339; died before Mar 1355. Gallia Christiana 6:173–174. 19 Jan 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1294) commission to Bernardus de Abbate. 10 Oct 1355 (Coll. 497, 56r) executor Mattheus Constantini is obligated to a composition of 100 fl. 5 Mar 1356 (VQ 7:130) Guillelmus Borcier archdeacon in the diocese of Alet, pays 50 fl. No. 183 [olim 168] Bernardus Michaelis Called dominus; died in Curia before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 200 fl. from the spoils. No. 184 Bernardus de Monteto OFM bishop of Sagona (Corsica) Died before Feb 1355. 15 Feb 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1379) commission to Maurinus Fieschi canon of Genova. No. 185 [olim 169] Bernardus de Mornac bishop of Tarbes M.Theol.; abbot of Fontfroide OCist (Narbonne); bishop of Aire from 1354, of Tarbes from 1361; died before Aug 1374. Gallia Christiana 1:1160, 1235, 6, 212. 16 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 26r) Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, pays 290 fl. Cam. 4 s. 1 d. for vessels, some of which were among the goods of Hugo de Bonvillier bishop of Lectoure (Case no. 613). 5 Mar 1380 (Coll. 359, 126v; De Cros Calendar II, 783) the collector is ordered to pay the bishop’s debt of 45 fl. to Vitalis de Boulaco canon of Tarbes. after 1385 (Coll. 35, 217r–222r) remains of spoils collected by Sicardus de Bourguerol. No. 186 [olim 171] Bernardus de Neudan auditor of the Rota LL.D.; former canon of Beauvais, papal chaplain, Lic.Decr.; treasurer of Tours in 1340; administrator of Tarentaise 1341–1342; died before May 1347. Gallia Christiana 12:710. 22 Jul 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8769; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3141) licentia testandi. 2 May 1347 (RA 91, 607rv, 616rv; Bibliothèques II, 347.4, p. 217–219) inventory. n.d. (RA 122, 220r) inventory. 28 Dec 1352 (VQ 5:460) moneys paid to the Camera. 1353 (RA 125, 230r; Bibliothèques II, 347.4, p. 217–219) books in the palace at Avignon. No. 187 [olim 170] Bernardus de Nexonio archdeacon of Antwerp (Cambrai), clerk of the Camera Clerk of the Camera from 1348; died in Curia Aug 1361. Rotuli Parisienses 2:238. 27 Aug 1361 (OS 31, 147rv; Aubert Calendar 6, p. 67) quittance to executors for a composition of 500 fl. paid to Eblo de Miers. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 500 fl. composition. No. 188 [olim 172] Bernardus Oliveri OESA bishop of Tortosa M.Theol.; formerly bishop of Huesca from 1337, of Barcelona from 1345, of Tortosa from 1346; died 14 Jul 1348. 2 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:579) Bernardus Alanyani, collector of Zaragoza and Tarragona, makes payment to the Camera. No. 189 [olim 173] Bernardus de Quitania chamberlain to cardinal Raymundus de Farges Died before Jul 1349. 2 Jul 1349 (VQ 5:427) executor Joannes de Capella pays 50 fl. composition. No. 190 [olim 174] Bernardus Raffata priest of Tarragona Died before Nov 1375. 10 Nov 1375 (IM 2877, 9; OS 42, 42r) Joannes Baroncelli, papal sergeant at arms and banker (Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon, 428 n.), his executor, pays 407 fl. Cam. 22 s. 9 d. for goods left in his care. No. 191 [olim 175] Bernardus Rebolli prior of SS. Antonio ed Andrea (Roma) Died before Nov 1368. Gallia Christiana 16:197–198. 7 Nov 1368 (Coll. 353, 111r; Aubert Calendar 496, p. 276) chamberlain orders the restoration of the spoils to Petrus Lobet abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) (Case no. 1065). 16 Jan 1369 (Coll. 353, 137r; Aubert Calendar 549, p. 298) to the same effect. No. 192 [olim 176] Bernardus de Rodes archbishop of Napoli, auditor of the Camera LL.Lic., former archdeacon of Les Vaux (Cahors); auditor from 1366; archbishop from 1368; died before 14 Nov 1377. 22 Jul 1379 (Coll. 143, 303r) commission under the general reservation of spoils in Provence, to Vitalis Guillelmi and Bartoletus de Cassarmis de Placentia, to collect the spoils of the bishop, who died near Marseille while traveling to the Curia. 13 Aug 1379 (IE 353, 3v; Favier, Finances pontificales 263) merchants deliver to the Treasury 1080 fl. invested with them by the late bishop. No. 193 [olim 177] Bernardus Rouiard bishop of Arras, auditor of contradicted letters Former archdeacon of Saintes; bishop of Arras from 1316; died in Curia before 29 Oct 1320. Gallia Christiana 3:334–335. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 320. 1 Feb 1321 (EFR Jean XXII communes 12904) the heirs and executors must provide decently for the successor Petrus de Chappes out of the current fruits. 2 Jan 1322 (Richard, “Inventaire du mobilier” 253–259) inventory of movables in the episcopal houses in Arras and Mareuil-lez-Arras (now Marœuil, dép. Pas-de-Calais). 28 Nov 1322 (VQ 1:309) the bishop exceeded his licentia testandi; his brother Arnaldus Rouiard archbishop of Salerno pays 500 fl. No. 194 [olim 178] Bernardus Sabaterii perpetual vicar of S. Maria de Mari (Barcelona) Died before Jul 1375. 9 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 29r; De Cros Calendar I, 521) executors pay a composition of 300 fl. No. 195 [olim 179] Bernardus de S. Stephano bishop of Uzès Former archdeacon of Béziers, papal notary, papal familiar; bishop from 1371; died before Jul 1374. Gallia Christiana 6:638. Aug 1368 (VQ 6:35) in his presence at Montefiascone, Urban V forbade the papal notaries to make testaments. 12 Jul 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1634) papal warning to the holders of spoils. No. 196 [olim 180] Bernardus de Sault bishop of Saintes Formerly cantor of Compostela; bishop from 1362; died before 1 Mar 1381. Gallia Christiana 2:1078. 4 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 80r–81r; De Cros Calendar II, 943) commission to Elias de Serra, Lic.Decr. canon of Agen (Fasti 5:165) noting that the moderatio should be observed. 2–3 Oct 1381 (Coll. 359, 90r–92v) three letters of further instruction to the commissioner: he is to collect the composition of 200 fl. from the successor, Elias Lestrange, and give him the goods listed in the inventory and half of any further goods. 11 Aug 1382 (Coll. 359A, 249r–251r, Favier, Finances pontificales 264 n. 3) Clement VII orders the commissioners Arnaldus Gavin canon of Saintes and Joannes Picard canon of Amiens (Fasti 1:157) to collect a total of 18,000 fr. owed to the late bishop by Charles VI king of France, the lord of Parthenay, La Rochelle and some specified towns. Another letter of the same date to the debtors calls on them to pay. 9 Mar 1383 (RA 233, 84rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 264 n. 4) Joannes François, Arnaldus Gavin, and Joannes Picard are informed that the composition has been settled by negotiation at 6000 fl. 11 Jan 1390 (RA 277, 129r; Favier, Finances pontificales 264 n. 5) successor Elias Lestrange warned to observe the interdict. 30 Sep 1391 (RA 277, 128v–129r = RV 301, 137v–138r, Favier, Finances pontificales 264 n. 6) quittance for 2000 fr. composition paid by the villages. No. 197 [olim 181] Bernardus de Scossaco archdeacon of Cerdanya (Urgell), registrar of papal letters Died in Curia, Jun 1357. Cambarou Calendar 5, p. 205. 28 Jun 1357 (VQ 7:177) executors pay a composition of 1000 fl. No. 198 [olim 182] Bernardus de Serris prior of Sigottier OSB (Gap) Died Mar 1375. 29 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 10r; De Cros Calendar I, 439) chamberlain PC orders the officialis of Gap to make an inventory and to hold the spoils until further orders. No. 199 [olim 183] Bernardus de Sistre archdeacon of Canterbury, nuncio in England Formerly canon of S. Hilaire, Poitiers; died 1343. 23 Mar 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3378; Benoît XII closes pays autres 798) licentia testandi. 20 Jan 1344 (VQ 5:353) executors pay a legacy of 50 fl. to the Apostolic See. 19 Apr 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 788) the nuncio’s spoils are sequestered, pending the verification of his final accounts. 10 Dec 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1310) quittance to Raymundus Pelegrini for 3839 fl. 4 Feb 1345 (VQ 5:354) executors pay 897 fl. to clear accounts. No. 200 [olim 184] Bernardus Stephani papal notary Died in Curia before Sep 1361. n.d. 1361 (OS 31, 249r–250r; Aubert Calendar 8, p. 67) quittance to the nephew executor Joannes Stephani for a legacy of 200 fl. and a composition of 100 fl. paid by hand of Stephanus Folcoaudi. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 300 fl. from spoils. 15 Dec 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 11235) orders the testament to be executed regardless of claims of superseding debts. No. 201 [olim 185] Bernardus Tardieu dean of S. Paul de Fenouillet (Alet) Died 1334 or earlier. 20 Sep 1337 (EFR Benoît XII communes 5099; Benoît XII closes France 364) commission to Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida, referring to a reservation by John XXII. 16 Jun 1341 (Coll. 30, 133r) Raymundus de Chameyrac reports collections from the vacancy. No. 202 [olim 186] Bernardus de la Tour OSB bishop of Saint-Papoul Formerly abbot of Saint-Papoul OSB; first bishop of Saint-Papoul from 1317; died 27 Dec 1317. Gallia Christiana 13:301. 31 Mar 1319 (VQ 1:453) commissioner Petrus Bodeti, precentor of Lavaur, pays £5000 Tur. parv. 17 Mar 1320 (VQ 1:453) he pays £1000 Tur. parv. 20 May 1320 (VQ 1:454) he pays £900.18 Tur. parv. 31 Dec 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes 2346–2347) commission to the officialis of Saint-Papoul to secure the spoils from the goods of deceased commissioner Petrus Bodeti. 12 Apr 1326 (VQ 1:454) Michael Bodeti, brother of deceased commissioner Petrus, pays £100 Tur. parv. 21 Apr 1327 (VQ 1:527) Raymundus Gasqui pays £50.11.8 Tur. parv. 14 Apr – 1 May 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3567) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale. 7 Apr 1328 (OS 12, 87r–88r) quittance to commissioner Raymundus Gasqui, former officialis of Saint-Papoul, for 79 s. 6 d. ob., 7 agni, 4 fl. 52 s. 2 d. Valois; 254 fl., 95 agni, 7 reg., £9.14.7 ob., 6 s. 3 d. Valois. 15 Jan 1331 (VQ 1:454) quittance to commissioner Michael Bodeti for 83 fl., etc. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12,138r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale for 5 agni, 2 reg. 20 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 203 [olim 187] Bernardus la Vergne canon of Auxerre, subcollector of Auxerre Died before Mar 1375. 5 Mar 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1821) commission to Jacobus Militis, new subcollector of Auxerre. 8 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 7rv; De Cros Calendar I, 422) chamberlain PC orders the subcollector to discover and collect the spoils, including money and gold and silver vessels, from unnamed holders. 8 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 7v; De Cros Calendar I, 423) in a letter close the chamberlain asks his “dear friend” Nicolaus d’Arcis bishop of Auxerre, as the major holder of the goods, to answer the commissioners fully. 28 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 19v, 20r; De Cros Calendar I, 481) the commissioners need not cite the bishop to appear in their inquest. The registry is repeated. 23 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 32rv; De Cros Calendar I, 509) Laurentius Marcel and his wife are released from excommunication. 21 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 51r–52r; De Cros Calendar I, 528, 529) the goods are released to the executor in consequence of an agreement between him and the procurator fiscal. 28 Sep 1375 (OS 42, 37r) Nicolaus d’Arcis bishop of Auxerre, executor, pays 214 fl. Cam. of a composition for 2000 fl. Apr 1376 (IM 2924, 3) Joannes abbot of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Châlons-en-Champagne) pays 535 fl. Cam. of a composition of 2000 fl. 9 Apr 1376 (OS 42, 63r) executor Joannes de Sergiis D.Decr. pays 625 fl. curr. of a composition for 2000 fl. 30 Jul 1376 (OS 42, 76v–77r) he pays 875 fl. through Bernardus Carit, collector of Sens and Rouen (Case no. 165). No. 204 Bernardus Zafon bishop of Cuenca Formerly treasurer of Toledo; bishop from 1362; died 1372. 2 Jul 1375 (RA 220, 303v–307r; De Cros Calendar I, 512) collector Jacobus de Sirano accounts for books sold at Valencia. No. 205 [olim 188] Bertrandus bishop of Alife Bishop from 1348; died before 10 Nov 1361. Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 132r; Bibliothèques I, 361.8, p. 211) inventory of spoils collected by Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento), who received from his deputy Petrus Iob de Castroveteri 4 fl. from the sale of books, 8 unc. 6 tar. boni ponderis, 6 unc. 12 tar. minoris ponderis. No. 206 [olim 189] Bertrandus OP archbishop of Brindisi Archbishop from 1319; died before 6 Dec 1333. 1324 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 152r) Geraldus de Laval collects 209 unc. 11 tar. from the spoils and vacancy. No. 207 [olim 191] Bertrandus bishop of Senez Formerly provost of Senez; bishop from 1317; died Dec 1345. Gallia Christiana 3:1256. 31 Dec 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2244) commission to Raymundus Noulon. 20 Feb 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3752) orders Raimbaudus Flote to hold goods, because Raymundus Noulon cannot pursue the process. 16 Feb 1354 (Coll. 497, 50v–51r) Stephanus Marronis LL.D., judge of the temporal court of Avignon, and Ludovicus Marronis canon of Senez obligate themselves to a composition of 200 fl. 14 Jun 1354 (IE 272, 36v: VQ 7:53) Stephanus pays his composition of 200 fl. 12 Sep 1358 (Coll. 497, 65r: VQ 7:224) the successor Bertrandus jr. pays a composition of 60 fl. No. 208 Bertrandus abbot of Beaulieu OCist (Nicosia) Monk of Beaulieu; abbot from 1370; died before Nov 1371. 19 Nov 1371 (RA 173, 185v–186r; EFR Grégoire XI communes 14570) Petrus de Rivoforcato provided as abbot. 14 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 31r; De Cros Calendar I, 59) orders Berengarius Grégoire dean of Nicosia, collector of Cyprus, to hand over the income of the vacancy to the successor, Petrus de Rivoforcato monk of Fontfroide OCist (Narbonne), and observe the moderatio in collecting the spoils. No. 209 [olim 192] Bertrandus abbot of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes) Formerly prior of S. Gilles abbot from 1339; died before 25 Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:499–500. late 1348 (RA 101, 52r–55r; Bibliothèques II, 348.58, p. 261–262) inventory by commissioner Raymundus de Salerio. 25 Oct 1348 (Coll. 497, 39v; OS 23, 27v) successor obligated to a composition of 800 fl. 31 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:417) successor Raymundus de Argentico pays 100 fl. of his composition. n.d. (Coll. 149, 165r–167r; Coll. 155, 237r–238r) Guillelmus Guilbert accounts for receipts of 398 fl. 14 s. 3 d.; there remains to be paid: 1053 fl. 22 s. No. 210 [olim 193] Bertrandus de Barjols master of the works of Arles Died before Apr 1334. 16 Apr 1334 (VQ 1:374–375; Bibliothèques II, 334.4, p. 110) Durandus Mercatoris assigns various moneys and books to the Camera through Rostagnus Alziaci archdeacon of Arles. No. 211 [olim 194] Bertrandus de Barreyre abbot of Conques OSB (Rodez) Died before Mar 1368. Gallia Christiana 1:248. 3 Apr 1368 (Coll. 81, 139r–151r; Bibliothèques II, 368.3, p. 388–390) inventory and accounts by the collector Guillelmus Amarant. 1368 (Coll. 80, 135r) collector notes his receipts and sales, 1210 fl. 10¼ gros. 1 Oct 1371 (Coll. 81, 131r–132r) collector receives 309 fl. and books. 3 Apr 1374 (IM 2833; De Cros Calendar I, 385; Bibliothèques II, 368.3, p. 390–392) books delivered to successor Raymundus by order of the chamberlain. 1386 (Coll. 84, 90r–92r) arrears of spoils in accounts of the collector Raymundus de Senans. 1396 x 1398 (Coll. 90, 139v) Guillelmus Amarant pays £11 Tur., 20 fl. from sales to Bernardus Benguerii, subcollector. No. 212 [olim 195] Bertrandus de Baux prior of Bollène OCSA (S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux) Died 1344. 13 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 667) commission to Petrus de Artusio canon of Mende (Fasti 8:213), treasurer of the Comtat-Venaissin. 11 Jul 1346 (VQ 5:375) Petrus de Artusio pays 247 fl. Ped. 16 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 3r) mentions the murder of Dondinus de Pistoriis, in the Comtat, by Bertrandus de Baux and accomplices. No. 213 [olim 196] Bertrandus Bérenger OSB bishop of Sarlat Formerly abbot of S. Tiberi OSB (Agde); bishop from 1324; died Apr 1330. Gallia Christiana 2:1513–1514, 6:714. 13 Jan 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 48103) licentia testandi. 15 Apr 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4165) Fayditus Guiraudon commissioned to compel Raymundus Adémar rector of S. George (Sarlat) to pay the Camera 1000 fl. or to appear within 20 days. 30 Sep 1330 (IE 105, 36r–45v) accounts of Guillelmus Cabirol canon of Toulon, commissioner, delivered on 3 Nov by the messenger Petrus Raymond de Verfeil. 3 Nov 1330 (IE 105, 39r) a bull protecting the licensed testament. 27 Mar 1332 (VQ 1:555) Guillelmus Cabirol pays 300 fl. from the goods ratione subsidii promissi pape dum episcopus viveret. 27 Mar 1332 (VQ 1:565) he pays 700 fl. 43 d. Paris. No. 214 [olim 197] Bertrandus Besauduni archbishop of Genova Former canon of Toulon; archbishop from 1349; died before 13 Apr 1358. 13 Apr 1358 (RV 244 K, 50 A, number 102) commission to Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini to collect the spoils and the fruits of the vacancy, and to deliver them to Aymericus Chat cantor of S. Martin (Tours) (Case no. 104), treasurer general in Lombardia. 26 Nov 1359 (VQ 7:268) successor Guido Scettem (Case no. 446) pays 20 fl. of a composition for 120 fl. 24 Apr 1360 (Coll. 231, 81v–82r) he pays 100 fl. 9 Mar 1363 (OS 31, 170v–171r; Aubert Calendar 130, p. 113) the payments totalling 120 fl. are accepted as fruits of the vacancy, and Guido Scettem is still liable for the spoils. No. 215 [olim 198] Bertrandus de Béziers prior of S. Marie de Cassan OCSA (Béziers) Died 1329. 1 Dec 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4032) commission to Guillelmus Ruffi canon of Le Puy. 23 Apr 1330 (OS 12, 125v = VQ 1:557) successor Bernardus de Bossiacis pays 500 fl. of a composition for 1000 fl. 23 Nov 1330 (OS 12, 132v) he pays 500 fl. 8 Mar 1331 (OS 12, 139r) he pays 250 fl. No. 216 Bertrandus Bonifacii preceptor OSAnt (Milano) Died before Nov 1405. 13 Nov 1405 (RA 325, 516v–517v Favier, Finances pontificales 257) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, writing from Savona, commissions Petrus Conilli B.Decr. rector of the parish church of Punta de la Banya (Tortosa), papal familiar, to collect the spoils. [Apparently the Camera licensed Conilli to collect the spoils in Milano, as due to abbot of S. Antoine (Vienne), because the Avignonese Camera could not operate there. And so the spoils were gathered from Milano but paid from Vienne.] 23 Dec 1405, 18 Jan 1406 (RA 325, 524v–525r; Favier, Finances pontificales 257–258) Gerentonus de Châteauneuf abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) compounded for the spoils and they were released to him. No. 217 [olim 200] Bertrandus de Cardaillac bishop of Cahors Formerly bishop of Rieux from 1321, of Cahors from 1324; died 13 Feb 1366. Gallia Christiana 1:141, 13:186–187. 15 Mar 1367 (Coll. 80, 135r) his nephew Marquisius de Cardaillac pays 898 fl. of a composition for 1000 fl. to the collector Guillelmus Amarant. Apr 1367 (OS 23A, 92v) nephew’s obligation of 1000 fl. noted paid. Oct 1371 (Coll. 81, 131r) the collector notes that 106 fl. are still due on the composition. No. 218 [olim 201] Bertrandus de Cardaillac bishop of Montauban Bishop since 1357; died before 10 Oct 1360. Gallia Christiana 13:236–237. Mollat, “Jean de Cardaillac” 85 n. 4. 10 Oct 1360 (VQ 7:300) the executor, Petrus de Calès OCSA prior of S. Martin d’Aulas (Nîmes), as commissioner pays a mixed purse of gold coins from the bishop’s chest worth 768 fl. sent. 18 s. 11 d. [VQ gives “Bernardi episcopi Montispessulani” in error.] 7 Apr 1361 (VQ 7:335 = OS 23A, 110v; Coll. 116, 141r, also Arm. 35, t.23, 82r) the spoils were reserved before the bishop’s death. His nephew and executor Joannes de Cardaillac, then bishop of Ourense, now archbishop of Braga, with co-executor Petrus de Calès prior of S. Martin d’Aulas (Nîmes) made a composition for 4000 fl., of which Petrus now pays 2835 fl. sent., 20 s. 1 d. [VQ gives “Bernardi episcopi Montisalbani” in error.] No. 219 [olim 202] Bertrandus de Castronovo bishop of Viviers Formerly archbishop-elect of Taranto, 1348; archbishop of Salerno from 1349, of Embrun from 1364; bishop of Viviers from 1365; died before Mar 1372. Gallia Christiana 3:1087–1088, 16:575. 23 Mar 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 723) commission to Petrus de Vernols, papal treasurer. No. 220 [olim 199] Bertrandus de Champignac canon of Périgueux Died Dec 1384. 18 Dec 1384 (Coll. 37, 10v–11r; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 6) commission to Petrus de Mortiers. n.d. (Coll. 37, 1v) a mutilated inventory on parchment, used as the cover of a register volume. n.d. (Coll. 37, 21r) expenses in the process of collecting the spoils. 28 Sep 1386 (Coll. 364, 39r) on behalf of the executors and heirs, the Master of Rhodes has compounded for 50 fl.; Petrus de Mortiers canon and collector of Périgueux is directed to release the goods. 5 Oct 1387 (Coll. 359, 241v–242r) chamberlain FC directs Petrus de Champignac to pay his 40-fr. debt to his late brother as a stipend to the bearer, Joannes de Mauriac. No. 221 [olim 203] Bertrandus de Deux bishop of Nîmes Formerly prior of Sumène OCSA (Nîmes); bishop from 1342; died at Montefiascone Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:450–451. 23 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3939) orders Petrus Hugues to collect these and other spoils. 31 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:417) executors pay 1000 fl. of a composition for 2000 fl. 1 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:428) they pay 1000 fl. 16 Mar 1350 (Coll. 497, 43r) Gaucelmus de Deux abbot of Psalmody obligated to a composition of 250 fl. 5 Nov 1354 (VQ 7:59) Antonius de Fontenac, papal courier, pays 100 fl. of his debt of 250 fl. No. 222 [olim 205] Bertrandus Gasqui provost of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus) Died before Aug 1345. 3 Aug 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1862) commission to Joannes Regis rector of S. Gérons (Saint-Flour) and Raymundus Noulon archdeacon of Aix. 9 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1954) commission to Petrus Chautard rector of Tornac (Nîmes) and Joannes Regis. 26 May 1346 (VQ 5:370) Joannes Regis, commissioner, pays 90 fl. Flor., 8 fl. Ped. 17 Jun 1346 (VQ 5:372) successor Guigo pays 200 fl. of a composition for 1000 fl. 31 Oct 1346 (VQ 5:377–378) he pays 350 fl. 22 Dec 1346 (VQ 5:379) he pays 275 fl. 19 Jul 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3377) Imbertus Raynouardi, who stole goods, is freed from prison by the influence of relatives at Avignon. 4 Aug 1347 (VQ 5:393) Imbertus Raynouardi, chamberlain of Pignans, pays 250 fl. of a composition for 1000 fl. for stolen goods. 31 Oct 1347 (VQ 5:396) successor pays 275 fl. of a composition. No. 223 [olim 204] Bertrandus d’Héracle prior of S. Enimie OSB (Mende) Died before Jul 1333. 31 Jul 1333 (VQ 1:484) Bernardus abbot of S. Chaffre (Le Puy) pays 448 fl. Flor., 153 fl. Ped., 9 d. Tur. gros. No. 224 [olim 206] Bertrandus la Lana priest of Bordeaux Died in Curia before Feb 1375. 6 Feb 1375 (Coll. 356, 2v–3r; De Cros Calendar I, 412) executors Raymundus Bernard de Roqueis abbot of Sauve-Majeure (Bordeaux), Thomas Rapunta Lic.Decr., and Petrus Barrot canon of Bordeaux (Fasti 13:372) are obligated to a composition for 500 fl., and promise to observe the moderatio. 6 Feb 1375 (Coll. 356, 2v–3r; De Cros Calendar I, 413) orders the dean, canons, and officialis of Bordeaux to cooperate with the executors. Aug 1375 (IM 2877, 5) Abbot Raymundus pays 18 fl. of his composition. Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8) he pays 18 fl. 30 Oct 1375 (OS 42, 40r) he pays the composition in full. No. 225 [olim 207] Bertrandus de Languisel bishop of Nîmes Bishop from 1280; died 8 Jan 1323. Gallia Christiana 6:447–449. 30 Aug 1324 (VQ 1:487) the executor of the successor Armandus de Vernovo pays 1000 fl. No. 226 [olim 208] Bertrandus Malsang abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles) Died 16 Aug 1316. Gallia Christiana 1:611–612. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 324 n. 4, 325 n. 1. 14 Jul 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 7763–7766) orders the judge of the Comtat Venaissin and Cardinal Vitalis du Four OFM to compel nephews and holders of goods to surrender them. 12 Mar 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3801) commission to Hugo d’Engolême and Oliverius de Serzeto to collect the spoils from the castle of Miramas (Arles) where the abbot died. 15 Oct 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3996) the commissioners are ordered to compel holders of the spoils to surrender them. No. 227 [olim 210] Bertrandus de Manso bishop of Lodève Bishop from 1332; died 21 Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:555–556. 19 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3921) commission to Bernardus André. 25 Jul 1348 (Coll. 474, 2r–16r; Bibliothèques II, 348.56, p. 254–261) inventory by commissioner Bernardus André. 22 Sep 1348 (VQ 5:411) payments by commissioner. 27 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:425) he pays 600 écus, 30 fl. 19 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:430) he pays 300 fl. for animals sold. 11 Feb 1350 (VQ 5:433) he pays 67 fl. Ped., 82 s. Tur. 4 Dec 1350 (VQ 5:442) Berengarius Guillelmi lord of Clermont pays 30 fl. which he had owed to the bishop. 11 Feb 1351 (VQ 5:443) commissioner pays 100 écus. 2 Aug 1351 (VQ 5:447–448) he pays 70 écus, 24 fl. Ped. 5 Apr 1354 (VQ 7:49–50) vicar Pontius de Onsseria pays 1 gold georgius for a debt of conscience received by him. 5 Apr 1354 (VQ 7:50 = OS 23A, 102v) Raymundus André pays a composition of 200 fl. 25 Apr 1354 (Coll. 474, 17r–54v) commissioner’s accounts. No. 228 [olim 209] Bertrandus de Maumont bishop of Poitiers Formerly secular abbot of Le Dorat (Limoges) papal chaplain and familiar; bishop of Tulle from 1371, of Poitiers from 1376; died 12 Aug 1385. Gallia Christiana 2:671–672, 1194. Fasti 10:125–128. 6 Mar 1388 (IM 3344; Bibliothèques II, 365.6, p. 457–458) Joannes François, collector of Bourges and Poitiers, returns a missal to the nephew, Bertrandus de Maumont, prothonotary apostolic. No. 229 [olim 211] Bertrandus du Mazel collector of Aragon Died before Apr 1384. Glénisson, “Un agent de la Chambre apostolique” 89–119. 22 Apr 1384 (Coll. 360, 105v–106r; Favier, Finances pontificales 275 n. 2) chamberlain FC accepts the obligation of the nephew Guillelmus Passabas to a composition of 400 fr. No. 230 Bertrandus Mitte abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) Abbot from 1374; died before Sep 1389. Gallia Christiana 16:198. 27 Sep 1389 (Coll. 365, 32r) FC instructs Joannes Lavergne precentor of Lodève, collector of Lyon (Case no. 766), to pay 24 écus owed by the provisor of Chalon-sur-Saône OSAnt to Petrus de Jouy archdeacon of Vauxrenard (Mâcon) for his expenses while traveling to the collectory on Cameral business. 16 Oct 1389 (Coll. 365, 38rv) FC directs the collector to pay to Jacobus Barnicherini J.U.Lic. the just reward of 15 years’ service. 8 Nov 1389 (Coll. 365, 36v–37r) FC directs the collector to to transfer 200 fr. to Bertrandus de Rotheone domicellus, familiar of Louis duc de Bourbon, for his past services to the abbot. No. 231 Bertrandus Noguerol canon of Béziers Died before Feb 1387. 24 Feb 1387 (Coll. 364, 86r) the canon had license to make a testament and did so; his goods were taken by the dean and chapter. Sicardus de Bourguerol and Raymundus Tessier subcollector of Béziers are commissioned to collect the spoils, subject to the moderatio. No. 232 Bertrandus de Palaiano abbot of Montolieu OSB (Carcassonne) Died before Feb 1393. Gallia Christiana 6:996. 26 Feb 1393 (Coll. 369, 109v) Petrus de S. Martial archbishop of Toulouse asks the return of 100 fr. and a Liber Sextus and Clementinae in one volume, lent to the abbot; Sicardus de Bourguerol is so ordered. 29 May 1393 (Coll. 369, 177r–178v) the spoils are released to the successor Elias for a composition of 200 écus. No. 233 [olim 212] Bertrandus de Pébrac OClun bishop of Vabres Formerly prior of Ventadour, then of S. Martin des Champs OClun (Paris); bishop of Vabres from 1352; died before May 1359. Gallia Christiana 1:279, 7:532–533. Rotuli Parisienses 2:500. 13 May 1359 (IM 2162) minute of the commission to Joannes de Garrigue provost of Barcelona, collector of Portugal. 1357 x 1359 (Coll. 154, 213v–214r) accounts of Guillelmus Guilbert, collector general in Spain. n.d. (Coll. 149, 168v) Guillelmus Guilbert accounts for net receipts of 323 fl. 4 s. Nov 1359 – Mar 1362 (Coll. 75, 233r–236v) Joannes de Cavanhac, collector of Vabres, gathered 378 fl. after the departure of Guillelmus Guilbert. There is a note on 236v–237v of the spoils of benefices belonging to the episcopal mensa, collected as fruits of the vacancy. 5 Mar 1361 (Coll. 231, 127r) cardinal Guillelmus d’Aigrefeuille of Zaragoza pays 300 fl. for a mitre (cf. VQ 7:334). 31 May 1361 (VQ 7:338) collector Joannes de Cavanhac pays 310 fl. 15 s. from the sale of a cross, mitre, etc. 1361 (Coll. 78, 141r–146v) remains, including the subspoils mentioned above, in the accounts of Joannes de Cavanhac. 1363–1366 (Coll. 80, 124r–126v, copy 265r–267v) collector Guillelmus Amarant reports the remains of all spoils as 177 fl. 2 gros. and £13.6.8. 1386 (Coll. 84, 260r–262r) remains reported by Raymundus de Senans. 12 Jul 1388 (Coll. 394, 255v) Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Graulhet (Castres), collector of Vabres, reports arrears delivered to him by his predecessor as collector: £91.17.4. No. 234 [olim 213] Bertrandus du Puy OSB bishop of Montauban Formerly abbot of Montauban OSB; first bishop from 1317; died traveling from the Curia at Beaucaire before Aug 1317. Gallia Christiana 13:233. 11 Nov 1316 (EFR Jean XXII communes 1802) licentia testandi. 21 Aug 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 4812) commission to Galhardus prior of the late priory of Villemur (Toulouse) to sell the goods of the late bishop, who died in debt. No. 235 [olim 214] Bertrandus Raffin bishop of Rodez Lic.Decr.; formerly archdeacon in the diocese of Lleida; collector of Narbonne; papal chaplain; clerk of the Camera; died in Curia before May 1385. Gallia Christiana 1:223. Rotuli Parisienses 3:827. Fasti 6:97–98. 1 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 6rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 127 n. 10, 253 n. 3) the chamberlain orders Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Graulhet (Castres), collector of Rodez, and Joannes de Segur LL.D vicar of Rodez (Fasti 6:184), subcollector of Rodez and Vabres, to make an inventory and to hold the spoils, subject to the moderatio. n.d. (IE 354, 51v; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 1) sale of ornaments to the successor Henricus de Severi (Fasti 6:99–100). 13 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 7r) FC orders Raymundus de Monteronis, marshal of the Curia, to provide security for the collectors of the spoils in the castles and fortresses belonging to the bishopric of Rodez. 13 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 7v) similarly to the chapter of Rodez. 13 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 8v) similarly, address lacking. 13 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 8v–9r) similarly to Jean III count of Armagnac. 22 May 1385 (IM 3203, 6) Ginnotus Bonasos, domicellus, pays 74 fl. Cam. 16 s. toward his composition. 1386 (Coll. 84, 93r) accounts of collector Raymundus de Senans. 1386 (Coll. 394, 254v, 256v) quittance to collector by FC: 120 fr. from the sale of oats. n.d. (IE 359, 39r and 164r and IE 360, 50v, 58v, 68v; Favier, Finances pontificales 266 n. 6–7, 288 n. 8) the collector is to repay loans made to the bishop by the bullator Geraldus Lamy and the changer Petrus de Méjanès. n.d. (IE 360, 70v, IE 363, 83r; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 13) the collector should pay the rent for two houses occupied in Avignon by the bishop. n.d. (IE 360, 81r and 1006v; Favier, Finances pontificales 271 n. 2) funeral expenses. 12 Mar 1394 (Coll. 371, 98v–99r) the bishop owed 90 fr. to Joannes Pogelle merchant of Montpellier. Guillelmus Fabri monk of Montmajour OSB (Arles), subcollector of Maguelonne, should pay that sum to Germanus Paide, son of Joannes Pogelle. No. 236 [olim 215] Bertrandus Retranni provost of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus) Died before Sep 1326. 21 Sep 1326 (VQ 1:517) commissioners Ludovicus de Petragrossa and Guillelmus Lemozini pay the Camera 1060 fl. 49 s. 7 d. Tur. gros., 10 agni, and precious vessels. 4 Dec 1326 (VQ 1:517) successor Rostagnus de Minulis (Case no. 1261) pays 500 fl. of a composition for 1000 fl. 19 May 1327 (VQ 1:517) he pays 500 fl. No. 237 Bertrandus Robert OSB bishop of Montauban Formerly abbot of Tournus OSB (Chalon-sur-Saône), bishop of Montauban from 1380; died 5 Sep 1403. Gallia Christiana 4:974, 13:239–240. 4 Dec 1403 (RA 320, 69v–70r) FC orders Petrus du Pont canon of Lectoure, collector of Toulouse and Auch, to observe the moderatio, this at the petition of Geraldus du Puy bishop-elect of Montauban. No. 238 [olim 216] Bertrandus de la Roche papal scribe Died in Curia before Jun 1375. 8 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 26r; De Cros Calendar I, 501) executors pay composition. 28 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 28r; De Cros Calendar I, 511) executor Pontius de la Garde is permitted to collect spoils with the powers of a papal collector. No. 239 [olim 217] Bertrandus de Sabrano prior of S. Genet de Martigues OCSA (Arles) Died before Dec 1329. 13 Dec 1329 (VQ 1:561) Petrus Gervais pays 380 agni and 41 m. 3¼ unc. of silver. ca. May 1330 (OS 12, 128r) Arnaldus de Villaneuve knight pays 100 agni of 400 agni which he had owed to the prior. 13 Dec 1330 (OS 12, 129v) Petrus Gervais pays 2300 agni. 17 Aug 1331 (OS 12, 144v) Arnaldus de Villeneuve pays the balance of his debt. 9 Mar 1334 (VQ 1:371) Pontius de Péret pays 34 fl. owed by Bertrandus for the goods of his predecessor. No. 240 [olim 218] Bertrandus de S. Geniès patriarch of Aquileia J.U.D.; formerly dean of Angoulême, papal chaplain and familiar, nuncio in Roma (see letters in IE 140, 54rv); patriarch from 1334; died 6 Jun 1350. Gallia Christiana 2:1027. Baluze-Mollat 2:190 and 3:348. 28 Aug 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 61107) licentia testandi. 28 Jun 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2236) commission to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello). No. 241 [olim 219] Bertrandus de S. Martial OSB bishop of Saint-Papoul Formerly monk of Tulle and prior of Port-Dieu OSB (Limoges); bishop of Tulle from 1344, of Saint-Papoul from 1347; died 9 Aug 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:669, 13:303. 5 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 215v–216v; Aubert Calendar 28, p. 74) composition by executor Petrus de S. Martial bishop of Rieux, 2500 fl. for spoils and vacancy. 22 Aug 1362 (VQ 7:419) executor pays 300 fl. Sep – Oct 1362 (VQ 7:422) he pays 460 fl. 1362 (OS 23A, 105r) the full composition was paid. No. 242 [olim 220] Bertrandus Senherii sacristan of Lombez Former treasurer of the March of Ancona; died before Oct 1343. 24 Oct 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 483) commission to Joannes de Ripière prior of the Hospital at Roma and Pisa, rector of the March of Ancona. 5 Feb 1345 (VQ 5:354) Joannes de Ripière (Case no. 242) pays 38 fl. 13 s. 4 d. from spoils. No. 243 [olim 221] Bertrandus de la Tour d’Auvergne bishop of Le Puy Lic.J.C., former secular abbot of S. Genès (Clermont); bishop of Toul from 1353, of Le Puy from 1361; died 14 May 1382. Gallia Christiana 2:727–729, 13:1027–1028. Fasti 17:99–100. 4 Jun 1382 (Coll. 359, 121rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1038) the chamberlain PC orders the collector Pontius de Cros to take the overdue services from the spoils, to observe the moderatio, and to give the family property to the successor and heir. 12 Jun 1382 (Coll. 359, 123v) the collector is ordered to pay a debt of 120 fr. to Aysilia, the lady of Godet. 20 Jun 1382 (Coll. 85, 108r–109v) spoils received by the collector Pontius de Cros from his predecessor Vitalis de Bosméjo: a net profit of £469.1.8. 10 Dec 1382 (Coll. 360, 30r; De Cros Calendar II, 1101) collector is licensed to make a composition, which should be as high as possible, with the debtors and holders of the spoils. No. 244 [olim 222] Bisantius bishop of Troia Died before Aug 1340. 17 Aug 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2852) advance reservation. 23 Sep 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8325) commission to Geraldus de Laval canon of Napoli. No. 245 [olim 223] Blasius OCist bishop of Chiusi Formerly abbot of SS. Vito and Salcio (Chieti); bishop from 1353; died before 21 Aug 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre. 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) commission, dated 14 Dec, expedited by Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre, to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and himself. No. 246 [olim 224] Blasius bishop of Jubail (Syria) Died at the monastery of Monteoliveti (Arezzo) before 14 Apr 1334. 1334 (IE 145, 27v–28v; Bibliothèques I, 334.3, p. 119) account by commissioner Pontius Stephani, including a list of books. No. 247 [olim 225] Blasius Fernandi archbishop of Toledo Formerly dean of Toledo; bishop of Palencia from 1343; archbishop of Toledo from 1353; died 7 Mar 1362. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 170 and 176–177. 30 Apr 1354 (RA 128, 599r) licentia testandi. 9 Sep 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1117) commission to Petrus Carit and Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga) and Martinus Gonzales to collect the spoils in the event of the death of the archbishop, magna corporis infirmitate gravati. No. 248 [olim 226] Bonabius de Rochefort bishop of Nantes Bishop since 1338; died before Jan 1340. Gallia Christiana 14:825 gives the name Barnabas. 7 Jan 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 673–674) commission. 9 Feb 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1481) instructions to the commissioner Raymundus de Caunes to collect goods held by the bishop’s successor Oliverius Salahaddin. No. 249 [olim 228] Bonifatius bishop of Como D.Decr., former canon of Vicenza; bishop of Modena from 1336, of Como from 1340; died 1351. 1 Sep 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2681) commission to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello). 8 Nov 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2700) orders him to recover goods from holders who claim them as gifts, etc. No. 250 [olim 227] Bonifatius de Durfort prior of Notre-Dame de la Daurade OClun (Toulouse) Prior from 1344; died before Sep 1363. Gallia Christiana 13:107–108. 9 Jan 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 760) Pontius de Andorta, proctor to the prior, suspect of theft; commissioners Bertrandus de Castanier and Guillelmus Dominici cited him and he did not appear; they are to cite him to appear before the chamberlain within 20 days. 1364 (Coll. 235, 122rv; Bibliothèques II, 363.7, p. 349–350) commissioners’ accounts. 1371 (Coll. 18, 215r–216r) commissioners’accounts; total collections 89 fl. 5 gros. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156r) Aymericus Pellicier reports 88 fl. 16 gros. collected, 247 fl. 9 gros. and 21 m. silver remaining. No. 251 [olim 229] Bonjoannes archbishop-elect of Patras Former bishop of Diacovar from 1348, of Fermo from 1349; elect of Patras 5 Apr 1363; died before 21 Jul 1363. 24 Aug 1363 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 570) commission to Geraldus de Portali, treasurer of Romagnola. No. 252 [olim 230] Bonuspar de Lordat prior of Chirac OSB (Mende) Died before Apr 1334. 16 Apr 1334 (VQ 1:373) Ratherius de Lenaco abbot of S. Victor (Marseille) (Gallia Christiana 1:692) pays 150 fl. through Durandus Mercatoris. No. 253 [olim 231] Bonuspar Virgili bishop of Mende Formerly provost of Mende, LL.D., papal subdeacon and familiar; bishop of Uzès from 1366, of Mende from 1371; died 31 Jul 1375. Gallia Christiana 1:100, 6:638. Fasti 8:111–114. 3 Oct 1375 (Coll. 356, 66r–67r; De Cros Calendar I, 583, 584) letters accepting the composition by the executor Blancus Duriane and ordering the collector Petrus de Montaurose to release the spoils to him. Nov 1375 (IM 2877, 9) executor pays his composition of 2000 fl. Cam. with 1969 fl. and two mules. 15 Nov 1375 (OS 42, 42v–43r) composition received: 1838 fr. 12 s. and five mules for 161 fr. 9 gros. No. 254 Bozo Ubertini bishop of Arezzo Formerly provost of Arezzo; bishop from 1325; died before Jan 1355. 2 Jan 1355 (RV 237, 7v) commission to Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini to collect the spoils of the late bishop. No. 255 [olim 232] Canhardus bishop of Couserans LL.D.; formerly sacristan of Comminges; bishop from 1348; died before 14 May 1358. Gallia Christiana 1:1135–1136, 13:329. 14 May 1358 (RV 243, 145v–146r) commission to Raymundus Roger canon of Troyes. 1 Mar 1359 (Cambarou Calendar 19 p. 208) an order to the provost (Guillelmus Arnaldi de Guiscarolio), the sacristan of Lombez, and Petrus Brunel canon of Cambraif to give the spoils to the bishop’s heirs Bernardus, Aymericus, and Joannes de Sabalhano, and to allow the successor Joannes 1680 fl. for his support. 16 Apr 1359 (VQ 7:261–262 = OS 23A, 105r) executors and successor Joannes de Rochechouart pay a composition of 1200 fl. No. 256 [olim 233] Capulus abbot of S. Pietro OSB (Perugia) Died before Nov 1363. 4 Nov 1363 (OS 23A, 94v) successor Philippus obligated to a composition of 200 fl. Apr, Jul 1364 (IM 2339, 9r, 17r) Nicolaus Nardi provost of S. Cristina de Bulcono (Orvieto), subcollector of the March of Ancona and Duchy of Spoleto, pays to the treasury 2500 fl. and 2079 fr. from these and other spoils of prelates. No. 257 Carolus d’Alençon OP archbishop of Lyon Archbishop from 1365; died 5 Jul 1375. Gallia Christiana 4:169–170. 6 Oct 1386 (OS 45A (formerly Coll. 363, 98v) his successor Joannes de Talaru argues that he should not be compelled to pay the 729 fl. 19s. 5d. arrears of services owed by Carolus because the spoils of Carolus were collected for that purpose. His petition is approved by FC. No. 258 Carolus Jori papal sergeant-at-arms Died before Jan 1362. 15 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 221rv; Aubert Calendar 36, p. 77) commission to Petrus Pinholi priest of Vabres, to seize goods and records; the sergeant had held the vacancy of Vabres in farm for the Camera after the death of bishop Bertrandus de Pébrac (Case no. 233). 15 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 221v; Aubert Calendar 37, p. 77) a similar commission to Geraldus de Lentillac abbot of Figeac OSB (Cahors). No. 259 [olim 235] Centellus d’Astarac provost of Toulouse Died 21 Aug 1361. Gallia Christiana 13:80. Nov 1361 (Coll. 235, 73r–77v; Bibliothèques II, 361.7, p. 335–337) accounts of the collector Bertrandus de Castanier. 1364 (Coll. 235, 117r–118v) further receipts. 1371 (Coll. 18, 209v–212v) remains of debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier: 383 fl. 10 gros. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147r, 155v) Aymericus Pellicier reports 383 fl. 10 gros. 9 Barc. collected; 376 fl. 4 gros. 9 Barc. remaining, and grain as well. No. 260 [olim 236] Christoforus de Tramonto bishop of Bisignano Formerly canon of Nola; bishop of Umbriatico from 1333, of Bisignano from 1347; died before Mar 1354. 16 Mar 1354 (Coll. 169, 51r) subcommissioner Arnaldus de Gretuilla pays for spoils 17 unc. 34 tar. 20 gran. and two silver cups, 1 lb. 6 unc. No. 261 Clemens de Grandmont bishop of Lodève LL.D.; Formerly cleric of Tournai; regent M.A. of Paris; canon of Cambrai; archdeacon of Angers; auditor of the Camera from 1382; bishop from 1385; died 28 May 1392. Gallia Christiana 6:559. Rotuli Parisienses 2:341, 3:166, 458 n., 766–767, 930 n. Fasti 7:220. 2 Apr 1393 (Coll. 369, 171v–172r) the executors claim that the Camera owed the bishop 1900 fl., and FC orders that claim to be honored. 7 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 8v–9r) the excommunication of holders of the goods is revoked because the executors have compounded with the Camera for 1900 fl. No. 262 Conradus abbot of S. Pietro di Paliano OCist (Palestrina) Died before Sep 1357. 27 Sep 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3048) commission to Joannes Mucii archdeacon of Cortona, treasurer of Campania and Marittima; the reservation had been by Clement VI. No. 263 [olim 237] Conradus treasurer of the church of Coimbra Died in Curia before Apr 1355. 30 Apr 1355 (VQ 7:91) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 35 fl. 30 gros. Tur. and 38 s. Avin. No. 264 [olim 238] Cyprianus abbot of S. Sofia OSB (Benevento) Died 18 Oct 1344. 19 Oct 1344 – 17 Feb 1345 (Coll. 168, 43v–45r; Bibliothèques I, 344.7, p. 158–159) Guillelmus de Rosières collects goods worth 70 unc. 33 tar. 20 gran., and books. No. 265 [olim 239] Dalmacius du Puy prior of Le Monastir del Camp OCSA (Elne) Died 15 May 1395. before 1405 (Coll. 160, 122v) collector Joannes de Rivesaltes of Elne receives £6.7.3 for goods. No. 266 [olim 240] Dalphinus de Marquefave bishop of Aire Former provost of Rieux; papal chaplain; bishop of Aire from 1349; died 1354. Gallia Christiana 1:1160; Gallia Christiana 13:198 lacks this name. 30 Jan 1356 (Coll. 497, 57r) Bernardus de Bellomonte, condominus of Latrape (Rieux) as heir, is obligated to a composition of 800 fl. 30 May 1356 (VQ 7:133) heir pays 197 fl. of his composition. No. 267 Dancius Davila bishop of Avila Died 1355. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 170. 10 Jan 1356 (RV 242, 157v = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1894) Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga), nuncio, is ordered to secure the spoils using summary process and ecclesiastical censures. No. 268 [olim 241] Demetrius de Matafaris bishop of Knin Formerly bishop of Pedena from 1345, of Knin from 1354; goods reserved Jan 1368. 20 Jan 1368 (Coll. 353, 97v; Aubert Calendar 467, p. 262–263) a letter of the chamberlain to Doge Andreas Contarini and officials of the Veneto asks for help in capturing the bishop, a fugitive from arrest in Roma. 9 Dec 1368 (Coll. 353, 133v–134v; Aubert Calendar 514, p. 284; Bibliothèques I, 367.6, p. 237) itemized quittance to Bertrandus Evrard, who assigned the goods to the Camera in Roma. No. 269 [olim 242] Deodatus OClun bishop of Castres Formerly prior of S. Sernin du Port (Uzès) Lic.Decr.; bishop of Castres from 1385; died before 20 Nov 1388. Gallia Christiana 1:71. 30 Nov 1388 (IM 3417) collector Raymundus de Senans sends an inventory of spoils (lost) and asks whether he should sell the grain at the current favorable prices, or wait until the next payment of fruits to the successor. 16 Dec 1388 (IM 3367; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 2) chamberlain FC’s actions: the reservation of spoils is limited by the moderatio; the goods (except the books of all faculties and the silver) have been redeemed by the successor Joannes Engeard for a composition of 3000 fl. curr. Dec 1388 (IM 3337, 26) Raymundus de Senans pays 424 fl. Cam. 7 s. 3 d. from the spoils. Feb 1389 (IM 3337, 33) Catalanus de la Roche banker buys the silver vessels for 297 fl. Cam. 25 s. 5 d. n.d. (IE 365, 10r; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 3) three rings kept by Clement VII. n.d. (IM 5246) informal note of the disposition of money and goods. No. 270 [olim 243] Deodatus abbot of S. Silvestro di Nonantola OSB (Modena) Died before Oct 1356. 1 Oct 1356 (Coll. 497, 60v) Bertrandus de Villato prior of S. Maria Maggiore promises to surrender a horse to the Camera before next Easter. No. 271 [olim 244] Deodatus Boffias subcollector of Narbonne Died 5 Apr 1375. 1375 (Coll. 157, 22r–23r) inventory of his silverware. No. 272 [olim 245] Deodatus de Canilhac OSB bishop of Maguelonne Formerly prior of Cessenon OSB (S. Pons-de-Thomières); bishop of Saint-Flour from 1347, of Maguelonne from 1361; died 15 Aug 1364. Gallia Christiana 6:790–791. 1363–1364 (IM 5216) record of emoluments of the episcopal mensa of Maguelonne. 1–15 Aug 1364 (IM 5140, 3r–27v) income of the house at Montpellier during the last month of the bishop’s life. 1365 (Coll. 137, 1r–24r) accounts of spoils and vacancy by the collector Joannes de Garrigue. The parchment document Bullarium II, 8, on an unrelated matter, was once used as the cover of this quire. 1365 (RA 157, 48rv; Bibliothèques II, 364.7, p. 358–359) a copy of the last; the parchment document Bullarium II, 10 on an unrelated matter was once used as the cover of this quire. 1365 (RA 305, 537r–542r) summary of the collector’s accounts. No. 273 [olim 246] Deodatus de Nogaret prior of Ispagnac OSB (Mende) Died before May 1375. 20 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 17v; De Cros Calendar I, 475) orders the collector Petrus de Montaurose to collect the spoils from the prior’s superior, Stephanus Aubert abbot of S. Victor (Marseille) (Gallia Christiana 1:693), or from any other holders. No. 274 [olim 247] Deodatus Rotbaldo bishop of Agen Formerly canon of Agen; bishop from 1357; died before Jan 1364. Gallia Christiana 2:925. Fasti 5:102–103. 4 Jan 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 743) registered commission to Sancius Vaquier and Guillelmus Dominici. 5 Jan 1364 (IM 2335) original commission, readdressed to Bertrandus de Castanier. 9 Feb 1364 (Coll. 353, 1rv) Bertrandus de Castanier ordered to release the spoils to the successor Raymundus in consideration of a composition. 1371 (Coll. 18, 216v–226r; Bibliothèques II, 364.1, p. 355–356) accounts of Aymericus Pellicier: 304 fl. received, 185 fl. remaining. n.d. (Coll. 235, 123r–125r) accounts, showing 185 fl. remaining. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156r) Aymericus Pellicier reports 3093 fl. 11 gros., 16 Barc. collected; 185 fl., 1 gros., 9 Barc. remaining. No. 275 [olim 248] Didacus de Navasquez OCarm archbishop-elect of Torres Died about Jun 1355. ca. Jun 1355 (Coll. 211, 103r–110v, 133r–152v) spoils process with original letters. 18 Oct 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1780) commission to Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis. 19 Oct 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1781) asks Bernardus de Crudeliis, governor of Sardegna for Pere IV king of Aragon, to assist the commissioner in recovering the goods which Bernardus Suardelli is said to be holding. 26 August 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2970) commissioner Raymundus is ordered to recover from Joannes de Bardaxino OFM bishop of Doglia more than 1000 fl. worth of goods left by Didacus de Navasquez and his predecessor Bartholomeus Galmari. No. 276 [olim 249] Didacus Ramirez Guzman bishop of León Bishop from 1344; died before 15 Jan 1354. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 169–170 and 175–176. 10 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 709) commission to Didacus abbot of S. Facond (León) and Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga). The spoils were reserved in anticipation of his death by Clement VI. 29 Jun 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1003) Pedro the Cruel, king of Castile and León, is asked not to interfere in the spoils process conducted by the abbot of S. Facond OSB (León). before 1357 (Coll. 114, 39r) collector Augerius de Osserano reports receipts of 6638 marks of silver, 208 fl., 9 écus. 16 Jan 1358 (RV 243, 95v–96r) instructions to Augerius de Osserano. 25 Jun 1360 (Coll. 497, 72r) chapter obligated to a composition of 400 fl. 5 Apr 1361 (Coll. 231, 129v; VQ 7:335) Martinus Alfonsi, portionarius of León, pays 200 fl. of the composition. 15 Jun 1361 (VQ 7:340 = OS 23A, 98v) he pays the other 200 fl. No. 277 [olim 250] Dinus de Radicofano archbishop of Pisa Formerly provost of Genova, D.Decr., papal chaplain; patriarch of Grado from 1332; archbishop of Genova from 1337, of Pisa from 1342; died before Oct 1348. 5 Oct 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7934) licentia testandi. 14 Oct 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1728) commission to Andreas di Todi. 31 Mar 1349 – Jan 1350 (Coll. 245, 127v–131v; Bibliothèques I, 348.85, p. 186–191) receipts of spoils by collector Andreas di Todi. 6 Jul, 8 Sep 1352 (Coll. 246, 91v–92v; Bibliothèques I, 348.85, p. 189) sales of books. 5 Dec 1364 (Coll. 231, 13r–16r) Raynerius, subcollector and commissioner, is directed to pay for this and other commissions. No. 278 [olim 251] Dominicus d’Angais abbot of La Case-Dieu OPraem (Auch) Died 26 Oct 1360. Gallia Christiana 1:1033. 23 Jan 1361 (BnF Languedoc Doat V, 373r, cit. Clergeac, Chronologie 29–30) Innocent VI orders Radulphus de Vassinhac provost of S. Just (Auch) and Petrus Brunel canon of Cambrai to gather the spoils of the late abbot. 21 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:364) Petrus Brunel pays 53 fl., 551 écus, 560 mutones, 62 reg., 6 s. Avin. 18 Jul 1362 (OS 31, 156r–157r; Aubert Calendar 87, p. 98–99) quittance to Bertrandus de Moleria for the balance of his composition of 500 fl., in view of the late collector’s fraudulent collection of 1000 gold pieces. No. 279 [olim 252] Dominicus de Campocassio canon of Genova, nuncio and collector in Corsica and Genova Died before 16 Jan 1363. 16 Jan – 24 Mar 1363 (IM 2299; Bibliothèques I, 363.1, p. 213–214) commissioners Guido Scettem archbishop of Genova and Raphael della Torre report their inquest into the nuncio’s spoils; he died with accounts outstanding. No. 280 [olim 253] Dominicus Grima OP bishop of Pamiers Bishop from 1326; died 30 Jan 1348. Gallia Christiana 13:161–162. 29 Jul 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1854) commission ante mortem to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). 13 Jan 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3691) commission to Morerius de Morières. n.d. (Coll. 30, 283r) accounts of commissioner Raymundus Roger. n.d. (Coll. 233, 48r–91r; Bibliothèques II, 348.05, p. 227–228) accounts of subcollector Bernardus Sayseti, commissioned by Morerius de Morières, rendered to Martinus de Gérard. after 1353 (Coll. 31, 190v–191v) accounts of collector Martinus de Gérard. 1360 x 1363 (Coll. 18, 193v–203r) collections by Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier: £106.17.1 Tur. 1360 x 1363 (Coll. 235, 61r–66v) arrears collected by Bertrandus de Castanier. No. 281 [olim 254] Donusdei Malavolti bishop of Siena Formerly canon of Siena, papal notary; bishop from 1317; died Apr 1350. 9 Mar 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 56621) licentia testandi. 17 Apr 1350 (RA 108, 21r–56v; Bibliothèques I, 350.3, p. 192–193) process by commissioner Andreas di Todi. 27 Dec 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2364) commission to Andreas di Todi. 15 Feb 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2389) commission repeated. 4 Apr 1351 – 17 Jan 1352 (Coll. 246, 91r) executors pay composition of 1000 fl. in three terms. No. 282 [olim 255] Dragonetus Artaud de Montauban OSB bishop of Gap Formerly bishop of S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux from 1310, of Gap from 1328; died Mar 1349. Gallia Christiana 1:467, 718. Gallia Christiana Novissima 4:126–136, 1:497–498. 10 Jun 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3605) licentia testandi. 11 Jun 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 60521) licentia testandi, although he is a Benedictine monk. 12 Mar 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4103) commission to Guillelmus de Balma dean of Avignon, collector of Arles. 10 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4163) instructions. 2 Mar 1350 (VQ 5:433) collector makes payment. 6 Mar 1350 (VQ 5:434) he pays 140 fl. from sales. 1 Sep 1350 (VQ 5:439) he pays 400 fl. 12 Dec 1351 (VQ 5:602) he pays arrears. 1353 (RA 125, 210v; Bibliothèques II, 349.3, p. 282–283) books in the papal treasure. 28 Feb 1354 (VQ 7:48) he pays 300 fl. 16 Feb 1356 (Coll. 497, 57v) successor Henricus de Poitiers, now bishop of Troyes (Case no. 592), is obligated to a composition of 40 fl. No. 283 Durandus abbot of S. Pierre de Nant OSB (Vabres) Obligated himself for services 19 Oct 1352 (OS 22, 132r); died before Dec 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:285. 23 Dec 1361 (VQ 6, 333) Joannes Calhafer, treasurer of Vabres, pays 30 fl. composition. No. 284 [olim 256] Durandus Braxerie canon of Embrun and Gap Died before Mar 1332. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 337 n. 5. 31 Mar 1332 (VQ 1:516) nephew Guillelmus Braxerie pays 250 fl., the sentence against him for receiving reserved spoils. No. 285 [olim 257] Durandus de Chapelle de Lescamel bishop of Maguelonne Formerly cantor of Rouen; bishop of Couserans from 1345, of Rieux from 1348, of Maguelonne from 1353; died before Nov 1360. Gallia Christiana 1:1135, 6:788–789, 13:188. Fasti 2:171. 14 Nov 1360 (Coll. 231, 106v; VQ 7:302 = OS 23A, 104v) nephew Geraldus de Lescamel pays composition of 6000 fl. n.d. (Coll. 149, 167v–168r) collector Guillelmus Guilbert gives the nephew 803 fl. from spoils. No. 286 [olim 258] Durandus Laurentii bishop of Lamego Formerly canon of Lamego; bishop from 1349; died before 1363. 20 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 181v–182r; Aubert Calendar 158, p. 125) notifies collector Guillelmus Pilot of the composition of successor Laurentius, 300 fl. 20 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 182rv; Aubert Calendar 159, p. 125) orders dean and chapter to release spoils to successor. 12 Nov 1364 (IM 2339, 24; IE 303, 24v) successor Laurentius pays 150 fl. of a composition of 300 fl. for spoils and vacancy. No. 287 [olim 259] Eblo de Biron dean of Psalmody (Nîmes) Died before Jun 1347. 8 Jun 1347 (Coll. 497, 32v) abbot Guillelmus obligated to a composition of 900 fl. 18 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:390) he pays 847 fl. No. 288 [olim 260] Eblo de Miers bishop of Vaison Formerly archdeacon of S. Serène (Cahors) clerk of the Camera, papal chaplain and familiar; bishop from 1371; died before 27 Jan 1380. Gallia Christiana 1:932. 24 Jul 1380 (Coll. 359, 48r; De Cros Calendar II, 846) successor Raymundus de Bona OP is to be supported with 230 fl. until the new fruits. n.d. (IE 352, 24r; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 3) a crozier, formerly of bishop Joannes Maurel, sold to a money changer. No. 289 Eblo du Puy bishop of Chartres Formerly subdean of Chartres; bishop from 10 Sep 1376; died 26 Feb 1380. Gallia Christiana 8:1178. 9 Apr 1380 (Coll. 359, 28v–29r; De Cros Calendar II, 791) chamberlain orders the commissioners to pay 1000 fl. to Cardinal Guido de Malsec, 1000 fl. to Cardinal Geraldus du Puy. No. 290 [olim 5] Egidius Bellemère bishop of Avignon J.U.Prof., formerly auditor of contradicted letters; bishop of Lavaur from 1383, of Le Puy from 1390, of Avignon from 1392; died 24 Mar 1407. Gallia Christiana 1:826–827, 2:730, 13:334–336. Gallia Christiana Novissima 7:463–478. Rotuli Parisienses vol. 3, passim. Gilles, “La vie et les oeuvres de Gilles Bellemère” 30–136, 382–431. 1 Apr 1407 (RA 51, 57r; RA 54, 95r) reservation of spoils. n.d. (RA 325, 499v) rubric of a letter directing Nicolaus de Roncesvalles, clerk of the Camera, and Simon de Prades, collector of Provence, to collect the spoils. No. 291 [olim 6] Egidius Blasii Boni de Cortonio OESA bishop of Vicenza Died in Curia before Jun 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 1000 fl. composition. 15 Sep 1362 (Coll. 231, 142r) commissioner Raymundus de Salgis archbishop of Embrunf pays 300 fl. 16 Sep 1362 (Coll. 231, 142v) commissioner pays 289 fl. No. 292 Egidius Sanchez notary of the Apostolic See Died before Dec 1388. 17 Dec 1388 (Coll. 364, 181v–182r) his spoils were reserved, but granted to his brother Petrus Sanchez at the petition of Joan I, king of Aragon. No. 293 [olim 7] Egidius de Viana bishop of Idanha Formerly dean of Idanha; bishop from 1358; died before 26 May 1363. ca.1370 (Arm. XXXIII, to.18, 176r–180r) spoils accounts of Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon: £2050.1.4 received for the last three bishops of Idanha. No. 294 Elias bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin D.Decr., papal chaplain; formerly preceptor of S. Antoine OSAnt (Périgueux); bishop from 1356; died before Dec 1362. 22 Dec 1362 (IE 303, 8v–9r) a debt of the church of Valencia to the church of Segorbe was claimed as part of the spoils of Elias and of his predecessor Sancius Dull (Case no. 1268); Vitalis de Blanco bishop of Valencia pays 518 fl. 6 s. 6 d. by hand of his proctor Arnaldus de Thorono abbot of S. Genis des Fontaines OSB (Elne). 11 Feb 1363 (IM 6274) mention of the reservation of spoils by Innocent VI. No. 295 [olim 261] Elias de Champeriis abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) Died 14 Oct 1362. Gallia Christiana 6:958–959. 16 Feb 1363 (IE 303, 9v–10r) Jordanus de Haya, procurator fiscal substitute, and Deodatus Boffias, commissioners, pay 1809 fl., 1200 écus. 18 Feb 1363 (OS 31, 169v–170r; Aubert Calendar 124, p. 110–111) itemized quittance for silverware assigned to the Camera from the spoils by Jordanus and Deodatus. 25 Feb 1363 (Coll. 497, 82v) successor Raymundus Foucault obligated to a composition of 50 fl. 25 Feb 1363 (OS 31 169r; Aubert Calendar 125, p. 111) notes that the inventory by Bernardus de Maloduno, Lic.Decr. and proctor of the successor Raymundus Foucault, showed a value of 700 fl. and that the composition was for 200 fl. 28 Feb 1363 (VQ 6, 23) Anglicus Grimoard receives 37 m. 7 unc. of silverware from the spoils, as in an inventory by Joannes Palaysini, as part-payment for the fruits of Avignon. 18 Apr 1363 (OS 31, 175v; Aubert Calendar 139, p. 118) orders Joannes de Garrigue, collector of Narbonne, and his subcollector in Carcassonne to release a mitre, cross, chalice, two canetae, and two vestments to the successor Raymundus Foucault in consideration of a future composition. 19 Apr 1363 (OS 31, 175v–176r; Aubert Calendar 140, p. 118) commission to Raymundus Folcaudi to collect the spoils, less a debt owed to Rigaldus de Champeriis. 20 Apr 1363 (OS 31, 175rv; Aubert Calendar 141, p. 119) obligation of the successor Raymundus for half of the spoils. 28 Nov 1363 (OS 31, 207rv; Aubert Calendar 201, p. 147–148) second successor Guido de Brolio (Case no. 431) obligated to the composition owed by Raymundus Foucault. 17 Jun 1364 (IE 303, 20v, IM 2339, 15) Rigaldus de Champeriis knight pays 400 fr., 347 agni, 28 s. 6 d. of a composition of 1900 fl. offered during the abbot’s last illness. 23 Jul 1365 (IM 2417) orders Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse, to determine if frater Guisbertus de Champeriis justly owed a debt to Abbot Elias which his successor is claiming now. 19 Jan 1374 (RA 220, 269rv; De Cros Calendar I, 369) Rigaldus de Champeriis and Radulphus de Lestrange pay 1000 of the composition, and the pope remits the rest. No. 296 [olim 262] Elias de Donzenac bishop of Castres Archdeacon in the church of Konstanz, nobilis, notary apostolic; bishop of Padova from 1371, of Castres from 1373; died 30 May 1383. Gallia Christiana 1:70–71. 8 Nov 1383 (Coll. 360, 62v–63r; De Cros Calendar II, 1176) chamberlain directs Raymundus de Senans, collector of Castres, to give to Archambaldus, viscount of Comborn, 200 fr. de cygno, a horse, and a mule. 2 Jan 1384 (Coll. 360, 70rv; IM 3165; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 1) chamberlain orders the collector to turn over the spoils to the bearers, Guido Bonafos and Isarnus Cauderie, sergeants at arms. 1 Apr 1385 (Coll. 360, 232v–234r) quittance for goods to Guido Bonafos. 1386 (Coll. 84, 214v) collector declares that the subcollector has not accounted to him for the goods. No. 297 Elias de Esgallo dean of Limoges, auditor of the Rota Died before Feb 1397. 27 Feb 1397 (Coll. 372, 75v–76r; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 2) FC orders Geraldus de Coumersio, subcollector of Limoges to pay to the dean’s brother Petrus de Esgallo a loan of 100 fr. No. 298 [olim 263] Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye OSB (Bordeaux), collector of Bordeaux Died before Nov 1363. Gallia Christiana 2:880–881. 1363 (IM 2281; Bibliothèques II, 363.9, p. 350–353) inventory witnessed by Petrus de Villarerio and Guillelmus de la Roche. 29 Feb 1364 (OS 31, 130rv; Aubert Calendar 225 and 226, p. 157–158) commissions to Petrus Barrot canon of Bordeaux (Fasti 13:372) to collect debts and goods. 4 Jun 1365 (Coll. 353, 46v–47r; Aubert Calendar 322, p. 199; Bibliothèques II, 363.9, p. 353–354) quittance for books received by the Camera. No. 299 [olim 264] Elias Ortici archdeacon and canon of Périgueux Died before Dec 1384. 18 Dec 1384 (Coll. 37, 11r–12r, 21rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 265 n. 5) commissioner Petrus de Mortiers reports that he cannot collect the spoils: Petrus de Mornazo, seneschal of Périgord, has confiscated them because they were willed to the archdeacon’s nephew in English territory in Bordeaux, a rebellious act; the collector has suffered opprobrium for opening a general process against the holders of the goods, and the seneschal has threatened to arrest him and take him to Paris in chains. No. 300 [olim 266] Elias de Pons bishop of Angoulême Formerly canon of Angoulême; died before 20 Jun 1380. Gallia Christiana 2:1015. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 1 Mar 1383 (Coll. 360, 36rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1120) Bishop Joannes Bertetus OP and the dean and chapter ask for relief from the Camera’s charges, and the pope granted delay until Christmas 1383. No. 301 [olim 265] Elias du Puy abbot of S. Martial OSB (Limoges) Died before Oct 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:563–564. 1 Oct 1361 (Coll. 497, 76r) successor Aymericus obligated to a composition of 500 fl. 3 Dec 1361 (OS 31, 254v–256r; Aubert Calendar 19, p. 70) spoils released to Guido de Brolio abbot of Psalmody (Case no. 431), agent of the successor, and executor Jacobus de Sperabe, for 500 fl. composition. 12 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 77v) executor obligated to a composition of 500 fl. 18 May 1362 (VQ 7:403) Ranulphus de Perussia, marshal of justice, assumes the executor’s composition and pays 495 fl. No. 302 [olim 267] Elias de Salignac archbishop of Bordeaux Formerly bishop of Sarlat from 1359; archbishop of Bordeaux from 1361; died before Jul 1378. Gallia Christiana 2:836–837, 1516. Fasti 13:171–177. 15 Jul 1378 (Coll. 393, 67v–68v; De Cros Calendar II, 691) the treasurer at Avignon dictates the disposition of legacies to Elias Polet, collector of Bordeaux; the archbishop apparently had a licentia testandi. No. 303 [olim 268] Elias Servient bishop of Périgueux Formerly archdeacon of Périgueux; bishop from 1384; died before 22 Mar 1387. Gallia Christiana 2:1479. 15 May 1387 (Coll. 37, 14v; Favier, Finances pontificales 272 n. 3) FC orders the late bishop’s debts paid. 30 Jul 1387 (Coll. 359, 230v; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 11) chamberlain FC directs Petrus de Mortiers to collect, observing the moderatio, especially in regard to a debt due to Picardus canon of Périgueux. 31 Oct 1387 (Coll. 37, 16v) successor Petrus de Durfort is conceded the moderatio of Gregory XI, here copied in full. n.d. (Coll. 37, 23v–26v) collections and expenses. No. 304 [olim 269] Elias de Toulouse Died in Curia before May 1348. 14 May 1348 (VQ 5:406) executor pays composition of 50 fl. No. 305 [olim 270] Eliziarius Féraud de Glandèves bishop of Toulon Formerly provost of Toulon; bishop from 1317; died 11 Apr 1324. Gallia Christiana 1:749. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:165–177. 28 Apr 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26465 = IM 971) chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval orders the commissioner Petrus Raynardi, officialis of Senez, to cite Anselmus de Glandèves bishop of Glandèves to appear in the Curia in person or by proxy within 8 days to answer for the spoils; the letter is recited in the notarial act of its formal reading in the cathedral church of Glandèves, 20 Apr 1326. No. 306 [olim 271] Eliziarius de Pontèves OFM bishop of Apt Bishop from 1358; died Dec 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:365. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:254–255. 6 Apr 1362 (Coll. 497, 80r) the successor Raymundus Savini is obligated to a composition of 114 seams of grain. No. 307 [olim 272] Eliziarius de Villeneuve bishop of Digne Bishop from 1327; died 7 Oct 1341. Gallia Christiana 3:1124–1125. 8 Oct 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 894) reservation of the vacancy. 15–23 Oct 1341 (Coll. 471, 1r–24v; Bibliothèques II, 341.4, p. 185–189) accounts rendered by Durandus de Serris, including books. No. 308 Embrinus abbot of S. Pierre de Caunes-Minervois OSB (Narbonne) Abbot from 1354; died before Jan 1380. Gallia Christiana 6:174–176. 16 May 1380 (RA 220, 355v–356r; De Cros Calendar II, 809; Favier, Finances pontificales 278 n. 2) spoils should be released to the successor Joannes de Castroparro. No. 309 [olim 274] Emmingus Larsson archbishop of Uppsala Archbishop from 1342; died 15 May 1351. 17 May 1351 (Coll. 497, 74v) Benedictus Jonsson and Henricus Artursson, clerics of Uppsala, confess to receiving 410 marks in the name of the chapter. 1 Jul 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2455) commission to Joannes Guilbert. 25 Feb 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1956) Petrus Thorgilsson, the present archbishop of Uppsala, Thomas Jonsson bishop of Växjö, and Bregherus Gregersson canon of Esztergom are ordered to hand over all goods to the commissioner Joannes Guilbert. 25 Feb 1356 (Coll. 97, 42r–49v; Bibliothèques I, 351.6, p. 195–196) accounts, including an inventory of books. No. 310 [olim 275] Engelbertus de Dolen archbishop of Riga Former provost of Dorpat; bishop of Dorpat from 1323; archbishop of Riga from 1341; died in Curia 9 Sep 1347. Zutshi, “Frederick, Archbishop of Riga” 330 and n. 47. 9 Sep 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58307) licentia testandi. 1353 (RA 122, 250rv; Bibliothèques I, 347.9, p. 178–179) goods in the papal treasure. No. 311 [olim 276] Engerranus de Stella archbishop of Capua Formerly canon of Sisteron; archbishop from 1312; died before 18 Feb 1334. 13 Oct 1325 (EFR Jean XXII communes 23549) licentia testandi. 17 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1025) commission to Petrus Vitalis primicerius of Lucca. 10 May 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1378) faculty for Petrus Vitalis to receive goods from the archbishop’s brother, Ricarius de Stella, deposited in various merchant banks. 4 Aug 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2926) the abbot of S. Marie de Foresmoutier (Amiens) is commissioned to recover and properly distribute the moneys taken by the late Ricarius de Stella, pursuant to a reservation by Clement VI. 9 Feb 1361 (Martène-Durand XL, 2:876–877) directs Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini, collector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany, to collect the goods of Engarranus and Ricarius from the merchant companies Bardi, Peruzzi, and Acciaioli, and other holders in Firenze and elsewhere. 9 Feb 1361 (Martène-Durand XLI, 2:877–878) directs the citizens of Firenze to cooperate in the processes of the collector. 2 Dec 1364 (OS 23A, 90r; Aubert Calendar 283, p. 179) Franciscus de Stella, bishop-elect of Termoli, is obligated to the Camera for two-thirds of the spoils taken by Ricarius de Stella as heir. 2 Dec 1364 (Coll. 353, 24v–25v) the chamberlain commissions Stephanus Aubert, abbot of S. Victor (Marseille) and nuncio in Italy, to recover the spoils from Ricarius de Stella. No. 312 [olim 277] Ermengaudus abbot of Villemagne OSB (Béziers) Died before Aug 1368. Gallia Christiana 6:409. 20 Aug 1368 (Coll. 156, 31v) the successor Pontius pays 25 fl. of a composition to Joannes de Garrigue. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 152v) he pays 100 fr. No. 313 [olim 278] Ermengaudus abbot of Vilabertrán OCSA (Girona) Died before Nov 1347. 26 Nov 1347 (Coll. 497, 36r) the successor Dalmacius is obligated to a composition of 800 fl. 5 Feb 1348 (VQ 5:400) he pays 400 fl. 2 Jun 1348 (VQ 5:408) he pays 400 fl. No. 314 [olim 279] Ermetus Sanchez archdeacon of Segovia Died in Curia before 1370. n.d. (Coll. 116, 79r; Bibliothèques I, 370.87, p. 245) a Decretum sold at Segovia for £27.10. No. 315 [olim 280] Evenus Begaynon OP bishop of Tréguier, papal penitentiary Bishop from 1362; died before Apr 1371. Gallia Christiana 14:1126–1127. 4 Apr 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 135) commission to Guido de la Roche canon and collector of Tours. No. 316 [olim 281] Eximinus de Luna archbishop of Toledo Formerly sacristan of Zaragoza; archbishop of Zaragoza from 1296, of Tarragona from 1317, of Toledo from 1328; died before 13 May 1338. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 332. 28 Jul 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 4530) licentia testandi. 21 Jan 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 48206) licentia testandi. 4 Jun 1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1837) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. before 4 Jul 1338 (Coll. 229, 14r–24r) accounts of the commissioner Almeracius Cabrespí. 2 Aug 1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1937) money and goods deposited with Gundisalvus Garsias at Valencia and others in Catalunya and Aragon. 1 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:137) the commissioner pays 8390½ duple, etc. 30 Nov 1339 (VQ 4:149) the successor Egidius Albornoz, obligated to a composition of 3000 fl., paid in full. No. 317 [olim 282] Eximinus Sanchez de Ripavelosa bishop of Huesca Lic.Decr.; formerly provost of Girona; bishop of Huesca from 1364; died 19 Dec 1368. n.d. (Coll. 116, 115v) his heir pays a composition of 300 fl. for the remaining goods; the spoils pro maiori parte fuerant deraubata per magnos homines. No. 318 [olim 283] Fernandus bishop of Astorga Formerly secular abbot of S. Marcellus (León); bishop from 1358; died before 1 Jul 1370. n.d. 1370 (Coll. 119, 98r) report of Arnaldus de Vernols, collector of Burgos. No. 319 [olim 284] Fernandus Martinez de Burgos portionarius of Sevilla Died in Curia 1353. 7 Oct 1353 (RA 122, 337r; Bibliothèques I, 353.76, p. 200) goods in the papal treasure. 18 Nov 1353 (VQ 7:18) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 7 fl. 3 s. Avin. No. 320 [olim 285] Ferrandus Garcia archdeacon of Burgos Died before Aug 1358. 17 Aug 1358 (VQ 7:223) Joannes bishop of Jaen pays a composition of 200 fl. No. 321 [olim 286] Ferrandus Vargas bishop of Burgos Formerly bishop of Calahorra from 1352, of Burgos from 1362; died before Oct 1366. 6 Oct 1366 (OS 23A, 92r) successor Dominicus Sanchez pays a composition of 1000 fl. n.d. (Coll. 119, 98r) goods, to the value of 1000 fl., released to the successor, Dominicus de Arroyuelo. 14 Nov 1366 (Coll. 353, 76v–77r; Aubert Calendar 412, p. 233) the collector Bertrandus de Vernols is ordered to collect the value of the spoils, paying the legitimate debts of the late bishop. No. 322 [olim 287] Ferrarius de Abella OP bishop of Barcelona Formerly archbishop of Patras from 1323; bishop of Mazara del Vallo in Sicilia from 28 Sep 1330, of Barcelona from 1334; died 21 Dec 1344. 29 Dec 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1371) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí canon of Lleida. No. 323 [olim 288] Ferrarius Colom bishop of Lleida Canon of Lleida; bishop from 1334; died 3 Dec 1340. Rius Serra, “La colectoría de Almaraz Cabrespí” 368–396. 13 Dec 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2972) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 19 Jan 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2986) judicial powers to the commissioner. 14 Aug 1341 (VQ 4:181–182) commissioner Almeracius Cabrespí makes various payments from these spoils and those of Odo bishop of Cuenca (Case no. 952). 1340–1342 (Coll. 229, 60v–75v, 116v–119r; Bibliothèques I, 340.9, p. 141) the commissioner’s accounts. 12 Jan 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1294) further faculties to the commissioner. No. 324 [olim 289] Fortanerius Vassalli OFM patriarch of Grado in administration of Ravenna Minister general OFM; archbishop of Ravenna from 1347; patriarch of Grado from 1351. Created cardinal 17 Sep 1361, but died at Padova in Oct 1361, before entering the Curia. Schmitt, “Documents” 231–234. 17 Aug 1370 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 3191) commission to Bernardus de Bonval bishop of Rimini, mentioning the composition arranged with Pileus da Prata archbishop of Ravenna. 24 Dec 1372 (Coll. 358, 132v–133r; De Cros Calendar I, 245) the executors are directed to compound for 500 fl. against the goods held by cardinal Elias Talleyrand of Périgord. No. 325 [olim 290] Fortius de Auxia bishop of Poitiers Formerly canon of Poitiers; bishop from 1314; died 8 Aug 1357. Gallia Christiana 2:1190–1191. Fasti 10:107–113. 9 Nov 1316 (EFR Jean XXII communes 1782) licentia testandi. 13 Sep 1355 (RV 239, 211v–212r) commission to Guido Geraud canon of Poitiers (Fasti 10:229). 11 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 883) commission to Sancius Vaquier to recover the goods taken by Geraldus de Bordis and his wife. No. 326 [olim 291] Franciscus bishop of Acqui Formerly prior of Foligno; bishop from 1373; died 1380. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) the chamberlain PC demands accounts. No. 327 [olim 293] Franciscus bishop of Chiron (Crete) Died before 21 Oct 1359. 9 May 1354 (RA 128, 598v) licentia testandi. 26 Nov 1361 (Coll. 130, 153r) the subcommissioner Jacobus abbot of Torcello, Crete, pays 3280 ducats 49 s. 4 d. No. 328 [olim 294] Franciscus abbot of Pinocchiara OSB (Ancona) Died 1368. late 1368 (Coll. 353, 129r–130r; Aubert Calendar 518, p. 286) this case is used as an occasion to apply the moderatio to all cases of spoils. The registry is unfinished, lacking the date. No. 329 [olim 295] Franciscus plebanus of Lancilla (Firenze) Died 8 Mar 1367. 12 Apr 1367 (Coll. 248, 30v) the collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena collects 18 fl., £55 Pisan money for goods from Philippus, subcollector of Firenze. 5 Aug 1368 (Coll. 248, 31r) his cousin Simon de Lancilla pays a composition of 40 fl. No. 330 [olim 296] Franciscus d’Arezzo OP bishop of Limassol (Cyprus) Bishop from 1346; died 13 Jul 1351. Schabel, “The Church of Limassol” [forthcoming]. 29 Nov 1352 (Reg. Vat. 146, f. 83rv; EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2703–2704) commission to Odo bishop of Paphos and Monaldus de Campo OP, and a letter commending their work to Hugo IV king of Cyprus. 23 Sep 1353 (IM 1952) exceptions by Albertus de Bononia archdeacon and Fredericus de Bargalio canon and vicar of Limassol to the process of the commissioners. 28 Sep 1353 (IM 1953) appeal of the rejection by the commissioners of the exceptions. 10 Feb 1354 (IM 1967) attestation that the appeal was turned away at the gate of the Apostolic Palace at Avignon. 28 Mar 1355 (IM 2017) Odo bishop of Paphos appoints his proctors at the Apostolic See. May 1355 (RA 346, 243r–244v) a fragmentary record: articles of the process at Avignon. RA 346 is a register of papal letters 1414–1415 with a register of the chamberlain’s letters of the same period. This fragment was bound into the volume because there seemed to be no better place for it. Sep 1355 (IM 4747) responses to articles of the process at Avignon; and composition between successor Elias and the Camera. 10 Sep 1355 (Coll. 497, 55v) the successor Elias is obligated to a composition of 283 fl. 10 Aug 1358 (IM 4594, 10v) nephew Conradus de Margato pays 3000 byzants. No. 331 Franciscus Brancaleone bishop of Urbino Died before May 1373. 10 May 1373 (RA 220, 244rv; De Cros Calendar I, 312) collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena is to proceed against Nicolaus abbot of S. Vincenzo OSB (Urbino) as thief of 600 fl. and goods from the late bishop’s spoils. No. 332 Franciscus Calvus de S. Maximo papal notary Died in Curia 21 Nov 1357. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 170. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries,” 692, no. 48. n.d. (RV 243, 96rv) commission to Alfonsus abbot of S. Facond (León) and Augerius de Osserano. 2 Feb 1358 (Cambarou Calendar 10, p. 206) quittance to Guillelmus Borrilhera and Petrus de Caychaco, papal scribes, and Joannes Pauli, abbreviator, the deputies of cardinals Petrus Desprès and Petrus Roger de Beaufort in the execution of the testament of Franciscus, for a composition of 4000 fl., half in specie and half by assignment of seven debts owed to Franciscus at the time of his death. No. 333 [olim 297] Franciscus Capograsso bishop of Policastro Formerly dean of Capua; bishop from 1353; died before Jun 1361. 16 Jun 1361 (Coll. 169, 130r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) renders accounts of of goods and bequests: “6 fl. auri, in boni ponderis 36 unc.” No. 334 [olim 298] Franciscus de Cardaillac OFM bishop of Cahors M.Theol., D.Decr.; formerly bishop of Cavaillon from 1366, of Cahors from 1388; died before Jun 1404. Gallia Christiana 1:142–143, 951. Albe, “Les comptes d’un collecteur pontifical” 166–167. 1389 (Gallia Christiana 1:143) licentia testandi. 1398 or 1399 (IM 4781) testament, lacking beginning, end. 2 Jun 1404 (Coll. 91, 325r–330r; Bibliothèques II, 404.5, p. 509–511; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 6) collector Petrus Brengas narrates the course of the spoils process; receipts of £787 Tur., expenses £339, profit £448. 2 Sep 1404 (RA 320, 15r and RA 321, 12r; Favier, Finances pontificales 281 n. 6) FC from Marseille: Petrus Brengas reports 650 fr. collected, the arrears of the late bishop’s services and other debts to the Camera. No. 335 [olim 299] Franciscus Cavaliere da Brindisi bishop of Ostuni Formerly canon of Ostuni; bishop from 1337; died before 1 Apr 1362. 30 Jun 1362 (Coll. 169, 136r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector received accounts from abbot Nicolaus de Montefalcone and abbot Raymundus de Limosano: 20 unc., 23 tar. 16 gran. 4 d. collected. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal charge by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: Cousins of the late bishop kept valuable silverware and horses, paying a small composition, and the two subcollectors took bribes from buyers and then sold livestock, wine, and oil to them. AA replied that the composition should be revoked and the swindling subcollectors, baractatores, should be punished. No. 336 [olim 300] Franciscus Crispi da Messina OESA archbishop of Siponto (Manfredonia) Archbishop from 1351; died before 16 Nov 1354. 31 Dec 1354 (Coll. 169, 51v) collected by commissioner Joannes abbot of S. Sebastiano (Napoli) 50 fl. for a chestnut horse taken by Guillelmus de Foglano, castellan of Siponto for Giovanna I queen of Sicilia citra Farum. No. 337 [olim 292] Franciscus de Graviano bishop of Castro Formerly rector in the diocese of Lettere; bishop from 1347; died before 9 Aug 1361. 7 Dec 1361 (Coll. 169, 130v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento), apostolic nuncio and collector, received from Franciscus’ father, m. Mattheus de Graviano of Napoli, 100 fl. as a compostion for his spoils. No. 338 [olim 302] Franciscus Graziani bishop of Perugia Formerly archpriest of Perugia; bishop from 1339; died 1352. 3 Nov 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2699) commission to Petrus Constuci canon of Foligno. 10 Jan 1355 (RV 137, 7r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1277) successor Andreas Martini is authorized to apply ecclesiastical sanctions against holders of the goods. 21 Dec 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 676) commission to Petrus Constuci, mentioning that the reservation of spoils was made by Clement VI during the bishop’s lifetime. 31 Aug 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1098) the government, council, and commune of Perugia are asked to assist the successor in collecting the goods. 27 Sep 1354 (Coll. 497, 53r) successor Andreas Martini is obligated to a composition of 4000 fl. No. 339 [olim 303] Franciscus de Lanceo advocate in Curia Died in Curia before Mar 1351. 19 Mar 1351 (VQ 5:444) executors pay 100 fl. composition to Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. No. 340 [olim 304] Franciscus de Mara archbishop of Cosenza Formerly bishop of Anglona from 1325; archbishop of Cosenza from 1330; died before 29 Jan 1354. 16 Mar 1354 (Coll. 169, 51r) Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and collector received from his commissioner abbot Armandus de Gretuilla canon of Cerisano (Cosenza), who pays for spoils, 15 fl. plus 9 lb. of silver plate. No. 341 [olim 305] Franciscus de Marziis OFM bishop of Lacedonia Bishop from 1345; died Dec 1351. Mollat,“Clement VI et l’Ordre des Frères Mineurs” 259. 14 Dec 1351 (Coll. 169, 45v) spoils collected by subcommissioner Pontius OP bishop of Trevico, for Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento: 6 unc. 4 tar. for 5 silver-plated brass forks. No. 342 [olim 306] Franciscus de Monteolivo bishop of Elne Former prior of Tortosa; bishop from 1352; died 12 Oct 1354. Gallia Christiana 6:1059. 21 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1204) commission to Bernardus de Abbate. 1357–1359 (Coll. 154, 213r) accounts. ca. 1359 (Coll. 159, 238v) collector receives 270 fl. Aragon. No. 343 [olim 307] Franciscus de Montfaucon bishop of Lausanne Formerly dean of S. Jean de Maurienne; bishop of Lausanne from 1347; died before Jul 1353. Gallia Christiana 15:367–368, 16:652. 8 Apr 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 877) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent, obedentiarius of S. Just (Lyon). 4 Oct 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1136) the same. 9 Jun 1355 (VQ 7:94–95) collector pays 1000 fl. 1 Jul 1355 (RV 242, 159v–150r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1659) the Camera at Avignon has settled with the representatives of the chapter of Lausanne, whom the collector Geraldus d’Arbent had excommunicated for failure to appear when cited for the spoils; the excommunication is lifted. 1375 (Coll. 479A, 8r) collector finds lawbooks. No. 344 Franciscus Munaldi de Brancaleonibus bishop of Camerino Formerly canon of Camerino; bishop from 1328; died before Nov 1355. 1 Nov 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1796) commission to Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini and Guillelmus de Benevento archdeacon of Ardennes (Liège). No. 345 [olim 308] Franciscus di Napoli protonotary apostolic, papal secretary Died in Curia before Feb 1358. 2 Feb 1358 (VQ 7:216) executors pay 2000 fl. of a 4000-fl. composition. 2 Feb 1358 (OS 23A, 93r) “pro quibus dicti executores tradiderunt certos fructus eis debitos de certis beneficiis in Ispania; et eo casu quo de dictis fructibus seu beneficiis non possent recuperari dicta 2000 fl., d. cardinalis Bellifortis promisit solvere, in deductionem dictorum 2000 fl., 500 fl. sent. pro quibus retinuit ipse d. cardinalis certam vaxillam dicti d. Francisci sub manu Camere. D. Hugo Lamanhania, collector Castelle, recepit de dictis beneficiis ut patet per rationes suas, 900 fl.” No. 346 [olim 309] Franciscus de Oliveriis rector of B. M. de Castellione de Burriana (Tortosa) Died before Jun 1346. 11 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1008) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 9 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1686) commission to Petrus Venrelli. 2 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:579) Bernardus Alanyani, collector of Zaragoza and Tarragona, pays from the spoils. No. 347 [olim 310] Franciscus Oscii OESA bishop of Civita Castellana Bishop from 1331; died before 15 Dec 1348. 24 Nov 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2338) commission to Petrus Constuci treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. No. 348 [olim 311] Franciscus Perez prior of S. Cruz OCSA (Coimbra) Died before Sep 1350. 22 Sep 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2307) commission to Petrus Marcel canon of Braga. 11 Nov 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2331) commission to Petrus Marcel archdeacon of Lisboa. 27 Mar 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 208) collector is directed to release the spoils to the successor Alfonsus, excepto thesauro furto subtracto. 27 Mar 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 209) the successor Alfonsus is granted powers to collect the spoils. 3 Apr 1353 (Coll. 497, 49r) successor Alfonsus is obligated to a composition of 4000 fl. n.d. (IM 4592, 2r) collector Joannes de Garrigue accounts for 1000 fl. of the composition. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199) collector Guillelmus Pilot pays Joannes de Garrigue the last 711¾ fl. of the composition. 11 Oct 1362 (Coll. 497, 50r) note that the composition has been paid in full. No. 349 [olim 312] Franciscus de Silanis OFM bishop of Valva-Sulmona Bishop from 1350; died late 1367. 18 Jan 1368 (IM 2501; Bibliothèques I, 368.1, p. 237–238) inventory of goods assigned by Nicolaus de Isornia to Guillelmus Maurell, receiver general. 22 Jun 1368 (IE 325, 21v–22r) proceeds from sales at Roma. No. 350 [olim 313] Franciscus Silvestri bishop of Firenze Bishop of Senigallia from 1318, of Rimini from 1321, of Firenze from 1323; died 21 Oct 1341. 22 May 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 25440) licentia testandi. 6 Dec 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3243) commission. 31 Dec 1341 – 25 Apr 1342 (Coll. 244, 57v–64r; Bibliothèques I, 341.7, p. 151–153) accounts of the collector Joannes de Perrier. 25 Jan – 27 Apr 1342 (Coll. 244, 94r–102r) expenses and the storage of spoils. 5 Jun – 2 Sep 1350 (Coll. 246, 93r) quittances to the collector Andreas di Todi. No. 351 [olim 314] Franciscus de Sisteron canon of Vence Died before Nov 1331. 27 Nov 1331 (OS 12, 147r = VQ 1:523) commissioner Raymundus Noulon pays 97 fl., etc. No. 352 [olim 315] Franciscus de Stella bishop of Termoli Bishop from 1364; died before 3 Sep 1372. 7 Dec 1372 (Coll. 358, 117r; De Cros Calendar I, 236) the moderatio of Urban V is conceded to the successor Jacobus di Siena. No. 353 [olim 316] Franciscus da Todi canon of Angers Died in Curia before Oct 1361. Fasti 7:222. 13 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:362) Nicolaus Caracciolo bishop of Melfi, executor, pays 200 fl. composition. No. 354 [olim 317] Fredericus bishop of Bisignano Formerly canon of Bisignano; bishop from 1331; died Jun 1339. 9 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 772) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi. No. 355 [olim 318] Fredericus de Ceva bishop of Albenga Bishop from 1329; died before 18 Feb 1350. 9 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2273) commission to Andreas di Todi. No. 356 Fredericus de Muricolis preceptor OSAnt of Grenoble Died before Mar 1404. Gallia Christiana 16:199. 18 Mar 1404 (RA 320, 105v–106r; Favier, Finances pontificales 257) Gerentonus de Châteauneuf abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) has complained that the spoils of all preceptors of the Order belonged to the abbot, that he had lost all income from houses of the Order in schismatic lands, and that he was responsible for the support of the abbey of Montmajour. FC orders Joannes Grinde, subcollector of Grenoble, to remove the hand of the Camera. No. 357 [olim 319] Fredericus von Pernstein OFM archbishop of Riga Papal penitentiary; archbishop from 1304; died in Curia 1340. Valenti, “Gl’inventari di Frate Frederico de Pernstein” 46–66. Zutshi, “Frederick, Archbishop of Riga” 327–335. Bibliothèques I, 341.6, p. 147–151. Victor, “De Missionibus Fratrum Minorum in Lituania” 22–36. 3 May 1319 (EFR Jean XXII communes 9369) licentia testandi. 18 Jun 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 20473 = ASV, AA Arm. C, 80) inventory of spoils. 31 May 1325 (EFR Jean XXII communes 23339) another inventory. 25 Jun 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 57578) faculty to dispose of his books. 7 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:171) Petrus Orlandi pays a loan of 12 fl. 7 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:171–173) Joannes Maurel, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, assigns some silverware. 10 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3018–3019) the Dominican convent of Riga is ordered to pay 4000 fl. and other goods. 22 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3031) orders Joannes Drazik bishop of Praha to recover 1600 m. of silver from the archbishop’s nephew Dirslaus provost of Praha. 15 Jul 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3123–3124) quittance to the Acciaioli company of Firenze for moneys paid. 22 Nov 1341 (VQ 4:185) silver sold by Antonius OCist bishop of Lombez for 90 fl. 1 s. 1 d. 11 Jan 1343 (Coll. 289, 39rv) goods in the papal treasure. 13 Jun 1343 (VQ 5:337) Aimo de Durchia, citizen of Lyon, pays 100 fl. 8 Sep 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 397) Jacobus de Malabayla, merchant of Asti resident in the Curia, is quit of 4500 fl. collected by the archbishop’s brother Bodratus and paid at Bruges. 16 Sep 1343 (VQ 5:338–339) 4500 fl., deposited in the Dominican convent of Riga, is paid to the Camera by the Teutonic Knights through merchants of Asti at Bruges. 13 May 1346 (VQ 5:369) Aimo de Durchia pays 100 fl. 24 May 1346 (VQ 5:370) Joannes de Durchia pays 100 fl. 18 Aug 1346 (VQ 5:376) the same. 2 Jan 1347 (VQ 5:379–380) the same. 8 Oct 1347 (VQ 5:395) executors pay 800 fl. sent. 18 Feb 1348 (VQ 5:402) Aimo de Durchia pays 100 fl. 23 Sep 1348 (VQ 5:411) Joannes de Durchia pays 100 fl. 1 Aug 1349 (VQ 5:428) the same. 28 Aug 1351 (VQ 5:448) the same, paying his debt in full. No. 358 [olim 320] Fredolus abbot of S. Pierre de Nant OSB (Vabres) Died before Apr 1346. Gallia Christiana 1:285 lacks both Fredolus and Bernardus. 24 Apr 1346 (Coll. 497, 27r) successor Bernardus is obligated to a composition of 800 fl. 8 Jun 1347 (Coll. 497, 32v) the same note. No. 359 [olim 321] Fredolus de Lautrec abbot of Moissac OClun (Cahors) Formerly prior of Villeneuve (Rodez); abbot from 1362; died 27 Jul 1375. Gallia Christiana 1:170. n.d. Coll. 236, 323v–324r) accounts of the collector Aymericus Pellicier. 1375 (Coll. 235, 142r–144r; Bibliothèques II, 375.6, p. 429–430) accounts of the subcollector Petrus de Reno: 1271 fl. assigned to the Camera, 233 fl. remaining. No. 360 [olim 322] Fulco Perrier sr. collector of Aragon Canon and provost of Valencia; died before Apr 1371. 6 Apr 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 137) commission to Arnaldus André to secure certain immovable properties for the Camera. 6 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 124r; De Cros Calendar I, 213) commissioner Bertrandus Raffin, Lic.Decr., provost of Lleida, receives £1290.8 Barc., 47 fl. Fran., 35 nobles, 293 fr., etc. 11 Aug 1384 (Coll. 360, 157v) the nephew, Fulco Perrier jr. canon of Sevilla and collector in Castile, is authorized to compel his uncle’s debtors to pay their debts to him. 12 Oct 1388 (RA 275, 34r; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 7) Guillelmus Boudreville commissioned to sell at auction a house with garden left by the collector. 18 Jan 1389 (RA 275, 80r; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 8) Clement VII makes a gift of the house to the commissioner, who had failed to sell it. No. 361 [olim 323] Gabriel Malaspina bishop of Luni Formerly canon of Luni; bishop from 1351; died before 25 Feb 1363. 30 Jun 1368 (IM 2507; Aubert Calendar 486, p. 272) instrument of the composition by Argentina, widow of Galeotus Malaspina, for goods taken by her husband and his brother Guillelmus. 27 Apr 1369 (Coll. 353, 213v; Aubert Calendar 677, p. 353) Galeotus and Guillelmus Malaspina, excommunicated for failure to make their first payment, have now made it and are released. n.d. May 1369 (Coll. 353, 221v; Aubert Calendar 694, p. 359) confidential instructions to Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena, edited. 5 Sep 1371 (Coll. 358, 12v; De Cros Calendar I, 18) commission to Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena to collect debts, listed. No. 362 Galcerandus de Requesens knight commander OHosp of Mallorca Died before Aug 1410. Sobrequés i Vidal, “Entorn del llintage dels Requesens” 301–313. 30 Aug 1410 (RA 335, 565r–566r) the deputy of LP orders Ludovicus de Gualibus knight, commander of Vilafranca del Penedès OHosp (Barcelona) to pay 29 fl. Aragon to Joannes Garcia, his agreed salary for services to Galcerandus. The property reserved to the Camera consisted of a botica or shop. No. 363 [olim 324] Galganus bishop of Salpe Formerly canon of Bari; bishop from 1351; died 1345. 18 Dec 1345 – 22 Sep 1346 (Coll. 168, 52r–53v Bibliothèques I, 345.9, p. 173) sales by Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 364 [olim 325] Galganus de Pagliaricci OP bishop of Massa Marittima Papal penitentiary; bishop from 1332; died before Apr 1349. 22 Apr 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1984) commission to Andreas di Todi for these and other spoils. 8 Aug 1349 – 17 Feb 1350 (Coll. 245, 131v–132v) accounts. No. 365 [olim 326] Galhardus abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Died 1331. Gallia Christiana 6:477. 26 Sep 1332 (VQ 1:525) successor Raymundus de Sérignac (Case no. 1223) pays 400 fl. of a composition of 800 fl. 14 Feb 1333 (VQ 1:525) he pays the remaining 400 fl. No. 366 [olim 327] Galhardus de Farges bishop of Bazas Formerly archdeacon of Valpuerta (Burgos); bishop from 1334; died in Curia before Feb 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:1204. 17 Feb 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3745, 3747) commissions to Petrus de Jean rector of S. Remi (Avignon) and Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179). 25 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4171) orders officiales of Agen, Bazas, and Condom to collect spoils. 1 Jun 1360 (Coll. 497, 72r = OS 23A, 98v) nephew Geraldus du Puy knight is obligated to a composition of 300 fl. No. 367 [olim 328] Galhardus Niger commensal chaplain Died in Curia before 27 Apr 1360. 28 May 1360 (Coll. 231, 85r; VQ 7:295–296) heirs pay 300 fl. composition. No. 368 Galhardus de Nova Ecclesia auditor of the Camera Died before Nov 1406. 13 Nov 1406 (RA 325, 565r–567r) FC writes from Savona: the heirs have compounded with the Camera for 2000 fl. No. 369 [olim 330] Galhardus de Preyssac de Saumade archbishop of Arles Formerly papal chaplain, notary apostolic; last bishop of Toulouse (before the see became metropolitan) from 1306, offered but refused Riez in 1317; bishop of Maguelonne from 1317; archbishop of Arles from 1318; died 31 Jul 1323. Implicated in the plot to kill the pope and two cardinals: Albe, Hugues Géraud, évêque de Cahors 34 n. 2, 126–138. Gallia Christiana 1:402, 575, 6:779–780. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:602–609, 1:602. 29 Jul 1323 (EFR Jean XXII communes 17822) licentia testandi. 1326–1335 (IE 83, 188r–201v) accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale. 14 May 1327 (VQ 1:526) he pays 928 fl., 322 agni, etc. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12, 137r–138r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance. 30 May 1336 (Coll. 147, 27r) accounts of Raymundus Flori. No. 370 [olim 329] Galhardus du Puy bishop of Saintes Formerly archpriest of Orléans, LL.D.; bishop from 1351; died before 10 Feb 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:1077 refers to a papal letter reserving the spoils. 10 Feb 1361 (Martène-Durand XLII, 2:878–879) commission to Petrus Ayraud prior of S. Eutrope OClun (Saintes) (Case no. 1006); Jacobus Barrau prior of S. Jean extra muros, La Rochelle (Saintes); and Arnaldus Barrau prior of Épargnes (Saintes). 10 Feb 1361 (Martène-Durand XLIII, 2:879–880) instructs the commissioners as to the limitations of their judicial commission. 13 Feb 1361 (Martène-Durand XLVI, 2:882) commission to Petrus Ayraud alone, copied to Joannes Raymond canon of S. Pierre le Puellier (Bourges). 3 Jun 1362 (VQ 7:408) commissioner Petrus Ayraud pays 1260 reg. 22 Jun 1362 (OS 31, 151rv; Aubert Calendar 82, p. 97) commission by the chamberlain to Petrus Ayraud prior of S. Eutrope OClun (Saintes). 22 Jun 1362 (OS 31, 152rv; Aubert Calendar 83, p. 97) composition by Petrus Ayraud for 2000 écus. 14 Dec 1362 (OS 31, 163v–164r; Aubert Calendar 107, p. 104) commission to Vitalis Vassal collector of Saintes to take 2000 écus from the spoils of the late Petrus Ayraud (Case no. 1006) to pay his composition. 4 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 26r–27v; Aubert Calendar 293, p. 183–184) Guillelmus Vassal, heir of collector Vitalis Vassal, pays money collected. No. 371 Galvaginus de la Roche prior of the priory of S. Pietro di Pagno OSB (Torino) Died before Oct 1387. 10 Oct 1387 (Coll. 362, 99v) Jacobus dei Cavalli bishop of Vercelli, nuncio and collector in Piemonte and the provinces of Genova and Milano, and his subcollector of Torino are directed to pay to Ludovicus de la Roche, M.Theol., provincial minister OFM of Genova, the late prior’s debt of 200 fl. to his brother Catalanus de la Roche merchant of Avignon. No. 372 [olim 331] Garsias Arnaldi de Caupenne bishop of Dax Canon of Dax and of Bayonne; died 8 Jan 1327. Gallia Christiana 1:1049–1050. Rymer, Foedera (1740) 4:559. Degert, Histoire des évêques de Dax 148–161. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 336 n. 2, 339, n. 3–5, 340 n. 1–4. 31 May 1312 (Regestum Clementis Papae V, 8122) licentia testandi. 11 Feb 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3139) orders Ermengaudus de Pozolis archdeacon of Auch to take charge of the spoils. 21 Mar 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26460) commissioner Ermengaudus de Pozolis commands the clergy of Dax to summon all holders of the late bishop’s goods to surrender them. 28 Mar 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 29699) Ermengaudus orders the executors excommunicated for their failure to surrender goods. 30 Apr 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3228–3230) Ermengaudus de Pozolis, Monaldus de Castrotino sacristan of Huesca, and Petrus Villain should compel holders of the goods to surrender them; the same to Gasbertus de Montlezun canon of Tours. 8 May 1327 (Coll. 145, 17r) Gasbertus de Montlezun received from Ermengaudus de Pozolis archdeacon of Pardiac (Auch) 1711 fl. 9 s. Tur. parv. and assigned that amount to the Camera in various payments between 27 May and 31 Jul 1327. 27 May & 30 Jun 1327 (VQ 1:518) commissioner Gasbertus de Montlezun pays 1711 fl., 12 ob., 5 d. Valois received from commissioner Ermengaudus de Pozolis. 11 Jul 1327 (VQ 1:518) Joannes de Lomanhano, prebendary of Dax, pays from spoils and emolument of the seal 113 fl., 10 agni, 10 s. ob. Tur.; Arnaldus de Brunhano pays 207 fl. 1 Aug 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3311) Bernardus de l’Arcine chaplain of S. Michel in the church of S. Hilaire (Poitiers) and Raymundus de Bolaresio rector of Connac (Rodez) should delegate the collection of spoils to Gasbertus de Montlezun. 19 Aug 1327 (VQ 1:518) Ermengaudus de Pozolis archdeacon of Pardiac pays 454 fl. 27 Aug 1327 (VQ 1:519) commissioners Bernardus de l’Arcine and Raymundus de Bolaresio pay 1060 fl., 54 agni received from Guillelmus Revel dean of Burlats (Castres) and Guillelmus Bos sacristan of Fréjus, collector of Albi, Castres, Montauban, Lombez, and Rieux. 1 Nov 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3394) commissioners should proceed against holders of the spoils. 28 Dec 1327 (OS 12, 83r) quittance by chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval to Garsias Arnaldi de Muris prior of S. Esprit-chef-du-Pont (Dax) for 800 agni composition. 8 Jan 1328 (OS 12, 83v = VQ 1:519) Guilelmus de Bos pays 105 fl. 13 Jan 1328 (OS 12, 83v–84r = VQ 1:519) commissioners Ermengaudus de Pozolis and Monaldus de Castrotino pay 595 agni, 89 reg., 1556 fl., 21 s. 1 d. gros. Tur., 4 s. 9 d. sterling; the pope grants to the successor Bernardus de Lipasse some pastoral rings and precious stones. 26 Jan 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 42402) Ermengaudus orders certain friars to compel Oliverius de Ingham and Raymundus Durand, seneschals of Gascony and of Landes, to restore £3000 of Bordeaux, £5000 Tur., and goods worth £40,000 Tur. 20 Feb 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 40474) commissioner Monaldus de Castrotino, sacristan of Huesca, is to absolve Garsias Arnaldi de Lamothe, domicellus, for £120 Tur. which he received as wages for service to the late bishop. 1 May 1328 (Coll. 29, 198v) assignment to the Camera by Arnaldus de Verdale of 300 fl., 113 reg., 43 agni, 6 Paris, £21.14. 20 May 1328 (VQ 1:519) Ermengaudus pays 100 fl., 60 s. 10 d. gros. Tur., and silverware 6½ m., ¼ unc. 23 May 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 41246) the pope grants to Bernardus de Lipasse, successor of Garsias, nephew of Guillelmus Piere Godin cardinal bishop of Sabina, the late bishop’s books, vessels, and ecclesiastical ornaments. 28 Jun 1328 (OS 12, 90v–91r) quittance to Ermengaudus and Petrus for 100 fl. 60 s. 10 d. Tur. gros. cum o rotunda, 6¾ unc. silver vessels from the bishop’s chamber. 27 Aug 1328 (OS 12, 93r = VQ 1:520) Joannes de Lomanhano pays from Garsias Arnaldi de Muris prior of S. Esprit-chef-du-Pont (Dax) 10 agni, 2 fl. 16 Sep 1328 (VQ 1:520) commissioner Petrus Villain pays by hand of Guillelmus Bos 132 fl., 41 agni, 14 reg., 45 s. 1 d. Tur. gros., 6½ d. Valois, and silver chains 7 unc. 3½ quart. 5 Jan 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3751) Guillelmus Revel and Guillelmus Bos should collect the remaining goods. 7 Sep 1329 (OS 12, 112r) quittance to Guillelmus Bos sacristan of Fréjus and Guillelmus Revel dean of Burlats for 223 fl., 121 agni, £6 10 d. Tur. gros., 30 s. 7 d. sterling, 10 d. of Die, 4 ob. Fr., 1 Tur. parv. 23 Nov 1329 (OS 12, 116v–117r = VQ 1:520) Joannes Villain pays 12 fl., 5 s. 7 d. Valois nigrorum. 2 Dec 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4035) Guillelmus Bos should deliver two lawbooks to the bishop’s nephew Garsias Arnaldi: Lectura Ostiensis and Rosarium. 23 Dec 1329 (OS 12, 100v = VQ 1:520) Amanevus de Leone canon of Dax pays 54 agni. 3 Jan 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4068) Raymundus de Chameyrac should collect the remaining goods and grant quittances. 1 Feb 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 50750) commissioner Ermengaudus de Pozolis obligates himself to pay what he has collected. 28 Nov 1330 (OS 12, 136r = Coll. 29, 198r) quittance to Bernardus de Chameyrac for 1107 fl. Ped. 218 reg. auri. 26 Aug 1332 (Coll. 373; Bibliothèques II, 327.1, p. 94–95) quittance, with books, to commissioner Raymundus de Chameyrac. 29 Dec 1332 (RA 116, 389v = RV 117, 101r) the pope disavows the interdict placed on Bordeaux by the commissioner. 3 Apr 1335 (VQ 4:98) Oliverius de Ingham, senescal of Gascony for King Edward III of England, pays by hand of his proctor Thomas de Brandelayrh and Nicolaus Bindi, merchant of the Bardi company of Firenze, 2000 reg. auri from the spoils. 21 Apr 1335 (VQ 4:98–99) commissioner Raymundus de Chameyrac pays 60 fl., 210 agni, 159 reg., also a silk belt decorated with silver. 21 Apr 1335 (Coll. 29, 198v) assignment by Arnaldus de Verdale of 60 fl., 159 reg., 2 agni, £156. 3 Jul 1335 (VQ 4:100) Bernardus de Borea merchant of Oloron pays 6 s. 3 d. Morlanorum. 19 Feb 1336 (VQ 4:106) Galhardus Durand, son and heir of Raymundus Durand knight, seneschal of Gascony for the king of England, pays 126 reg., 5 s. Tur. parv. by hand of his proctor, m. Guido Durand LL.B. 24 May 1336 (VQ 4:108) Petrus Arnaldi de Libareen merchant of Oloron pays 16 d. Tur. parv. 17 Oct 1336 (VQ 4:112) Galhardus Durand pays 201 reg. auri, 14 s. Tur. parv. No. 373 [olim 332] Garsias du Fau bishop of Aire Formerly canon of Aire; bishop from 1328; died before May 1349. Gallia Christiana 1:1159–1160. 5 May 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4157) commission to Martinus de Gérard. 21 Apr 1350 (VQ 5:435) executor Raymundus du Puy priest of Aire pays to the Camera the money deposited with him: 30 fl. Flor., 61 fl. Ped., 25 reg. He still owes 255 fl. 26 Jan 1351 (Coll. 497, 46r) the executor is obligated to a composition of 5000 fl. 14 Mar 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4924) commission to Guillelmus Raymond de Fabro archdeacon of Chalosse (Aire) to continue the collections of Martinus de Gérard. 1 Jan 1352 (VQ 5:450) executors pay 300 fl. after 1352 (Coll. 31, 190v, 192r) receipts by Martinus de Gérard: 1449 écus, 392 fl., etc. before 1355 (Coll. 114, 68r) accounts of Martinus de Gérard. 24 Nov 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 3136) commission to Monaldus de Grueria, after the death of commissioner Guillelmus Raymond de Fabro. No. 374 [olim 335] Gasbertus de Laval archbishop of Arles, papal chamberlain Formerly archdeacon of Cahors and papal treasurer; bishop of Marseille and papal chamberlain from 18 Sep 1319; archbishop of Arles from 1323, translated to Narbonne and his goods reserved Oct 1341. Gallia Christiana 1:575–576, 656. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:609–657, 1262, 2:240–245. See also the following Case. 22 May 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 8983; Benoît XII communes 3735) licentia testandi. 27 Nov 1341 (Coll. 472, 2v–3r) commission to the vice-chamberlain Jacobus de Labroue. 1–21 Dec 1341 (Coll. 26, 2r–14r) inventory of goods at Arles. 19 Oct 1342 (VQ 5:472) Raymundus de Morières, collector of Arles, commissioned to collect the goods and debts at Arles at the time of the translation. 28 Jan 1343 (VQ 5:473) record of sale of wine. n.d. (Coll. 472) accounts of Raymundus de Morières and Pontius de Péret. No. 375 [olim 336] Gasbertus de Laval archbishop of Narbonne, papal chamberlain Archbishop of Narbonne from 1341; died in Curia 3 Jan 1347. Gallia Christiana 6:90–91. See also the preceding Case. 19 Aug 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1037) licentia testandi. 3 Jan 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3048 and Appendix) Stephanus Cambarou is appointed chamberlain, succeeding Gasbertus de Laval. 5 Jan 1347 (Coll. 152, 1r–8r) inventory of utensils by Joannes Regis. 7 Jan 1347 (IM 1724) Joannes Regis published his letters of commission at Narbonne. 4 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3098–3099) Elias de Nexonio, papal familiar, citizen of Limoges, is ordered to collect all moneys from nephew Joannes de Laval and to give the brother and nephews 5000 fl. as a free alms. 10 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3112–3115) foundation of a chapel in the church of Narbonne; a legacy to nephew Joannes de Laval; purses to the hospitals and religious of Narbonne; Raymundus de Laval archdeacon of S. Céré (Cahors) should pay 6000 fl., 600 écus to pay for construction of the chapel, a reliquary, and the stipend of a chaplain. 12 Feb 1347 (VQ 5:382) commissioner pays receipts. 20 Feb 1347 (VQ 5:383) executor Raymundus de Laval pays 6000 fl., 600 écus. 21 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3128) the church of Narbonne is allowed to recover 3000 fl. lent to the king by the late archbishop. 23 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3134–3135) commission to Elias de Nexonio and orders to Joannes Regis. 28 Mar 1347 (VQ 5:383) Elias de Nexovio pays for goods at Narbonne. 14 Apr 1347 (VQ 5:383–384) payment by executors. 19 May 1347 (VQ 5:384) payment by Joannes Regis. 20 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:384) payment by executors. 22 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:385) payment by executors. 4 Dec 1347 (VQ 5:385–386) payment by Joannes Regis. 26 Aug 1348 (VQ 5:410) Joannes Regis died 23 Aug; his cousin Petrus Regis pays. 1348 (Coll. 150, 81r–131v; Coll. 154, 207r–208r) accounts of Bernardus de Abbate. 1353 (RA 125, 242v–244v; Bibliothèques II, 347.1, p. 209–214) books in the palace at Avignon. before 1356 (Coll. 114, 80v) collector Bernardus de Abbate reports receipts. 1366 (Coll. 157, 224v, 231r, 238r) report of debts paid. 1368 x 1374 (Coll. 157, 21r) list of uncollectable debts. No. 376 [olim 333] Gasbertus de Luganh clerk of the Camera Died before Feb 1385. Feb 1385 (IM 3203, 6) his servant Durandus Monnarii pays 380 fl. of a composition of 500 fl. No. 377 [olim 334] Gasbertus de Serici prior of S. Saturnin OClun (Uzès) Died before Apr 1358. 12 Apr 1358 (Coll. 497, 75v) successor Stephanus de Vassignac is obligated to a composition of 1000 fl.; the Camera is to receive gold and silver, books, grain and wine; the gifts inter vivos are to stand. 28 Dec 1358 (RV 243, 186r) commission to Joannes de Garrigue provost of Barcelona and Joannes Rousset de Martignac canon of Chalon-sur-Saône (Fasti 15:294). 17 May 1359 (VQ 7:263–264) successor pays 250 fl. 18 Jul 1359 (VQ 7:265) he pays 100 fl. No. 378 [olim 337] Gaucelmus de Deux OSB bishop of Maguelonne, papal treasurer Former abbot of Psalmody; bishop of Nîmes from 1362, of Maguelonne from 1367; died 9 Aug 1373. Gallia Christiana 6:452, 791–793. 9 Aug 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1316) commission to Joannes abbot of Mas-Garnier OSB (Toulouse) and Arnaldus André. 10 Aug 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1199) treasurer Petrus de Vernols is directed to collect goods from Petrus Scatisse and Guillelmus Roland, knights, and Enguerandus de Parvocellario, citizen of Paris. 10 Aug 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 2068) treasurer and Bertrandus Raffin are directed to observe the moderatio. 16 Aug 1373 – 11 Jan 1374 (Coll. 137, 143r–319r; Bibliothèques II, 373.7, p. 411–427) inventories and accounts at Avignon and Montpellier. 17 Sep 1373 (IM 2808; De Cros Calendar I, 347) commission to Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 18 Sep 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1355) chamberlain ordered to compel the holders of the goods to surrender them. 10 Nov 1373 (IM 2814) Joannes Rousset de Martignac reports his sale of salt for 352 fl. and expenses. Mar 1375 (IM 2877, 2) Petrus de Cassanhis, cubicularius, buys a patena argenti ad dandam pacem for 4 fl. 3 s. 6 d. 23 Aug 1375 (IM 2877, 5; OS 42, 65v) Petrus de Vernols, successor as treasurer and bishop of Maguelonne, pays 1000 fl. of a composition of 4000 fl. for salt. 31 May 1376 (IM 2924, 4; OS 42, 65v) he pays 1000 fl. 26 Sep 1376 (Coll. 358, 177v; De Cros Calendar I, 615) the utensils are granted with those of Raymundus de Pradelle archbishop of Nicosia (Case no. 1214) to Guillelmus de Beaufort, viscount of Turenne. 3 Apr 1377 (OS 42, 99r) the Camera pays a 35-fr. debt of Gaucelmus to Guillelmus de Gaudiaco, LL.D. No. 379 [olim 338] Gaucelmus de Jean bishop of Carcassonne Bishop from 1338; died before Mar 1347. Gallia Christiana 6:898–899. 16 Apr 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7033) licentia testandi. 21 Mar 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3186) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179). 1353 (RA 125, 267v; Bibliothèques II, 347.3, p. 217) books in the palace at Avignon. No. 380 [olim 339] Georgius Annes bishop of Coimbra Lic.Decr., former canon of Astorgas; bishop from 1333; died before Apr 1356. 8 Apr 1356 (Coll. 352, 97v) note that a commission was expedited to the collector of Portugal, Guillelmus Pilot. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199) Guillelmus Pilot pays £2584.18.8. ca. 1370 (Arm. 33 to. 18, 84r–85r) receipts by Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon: £130.17.8 Portugal. No. 381 [olim 340] Georgius de Serluchiis archdeacon in the diocese of Tours, papal chaplain Died before Jul 1344. 8 Jul 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 952) commission to Raymundus de Caunes cantor of S. Martin (Tours). 3 Nov 1345 (VQ 5:362) nephew Thomas de Serluchiis pays 1000 fl. of a composition. temp. Urban V (OS 23A, 103v) a note that half the composition of 2000 fl. is still owed. No. 382 [olim 341] Geraldus bishop of Agde Formerly canon of Cahors, notary apostolic and papal familiar; bishop of Agde from 1332; died before Dec 1337. Gallia Christiana 6:688–689. 25 Oct 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 657) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 1339–1340 (Coll. 229, 36r–45r; Bibliothèques II, 339.9, p. 164–165) accounts of the commissioner, including books. 7 Jan 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2637) instructions to the commissioner regarding books and silver plate. 22 Feb 1340 (VQ 4:155) commissioner pays £810.10.1. 4 Mar 1340 (VQ 4:156) he pays 200 fl. 11 Mar 1340 (VQ 4:156) he pays 25 fl. Flor., 9 fl. Ped., and a ring. 4 Apr 1340 (VQ 4:156) he pays £40.5. 17 Aug 1340 (VQ 4:162) he pays 122 coronats, 107 écus, etc. 4 Nov 1340 (VQ 4:165) he pays 28 duple, 8 fl. 13 s. 2 d. for 3580 seams of salt. 4 Dec 1340 (VQ 4:166) Raymundus de Amacio, domicellus of Agde, pays a debt he owed to the bishop. No. 383 [olim 342] Geraldus archbishop of Benevento Formerly canon of Limoges; canon of Poitiers; papal familiar; archbishop from 1360; died before Apr 1361. Rotuli Parisienses 2:565. 9 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 141rv; Aubert Calendar 66, p. 90) moderatio on behalf of the successor Guillelmus Bourgeois. No. 384 [olim 343] Geraldus OGrand bishop of Sisteron D.Decr.; formerly prior of S. Marie au Bois de Vincennes OGrand (Paris); bishop from 1362; died 9 Dec 1369. Gallia Christiana 1:495. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:730–733. 1370 (Coll. 19, 295r–304v; Bibliothèques II, 369.9, p. 407–408) accounts of the collector Geraldus Mercadier. 17 Jul 1370 x 1373 (IM 6067) successor Rainulphus de Gorse pleads for help for the bishop’s nephews, whose support as scholars was removed by spoils. 9 Aug 1372 (Coll. 358, 74v; De Cros Calendar I, 153) Geraldus Mercadier must allow repayment to Petrus Torchari canon of Sisteron, formerly subcollector of Sisteron, the cost of grain with which he paid those who carried the bishop’s body to Sisteron from the abbey of Mount Lure. No. 385 [olim 344] Geraldus abbot of Tournus OSB (Chalon-sur-Saône) Died before Aug 1344. Gallia Christiana 4:973. 29 Aug 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1199) commission to Joannes Regis rector of S. Gérons (Saint-Flour), scribe of the Penitentiary. 4 Feb 1345 (Coll. 497, 24v) successor promises to surrender all the goods. 13 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1556) commission to the sacristan and infirmarian of Tournus. 18 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1577) the same. 6 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:360) commissioner Joannes Regis pays 600 fl. 28 Apr 1346 (VQ 5:368–369) successor Archambaldus pays 878 fl. of a composition of 1000 fl. 2 Sep 1346 (VQ 5:376) nephew Bertrandus de Asserio pays 200 fl. of a composition of 800 fl. No. 386 [olim 345] Geraldus abbot of S. Michel-en-l’Erm OSB (Luçon) Died before Jan 1366. Gallia Christiana 2:1420. 13 Jan 1366 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1507) commission to Petrus Domaud. ca. 1366 (Coll. 92, 30r) he collects 1482 nobles, 390 reg. No. 387 [olim 346] Geraldus d’Arbent collector of Lyon, Vienne, Tarentaise, Besançon, Trier Treasurer of Notre-Dame d’Ecouis (Rouen); died before Nov 1361. 15 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 219rv; Aubert Calendar 35, p. 77) commission to Joannes Rousset de Martignac to collect the spoils of Geraldus from Joannes de Talaru dean of Lyon, later archbishop. 26 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 192v; Aubert Calendar 182, p. 134) quittance to Joannes Rousset de Martignac for 1105 fl. paid to the Camera. 11 Mar 1365 (IM 2391) Joannes Rousset de Martignac renders accounts to Aubricus Raoul. n.d. (Coll. 66, 9v–11v) the composition arranged between Joannes Rousset de Martignac and servant Martinus Novelli is collected by Aubricus Raoul. No. 388 [olim 347] Geraldus Artaud OClun prior of Piolenc (Orange) Died before Mar 1334. 3 Mar 1334 (Coll. 28, 1r–15v; Bibliothèques II, 334.2, p. 108–110) inventory by commissioner Pontius de Péret, including books. 10 Mar 1334 (Coll. 28, 16r–23v; 26v–34v) expenses; assignments. No. 389 [olim 348] Geraldus Dominguez bishop of Évora Formerly bishop of Porto from 1300, of Palencia from 1307, of Évora from 1313; died 5 Mar 1321. 26 Feb 1308 (Regestum Clementis Papae V, 2664) licentia testandi. 9 Aug 1322 (VQ 1:478) Petrus Danrocha and Arnaldus de Roset pay 8012 duple, 1108 fl., etc. 26 Sep 1322 (Coll. 351, 49r) note of commission. 10 Jan 1327 (OS 12, 103v–104r) Petrus de Brunia, nuncio in Portugal, pays for this and other commissions. 10 May 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 869) Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga may absolve from excommunication the holders of these and other spoils, upon restitution. No. 390 [olim 349] Geraldus von Ehrenberg bishop of Speyer Bishop from 1350; died 28 Dec 1363. Gallia Christiana 5:732. 22 Feb 1365 (Coll. 353, 33r; Aubert Calendar 308, p. 189) successor Lambertus von Born obligated to a composition of 5000 fl., payment delayed until Easter. 3 Apr 1365 (Coll. 353, 36r; Aubert Calendar 312, p. 191) payment delayed until midsummer. 7 Jun 1365 (Coll. 353, 39v; Aubert Calendar 324, p. 199–200) payment delayed until Easter 1366. 26 Feb 1366 (Coll. 353, 59r; Aubert Calendar 371, p. 217) payment delayed until Michaelmas. Jan 1372 (IM 2676, 3) successor pays 450 fl. of 3000 fl. owed. Aug 1372 (IM 2676, 66) Lambertus von Born pays 158 fl. His own goods were reserved when he was translated in 1371 to Strasbourg (Case no. 858). No. 391 Geraldus de Francheville canon of Metz Died in Curia before Oct 1407. 1 Oct 1407 (RA 331, 134v–135r; rubric RA 325, 501r; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 8, 272 n. 5) Geraldus died in great debt to the Camera. Chamberlain FC commissions Desiderius Bêchegrain canon of Verdun and collector of Metz, Toul, and Verdun to collect the spoils. No. 392 [olim 350] Geraldus Guiscard sacristan of S. Felix Girona, canon of S. Agricol Avignon Died before Aug 1397. 2 Aug 1397 (IE 374, 33r) cardinal Guido de Malsec pays 100 fl. for himself and the executors. No. 393 [olim 351] Geraldus de Languissel bishop of Nîmes Formerly bishop of Apt from 1330, of Nîmes from 1331; died 23 Apr 1337. Gallia Christiana 1:362–363, 6:449–450. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:243–244. 18 Sep 1335 (EFR Benoît XII communes 1683) licentia testandi. 2 May 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 288) commission to Pontius de Péret. 2 May – Jul 1337 (IM 5095; Bibliothèques II, 337.4, p. 122–129) commissioner’s accounts, including books. 3 Jul 1337 (VQ 4:120) commissioner pays £351.7.7. No. 394 [olim 359] Geraldus de Laval nuncio in Sicilia citra Farum Canon of Napoli, papal chaplain; died before Dec 1341. 6 Dec 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3244) commission. 1 Feb 1342 (VQ 4:189) guarantor Betinus Buonacorsi makes posthumous satisfaction of 3170½ fl. No. 395 [olim 352] Geraldus de Marcenac canon of Chartres, collector of Reims Died before Apr 1364. 19 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 897) commission to Sancius Vaquier, Joannes Maubert, and Jacobus de Sirano. No. 396 [olim 353] Geraldus Maurel vice-treasurer, master of the papal household Died in Curia before Feb 1370. 12 Feb 1370 (IM 2576, cited in Renouard, Relations 331) a partial list of goods and money received in the treasury at Roma by Gaucelmus de Pradelle from the scribe Raymundus Macelli. No. 397 [olim 354] Geraldus Paute abbot of S. Benoît Fleury-sur-Loire OSB (Orléans) Formerly abbot of S. Eloi (Noyon) 1365, of Fleury from 1371; died before 1374. Gallia Christiana 8:1565, 9:1070. 20 Jul 1380 (Coll. 359, 47r–48r; De Cros Calendar II, 844) nuncios Joannes de Murol d’Estaing bishop of Genève, Petrus Gérard, and the subcollector of Orléans are ordered to pay a 281-fr. debt to Petrus de Grat and Stephanus de Vaucois. No. 398 [olim 355] Geraldus de Portali or Gualdi bishop of Rimini Rector of Miremont (Toulouse); bishop of Rimini from 6 Apr 1366; died before 13 Nov 1366. 1371 (Coll. 18, 261r–264r) accounts of Aymericus Pellicier at Toulouse: 481 fl. 7 gros. received, 46 fl. 10 gros. remaining. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156v) the same report. n.d. (Coll. 235, 169rv) accounts of spoils at Toulouse: 2 fl. received, 44 fl. remaining. No. 399 [olim 356] Geraldus de Pouzillac archbishop of Aix Formerly provost of Embrun; archbishop from 1368; died 23 May 1379. Gallia Christiana 1:324, 3:1101. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:90–92. 1379 (Coll. 480, 3r–11v; Bibliothèques II, 379.5, p. 436–439) accounts of collector Geraldus Mercadier. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 4 Jul 1380 (Coll. 359, 45r; Bibliothèques II, 379.5, p. 439; De Cros Calendar II, 838) the collector is ordered to give certain books, acquired outside the benefice, to Bernardus de Monterotundo, a relative of the archbishop. No. 400 [olim 357] Geraldus Roger bishop of Limoges Bishop from 1312; died in Curia before Oct 1324. Gallia Christiana 2:532. 11 Jul 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2540) the commissioner should pay the successor Elias Talleyrand £1000 Tur. parv. for his immediate necessities. 13 Aug 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2580) the commissioner should assign 3000 fl. to Ricardus de Gordis merchant of Avignon, who will go to Flanders and Brabant to buy cloths for the papal household. 4 Oct 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2226–2227) reservation and commission to Petrus Danrocha canon of Limoges. 1324–1328 (IE 67, 74 fols.) accounts by commissioner Petrus Danrocha of the arrears of debts due to the mensa. Sep 1325 (VQ 1:499) he pays 1500 fl., 1280 agni. 27 Apr 1326 (VQ 1:500) he pays 90 fl., 50 agni, £343.0.16. 17 Mar 1327 (VQ 1:500) he pays 300 fl. 16 May 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3849) Bernardus Danrocha canon of Limoges to collect the remainder of spoils. 2 Aug 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4265) Bernardus should pay a legacy to Aymericus de Martello knight. 23 Sep 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 646) commission to Joannes Bertrand to collect the remaining goods. No. 401 Geraldus Testa dean of Burlats (Castres) Papal chaplain of honor from 1383; died before Apr 1394. Burns, “Honorary papal chaplains” 61, p. 84. 12 Dec 1393 (Coll. 371, 102r–103r) warrant to the chapter’s proctor, canon Joannes Payrastre, to negotiate with the Camera. 8 Jan 1394 (Coll. 371, 157r–160r) FC to Raymundus de Senans, collector of Castres: the settlement between the Camera and the executor Stephanus de Bayria, rector of the parish church of Viviers-lès-Lavaur (Lavaur) is given in detail, with a letter close of FC and a formal instrument of the settlement, both dated 12 Nov 1383. 4 Apr 1394 (Coll. 371, 100r–101v) the chapter and the executor compounded with the Camera. The chapter had been warned to pay, through its proctor Joannes Payrastre, 160 fl. owed to the late dean, but the debt was remitted by the Camera. No. 402 [olim 358] Geraldus de la Trémouille administrator of the Pinhota Died 1348. 12 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:416) Petrus de Froideville, executor and successor, pays a composition of 100 fl. No. 403 [olim 360] Geraldus von Wippingen bishop of Basel Formerly bishop of Lausanne from 1301, of Basel from 1309; died 17 Mar 1325. Gallia Christiana 15:364, 473–475. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 321 n. 1, 323 n. 2. 25 Mar 1325 (RA 113, 134r: Vatikanische Akten, no. 460) commission to the provost of Basel and Pontius Tessier canon of Liège to secure for the pope all the bishop’s goods de quibus ipse canonice non disposuit. No. 404 [olim 361] Germanus papal scribe, sealer in the episcopal court of Avignon Died in Curia before Jul 1361. 8 Jul 1361 (VQ 7:341) executor pays 194 fl. 19 s. 8 d. No. 405 [olim 362] Gibba pope’s barber Died in Curia before Oct 1340. 13 Oct 1340 (VQ 4:164) Guillelmus Bos, clerk of the Camera, pays 26 fl. No. 406 [olim 363] Gilbertus abbot of S. Chaffre le Monastier OSB (Le Puy) Died 3 Oct 1388. Gallia Christiana 2:768. 3 Oct 1388 (Coll. 8A, fasc. 3, 12r–33r; Coll. 85, 111r–128v; Bibliothèques II, 388.8, p. 469–470) an inventory, including the spoils of priors of dependent monasteries listed as debts; a note of the successor’s composition of 300 fl. Apr 1389 (IM 3337, 49) successor Dragonetus pays 100 fl. of a 300-fl. composition. Nov 1389 (IM 3337, 60) he pays the last 100 fl. No. 407 [olim 364] Gilbertus de Cantobre OSB bishop of Rodez D.Decr.; abbot of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes), then of S. Victor (Marseille); bishop of Rodez from 1339; died 12 Mar 1349. Gallia Christiana 1:218, 692. Fasti 6:87–89. Feb 1339 (Coll. 143, 109r–165v; Bibliothèques II, 339.2, p. 158–163) inventory of goods left at S. Victor, Marseille, when Gilbertus was elevated to Rodez. 17 Mar 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4107) commission to Guido Faydit. 10 Jun 1349 (VQ 5:426) commissioner makes payments. 17 Jul 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4211) the executors Paulus de S. Maximin prior of Valernes (Gap) and Petrus Sicard rector of Combrouze (Rodez) may execute the testament according to the licentia testandi; the commissioner, the prior of Asprières OSB (Rodez), has made an inventory and has assigned 1208 fl. to the Camera, of which 400 fl. is a legacy to the Apostolic See. 27 Jul 1349 (VQ 5:428) executors were obligated to a composition of 2000 fl.; they still owe 792 fl. (in VQ the balance due is 15 s. 2 d.!). 4 Jan 1350 (VQ 5:432) they pay 396 fl. 22 May 1355 (VQ 7:91) they pay 396 fl. 27 Nov 1364 (EFR Urbain V communes 14860) goods released to the executors. No. 408 [olim 365] Gilbertus Fleming cantor of Thérouanne, auditor of the Rota D.Decr., dean of Aberdeen; died in Curia before Oct 1348. Rotuli Parisienses 1:244–245. 11 Oct 1348 (VQ 5:413) his familiar Ricardus de Raoul pays 20 écus. No. 409 [olim 366] Gilbertus Griffa de Bulla OCist, bullator Died in Curia before Aug 1367. 1 Aug 1367 (IM 2488, 4 fols.) inventory of goods in his house in Avignon; 200 fl. assigned to Joannes de Garrigue and Joannes Rousset de Martignac, as merchants of Avignon. No. 410 [olim 367] Gilbertus de Jean bishop of Carcassonne Former archdeacon in the church of Cahors; bishop from 1347; died before 14 Nov 1354. Gallia Christiana 6:899. 15 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1197) commission to Bernardus de Abbate. 16 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1198) commission to Petrus Peselli canon of Rouen (Fasti 2:322) without prejudice to the earlier commission. 1357–1359 (Coll. 154, 209r) accounts of Guillelmus Guilbert. 15 Feb 1364 (OS 31, 131rv; Aubert Calendar 218, p. 155) commissioner Petrus Ruffi paid the bishop’s debt to cardinal Gaucelmus de Jean, and the money is now disposable by the cardinal’s heirs. No. 411 [olim 368] Gilbertus de Lestrange provost of Toulouse Died 19 Apr 1387. Gallia Christiana 13:81. 24 May 1387 (Coll. 362, 40r) commission to Petrus de Tarascon, collector of Toulouse. 15 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 81r) FC directs Petrus de Tarascon to release 300 fl. for church repairs and pious works. No. 412 [olim 369] Gilbertus de Mendagaches bishop of Lodève Formerly abbot of S. Aphrodise, Béziers; bishop of S. Pons-de-Thomières from 1348, of Gap from 1353, of Lodève from 1357; died 21 Jul 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:467, 6:239, 556. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:500–501. 21 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1043) commission to Guillelmus Guilbert canon of Narbonne, nuncio; Galhardus de Balzac, subcollector of Lodève; and Guillelmus Palaysini, B.Decr., canon of L’Isle-Jourdain (Toulouse). 27 Aug 1361 (OS 31, 155rv; Aubert Calendar 5, p. 66) quittance for silver, jewels, etc., to Galhardus de Balzac, subcollector. 24 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:379–380 = OS 23A, 110r) successor Aymericus Hugues de Chassagne pays his composition of 300 fl. 28 Nov 1362 (IE 303, 8r) commissioner Galhardus pays 78 fl., 3 agni, 11 reg., 9 fr. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 184v) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts, because a composition was made in the Camera. No. 413 [olim 370] Gilbertus de Sept-Fons bullator Probably conversus of the abbey of Sept-Fons OCist (Autun); died in Curia before Jul 1348. 14 Jul 1348 (VQ 5:409) a mule is submitted by executor in payment of a composition of 100 fl. No. 414 [olim 371] Goffridus OSB bishop of Grasse Formerly monk of S. Germain OSB (Auxerre); bishop of Grasse from 1299; died 1343. Gallia Christiana 3:1164–1165. 23 Jan 1344 (VQ 5:343) commissioner Joannes de Amelio pays: 317 fl. boni ponderis, 25 fl. minoris ponderis, 59 fl. Ped., etc. No. 415 [olim 372] Goffridus bishop of Le Mans Bishop from 1338; died 20 Jul 1347. Gallia Christiana 14:407–408. 22 Jun 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 918) commission ante mortem to Raymundus de Caunes, cantor of S. Martin (Tours). 1 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3909–3911) Raymundus de Caunes should not interfere further, and should restore to the executors and heirs what he has collected; a composition of 2000 fl. in subsidy against the Turks has been paid by heirs and executors. 14 Jul 1348 (VQ 5:409) composition paid. No. 416 [olim 373] Goffridus bishop of Tarazona Bishop from 1346; died before Oct 1353. 4 Oct 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 579) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. 12 Oct 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 599) the same; the reservation was by Clement VI. 1354 (Coll. 497, 75v) successor Petrus Calvillo obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 26 Jan 1355 (VQ 7:87) he pays 1000 fl. 26 Jan 1356 (VQ 7:128) he pays 1000 fl. 1358 x 1361 (Coll. 117, 176r) he pays 500 fl. No. 417 [olim 374] Goffridus de Coëtmoisan OSB bishop of Dol Formerly abbot of La Coûture OSB (Le Mans) from 1343; bishop of Quimper from 1352, of Dol from 1357; died before May 1381. Gallia Christiana 14:478, 884, 1058, but note that the names Goffridus and Joannes are repeated in error. 7 May 1381 (Coll. 359, 65rv; De Cros Calendar II, 917; Favier, Finances pontificales 269 n. 3) successor Guido de Roye is granted sufficient funds from the spoils for repairs. 7 Jun 1381 (Coll. 359, 64v–65r; De Cros Calendar II, 925) Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours, or the subcollector of Dol, ordered to observe the moderatio, which is rehearsed in full. 22 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 85r–86v) they are ordered to pay the funds for repairs to the successor. No. 418 [olim 375] Goffridus David Pauteix bishop of Autun Formerly archdeacon in the diocese of Lyon, Lic.Decr.; bishop of Autun from 1361; died 20 Jan 1377. Gallia Christiana 4:415–416. Fasti 12:134–137. 5 Sep 1379 (Coll. 359, 158rv; De Cros Calendar II, 732) Guillelmus du Lac, collector of Lyon, and Joannes Bullandi, commissioner, ordered to pay from the spoils the bishop’s debt of 70 fl. for common services to Joannes Rousset de Martignac. No. 419 [olim 377] Goffridus de Jandrain proctor in the Roman Curia Died in Curia before Apr 1361. Berthe, Procureurs français à Avignon 550–552. 8 Apr 1361 (Coll. 231, 130r; VQ 7:335–336) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 40 fl. No. 420 Goffridus de Saligny bishop-elect of Bayeux Formerly dean of Mâcon; bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône from 1369; auditor of contradicted letters; died before May 1374. Gallia Christiana 4:924–925, 11:375. 16 May 1374 (RA 220, 297r; De Cros Calendar I, 390) commission to Joannes Rousset de Martignac, collector of Lyon (Fasti 15:294). No. 421 [olim 378] Goffridus de Veyrols archbishop of Toulouse LL.Lic., former chancellor of Cahors; bishop of Lausanne from 1342, of Carpentras from 1347, of Carcassonne from 1357; archbishop of Toulouse from 1361; died 10 Mar 1377. Gallia Christiana 1:906–907, 6:900, 13:41–42, 15:367. 10 Jan 1378 (OS 42, 116r) collector Aymericus Pellicier pays 1200 fr. by letter of exchange. after 1378 (Coll. 235, 146r–160v; Bibliothèques II, 377.3, p. 431–435) inventory and accounts: 5161 fl. received, 7452 fl. remaining due. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 11 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 33v; De Cros Calendar II, 808) he orders the collector to observe the moderatio. n.d. (Coll. 236, 323v, 324r) collector reports receipts and remains. No. 422 [olim 379] Goffridus von Weisseneck bishop of Passau Bishop from 1344; died 15 Sep 1362. 20 Feb 1364 (OS 23A, 95v) successor Albertus von Winkel is obligated to pay within 16 months a composition of 10,000 fl. for the spoils and vacancy. 2 Dec 1365 (IE 303, 32r) the successor pays 700 fl. Cam. 23 Jan 1366 (Coll. 353, 56v–57r; Aubert Calendar 365, p. 214) excommunication lifted and payment delayed until All Saints. 2 Jul 1367 (EFR Urbain V communes 20067) successor Nicolaus [better: Albertus von Winkel] made a composition for the spoils, but they are being held by Joannes Osmundus, citizen of Passau. No. 423 [olim 380] Gomecius Manrique archbishop of Toledo Formerly dean of León; bishop of Tuy from 1348; archbishop of Compostela from 1351, of Toledo from 1362; died 19 Dec 1375. 26 May 1377 (OS 42, 104r) executors pay 15,000 duple of a composition of 20,000 duple, through Fulco Perrier jr. No. 424 [olim 381] Gregorius OSB bishop of Mazzara Formerly monk of S. Nicola dei Arenis OSB (Catania); bishop from 1357; died before 19 Apr 1363. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 192r) successor Rogerius de Platea OFM and Henricus de Marzuco owed goods, but all were destroyed in the sack of Mazzara. No. 425 [olim 382] Gregorius abbot of Issoire OSB (Clermont) Died before Aug 1351. Gallia Christiana 2:358. 15 Aug 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5030) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Le Puy. 30 Aug 1352 (VQ 5:458) successor Petrus agrees with collector Petrus Gervais for a composition of 600 fl. No. 426 [olim 383] Gregorius abbot of S. Gregorio in Concha OSB (Rimini) Died before 19 Mar 1372. 1372 x 1377 (Coll. 129, 234r) the oeconomus of the monastery pays a composition of 88 ducats. 19 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 33r; De Cros Calendar I, 63) successor Jacobus de Faytanis is granted Cameral authority to compel holders of the spoils to pay for repairs of the monastery’s buildings. No. 427 [olim 384] Guido OCSA bishop of Maillezais Formerly abbot of S. Amand OCSA (Sarlat); bishop of Luçon from 1354, of Maillezais from 1359; died before May 1380. Gallia Christiana 2:1372, 1408; but 2:1537 lacks this name. 20 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 29v–30r; De Cros Calendar II, 811) Petrus Domaud, collector of Poitiers, is ordered to make the spoils available for the support of the cardinal legates. 4 Aug 1380 (Coll. 359, 48v–49r; De Cros Calendar II, 849) collector Petrus Domaud, or the subcollector, is ordered to observe the testament and the moderatio, particularly in paying funeral expenses. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. No. 428 [olim 386] Guido abbot of S. Croce di Sassovivo OSB (Foligno) Died at Montefiascone before Apr 1359. 7 Apr 1359 (Coll. 202, 3r) one m. Angelus pays 202 fl. 7 s. 10 d. No. 429 [olim 387] Guido abbot of Notre-Dame de Charron OCist (Saintes) Chaplain of honor; died Nov 1373. Gallia Christiana 2:1399–1400 for Charron, but the list is lacunous from 1204 to 1441. 5 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 64v–65r; De Cros Calendar I, 417) Petrus Domaud, collector of Poitiers and Saintes, is ordered to proceed against Joannes abbot of Grenda OCist (Saintes) for wounding, torturing in prison and killing Guido, and keeping his spoils; the accused is to appear before the pope or, after the pope’s departure, in the court of the treasurer at Avignon. No. 430 Guido prior of S. Sauveur-en-Rue OSB (Vienne) Died before Jul 1354. 1 Jul 1355 (RV 242, 159r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1660) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent, obedientiary of S. Just (Lyon). No. 431 Guido de Brolio abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) Earlier abbot of Psalmody (Case no. 301); died before May 1390. Gallia Christiana 6:959–960. 15 Apr 1393 (Coll. 369, 135rv) the chamberlain FC, as archbishop of Narbonne, commits to his officialis the settlement of Abbot Guido’s testament. No. 432 [olim 388] Guido de Canilhac abbot of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne) Died 3 Mar 1331. Gallia Christiana 6:845–846. 28 Mar 1332 (VQ1, 530) Arnaldus de Verdale pays 1920 fl. from the composition of the successor Guillelmus. ca. 1 Apr 1333 (IE 83, 155rv) he pays 3100 fl. 3 Feb 1334 (IE 83, 371r) he pays 700 fl. Ped. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 433 [olim 389] Guido Cattano OP archbishop of Oristano Archbishop from 1312; died before 23 Oct 1340. 18 Apr 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3061) commission. No. 434 Guido Crispini prior of Monnais OGrand (Angers) Died before Nov 1382. 14 Nov 1382 (RA 233, 20r–21r; cit. Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3) commission by papal letter to Guido de la Roche archdeacon of Tours and nuncio. 14 Nov 1382 (Coll. 359A, 260v; cit. Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3) a note of the reservation of spoils. No. 435 [olim 385, 420] Guido de Ferrières abbot of Sauve-Majeur OSB (Bordeaux) Abbot from 1339; died 27 May 1362. Gallia Christiana 2:874. 17 Jan 1363 (OS 23A, 94r) successor Hugo de Marcenac was obligated to a composition of 1000 fl., paid. 17 Jan 1363 (OS 31, 166r–167r; Aubert Calendar 113, p. 107) successor Hugo de Marcenac compounded for 500 fl. for the spoils and 500 fl. for the fruits of the vacancy, but the Camera still reserves 1300 fl. held by Arnaldus de Lagrelleyra. No. 436 [olim 390] Guido de la Garde chamberlain of the monastery of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes) Died before Oct 1347. 6 Oct 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3499) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 13 Oct 1347 (Coll. 497, 35v) successor Guillelmus de Alterio is obligated to a composition of 2000 fl. for spoils and 250 fl. for the vacancy. 21 Dec 1347 (VQ 5:398) successor pays 550 fl. of composition. 7 Jun 1348 (VQ 5:408) he pays 100 fl. 5 Nov 1348 (VQ 5:414) he pays 200 fl. 8 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:415) he pays 100 fl. No. 437 [olim 391] Guido Guidonis canon of Limoges Died in Curia before Jan 1361. Rotuli Parisienses 2:481. 12 Jan 1361 (Coll. 231, 119v; VQ 7:331) executor pays composition of 50 fl. No. 438 [olim 392] Guido d’Ibelin OP bishop of Limassol (Cyprus) Bishop from 1357; died 29 Mar 1367. Richard, “Guy d’Ibelin” 98–133. Laurent and Richard, “La bibliothèque d’un évêque dominicain de Chypre” 447–454. Apr 1367 (IM 2467; Bibliothèques II, 367.3, p. 366–368) inventory and accounts. n.d. (IM 2469) note of £1548 still due. n.d. (IM 5274) inventory and note of sales. No. 439 [olim 393] Guido de Io prior of Notre-Dame du Pré à Donzy OClun (Auxerre) Died in Curia 1347. 9 Jan 1348 (Coll. 497, 36v–37r; OS 23, 4rv; VQ 5:400) Hugo abbot of Cluny pays 200 fl. of a composition of 450 fl. 26 Apr 1348 (VQ 5:405) he pays 250 fl. No. 440 [olim 394] Guido de Nobilibus (Farnese) bishop of Orvieto, rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany Bishop from 1302; died 1328. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 329–330. 16 Jun 1333 (VQ 1:468) commissioner Petrus de Artusio pays 253 fl., etc. 30 Jul 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 462) to Philippus de Chambarlhac, rector of the Patrimony: the bastard Ninus Guittonis may retain 200 fl. and be absolved from excommunication if he surrenders the rest of the goods that he holds. 30 May 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2396) orders Hugo Cornuti, treasurer of the Patrimony, to collect. 20 Jul 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2444) permission to the treasurer to compound with the heirs and holders of goods. 20 Mar 1365 (IM 2393) the chapter of Orvieto petitions for return of goods which were collected as the spoils of later bishops. No. 441 [olim 395] Guido de Prangins bishop of Lausanne J.U.Prof.; formerly provost of Lausanne; bishop from 1375; died 11 Jun 1394. (The see was apparently considered vacant by the Avignon obedience from 1385, but Boniface IX of Rome attempted to place a bishop there.) Gallia Christiana 15:369–370. 5 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 9v) note of a commission to Guillelmus du Lac (the bishop’s name is given here in error as Hugo). 13 Jan 1386 (Coll. 361, 24rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 252–253) two letters of FC directing the subcollectors of Genève and Lausanne. 1 Jul 1394 (Coll. 370, 27r) Joannes Joly, collector of Lyon, and also the subcollector of Lausanne and Rigutius Simonis, scribe of apostolic letters, are directed to pay to Petrus de Baleysone 850 fl. for keeping the castle of Oppède (Cavaillon). 5 Jul 1394 (Coll. 370, 27v) Joannes Joly should pay to Ludovicus, lord of the castle of Divonne (Genève), 200 écus for the repair of the castle. 9 Jul 1394 (Coll. 370, 31r) Joannes Joly is to assign 300 fl. Cam. to Martinus de la Roche, papal master usher. 8 Aug 1394 (IM 3647) FC directs Joannes Joly, collector of Lyon, to cite certain rebels to the Curia to answer for goods taken. 6 Sep 1394 (Coll. 370, 35v–36r) the subcollector of Lausanne should pay the present bishop Guillelmus de Menthoney 500 fl. in repayment of a loan. 15 Sep 1394 (Coll. 371, 50v–53r) the officiales and all clergy of Lyon, Vienne, Besançon, and Tarentaise are to aggravate the excommunication of four canons of Lausanne who appropriated the spoils: Guillelmus de Bogie, Joannes de Viriago, Joannes Clementi, and Radulphus Gavardi. 12 Mar 1395 (Coll. 371, 72v–73r) 300 fl. Cam. assigned to Martinus de la Roche, master usher. 9 Jul 1395 (Coll. 371, 41r) 300 fl. assigned to Martinus de la Roche, master usher. No. 442 Guido de Prévenquières prior of the church of Vendémian (Béziers) Died before Oct 1393. 29 Oct 1393 (Coll. 369, 291r) reservation of his spoils, addressed to Joannes de Segur LL.D (Fasti 6:184) subcollector of Rodez, copy to Joannes Canerandi, subcollector of Béziers. 22 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 13v–14v; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 5) all the clergy of Narbonne, Carcassonne, Béziers, Agde, Lodève, Rodez, Albi, and Vabres are ordered to publish the canonical summons to the holders of goods; these are to be delivered to Sicardus de Bourguerol, collector of Narbonne. 12 Dec 1393 (Coll. 371, 184r–186v = IM 3619, 1r–3r; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 6) instrument of a composition by Aymericus Guitardi, guardian of Guido’s nephew Joannes, lord of Prévenquières. 20 Jan 1394 (Coll. 370, 6v–7r) Andreas de Groleya, domicellus of Lyon, papal squire of honor, is to pay to guardian Aymericus Guitardi 200 fl., due as the ward’s pension. 4 Sep 1395 (Coll. 371, 47v–49r) the officiales and all clergy of Béziers, Cahors, and Vabres are to publish the excommunication of Aymericus Guitardi, who has failed in his duty to his ward, the prior’s nephew. No. 443 [olim 396] Guido de Ripperia canon of Nevers, paneterius and scribe of the Chancery Died before Sep 1363. 24 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 191v; Aubert Calendar 180, p. 132) chamberlain orders Petrus Andoyni canon of Nevers to release the spoils to the executors. No. 444 [olim 398] Guido de la Roche bishop of Lavaur Formerly canon and archdeacon of Tours; bishop from 1390; died before Jul 1394. Gallia Christiana 13:336. 12 Sep 1394 (RV 308, 194rv and 211r; Favier, Finances pontificales 252 n. 1, 274 n. 1) commissions to Petrus de Tarascon and his subcollector in Lavaur and to Petrus de S. Imbert. No. 445 [olim 397] Guido Roland canon of Bourges, papal notary MA; died in Curia 1361. Rotuli Parisienses 2:506. 1362 x 1370 (OS 23A, 117v) his brother Guillelmus Roland knight is obligated to a composition of 100 fl. for the goods. No. 446 [olim 399] Guido Scettem archbishop of Genova Formerly archdeacon of Genova; archbishop from 1358; died before Feb 1368. 1 Feb 1368 (Coll. 353, 107v–108r; ed. Aubert Calendar 475, p. 266–267) chamberlain Arnaldus Aubert in Rome directs treasurer Gaucelmus de Deux in Avignon how to proceed. 1368 (Coll. 132, 59v) accounts of collector Raphael della Torre: £198 received. 19 Dec 1368 (Coll. 132, 123v–124v; Aubert Calendar 523 and 524, p. 287–288) orders the successor Andreas della Torre to compel Joannes de Coronato physician of Genova to pay Guido’s widowed mother 400 fl. from the spoils and asks Gabriel Adorno doge of Genova to assist. 10 Mar 1369 (Coll. 132, 194v–195r; Aubert Calendar 618, p. 328–329) orders the collector to pay 31 fl. for wine sold to the archbishop. 28 Jun 1371 (Coll. 358, 9rv; De Cros Calendar I, 1) Raphael della Torre canon of Genova and collector of Genova, pays £198. 1371 (Coll. 132, 100r) collector fears that £100 owed cannot be paid because of war. No. 447 [olim 400] Guido de Terrena OCarm bishop of Elne Formerly prior general OCarm; bishop of Mallorca from 1321, of Elne from 1332; died 21 Aug 1342. Gallia Christiana 6:1056–1058. 5 Jun 1321 (EFR Jean XXII communes 13590) licentia testandi. 30 Apr 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 60190) licentia testandi. 18 Dec 1346 (VQ 5:379) executors pay composition of 1000 fl., legacy of 100 fl. No. 448 [olim 401] Guido de Vassinhac abbot of S. André Villeneuve OSB (Avignon) Died 5 Aug 1380. 14 Aug 1380 (Coll. 359, 53v–54r; De Cros Calendar II, 853) the infirmarian is appointed administrator of the monastery; spoils and vacancy reserved. No. 449 [olim 402] Guido de Ventadour bishop of Vabres Formerly archdeacon of Bruxelles; bishop of Cambrai from 1342, of Vabres from 1349; died before Oct 1352. Gallia Christiana 1:279, 3:43–44. 14 Oct 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5423) commission to Bernardus de Abbate. 1353 (OS 23A, 104v) note that the executors paid a composition of 100 fl. during 1 Innocent VI. No. 450 [olim 403] Guido Vigerii rector of Chassagnes (Uzès) Familiar of the chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval; died in Curia before Aug 1344. 13 Aug 1344 (VQ 5:351) Galhardus de Ripière pays 6 fl. Flor., 3 fl. Ped., etc. No. 451 [olim 404] Guidotus de Tervisio papal scribe Died in Curia before May 1361. 14 May 1361 (VQ 7:338) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays the executors’ composition of 30 fl. No. 452 [olim 405] Guigo provost of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus) Died 1347. 1347 x 1348 (OS 23A, 103r) note that his successor Hugo paid a composition of 1500 fl. No. 453 [olim 406] Guigo de S. Germano bishop of Montecassino Papal chaplain, LL.D, notary apostolic, papal familiar; provost of Avignon; rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany; bishop of Montecassino from 1340; died before Aug 1341. BnF lat. 5155, article 4 “Relatio Guigonis de Sancto Germano, domini Pape Notarii ac Rectoris patrimonii beati Petri in Tuscia, ad Benedictum XII de statu Patrimonii.” Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 322. 2 Jul 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19873) licentia testandi. Jan 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7927) licentia testandi. 1341 (BnF lat. 5155, article 5) testament. 28 Aug 1341 (VQ 4:182) Lucas de Abbatibus pays 451 fl. 18 s. 10 d. which he had received for Guigo from the Buonacorsi bank. 19 Oct 1341 (VQ 4:183) Martellus Neyio, Guigo’s almoner, pays 131 fl. Flor., 19 fl. Ped. 24 Jan 1342 (VQ 4:188) Jacobus de Plumbayrola monk of Montecassino surrenders 250 fl. stolen from Guigo’s goods. 11 Apr 1342 (VQ 4:194; Bibliothèques I, 341.5, p. 146–147) Bernardus du Lac assigns to the Camera books and various goods. 15 Mar 1344 (VQ 5:345) Guillelmus Gisberti pays 96 fl.; Petrus Arnaldi, domicellus, pays 107½ fl.; Jacobus Cambafortis pays 81 fl. 18 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:390) Angelus Geoli stationer of Avignon pays 18 fl. for an Inventarium juris. 30 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:391) Joannes Maurel pays 168 fl. from goods found in the Curia. 27 Apr 1349 (Coll. 497, 41r) Jacobus Cambafortis undertakes to render accounts. 21 Sep 1367 (EFR Urbain V communes 20093) orders the officialis of Le Puy to recover movable goods, books, and instruments belonging personally to the late bishop. No. 454 [olim 407] Guillelmus OSB bishop of Alet Formerly abbot of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes); bishop of Alet from 1355; died before 5 Jul 1363. Gallia Christiana 6:275 and 500 both lack this name. 22 Nov 1363 (Coll. 156, 198v; IM 2279, 20; IE 303, 15v) commissioner Bertrandus Barrerie assigns to the Camera 612 fl. Fran., 463 fr. 1363 x 1364 (OS 13A, 112v) Stephanus de Vassignac bishop of Vabres is obligated to a composition of 600 fl. Fran. 6 Jul 1364 (Coll. 156, 199r; IM 2339, 17; IE 303, 21r) he pays 480 fl. Fran. before 1368 (Coll. 156, 240r) debts to 984 fl. for spoils and vacancy paid. No. 455 [olim 408] Guillelmus bishop of Aquino Former archpriest of Montesarchio (Benevento); bishop from 1354; died before Dec 1359. 16 Dec 1359 (VQ 7:269) commissioner Reginaldus de Lupchaco archbishop of Capua pays 110 fl. from spoils. 14 Nov 1360 (VQ 7:302; Coll. 231, 107v) Florentine merchants send a letter of credit to the Camera for 1510 fl. Cam. for these spoils and those of Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 456 [olim 409] Guillelmus bishop of Cotrone Bishop from 1346; died before 5 Nov 1348. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3238, 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre. 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) commission dated 14 Dec, dispatched by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 457 [olim 410] Guillelmus bishop of Isola Capo Rizzuto Died before Jun 1348. 27 Jun 1348 (Coll. 168, 73v) Guillelmus de Rosières collects goods to the value of 8 unc. No. 458 [olim 411] Guillelmus bishop of Massa Marittima Died before Apr 1349. 22 Apr 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1984) commission to Andreas di Todi for these and other spoils. No. 459 [olim 412] Guillelmus OFM bishop of Nice Papal penitentiary; bishop from 1317; died before 5 Apr 1323. Gallia Christiana 3:1286. 15 Jul 1323 (VQ 1:480) executors pay 266 fl., 34 ducats. No. 460 [olim 413] Guillelmus bishop of Nice Former canon of Nice; bishop from 1335; died before Sep 1348. Gallia Christiana 3:1287. 5 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3948) commission to Guillelmus abbot of Saint-Pons de Cimiez OSB (Nice). No. 461 [olim 414] Guillelmus bishop of Umbriatico Bishop from 1347; died before 4 May 1362. 7 Jul 1362 (Coll. 169, 137r; Bibliothèques I, 362.5, p. 212–213) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento), collector, accepted an inventory of goods received by the subcollector Jacobus abbot of S. Maria di Camigliano (Capua): 6 unc. 11 tar. and 5 books. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: The bishop died in Catanzaro and the count of Catanzaro kept 57 unc. and other goods, making a composition with the subcollector abbot for which he paid a bribe of 6 unc.; the subcollector then sold draft oxen and building timbers at Ypsigro near Umbriatico. AA replies that the composition should be rescinded, and the value of the goods sold should be recovered, if necessary from the goods of the subcollector abbot. No. 462 [olim 415] Guillelmus abbot of Joucou OSB (Alet) Died before Oct 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:289. 19 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:363) Arnaldus de Planzolis pays 200 fl. composition. No. 463 [olim 418] Guillelmus abbot of S. Maria di Denticane OSB (Benevento) Died early 1362. 1362 (Coll. 169, 135r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector receives accounts: 2 unc. minoris ponderis. No. 464 [olim 417] Guillelmus sr. abbot of S. Sofia OSB (Benevento) Died before Nov 1339. 24 Apr 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 60136) licentia testandi. 29 Nov 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8287) quittance for the expenses of making an inventory. 15 Dec 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2627) replaces the late commissioner Petrus Vasconis with Arnulphus Marcellini. 8 Jun 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2787) orders Arnulphus Marcellini, vice-rector of Benevento, to investigate and collect spoils. 29 Jun 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2816) permission to compound for the grain in store, in view of a famine. 7 Aug 1340 (VQ 4:161–162) cousin executor Guillelmus de Cutella pays 216 fl. 11 Mar 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 718) commission to Arnulphus Marcellini canon of Embrun, rector of Benevento. No. 465 Guillelmus abbot of Issoire OSB (Clermont) Died about May 1397. Gallia Christiana 2:358. 16 May 1397 (Coll. 372, 84r) Pontius de Cros is ordered to pay to Pontius de Langiac, seneschal of Auvergne, one half of the spoils after observing the moderatio. No. 466 [olim 421] Guillelmus abbot of Le Vigeois OSB (Limoges) Died before Nov 1372. Gallia Christiana 2:596 lacks this name. 10 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 109v–110r; De Cros Calendar I, 215) treasurer Petrus de Vernols orders collector Petrus Chauvet to leave the spoils to the successor Guido for the service of the monastery. No. 467 [olim 422] Guillelmus abbot of S. Sauveur OSB (Lodève) Died before Oct 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:604–605. 20 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:363) subcollector pays 38 fl., etc. 9 Nov 1361 (Coll. 497, 76v) successor Petrus Castanhi is obligated to a composition of 80 fl. 1 Feb 1362 (VQ 7:389) successor pays 80 fl. sent. 1368 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 185r) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts because the successor made a composition in the Camera. No. 468 [olim 423] Guillelmus abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Died before 25 Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:478 lacks this name. late 1348 (RA 101, 47r–51r) inventory by commissioner Raymundus de Salerio. 6 Dec 1348 (Coll. 497, 39v) successor Gaucelmus de Deux obligated to a composition of 100 fl. 18 Feb 1349 (VQ 5:418–419) he pays 100 fl. 27 Oct 1349 (Coll. 497, 42r) he assumes the obligation of Abbot Guillelmus for the spoils of Raymundus de Sérignac, former abbot (Case no. 1223). 2 April 1351 (VQ 5:445) he pays 100 fl. 1357 x 1359 (Coll. 154, 211v–212v) accounts of Guillelmus Guilbert. n.d. (Coll. 149, 164rv; Coll. 155, 236rv) he reports debts received to the sum of 82 fl. 19 s. 8 d. No. 469 [olim 1187] Guillelmus abbot of Charroux OSB (Poitiers) Died before 29 Jan 1369. Gallia Christiana 2:1283 lacks this name. 29 Jan 1369 (EFR Urbain V communes 25114) Petrus succeeded Guillelmus as abbot. 9 May 1369 (Coll. 353, 218v–219r; Aubert Calendar 686, p. 356) chamberlain orders collector to observe the moderatio. No. 470 [olim 425] Guillelmus abbot of Le Pin OSB (Poitiers) Died before Mar 1371. Gallia Christiana 2:1230–1363 lacks this abbey. 11 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 209r; Aubert Calendar 819, p. 416–417) goods released by reason of the monastery’s poverty. No. 471 Guillelmus abbot of S. Vincent Nieul-sur-l’Autise OCSA (Poitiers) Died before Feb 1381. Gallia Christiana 2:1230–1363 lacks this abbey. 27 Feb 1381 (Coll. 374, 50v; De Cros Calendar II, 892) Petrus Domaud, collector, must answer to Elias de Vodron bishop of Catania, administrator of the monastery. No. 472 [olim 426] Guillelmus abbot of S. Paolo fuori le Mura OSB (Roma) Died in Curia, Roma, before Jul 1368. 3 Jul 1368 (Coll. 433, 3r–4v; EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2786; IM 2508; Bibliothèques I, 368.4, p. 238–240) commission to Gaucelmus de Pradelle. 8 Aug 1368 (IM 2512) publication of the bull of commission. 1368–1378 (Coll. 433, 3r–151v; Coll. 492, 10rv) accounts of commissioner Gaucelmus de Pradelle. No. 473 [olim 427] Guillelmus priest Died in the Pinhota, Apr 1389. Apr 1389 (IM 3337, 49) Geraldus Mistralis, governor of the Pinhota, pays 9 fl. Cam. 5 s. 6 d. No. 474 [olim 11] Guillelmus Allemand de S. Gorio bishop of Genève Bishop from 1342; died before 10 Apr 1366. Gallia Christiana 16:428–430. Jul 1366 (IM 2435, 13) commissioner Geraldus de Calma, administrator of the Pinhota, pays 598 fl., 40 fr., £28.6.6 Avin. 27 Feb 1368 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2712; Aubert Calendar 481, p. 271) sentence against the nephew Petrus de S. Gorio knight for holding money, silverware, clothing, horses, and cattle. 16 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 30r; De Cros Calendar I, 61) the subcollector of Genève is ordered to collect the bishop’s debts. No. 475 [olim 428] Guillelmus de Alsona OSB bishop of Alet Formerly abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) from 1309; bishop of Alet from 1333; died 6 Jan 1355. Gallia Christiana 6:275 divides this bishop in two; 6:955–957. Guiraud, “Inventaire de Guillaume, évêque d’Alet” 182–240. 28 Nov 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4324) commission to Bernardus de Abbate to secure the living bishop’s goods; quondam Guillelmi seems to be the error of the editor. 17 May 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4964) the bishop, still alive, still neglects to pay his debts; the commissioner is to place all his goods under the hand of the Camera. 29 May 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4978) the commissioner should collect the spoils. 5 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1177) commission to Bernardus de Abbate in anticipation of the death of the bishop, magna corporis infirmitate gravati. Dec 1354 (Coll. 102, 25 fols.; Bibliothèques II, 355.1, p. 306–309) donations inter vivos. Jan 1355 (RA 128, 81r–121v; Bibliothèques II, 355.1, p. 309–311) inventory by commissioner Petrus Chambonet. 3 Feb 1355 (VQ 7:88) Bernardus de Abbate, collector of Narbonne, pays to the Camera through Petrus Chambonet: 228 écus, 252 fl., 38 georgii, etc. 11 Jul. 1355 (VQ 7:96) Petrus Chambonet pays 454 écus. 5 Mar 1356 (VQ 7:130) Bernardus de Abbate pays 266 fl., 74 mutones, 197 écus. 1357 x 1359 (Coll. 154, 209r) accounts of Guillelmus Guilbert. No. 476 [olim 429] Guillelmus Amici patriarch of Jerusalem in administration of Fréjus Formerly provost of Lavaur, LL.D., papal chaplain; bishop of Apt from 1341, of Chartres from 1342; patriarch in administration of Fréjus from 1359; died cum aliqua sanctitatis fama at Montpellier 9 Jun 1360. Gallia Christiana 1:364, 436–437, 8:1174–1175, 13:352. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:249–250, 368–369. 8 Sep 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58291) licentia testandi. 23 Jul 1360 (Coll. 231, 96r; VQ 7:297) executors pay a composition of 500 fl. 11 Feb 1362 (OS 31, 209r; Aubert Calendar 48, p. 80) an order to all the priors, rectors, and curates of the dioceses of Avignon, Maguelonne, and Nîmes to summon the thieves who stole jewels and other goods to return them to Philippus de Cabassol, successor and executor of Guillelmus. No. 477 Guillelmus Amidano OESA bishop of Novara Formerly prior general OESA; bishop from 1342; died 29 Jan 1356. 30 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1917) commission to Geraldus de Puyfaucon abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello) and Andreas abbot of S. Andrea (Vercelli). No. 478 [olim 430] Guillelmus Arnaldi de Clerico sacristan of Bordeaux Papal chaplain; died before Apr 1330. Fasti 13:323. 15 Apr 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4166) commission to Fayditus Guiraudon. 29 Feb 1331 (OS 12, 138v; VQ 1:524) Raymundus de Clerico pays 455 fl. No. 479 Guillelmus Arnulphi subcollector of Valence-Die Died before Jun 1396. 26 Jun 1396 (Coll. 372, 55r) his successor Joannes Joly should assign to Guillelmus Flori, bailiff of Montélimar, 100 fl. due for his service keeping that castle. No. 480 Guillelmus Atbert provost of Mende, clerk of the Camera Died before Mar 1373. Fasti 8:184–185. 24 Mar 1373 (RA 220, 241v; De Cros Calendar I, 300) spoils are to be released to nephew Stephanus Atbert. No. 481 [olim 431] Guillelmus Audebert bishop of Périgueux J.U.Prof.; papal chaplain; bishop of Apt from 1336, of Périgueux from 1341; died before Jun 1347. Gallia Christiana 1:363–364, 2:1478. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:247–249. 11 Mar 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7031) licentia testandi. 22 Nov 1349 (Coll. 289, 28v) silver vessels in papal treasure. 1353 (RA 125, 273v–274r; Bibliothèques II, 347.55, p. 219–220) books in the papal treasure. No. 482 [olim 432] Guillelmus d’Auxonne bishop of Autun LL.D; formerly canon of Paris; bishop of Cambrai from 1336, of Autun 1344; died before 30 Mar 1344. Gallia Christiana 3:42–43, 4:413. Fasti 12:128–130. 5 Nov 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1228) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent treasurer of Écouis (Rouen). 1 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1507) orders the commissioner to release the goods to the executors. 11 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1553) cites a licentia testandi and yields the spoils to the executors. No. 483 [olim 433] Guillelmus de Balma prior of Tarascon (Avignon), collector of Arles Died in Curia before Jul 1361. 17 Jul 1361 (VQ 7:341) commissioner Nicolaus Cortesii pays 112 fl. 20 s. 19 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:363) he pays 11 fl. 22 Sep 1362 (Coll. 231, 143v) he pays 114 fl. No. 484 [olim 434] Guillelmus Barralhi provost of Notre-Dame des Doms Avignon Died before Jul 1363. 3 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 180rv; Aubert Calendar 153, p. 123) commission to Arnaldus Len canon of Lodève to collect the spoils of Guillelmus and of his father Franciscus Barralhi merchant of Avignon. No. 485 [olim 435] Guillelmus Batemann bishop of Norwich LL.D., papal chaplain, formerly dean of Lincoln; bishop from 1344; died in Curia 6 Jan 1355. 1 Oct 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7933) licentia testandi. 9 Feb 1355 (VQ 7:88) nephew and executor Simon Sudbury, auditor of the Rota, pays 1000 fl. of a composition of 2000 fl. 7 Sep 1355 (VQ 7:97 = OS 23A, 107r) he pays the remaining 1000 fl. No. 486 [olim 436] Guillelmus de Baylia bishop of Pamiers Formerly archdeacon of Brie (Paris), papal familiar; bishop from 1351; died 31 Oct 1365. Gallia Christiana 13:162–163. 10 Dec 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2060) commission to Aymericus Pellicier. 1365 (Coll. 235, 125v–137r, 162v–168v) accounts. 1371 (Coll. 18, 226v–260v; Bibliothèques II, 365.8, p. 364–366) accounts of Aymericus Pellicier: 149 fl. 5 gros. collected. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156v) and £1842.18.2 ob. remain to be collected. No. 487 [olim 437] Guillelmus de Benevento archdeacon of Ardennes (Liège) Formerly clerk of the Camera; died before 25 Jul 1361. Baix, “Notes sur les clercs de la Chambre Apostolique” 38. 14 Jan 1362 (VQ 7:385) executor pays 338 fl. for a composition and 100 fl. for a legacy. 14 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 216v–218r; 220r–221r; Aubert Calendar 33, p. 76) spoils released to executors. No. 488 [olim 438] Guillelmus Berilhonis scribe and abbreviator of papal letters Died in Curia before Aug 1364. 27 Aug 1364 (IE 303, 22rv) executor Aymericus Pellicier pays 19 fl. No. 489 [olim 439] Guillelmus Bernard chancellor of Notre-Dame de Paris S.T.D., chancellor from 1329; died in Curia before May 1336. Rotuli Parisienses 1:31. Courtenay, “John XXII and the University of Paris” 238–239. 27 May 1336 (VQ 4:107) Jordanus and Arnaldus Rocelli, heirs, pay 300 fl. composition. No. 490 [olim 440] Guillelmus Bernard de Séchelles Died before Oct 1353. Probably not a cleric. The surname seems to be a version of de Séchel; Viscount Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Minister of Finance of Louis XV, gave his name to the Islands in 1754. 12 Oct 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 598) commission to Joannes des Paumes archpriest of Belaye (Cahors) to sell his goods at auction; Guillelmus died in debt to the Camera. No. 491 [olim 441] Guillelmus Bernard Dupin bishop of Bayonne Bishop from 1357; died before 20 Jun 1371. Gallia Christiana 1:1317. 31 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 33r; De Cros Calendar I, 63) successor Petrus de Oracio is granted Cameral power to compel the holders of spoils to repair buildings. No. 492 [olim 419] Guillelmus Berseti abbot of S. Romain de Blaye OCSA (Bordeaux) Abbot from 1349; died before Aug 1365. Gallia Christiana 2:884. 26 Aug 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1932) commission to Sancius Vaquier. No. 493 [olim 442] Guillelmus de Bordes archbishop of Embrun Formerly archdeacon of Mende, notary apostolic, papal familiar; archbishop from 1361; died before 18 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 3:1087. 15 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:356) successor Raymundus de Salgis orders 300 fl. exchange from banker Lucas de Abbatibus, and himself pays 289 fl. composition. 22 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) brother Stephanus de Bordes pays 1000 fl. of a composition of 2000 fl. (cf. Coll. 231, 142r). 16 Mar 1362 (VQ 7:393) he pays 1000 fl. 26 Mar 1362 (VQ 7:394–395) he pays a 62 fl. exchange premium. No. 494 [olim 443] Guillelmus de Bordes bishop of Lectoure Subdeacon and cantor of Lectoure; papal chaplain; bishop from 1311; died before 6 Mar 1346. Gallia Christiana 1:1079–1080. 22 Sep 1311 (Regestum Clementis Papae V, 7318) licentia testandi. 4 Mar 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2342) commission ante mortem to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). No. 495 [olim 444] Guillelmus Borrel prior of Comprian (Bordeaux), collector of Bordeaux Died before Mar 1378. 10 Mar 1378 (Coll. 359, 3r; De Cros Calendar I, 641) quittance to his successor as collector, Elias Polet. No. 496 Guillelmus Boudreville canon of Zamora, collector of Zaragoza, Tarragona, Navarre, Mallorca Lic.Decr.; formerly canon of Paris; died in Curia before Dec 1393. Rotuli Parisienses 3:316–317. 30 Dec 1393 (RV 308, 42rv) the collector died without accounts rendered; the reservation of his spoils was directed to Arnaldus de Condomia, treasurer and subcollector of Vich, and Dominicus Pontii canon of Barcelona. 10 Mar 1394 (Coll. 370, 25r) Robertus de Canteleu, speciator, citizen of Paris, should pay the debt of 260 fr., which he owed to the collector, to Guido Arnaldi de Saceyo, perpetual vicar of the parish church of S. Pierre-en-Sentelée (Orléans), the late collector’s servant. n.d. (IE 371, 53r; Favier, Finances pontificales 271 n. 3) funeral expenses. 1 May 1395 (Coll. 372, 26v; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 7) FC orders the successor collector, Jacobus de Filippis precentor of Mallorca, to pay a legacy of 30 fl. Aragon to Guillelmus’s servant Isabella. 8 Aug 1413 (RA 341, 139rv) the reserved goods of Guillelmus were received by Joannes Lavergne bishop of Lodève (Case no. 766), who died without rendering accounts. Leodegarius Sapor bishop of Gap (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:510–511) and Constantinus de Pergola bishop of Apt (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:263–265) are ordered to collect the goods of Joannes at Lodève and elsewhere. No. 497 [olim 446] Guillelmus de Cadoule abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles) Died before 15 Nov 1328. Gallia Christiana 1:612. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 324–325 n. 1. 6 Feb 1329 (VQ 1:538) successor Raymundus de Boulbon pays 1000 fl.; deceased abbot’s nephews pay 72 m. 1½ unc. silver. 15 May 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 45205) orders Pictavinus de Montesquiou bishop of Bazas and the provost and sacristan of Avignon to restore to the successor Raymundus de Boulbon all the goods taken from the monastery during the last illness of Guillelmus, except those goods which have come into the hands of the Camera. 28 Jun 1329 (VQ 1:538) the successor pays 400 fl. 17 Nov 1329 (VQ 1:538) a nephew of the deceased abbot pays 28 fl. No. 498 [olim 447] Guillelmus Calloie canon of S. Denis (Angers) Died in Curia before Apr 1347. 17 Apr 1347 (VQ 5:387–388) canons of Angers pay spoils. No. 499 [olim 448] Guillelmus de Camareto prior of Sauxillanges OClun (Clermont) Died before Jul 1330. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 332. 1 Mar 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 28059) licentia testandi. 4 Jul 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4246) commission to Guillelmus de Orto abbot of Clermont. 13 Dec 1330 (OS 12, 133v = VQ 1:564) 15 merchants of Orange pay debts: 1100 fl., 1300 agni auri, 12,600 s. gros of Tours. No. 500 [olim 449] Guillelmus de Campigio auditor of the Rota Died in Curia before Jul 1349. 7 Jul 1349 (VQ 5:427) executor pays composition of 160 fl. No. 501 [olim 450] Guillelmus Capodiferro bishop of Chieti Notary apostolic, papal familiar; bishop from 1340; died 1352. 15 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8767) licentia testandi. 2 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1071) premature commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi. No. 502 [olim 451] Guillelmus Chevrier canon and cantor of Tours Died before Dec 1365. 23 Dec 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1065) commission to Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours; the spoils “fuerunt reservata diu ante infirmitatem ex qua decessit.” 24 Jan 1367 (OS 38A, 15v–16r; Coll. 353, 78v–79r; Aubert Calendar 436, p. 245) the commissioner is ordered to release goods to the heirs as the canon’s peculium: “erat magnus advocatus et multas habebat pensiones a multis nobilibus partium illarum pro advocatione sua.” No. 503 [olim 452] Guillelmus de Cardaillac OSB bishop of Montauban Formerly abbot of S. Michel de Pessan OSB (Auch); bishop from 1317; died 17 Mar 1355. Gallia Christiana 1:1013, 13:233–235. 14 Mar 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 44732) licentia testandi, although he is a Benedictine monk. 4 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1489) commission to Raymundus Roger canon of S. Gauger (Cambrai). 21 Aug 1355 (Coll. 497, 55r) the heirs Bernardus Fabrefortis and Bernardus Hugues obligated to a composition of 200 fl. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 251r) Aymericus Pellicier reports 47 fl. remaining of a composition. No. 504 [olim 453] Guillelmus de Cardaillac OSB bishop of Saint-Papoul Formerly abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille); bishop from 1328; died 15 Feb 1347. Gallia Christiana 1:692, 13:303. 6 Jan 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3039) Raymundus de Canilhac archbishop of Toulouse is to summon the bishop to the Curia to answer for abuses to the men of Augutus de Baux seneschal of Toulouse. 19 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3127) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). 4 Mar 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3160) faculty to Raymundus de Canilhac archbishop of Toulouse to absolve Geraldus de Montfaucon and others who captured and robbed the late bishop, after restitution; King Philip VI had released him from prison to face judgment in the Curia. No. 505 [olim 454] Guillelmus de Cavanhac clerk of the Camera Died before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (OS 31, 213v–214r; Aubert Calendar 9, p. 67) quittance to his brother Geraldus de Cavanhac knight for 200 fl. composition; Bartholomeus de Vassinhaco, a familiar of the Curia, was considered security for a further 100 fl. legacy to the pope. 27 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357–358) Geraldus pays 200 fl. for composition and legacy. 12 Oct 1361 (OS 31, 252v–253r; Aubert Calendar 16, p. 69–70) commission to Rigaldus Tornamira archdeacon of Conches to collect debts for Geraldus de Cavanhac. No. 506 [olim 455] Guillelmus de Colterio de Aragonia OP bishop of Terralba Bishop elect of Castro in Sardegna, by mistake (the see was not vacant); bishop of Terralba from 1356; died before 13 Sep 1364. n.d. (Coll. 116, 29v–30r) subcollector pays £2250.6.10 and notes a composition of £100 for goods at Vich, where the bishop died. No. 507 [olim 424] Guillelmus Columbi abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Formerly monk of Montmajour; abbot from 1365; died before Jun 1375. Gallia Christiana 6:478. Jun 1375 (IM 2877, 4) Arnaldus André, collector of Narbonne, pays 107 fl. Cam. 15 s. 2 d. for silver vessels sold. 23 Oct 1375 (Coll. 356, 60v; De Cros Calendar I, 590) Bertrandus Jordani commissioned to collect the remains. 22 Aug 1376 (OS 42, 83r) quittances to Arnaldus André for payments: 100 fr. on 16 Jun 1375; 86 marks 9 d. on 20 Jun 1375. 26 Sep 1378 (OS 42, 131v; Bibliothèques II, 375.5, p. 428–429) he pays 80 fr. No. 508 [olim 456] Guillelmus de Corgnac clerk of the Penitentiary Died intestate in Curia Jan 1356. 25 Jan 1356 (VQ 7:170) commissioner Petrus Ruffi pays 1700 fl., 300 écus. No. 509 [olim 493] Guillelmus Digne or Ribati OCarm bishop of Vence Formerly papal chaplain; bishop of Segni from 1348, of Vence from 1348; died before 29 Oct 1361. Gallia Christiana 3:1223. 17 Feb 1362 (OS 31, 210rv; Aubert Calendar 51, p. 81) chamberlain orders the officiales of Vence and Nice to investigate a debt owed by Amadeus Digne bishop of Grasse, transferred by testament to the pope. 23 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 142rv; Aubert Calendar 69, p. 92) commission to successor Stephanus Digne to collect spoils. 28 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 142v; Aubert Calendar 70, p. 92) moderatio allowing Stephanus half of the net spoils for his maintenance. No. 510 [olim 457] Guillelmus de Durfort bishop of Lombez LL.Lic.; formerly archdeacon of S. Antonin (Rodez); papal chaplain, auditor of the Rota; bishop from 1363; died 14 Apr 1379. Gallia Christiana 13:324. Fasti 6:162. ca. Apr 1379 (OS 42, 158v–159r) commission to Aymericus Pellicier under the general reservation of Gregory XI; two copies of the inventory are to be sent to the Camera. May 1379 (Coll. 235, 145r) the collector owes 112 fl. for spoils. No. 511 [olim 458] Guillelmus Emergavi OFM bishop of Kissamos (Crete) Bishop from 1349; died in Curia Oct 1352. 25 Oct 1352 (Coll. 497, 79v; Aubert Calendar 105, p. 104) successor Joannes is obligated to a composition of 200 fl. and the spoils are released to him. No. 512 [olim 416] Guillelmus Equitanicus abbot of S. M. del Gualdo Mazzocca OSB (Benevento), collector in Sicilia citra Farum Formerly prior of S. Nicola (Bari); abbot from 1345; died 10 Oct 1350. Hilken, Memory and Community in Medieval Southern Italy 43 n. 141. 26 Oct 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2321) orders Guillelmus Stivalis, as vice-rector of the province of Benevento, to cite all who disobey the orders of the abbot of Gualdo: this order was obsolete when received. 9 Nov 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2328) commission to Guillelmus Stivalis archpriest of Monterotaro (Benevento) to collect the abbot’s spoils. 12 Nov 1353 (Coll. 169, 52v) successor Nicolaus de Cercia pays 10 unc. for spoils. No. 513 [olim 503] Guillelmus Etienne bishop of Gap Bishop from 1318; died 29 Aug 1328. Gallia Christiana 1:467. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:495–497. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 336–337 n. 1. 19 Aug 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 42214) licentia testandi. 31 Oct 1328 (OS 12, 98 = VQ 1:539) heir and executors pay 1000 fl. of a 2000-fl. composition. 13 Jan 1329 (OS 12, 101r = VQ 1:539) they pay 1000 fl. 29 Mar 1329 (OS 12, 104v =VQ 1:539) successor Dragonetus Artaud pays 500 fl. of a composition of 1000 fl. 19 Jun 1329 (OS 12, 108r =VQ 1:540) he pays 500 fl. No. 514 [olim 459] Guillelmus de Fabrica scribe of the Penitentiary Died in Curia before Oct 1360. 30 Oct 1360 (Coll. 231, 103v; VQ 7:300–301) executors pay a composition of 400 fl. to Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. No. 515 [olim 460] Guillelmus de Flavacourt archbishop of Rouen Formerly archdeacon of Rouen; bishop of Viviers from 1319, of Carcassonne from 1322; archbishop of Auch from 1323, of Rouen from 1357; died before 3 Jul 1359. Gallia Christiana 1:994–995, 6:895, 11:81, 16:572. Rotuli Parisienses 2:490, 492, 532. Fasti 2:105–106. 1 Feb 1323 (EFR Jean XXII communes 16899) licentia testandi. 12 Apr 1325 (EFR Jean XXII communes 21984) licentia testandi. 11 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 773) commission to Joannes Allemand, subcollector of Auch. Only the archbishop’s goods at Auch were in view in this process. No. 516 [olim 463] Guillelmus Foulques prior of Montaubérou OCSA (Maguelonne) Died before Dec 1344. 3 Dec 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1297) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). No. 517 [olim 464] Guillelmus Fournier de Marcossay bishop of Genève Formerly canon of Fréjus; bishop of Gap from 1362, of Genève from 1366; died 1377. Gallia Christiana 1:468, 16, 430–431. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:502–503. 20 Mar 1378 (Coll. 393, 65r–66r; De Cros Calendar I, 643) commission by treasurer to Guillelmus du Lac, collector. 18 Dec 1378 (RA 220, 331v–332r; De Cros Calendar II, 685; Favier, Finances pontificales 262 n. 4, 287 n. 6) chamberlain PC orders the collector to release the fruits of the mensa to the successor Joannes de Murol and to observe the moderatio of spoils. No. 518 [olim 462] Guillelmus Frédol OSB bishop of Béziers Formerly abbot of S. Tiberi OSB (Agde); bishop from 1313; died 20 Nov 1349. Gallia Christiana 6:347–348, 714. 3 May 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19502) licentia testandi. 19 Feb 1344 (Coll. 71, 104v) licentia testandi. 22 Nov 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4319–4320) commissions to Bernardus de Abbate, Durandus de Chapelle bishop of Rieux, Bertrandus de S. Martial bishop of Saint-Papoul, and Bertrandus OSB abbot of Grasse (Carcassonne). 22 Nov 1349 (Coll. 71, 104r–129v; Bibliothèques II, 349.7, p. 286–290) commissioner’s accounts. 27 Aug 1350 (Coll. 497, 44v) executors undertake to render full accounts. 30 Aug 1350 (VQ 5:438) they pay 1676 fl., £20.6.1 for goods sold. before 1356 (Coll. 114, 81r) commissioner receives 221 fl. 16 s. 2 Oct 1358 (RV 241, 139v–140v and RV 244 K, 161B, number 304) commission to Guillelmus Guilbert archpriest of Corbières (Narbonne) and Stephanus Bernardon, cleric of Béziers. 1357 x 1359 (Coll. 154, 209v) commissioner’s accounts. ca. 1359 (Coll. 156, 16r) 25 fl. Fran. debt paid. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 152v) 140 fr. collected. No. 519 [olim 466] Guillelmus Garcia Manrique bishop of Oviedo Formerly bishop of Sigüenza from 1388, of Oviedo from 1389; died 17 Feb 1412. Jan 1412 – Mar 1413 (ASV Indice 254, 114r) collector Jeronimus de Ochon bishop of Elne receives 6980 fl. 10 s. 6 d. No. 520 [olim 467] Guillelmus de Gennep archbishop of Köln Formerly treasurer of Köln; archbishop from 1349; died 15 Sep 1362. Gallia Christiana 3:699–700. 13 Jan 1364 (Fierens and Tihon, Lettres d’Urbain V, 1029; Aubert Calendar 211, p. 153) the pope orders the chamberlain to proceed against the canons who have opposed the commissioner Petrus Begonis. 15 May 1364 (IM 2339, 12; IE 303, 19v; IE 305, 34r: Kirsch, Kollektorien 392–393) commissioner Florentius bishop of Münster pays 3716 fl., 3 s. 12 d. for goods “ante eius obitum .. reservata et per ipsum quondam archiepiscopum predicte Camere relicta.” 6 Aug 1364 (IE 303, 21v–22r) commissioner Petrus Begonis pays 3716 fl. Cam. 3 s. 4 d. by note of exchange. 30 Oct 1365 (Coll. 353, 52r; Aubert Calendar 350, p. 208) the chapter of Köln is absolved of excommunication incurred by holding the goods. No. 521 [olim 469] Guillelmus de Gimiel bishop of Cartagena Formerly archdeacon in the church of Clermont, LL.D., papal chaplain, auditor of the Rota; bishop from 1372; died in Curia before 12 Dec 1383. 14 Jan 1384 (Coll. 360, 73v) the chamberlain orders collector Fulco Perrier jr. to provide for the new bishop Fernandus de Pedrosa until the next fruits, de antiqua et approbata consuetudine. No. 522 [olim 465] Guillelmus Golobert subcollector of Bourges Died before Feb 1386. Feb 1386 (Coll. 85, 314r–326v) goods collected against a debt to the Camera. n.d. (Coll. 85, 329r–371v; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 8) balance. No. 523 [olim 470] Guillelmus Grandin Called dominus; died in Curia 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 50 fl. from goods. No. 524 [olim 471] Guillelmus de Grenlaw archdeacon of S. Andrews, collector of Scotland Formerly dean of Glasgow; archdeacon of Brechin; died before Dec 1374. Rotuli Parisienses 1:157, 2, 502–503 n. 8 Dec 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 3019) commission to Joannes Peebles precentor of Dunkeld. No. 525 [olim 472] Guillelmus de Guarrico subcollector of Coimbra Died about 1370. ca. 1370 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 85v) Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon receives £1172.4.3. No. 526 [olim 468] Guillelmus Guilbert archpriest of Corbières (Narbonne), collector of Narbonne Died before Oct 1361. 21 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:366) successor collector Joannes de Lacmolio pays money held by Guillelmus, including his personal spoils of 177 fl. No. 527 [olim 473] Guillelmus Guitard OSB bishop of Lisieux D.Decr.; formerly monk of Chaise-Dieu OSB (Clermont); abbot of S. Taurin OSB (Evreux); bishop of S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux from 1348, of Lisieux from 1349; member of the Council of Jean II during the Jacquerie rebellion; died in Curia when his house in Avignon burned, 10 Nov 1358. Gallia Christiana 1:721, 11:629, 786. Gallia Christiana Novissima 4:155–160. Cazelles, Société, politique, noblesse et couronne 264 and index. 10 Nov 1358 (RV 244 K, 183B, number 355) commission to Bernardus Carit canon of Rouen (Fasti 2:162) to collect the spoils of the bishop extra Romanam Curiam defuncti [sic]. Copies went to Geraldus d’Arbent and Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 30 Jun 1359 (VQ 7:264) goods collected worth 2241 fl., of which 500 fl. are assigned to the thirtieth subsidy and 1000 fl. to spoils. 27 Jul 1361 (VQ 7:354) commissioner Bertrandus de Cosnac bishop of Comminges pays 405 fl. 15 s. No. 528 [olim 474] Guillelmus Isnardi OFM archbishop of Benevento Formerly bishop of Alba from 1321; archbishop of Brindisi from 1333, of Benevento from 1344; died Aug 1346. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. 6 Jun 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 25565) licentia testandi. 18 Jan 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 62481) licentia testandi. 25 Aug 1346 (IM 1710; Bibliothèques I, 346.4, p. 175–176) inventory of goods at Napoli. 26 Aug 1346 – 20 Apr 1347 (Coll. 168, 61r–72v) books sent to the Camera, sales to the sum of 989 unc. 9 tari 2 gran. by Guillelmus de Rosières. 9 Sep 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1204) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières bishop of Montecassino. 13 Sep 1346 (IM 1710) further inventory at Napoli by Guillelmus de Rosières. 19 Sep 1346 (IM 1714) bill of lading for animals and grain to Avignon. 12 Oct 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1235–1238) detailed orders to Petrus Vitalis. 7 Apr 1347 (IM 1736) commissioner reports further collections of money. 3 Jun 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2212) faculty to Andreas di Todi to compound with the Buonacorsi company. No. 529 [olim 475] Guillelmus de Jean prior of Ségur OClun (Albi) Died before Aug 1375. 4 Aug 1375 (Coll. 356, 45r) instruction to the collector Guillelmus Amarant: if the prior died after 4 Jul 1375, when a new abbot was provided to Moissac, that abbot will take the spoils by custom. No. 530 [olim 476] Guillelmus de la Jugie cardinal priest of S. Clemente Archdeacon of Wrocław from 1343; created cardinal 20 Sep 1342; died 28 Apr 1374. Klicman, Acta Clementis VI 184, p. 101–102. 17 Jan 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 3099) Petrus Stephani, collector of Hungary and Poland, is to collect the spoils in Poland. No. 531 [olim 445] Guillelmus de Labroue OP bishop of Cahors Bishop from 1317; died in Curia before Jun 1324. Gallia Christiana 1:140–141. Albe, Les familles de Quercy 276 (Annales 471–473). Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 335 n. 2. 20 Jun 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19788) licentia testandi. 15 Jul 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2143) John XXII orders Petrus de Mennaco canon of Cahors to pay a legacy of 2000 fl. to the Dominican convent of Cahors for works on the fabric of their church. 15 Jul 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2144) orders the chamberlain GL to compel all debtors of the late bishop to pay their debts. No. 532 [olim 477] Guillelmus du Lac bishop of Lodève LL.Lic.; formerly provost of Genève; clerk, then counsellor of the Camera; bishop from 1392; died before Apr 1398. Gallia Christiana 6:559–560, 16:463. Favier, “Rectification à la liste des évêques de Lodève” 72–73. 17 Jul 1398 (Coll. 372, 110v–111r) FC directs Henricus Bayler bishop of Alet to pay debts totaling 60 fl. to a papal subdeacon, acolytes, and sergeants. 31 Jan 1404 (RA 320, 93v–94r; RA 321, 40r; Favier, Finances pontificales 252–253) spoils reserved before his death granted to Franciscus de Torria canon and archdeacon of Cerdanya (Urgell). No. 533 [olim 478] Guillelmus de Landore abbot of Ile-Barbe OSB (Lyon) Formerly prior of Villanova (Montauban); abbot from 1354; died before Jun 1371. Gallia Christiana 4:230. 20 Jun 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 269) commission to Aubricus Raoul. No. 534 [olim 479] Guillelmus de Leschemel abbot of La Celle OSB (Troyes) Abbot of La Celle by 1342, and briefly in 1347 abbot of S. Guillem du Désert (Lodève); died 17 Mar 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:597, 12:547. 17 Mar 1348 (S. Guillem necrology) legacy to S. Guillem of 50 fl., pulcherrimas decretales, & sextum cum Clementinis. 22 Nov 1349 (Coll. 289, 28r) silver vessels in the inventory of the papal treasure. 13 Feb 1350 (Coll. 289, 42v) note of obligation for 50 fr. by the heir of a debtor. No. 535 [olim 480] Guillelmus de Lionbart chamberlain of cardinal Guillelmus Farinerii de Gordonio OFM Died in Curia, Aug 1357. 30 Aug 1357 (VQ 7:181) executors pay a composition of 20 fl. No. 536 [olim 482] Guillelmus Lombardi rector of Belpech (Mirepoix) Died Sep 1373. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 251v) collector Aymericus Pellicier reports that the heirs have made a composition for 150 fl., of which 5 fl. 2½ gros. remain to be paid. No. 537 [olim 481] Guillelmus Lombardi rector of Montguiscard (Toulouse) Died before Sep 1344. 8 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1084) commission to Jacobus de Labroue. 13 Jul 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1825) orders Augutus de Baux, seneschal of Toulouse, to restore to the commissioner goods seized by men of Philippe VI king of France. 6 Apr 1346 (VQ 5:366–367) Guillelmus had spent the proceeds of grain from the monastery of Barjols (Fréjus) which belonged to the Camera; his proctor Raymundus pays a composition of 500 fl. No. 538 Guillelmus de Luco abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) Formerly prior of La Chaume (Clermont); abbot of S. Florence de Saumur OSB (Angers) from 1368, of Grasse from 1390; died before Nov 1393. Gallia Christiana 6:960–961, 14:638. 4 Nov 1393 (Coll. 370, 2r = Coll. 371, 109rv) FC directs Sicardus de Bourguerol, collector of Narbonne, to assign 100 fl. dowry for Margarita and Maria, daughters of Guillelmus de Maumont, domicellus of Limoges; the money is to be received by their sister Dalphina de Maumont, religious OHosp. 12 Dec 1393 (Coll. 371, 179r–183v) Geraldus de Luco, domicellus of Tulle, bought the spoils for a composition of 1100 fl., with a consideration of the succeeding abbot’s needs. There follow two executory letters in favor of Geraldus. 13 May 1394 (Coll. 371, 62r–63v) the remainder is to be released to the successor abbot, Guido. 11 Nov 1395 (Coll. 371, 112r–113r) Guillelmus confessed to holding several pieces of silverware belonging to his former abbey. The collector Sicardus is directed to investigate and meanwhile to keep the silver in the hand of the Camera. No. 539 [olim 483] Guillelmus de Mandagot bishop of Uzès Formerly sacristan of Nîmes; bishop of Lodève from 1313, of Uzès from 1318; died 21 Apr 1344. Gallia Christiana 6:552–553, 633–635. 30 Oct 1316 (EFR Jean XXII communes 1672) licentia testandi. 18 Apr 1323 (EFR Jean XXII communes 17208) licentia testandi. 22 Dec 1344 (VQ 5:353) Bremundus prior of S. Didier (Uzès) pays 3000 fl. of a composition of 4000 fl. 23 Jan 1345 (VQ 5:359) successor Elias pays his composition of 1500 fl. in full. 28 Jan 1345 (VQ 5:354) Bremundus pays 300 fl. of his composition. 4 May 1345 (VQ 5:357) he pays 700 fl., and it is noted that 1000 fl. remain to be paid. 1362 x 1370 (OS 23A, 105v) note that 3400 fl. were paid, but that a balance still remains. No. 540 [olim 484] Guillelmus Martel bishop of Belley Formerly prior of Belley; bishop from 1356; died before May 1371. Gallia Christiana 15:628. Rotuli Parisienses 3:303 n. 29 Aug 1362 (OS 31, 159rv; Aubert Calendar 93, p. 101) commission to Aubricus Raoul and Joannes Rousset de Martignac to collect and hold the spoils for further orders. No. 541 Guillelmus Mayet canon of Clermont collector of Le Puy Died before Jul 1407. 12 Aug 1407 (RA 326, 35r–36r; Favier, Finances pontificales 284 n. 6) his brother Joannes Mayet pays 1000 fl. for the spoils. No. 542 [olim 485] Guillelmus Méchin bishop of Dol Formerly bishop of Troyes from 1317, of Dol from 1324; died 15 Mar 1328. Gallia Christiana 12:510, 14:1057. 3 Jun 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19684) licentia testandi. 28 Apr 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3560) commission to Geraldus de Bisturre dean of Angers (Fasti 7:232) and Geraldus de Capmulo. No. 543 Guillelmus de Menthoney bishop of Lausanne Formerly archdeacon of Reims; bishop from 1394; died 8 Jul 1406. Gallia Christiana 15:370–371. Rotuli Parisienses 3:610 n. Fasti 3:310. 22 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 552v) by Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC: a commission to Jacobus de Montone provost of Genève (Gallia Christiana 16:463) and Simon de Prades canon of Barcelona. No. 544 [olim 486] Guillelmus de Molendino Died in Curia before May 1348. 16 May 1348 (VQ 5:406) Petrus Lacadre pays 10 écus. No. 545 Guillelmus de Montlaur bishop of Bazas Formerly archdeacon of Gaujac (Bazas); died before Feb 1372. Gallia Christiana 1:1205. 20 Feb 1372 (Coll. 358, 28r; De Cros Calendar I, 57) the successor Guillelmus may have the spoils at a fair price, and the collector Sancius Vaquier archdeacon of Bazas is to observe the moderatio. 23 Jul 1372 (Coll. 358, 68r; De Cros Calendar I, 142) collectors are to pay a large debt of the late bishop to his brother Bertrandus de Montlaur. No. 546 [olim 487] Guillelmus de Morières hebdomedarius of L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Cavaillon) Papal chaplain of honor; died in Curia 1397. before 1405 (Coll. 160, 122v) Joannes de Rivesaltes, collector of Elne, collects £43.19. No. 547 [olim 488] Guillelmus de Patau bishop of Urgell Formerly dean of Urgell; bishop from 1362; died 29 Jun 1364. 4 Feb 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1549) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. and Guillelmus de Villareto. n.d. (Coll. 116, 54v) collections of £715 Barc. 15 Jan 1369 (Coll. 353, 162v–163r; Aubert Calendar 547, p. 297) Fulco Perrier sr. is ordered to release 425 fl. from spoils to the successor, Petrus de Luna. No. 548 [olim 489] Guillelmus Pilot cantor of Lisboa, collector of Portugal Died before Aug 1368. 1 Aug 1368 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 3r–20r; Coll. 179, 3r–20r; De Cros Calendar I, 260; Bibliothèques I, 368.5, p. 240–242) accounts of commissioner Bertrandus du Mazel. No. 549 [olim 490] Guillelmus Pinchon provost of Mainz Formerly archdeacon of Avranches, provost from 1351; died 7 Oct 1360. Rotuli Parisienses 1:119 n., 194. Gallia Christiana 5:535–536 mentions neither of the cardinals as successors to the provostship. 6 Apr 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 2179) his canonry and the provostship granted to Elias de S. Eredio OSB, card. tit. S. Stephani in Celiomonte. 2 Nov 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 6649) canonry and provostship granted to Raymundus de Canilhac cardinal bishop of Palestrina. after 1363 (IM 6427, ed. Appendix C) advocate Bertrandus du Mazel argues for the right of cardinal Raymundus de Canilhac to take the spoils, because he paid the composition and succeeded as provost, and so has a better right than the executors. No. 550 [olim 491] Guillelmus du Plessis abbot of S. Trinité de Vendôme OSB (Blois) Abbot from 1350; chancellor of Louis duke of Anjou; died 21 Jul 1384. Gallia Christiana 8:1373. 29 Jul 1385 (RA 242, 71r; Coll. 361, 16v–17r; Favier, Finances pontificales 252) commission to Armandus Jausserand, collector of Tours. 30 Jul 1385 (Coll. 361, 17rv) a letter close to accompany the commission to Armandus Jausserand. n.d. (Coll. 277, 143v) subcollector Nicolaus de Seignelay receives £40. No. 551 [olim 492] Guillelmus de Prohins bishop of Mirepoix Formerly canon of Aix, archdeacon in the church of Lectoure, clerk of the Camera; bishop from 3 Jul 1377; died 1377. Gallia Christiana 13:271. 7 Oct 1378 (RA 220, 326v–327r; De Cros Calendar II, 714) chamberlain orders Geraldus Mercadier to pay Joannes Rousset de Martignac in full for provisions to the late bishop’s house in Avignon before paying anything to his cousin Guido de Prohins knight. 30 May 1381 (Coll. 358, 190v–191r; De Cros Calendar II, 921; Favier, Finances pontificales 55 n. 4, 264 n. 2) chamberlain orders the clergy and notaries of Aix to cite before the Camera the heirs of Guillelmus, former canon of Aix. No. 552 [olim 494] Guillelmus de Rivoforcato archdeacon of Toledo Died in Curia before Jul 1336. 1336 (IM 5331) Allegationes of the advocate of the Camera in answer to the heir’s claim, which was based on a licentia testandi granted to the archdeacon. 8 Jul 1336 (VQ 4:110) Stephanus Benerii pays moneys to be held pending judgment in the heir’s action against the Camera. 9 Aug 1336 (VQ 4:110) Ludovicus de Petragrossa, procurator fiscal, pays 25 fl. for the sale of a house in Avignon confiscati per mortem cuiusdam clerici in Romana Curia. 30 Nov 1338 (VQ 4:135) spoils received: 125 duple, 130 fl., £12.9. No. 553 [olim 498] Guillelmus de la Roche rector of S. Columbe OSB (Mende) Died before Jul 1372. 11 Jul 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 847) commission to Joannes Dieudonné canon of Le Puy, papal chaplain, nuncio. No. 554 [olim 496] Guillelmus de Rosières OSB bishop of Tarbes D.Decr., former nuncio and collector in the kingdom of Sicilia citra Farum, rector of Benevento; abbot of Ss. Serge et Bacchus OSB (Angers); archbishop of Trani from 1343, of Brindisi from 1344; bishop of Montecassino from 1346, of Tarbes from 1353; died before Nov 1360. Gallia Christiana 1:1235; but 14:651 lacks this name. 7 Nov 1360 (Coll. 231, 105r; VQ 7:301–302) commissioner Raymundus Roger pays 665 fl. 13 s. 10 d. 8 Nov 1361 (VQ 7:369) Guillelmus de Ruffec bishop-elect of Fréjus (Case no. 555) buys goods from Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera: cross, mitre, and rings for 231 fl. 4 Jun 1365 (Coll. 353, 46r–47r; Aubert Calendar 322, p. 199; Bibliothèques II, 360.9, p. 333–334) quittance for books. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 82r–83v; Bibliothèques II, 360.9, p. 330–333) accounts of collector Arnaldus de Peyrat of spoils collected by his predecessor Sancius Vaquier. No. 555 [olim 495] Guillelmus de Ruffec bishop of Fréjus LL.D., secular prior of Eymoutiers (Limoges); canon of S. Martin (Tours) in 1342; canon of Albi in 1353; canon of Limoges in 1354; bishop from 1361; died 3 Nov 1364. Gallia Christiana 1:437. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:370–371. 1361 (Coll. 106, 193r; Bibliothèques II, 364.9, p. 359–364) the bishop’s own inventory. 1364 (Coll. 107, 187r–240v; Bibliothèques II, 364.9, p. 361–363) accounts of Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 28 Feb 1365 (Coll. 353, 33rv; Aubert Calendar 309, p. 189–190) successor Raymundus Draco is granted a delay in paying his composition of 700 fl. Ped. 9 Jun 1365 (IM 2378, 23; IE 303, 29v) Joannes Rousset de Martignac, papal scribe, pays 217 fl., £160 Avin. 31 Jul 1366 (Coll. 353, 72v–73v; Aubert Calendar 402, p. 228–230; Bibliothèques II, 364.9, p. 363–364) quittance to Joannes Rousset de Martignac for assignments of 28 Dec 1364; silver and vestments are itemized. No. 556 [olim 497] Guillelmus Ruffi canon of Mende, collector of Bourges and Limoges Died before Oct 1348. Fasti 8:192. 5 Oct 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3973) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Le Puy. No. 557 [olim 499] Guillelmus de Sabrano OSB bishop of Digne Former abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille); bishop of Digne from 1324; died before 17 Nov 1327. Gallia Christiana 1:692, 3:1123–1124. 12 Jan 1328 (OS 12, 83v = VQ 1:522–523) successor Eliziarius de Villeneuve pays 1000 fl. through Arnaldus de Villeneuve knight. No. 558 Guillelmus Salanheti cleric Familiar of Pontius Béraud, corrector of apostolic letters; died in Curia before Aug 1386. 4 Aug 1386 (Coll. 364, 24v) his spoils are in the hand of the Camera, but Pontius Béraud may pay his debts and donations for the benefit of his soul. No. 559 [olim 500] Guillelmus de Sallone OFM bishop of Aversa Formerly bishop of Pozzuoli, ca. 1317; bishop of Aversa from 1324; died before 21 Feb 1326. Fussenegger, “Review of Struck, Quellen” 496. 1 Mar 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 3068) licentia testandi. 1324 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 151v) Geraldus de Laval received 493 unc. 3 tar. 7 gran. 1 d. from these spoils and those of Petrus de Bolonesio (Case no. 1012). No. 560 Guillelmus de S. Paulo former treasurer and rector of Benevento Died before Oct 1353. 1353 (RA 122, 337r; Bibliothèques I, 353.77, p. 200) 3 books in the treasure at Avignon. No. 561 [olim 501] Guillelmus de Sandreux OSB bishop of Sarlat Bishop from 1334; died before Jun 1338. Gallia Christiana 2:1515. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 337 n. 6. 4 Jun 1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 446; Coll. 30, 61r) commission to Raymundus de Chameyrac. 1338–1339 (Coll. 30, 61r–76v; Bibliothèques II, 338.5, p. 157–158) accounts of commissioner, including books. 1 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:151) he pays £450. 13 Oct 1340 (VQ 4:165) he assigns rings. 14 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9202) commissioner Raymundus Flori gives a canonical warning to Lancelinus Bérenger, brother of the successor Petrus Bérenger, who is unjustly holding the goods. 23 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 842; EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3087) commission to Raymundus Flori. 25 Jun 1342 (VQ 5:462) report of the commissioner. No. 562 [olim 502] Guillelmus de Sonheto prior of S. Marcel OSB (Chalon-sur-Saône) Died before May 1385. 22 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 7v–8r) chamberlain orders Guillelmus du Lac, directing clerk of the Camera in Lyon, Vienne, etc., and Petrus de Papelaria, subcollector of Chalon, to collect the spoils under the general reservation. 22 May 1385 (Coll. 361, 9rv) instructions to Robertus Chambrier canon of Genève, collector of Lyon and Vienne. No. 563 [olim 461] Guillelmus de Sonnans canon of Langres, subcollector of Besançon Died July 1382. 17 Aug 1382 (RA 233, 50v; Favier, Finances pontificales 276 n. 8, 277) spoils reserved by Clement VII; here the name de Fontevena is given. 2 Nov 1382 (Coll. 360, 24v–25r; De Cros Calendar II, 1091; Favier, Finances pontificales 276 n. 7) Guillelmus died without rendering accounts and in possession of much Cameral wealth. Guillelmus du Lac provost of Genève (Gallia Christiana 16:463) and Robertus Chambrier canon of Genève are commissioned to collect his spoils from all holders. No. 564 [olim 504] Guillelmus de Sure archbishop of Lyon Formerly archdeacon of Lyon; archbishop from 1332; died 20 Sep 1340. Gallia Christiana 4:163–164. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 331 n. 3. 17 Sep 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 783) commission to Joannes Oger dean of Beaune (Autun). 18 Dec 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8345; IM 1543) GL directs the officiales of Lyon and Mâcon to warn the royal bailli of Mâcon to remove the king’s hand from the spoils. 9 Jan 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9176; IM 1547) the warning of the delegate of the officialis of Mâcon. 23 Mar 1341 (VQ 4:173–175) Joannes Oger, commissioner, pays some money, silver vessels, and two books. 30 May 1341 (VQ 4:177–178) he pays 200 fl. Ped. to close accounts. Jun 1343 (Coll. 289, 40v–41r; Bibliothèques II, 340.8, p. 179–180) goods in the papal treasure, including books. 28 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 701) directions to Geraldus d’Arbent treasurer of B.M. d’Écouis (Rouen): he should pay 200 fl. from the heirs of Philippus de Chaveriac, bailiff of Mâcon, to Ludovicus de Villars (della Torre) and Chabertus Hugonis, executors of the archbishop’s testament, to pay for the building of his tomb. No. 565 Guillelmus de Thonerat canon of Genève, clerk of the Camera Earlier magister cerae (Case no. 1291); died before Sep 1395. Rotuli Parisienses 3:303. 12 Sep 1395 (Coll. 371, 22rv) Sicardus de Bourguerol is directed to pay a legacy of 25 fl. to each of the clerk’s two nephews; and Petrus de Tarascon the same to another nephew, a student at Toulouse. No. 566 [olim 505] Guillelmus de Thurey archbishop of Lyon Formerly dean of Lyon; bishop of Autun from 1356; archbishop from 1358; died 12 May 1365. Gallia Christiana 4:168–169, 207, 414. Fasti 12:132. 28 May 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1794) commission to Aubricus Raoul de Lingonis, primicerius of Verdun. Jul 1366 (IM 2435, 13) Joannes Rousset de Martignac, commissioner, pays 245 fl. 6 s. 6 d. for the sale of a silver cross. 6 Nov 1366 (IM 6632, 9r–10r; Aubert Calendar 410, p. 233) chamberlain orders the officiales of the suffragan sees to cooperate with the collection of the archbishop’s debts. 26 Nov 1366 (IM 6632, 10rv; Aubert Calendar 413, p. 234) chamberlain orders the clergy of Lyon to publish the excommunication of Aimo de Minerio, citizen of Lyon, for failure to pay his debt to the late archbishop. Dec 1366 (IM 2435, 19) commissioner pays 160 fl. 1 s. 7 d. for silver vessels. 6 Oct 1386 (OS 45A (formerly Coll. 363) 98v) the successor Joannes de Talaru argues that he should not be compelled to pay the 906 fl. arrears of services owed by Guillelmus because the spoils of Guillelmus were collected for that purpose. The petition is approved by FC. No. 567 [olim 506] Guillelmus le Tort bishop of Marseille LL.D., former canon of Cambrai; bishop of Marseille from 1396; died 15 Nov 1403. Gallia Christiana 1:661. Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:380–395. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 23, 200r–212v; Bibliothèques II, 403.9, p. 504–509) inventory and accounts by Simon de Prades. 1405 (Coll. 23, 274r and 276r; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 3) receipts 1140 fl. curr., expenses 978, profit 162. No. 568 [olim 507] Guillelmus Turpin bishop of Angers Formerly dean in the diocese of Orléans, LL.Prof., papal chaplain and familiar; bishop from 1359; died 31 Jan 1371. Gallia Christiana 14:578. Fasti 7:171–172. 1371 x 1372 (Coll. 257, 443r) the collector Guido de la Roche reports: he was told in the Camera to collect the spoils, though they had not been reserved and he was given no letters. He published an executory notice, but accomplished nothing by it. The bishop had been poor, and his goods had been raided by his nephew and others, so that they were not enough to pay for the necessary repairs. 18 Mar 1372 (Coll. 358, 32v; De Cros Calendar I, 62) the successor Milo de Dormans is granted a letter to compel the heir or holders of goods to repair the houses, mills, and other buildings of the mensa. No. 569 [olim 508] Guillelmus de Ulmo abbot of Chaise-Dieu OSB (Clermont) Lic.Decr., former prior of Aubignac (Limoges); vicar general of Clermont; died before 11 May 1378. Gallia Christiana 2:345–347. 9 Dec 1378 (OS 42, 138r) successor Andreas Airaud de Chanac pays 300 fr. of a composition for 600 fr. No. 570 [olim 509] Guillelmus Valelha vicar of S. Andiol (Avignon) Died in Curia before May 1364. 24 May 1364 (IM 2339, 12; IE 303, 19v–20r) Petrus Thome, lieutenant of the auditor of the Camera, commissioned to collect spoils in Curia, pays 100 fl. No. 571 [olim 510] Guillelmus Vaquier archdeacon of Mallorca, commensal chaplain, chamberlain of cardinal Petrus Roger de Beaufort Died in Curia before Jun 1354. 21 Jun 1354 (VQ 7:54) the executors are obligated to a composition of 1000 fl., of which their proctor assumes 800 fl. and pays 100 fl. No. 572 [olim 512] Guillelmus de Vesençay abbot of S. Maixent OSB (Poitiers) D.Decr.; died 19 Mar 1380. Gallia Christiana 2:1258–1259. 30 Mar 1380 (IM 3038, IM 3039; Bibliothèques II, 381.3, p. 443–446) inventory by Petrus Domaud, collector of Poitiers. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. No. 573 [olim 511] Guillelmus de Veyrac canon of Salisbury LL.D.; formerly precentor of Agde; papal chaplain, registrar of papal letters; died in Curia before Dec 1347. 11 Jul 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 63521) licentia testandi. n.d. (RA 54, 501r–502r; EFR Benoît XII communes 8387) copy of the undated testament, naming his brother Guibertus his heir. 12 Dec 1347 (RA 137, 48r–51v; Bibliothèques II, 347.8, p. 223–226) inventory by Petrus Chautard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. 1 Jan 1348 (OS 23, 1r) quittance to Petrus Chautard. 23 Jun 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4196) goods released to Guibertus, with the faculty to execute the testament, which the executors refuse to do. 1 Jul 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4201) the abbot of Marcilhac-sur-Célé (Cahors), the provost of the church of Avignon, and Raymundus de Cornac canon of Rodez (Fasti 6:202–203) are ordered to collect goods in the name of the heir, who still owes a loan of 2500 fl. and a composition of 1500 fl. to the Camera. 1 Apr 1350 (OS 25, 212r) the heir pays 2500 fl. 3 Dec 1359 (VQ 7:269) he pays 100 fl. of the composition. No. 574 [olim 513] Guillelmus de Villareto subcollector of Urgell Died 1376. 1376 (Coll. 121, 8v–9r) Bernardus Vallesii, subcollector of Barcelona, notes that he made the inventory and collected goods and debts to a sum of £1312.7.6 Barc. No. 575 [olim 514] Guillelmus de la Voulte OSB bishop of Albi B.Decr.; Formerly monk of S. Saturnin OSB (Uzès); abbot of S. Vincenzo di Volturno OSB (Capua); bishop of Toulon from 1364, of Marseille from 1368, of Valence-Die from 1379, of Albi from 1383; died 15 Oct 1392. Gallia Christiana 1:659–661, 750, 16:326–327. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:251–257, 2:347–368. 20 Nov 1392 (Coll. 369, 47rv) the reservation of the spoils, directed to Raymundus de Senans. 21 Nov 1392 (Coll. 366, 70r; Bibliothèques II, 392.8, p. 486–488) quittance to Raymundus de Senans and subcollector Guigo Salvagii for goods delivered to the papal palace. 22 Nov 1392 (Coll. 369, 41v) the Camera absolves Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Castres, collector of Albi, for a small black mule worth £16 that had been given him from the spoils for his work on behalf of the bishop. 23 Jan 1393 (Coll. 369, 80v–81r) all the clergy of Albi, Rodez, Cahors, Montauban, and Castres are to publish the canonical warning that all holders of the bishop’s goods should surrender them to the collector Raymundus de Senans. 19 Feb 1393 (Coll. 369, 106v–107r) Guillelmus Bruni merchant of Albi asks the restoration of 16 fr. deposited with the bishop; the collector Raymundus is ordered to pay. 25 and 27 Oct 1393 (Coll. 371, 152r–153r and 125v–127r) two copies of the same letter, FC to all the clergy of Albi: they are to publish the canonical warning that all holders of the bishop’s goods are to give them up. 20 Jul 1398 (Coll. 372, 111rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 7) FC directs Raymundus de Senans to pay Joannes Carenchionis and Catalanus de la Roche, merchants of Avignon, 192 fr. 12 s. 2 d. No. 576 [olim 515] Gundisalvus bishop of Osma Formerly archdeacon of Soria (Osma); bishop of Osma from 1348; died Jun 1354. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 168–169. 30 May 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 966) commission to three clerics of Osma. 28 Jul 1354 (Coll. 497, 53r) the prior and sacristan of Osma are obligated to a composition of 1400 fl. 5 Aug 1354 (RV 242, 160v–161r) commissioners Tellius Garsiae prior of the secular church of S. Pedro de Soria (Osma), Laurentius Petri sacristan, and Blasius Martinez cantor of Osma collected only part of the spoils; a further commission is given to Joannes Garsie, Joannes Roderii, Egidius Martinez de Ayllon, Petrus Fernandi, and Bartholomeus Sanchez de Visper. 9 Jan 1355 (RV 242, 53v) nullifies the earlier obligation; Petrus Fernandi de Vargas, domicellus, sergeant at arms, and Bartholomeus Sanchez de Visper, layman, are obligated to a composition of 2500 fl. 21 Jan 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1300) commission to six persons. 9 Jun 1355 (VQ 7:94) they pay 1250 fl. 5 Jan 1358 (RV 244 K, 3B–5A, number 5) the reserved spoils of Gundisalvus were granted to the successor Alfonsus Fernandi; but by the sentence of the chamberlain SC, 8 Dec 1355, those goods which had belonged to their predecessor Barnabas are granted to Petrus Fernandi de Berguas, sergent at arms, Bartholomeus Xantii, papal ostiarius, and Egidius Martini, palefrenarius, and Johannes Roderici de Serson and Johannes Garsie de Guomorra, clerics of Osma. The judge of the cause was Arnaldus de Molières J.U.D., officialis of the Curia. No. 577 [olim 516] Gundisalvus de Aquila archbishop of Toledo M.Theol.; formerly bishop of Cuenca from 1341, of Sigüenza from 1342; archbishop of Compostela from 14 Aug 1348, of Toledo from 1351; died before Mar 1353. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla 155–184 esp. 168. 4 Mar 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 169) commission to Franciscus Ruffacii canon of Barcelona. 1353 (Coll. 497, 75r) executor obligated to a composition of 12,000 fl. 31 Mar 1353 (IM 1937, IM 6344; EFR Innocent VI secrètes 212–213) the goods are granted to the executors who have compounded for them: cardinal Egidius Albornoz, Nicolaus Fernandez de Aguilar dean of Cartagena, Joannes Annes archdeacon of Molina (Sigüenza), Joannes Elie cantor of León, and Petrus Martinez canon of Sigüenza. 22 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 149A, number 283) orders Reginaldus de Maubernart bishop of Autun (Fasti 12:133–134), papal treasurer, to proceed canonically against these holders of the spoils: Joannes Annes archdeacon of Molina (Sigüenza), Petrus Martinez canon of Sigüenza, and Guillelmus de Fonte canon of Valencia. Note that the first two were among the executors in the letter of 31 Mar 1353. No. 578 Gundisalvus de Bustamante bishop of Segovia LL.D., treasurer of Toledo; bishop from 1389; died Jul 1392. 28 Oct 1393 (Coll. 369, 293rv) FC instructs Fulco Perrier jr. scholasticus of Sevilla, and his subcollector of Segovia, to investigate the petition on behalf of Alfonsus Frias, recently provided bishop of Segovia: he found that the house of Bishop Gundisalvus, an official of Enrique III king of Castile, had been plundered by the collector and subcollector. They are to restore anything that was taken beyond what was specifically reserved. No. 579 [olim 517] Gundisalvus Gonzáles OFM bishop of Cadiz Bishop from 1364; died before 9 Mar 1384. 1 Jul 1386 (Coll. 122, 179v) Alfonsus Roderici canon of Cadiz pays 1000 maravedis of a composition to the archbishop of Toledo. No. 580 [olim 518] Gundisalvus Nuñez de Novoa bishop of Ourense Bishop from 1320; died 1332. 29 Jul 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 63916; VQ 1:603–604) commissioner Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga pays 26 fl. No. 581 [olim 519] Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga Bishop of Lisboa from 1322; archbishop of Braga from 1326; died Dec 1347. 22 Aug 1323 (EFR Jean XXII communes 17974) licentia testandi. 10 Jan 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1553) commission to Petrus Marcel and the officialis of Lisboa. 23 Jan 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1912) commission to Guillelmus Pilot. n.d. (Coll. 116, 142v) Rodericus Velasci de Pereira knight loses the income of a chapel, in order to pay for silverware that he took from the spoils. n.d. (Coll. 116, 145r–146r passim) obligations of the heirs and executors. No. 582 [olim 520] Gundisalvus Pereira collector of Portugal Died before May 1366. 15 May 1366 (Coll. 116, 142v) Petrus Beranerii, subcollector of Braga, orders the heirs and executors to account for funds belonging to the Camera. No. 583 [olim 521] Henricus bishop of Troia Bishop from 1341; died in Curia. 7 Jun 1361 (Coll. 169, 129rv; Bibliothèques I, 361.5, p. 211) spoils collected for total in gold 12 fl. 12, and in silver boni ponderis 3 unc. 12 tar. 12 gran.; ponderis minoris 21 unc. 6 tar. No. 584 [olim 522] Henricus abbot of S. Andrea di Brosano (Genova) Died before Jan 1371. 28 Jan 1371 – 1373 (Coll. 125, 57v) successor Hugolinus pays 190 fl. of a composition of 300 fl. 28 Jun 1371 (Coll. 358, 9v; De Cros Calendar I, 1) collector Raphael della Torre pays £137.10. No. 585 Henricus Biscop bishop of Ösell Formerly provost of Bremen; bishop of Schleswig from 1370, of Ösell from 1374; died before Feb 1383. 14 Jan 1384 (Coll. 501, 11v; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 4–5) Henricus died while trying to escape from his chapter and vassals, who were Urbanist rebels. His successor Joannes Sluter de Hex is obligated to a composition of 1500 fl., half to be paid now and half within half a year of his gaining possession of the bishopric. No. 586 [olim 523] Henricus de Ast canon of Auxerre, advocate in Curia D.Decr., LL.D.; died in Curia before Nov 1360. Rotuli Parisienses 1:39–40 n., 2:480 n., 563. 3 Nov 1360 (VQ 7:301) executor pays 200 fl. legacy and composition. No. 587 [olim 524] Henricus du Bois bishop of Dol Bishop from 1340; died Mar 1348. 3 Nov 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5449) commission to Petrus Raymond. No. 588 [olim 525] Henricus de Cigno OP, papal penitentiary Died before 3 May 1345. 31 May 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 678) Joannes Senn von Munsingen bishop of Basel and Hugo Monachi, Dominican prior of Basel, are ordered to secure the goods for the Camera; Henricus absconded with them from the Curia. 1 Jun 1345 (Coll. 497, 10rv; Bibliothèques I, 345.4, p. 171–172) books returned to the Dominican procurator general by Joannes Maurel, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. No. 589 [olim 526] Henricus Hermann bishop of Åbo Formerly provost of Åbo; bishop from 5 Oct 1366; died before 8 Nov 1367. 29 Jan 1369 (Coll. 353, 147r–149r; Aubert Calendar 565, p. 304–5) the unnamed collector is ordered to enforce the moderatio, the text of which is enclosed in a letter to the successor Joannes von Westphalen. No. 590 [olim 527] Henricus de Marco de Caserta bishop of Muro Lucano Formerly canon of Caserta; bishop from 1344; died Nov 1348. 8 Nov 1348 (Coll. 168, 76r) Laurentius archbishop of Conza pays 13 unc. for these and other spoils. No. 591 [olim 528] Henricus de Monte OP bishop of Acerra Bishop from 1344; died before 27 Oct 1348. 25 Jun 1349 (Coll. 168, 74v) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 33 fl. 6 unc. 20 tar. 19 Nov 1352 (Coll. 169, 51v) the collections of subcommissioner Joannes abbot of S. Sebastiano (Napoli) from the prior and Dominican convent of Napoli: 10 unc.. No. 592 [olim 529] Henricus de Poitiers bishop of Troyes Formerly dean of Le Puy; bishop-elect of Gap 1349; bishop of Troyes from 1353; died 25 Aug 1370. Gallia Christiana 1:467, 2:744, 12:512. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:498–500. 31 Jan 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 30) the officialis of Troyes and Carolus de Poitiers knight are allowed to receive the spoils, notwithstanding the testament and commission, but they should pay the legacies and just debts. 24 Dec 1371 (Coll. 357, 51r; De Cros Calendar I, 39) chamberlain PC certifies the 1000-fr. debt of Carolus de Poitiers; a marginal note of 1 Jul 1372 says that it was paid. 29 Dec 1371 (Coll. 357, 52r–55v; De Cros Calendar I, 40) copy of an instrument describing the execution by Carolus de Poitiers. No. 593 [olim 530] Henricus de Rallo dean of Trento Died in Curia tempore mortalitatis, 1348. 11 Jul 1352 (VQ 5:457) Silvester Lupi of Firenze pays 20 fl. from the spoils; he is to release the balance of 66 fl. to the executors. No. 594 [olim 531] Henricus Roche Anglicus Died in Curia before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 30 fl. No. 595 [olim 532] Henricus de Sauvignac abbot of S. Paul OCSA (Besançon) Formerly prior of Lanthony; abbot from 1333; died 20 Jan 1362. Gallia Christiana 15:223–224. ca. 1362 (Coll. 66, 82r) collector Aubricus Raoul receives 448 fl. No. 596 [olim 534] Henricus di Sessa bishop of Como J.U.D. bishop of Pesaro from 1357, of Ascoli Piceno from 1358, of Brescia from 1362, of Como from 1369; died between 19 Jun and 9 Aug 1380. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 698, no. 73. 30 Sep 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1045) commission to Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello) in anticipation of the bishop’s death. No. 597 [olim 533] Henricus de Severi OClun bishop of Rodez Formerly prior of Romainmoutier OClun (Lausanne); bishop of S. Jean de Maurienne from 1381, of Rodez from 1385; died before Sep 1396. Gallia Christiana 1:223–224, 15:390, 16:639–640. Fasti 6:99–100. 8 Sep 1396 (Coll. 372, 62v; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 9) commissioner Joannes de Villeneuve rector of Murat (Rodez) is to pay to Bernardus de Angulo LL.Lic., judge and procurator fiscal of Rodez, his stipend of 46 fr. 2 Oct 1396 (Coll. 372, 64v; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 10) commissioner should pay the wages of the bailiff of a castle belonging to the bishopric. 28 Nov 1396 (IE 374, 8r) commissioner pays 725 fl. 10 s. to the Treasury. No. 598 [olim 535] Henricus Ulceby of Lincoln canon of Ravenna Died in Curia before Jan 1352. 14 Jan 1352 (VQ 5:451) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 21 fl. No. 599 Henricus de Villars archbishop of Lyon Formerly canon, sacristan, chamberlain of Lyon; bishop-elect of Valence-Die 1336; archbishop of Lyon from 1342; died 25 Sep 1354. Gallia Christiana 4:166–168. 27 Nov 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1848) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent, church of S. Just (Lyon). No. 600 [olim 536] Hermannus de Osenbrügge bishop of Ösell Former canon of Ösell; bishop from 1338; died before 24 Jul 1363. 23 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 198r–199r; Aubert Calendar 179, p. 132; IM 2279, 16) successor Conradus pays 1500 fl. composition for spoils and vacancy. No. 601 [olim 537] Homodeus archbishop of Tarsus Bishop by 1328; died before Sep 1344. 2 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1074) commission to Odo bishop of Paphos to collect the goods held by the dean and treasurer of Nicosia and Marcus de Salexinis bishop of Famagusta. 6 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 767) orders Odo bishop of Paphos to pay 5250 silver bezants of Cyprus to Franciscus Barralhi merchant of Avignon. 9 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:360) Franciscus de Pisis archdeacon of Tarsus pays a composition of 1000 fl. No. 602 Hugo abbot of S. Marie de Guîtres OSB (Bordeaux) Died before Mar 1373. Gallia Christiana 2:878. 22 Mar 1373 (RA 220, 239r; De Cros Calendar I, 298) chamberlain grants successor Raymundus the revenues of the mensa, and preference over other buyers for the spoils of his predecessor. No. 603 [olim 539] Hugo abbot of S. Pierre OSB (Chalon-sur-Saône) Died before Dec 1361. Gallia Christiana 4:964. 12 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 218v–219r, 221v–222v; Aubert Calendar 30 and 31, p. 75) instrument of the obligation of the successor Jocerandus to a composition consisting of 50 seams of grain and 6 barrels of Beaune wine, with an executive letter by the chamberlain to Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 27 Jan 1362 (Coll. 497, 77r) note of the above obligation. No. 604 [olim 540] Hugo abbot of SS. Nicola e Cataldo OSB (Lecce) Died before Jan 1354. 16 Jan 1354 (Coll. 169, 50r) successor Nicolaus pays for the spoils 54 fl. 3 tar. No. 605 [olim 541] Hugo abbot of S. Pierre de Salve OSB (Nîmes) Died before Apr 1357. Gallia Christiana 6:523 lacks this name. 6 Apr 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2629) commission to Bernardus de Abbate provost of Mirepoix, collector of Narbonne. 6 Apr 1357 (IM 6277) minute of the letter of commission. 1357 (Coll. 114, 81r) he notes receipt of 105 fl. 9 May 1357 (VQ 7:175–176) he pays cash and goods worth 617 fl. 5 s. 6 d. 16 Aug 1357 (VQ 7:180) he pays 163 fl. No. 606 [olim 542] Hugo abbot of Terrason OSB (Sarlat) Died before Jan 1372. Gallia Christiana 2:1534 lacks this name. 28 Jan 1372 (Coll. 358, 25v; De Cros Calendar I, 52) commission to Arnaldus Gavin, collector of Saintes. No. 607 [olim 544] Hugo Aimery bishop of S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux Formerly dean of S. Ruf, Avignon; bishop of Orange from 1324, of S. Paul from 1328; died Jul 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:719–721, 778. Gallia Christiana Novissima 4:136–155, 6:107–116. 1 Nov 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26888) licentia testandi. 5 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3926) commission to Joannes de Babuis canon of S. Frontin (Périgueux). 3 Oct 1348 (Coll. 497, 39v) successor Guillelmus Guitard is obligated to a composition of 150 fl. for grain. 1353 (RA 125, 229r–231v; Bibliothèques II, 348.61, p. 262–3) successor Guillelmus Guitard died as bishop of Lisieux; 150 fl. of his spoils (Case no. 527) are reckoned to pay the composition; books in the papal treasure. No. 608 Hugo d’Ardèche sacristan of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) Died before Nov 1405. 25 Nov 1405 (RA 325, 514v–515r; Favier, Finances pontificales 257) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, directs Joannes Joly, collector of Lyon, Vienne, Tarentaise, Rodez, to collect the spoils. 23 Dec 1405, 18 Jan 1406 (RA 325, 524v–525r; Favier, Finances pontificales 257–258) Gerentonus de Châteauneuf abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) compounded for the spoils and they were released to him. No. 609 [olim 543] Hugo Aubert bishop of Albi Archdeacon of Noyon in 1353, despite defect of age (18 years: EFR Innocent VI secrètes 177); notary apostolic; bishop of Albi from 1354; died 11 Mar 1379. Gallia Christiana 1:28. Rotuli Parisienses 2:481 n., 509 n., 519, 537. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 5 Feb 1382 (Coll. 359, 167rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1008; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 7) the bishop’s debt to his former ward Joannes Vergerii is to be paid from the spoils. No. 610 [olim 545] Hugo de Bacho OSB bishop of Urgell Formerly abbot of Ripoll OSB (Vich); bishop from 1351; died 20 Feb 1361. 12 Feb 1362 (OS 23A, 96r) successor Guillelmus de Patau obligated to a composition of 2500 fl. for spoils and vacancy. 2 May 1362 (OS 31, 146rv; Aubert Calendar 74, p. 93) note of an additional composition of 500 fl. No. 611 [olim 546] Hugo Barroti canon and precentor of Narbonne Papal chaplain; died 1362. 9 Dec 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2495) reservation in anticipation of his death to Petrus Stephani and Arnaldus de Villari. 17 Dec 1356 (Coll. 352, 50r) note of the expedition, by the courier Bernardus Stephani, of a commission to Petrus Stephani and Arnaldus de Villari, dated 9 Dec 1356. No. 612 Hugo Bernardi parochial vicar of Monteux (Carpentras) Died before Apr 1393. 19 Apr 1393 (Coll. 369, 246rv) reservation of his spoils, addressed to Petrus Merle rector of Farges (Mâcon), collector of Provence. No. 613 [olim 547] Hugo de Bonvillier bishop of Lectoure LL.Lic.; former archdeacon of Magnoac (Auch); bishop from 1369; died before 21 Oct 1370. Gallia Christiana 1:1081. 8 Nov 1370 (IM 2616; Bibliothèques II, 370.8, p. 408–410) inventory of goods in the house of the proctor of Petrus d’Aigrefeuille bishop of Avignon. 23 Jan 1372 (Coll. 357, 63rv; De Cros Calendar I, 51) Raymundus Bernard de Bonafonte is obligated to a composition of 660 fl. Fran. Feb 1372 (IM 2676, 7) the executor, Paganus de Bellopodio, is obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. and pays 387 fl. n.d. (IM 2332) partial accounts of the spoils and vacancy by Paganus de Bellopodio. 16 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 26r) Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, pays 290 fl. 4 s. 1 d. for silver vessels from these spoils and those of Bernardus de Mornac bishop of Tarbes (Case no. 185). 1 Feb 1376 (Arch. dép. de Vaucluse G, 81: Briefs of Joannes Surelli, 16r–17r) receipt of books by Petrus Praderii canon of Rieux, usufructuary under the testament. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. after 1385 (Coll. 35, 262v–263r) accounts of Sicardus de Bourguerol. No. 614 [olim 549] Hugo Caychendi de Calciata Likely a cleric of the merchant family Chauchat of Clermont; died in Curia before Mar 1351. 16 Mar 1351 (VQ 5:444) his brother pays 2 fl. composition, on his oath that there are no goods beyond those of a modest inventory. No. 615 [olim 548] Hugo de Châtillon bishop of Comminges Canon of Comminges; bishop from 1335; died 4 Oct 1352. Gallia Christiana 1:1101–1102. 21 Jan 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 78) commission to Bernardus de Abbate, supplanting that by Clement VI to Martinus de Gérard. 7 Jun 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 331) commissioner is instructed to collect the remaining goods. before 1356 (Coll.114, 81r) commissioner reports receipts of 600 écus, 400 fl. 1 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1885) orders Bernardus de Abbate to deliver to the present bishop and chapter 500 fl. from the spoils he has collected. 1357–1359 (Coll. 154, 213v) accounts of commissioner Guillelmus Guilbert, collector of Narbonne. 5 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3236) orders nephew executor Albertus de Châtillon to collect the spoils. 14 Nov 1358 (RV 243, 180rv) commission to Albertus de Châtillon canon of Comminges. 27 Feb 1359 (VQ 7:260) nephew executor Albertus de Châtillon pays 100 fl. of a composition for 500 fl. 2 Jan 1360 (VQ 7:330) he pays 100 fl. 2 Jan 1361 (Coll. 231, 117v) he pays 100 fl. n.d. (OS 23A, 109r) note that 300 fl. remain to be paid. No. 616 [olim 550] Hugo de Cros abbot of Déols OSB (Bourges) Died before Nov 1384. Gallia Christiana 2:152. 2 Nov 1384 (Coll. 359, 212v–213r) chamberlain orders Joannes François to release certain rings to Albertus de Tineria lord of Cortina, the late abbot’s nephew. 1 Dec 1384 (Coll. 360, 196rv) chamberlain releases spoils to successor Robertus at the petition of Jean duc de Berry, except 200 fl. worth of vessels and rings. 5 Mar 1385 (Coll. 360, 214v–215r) he releases 600 fr. worth of goods to Dalphina de Cros, the lady of Murat. No. 617 [olim 551] Hugo d’Engolême canon of Saintes, paneterius to John XXII Formerly archdeacon of Canterbury; died in Curia before 25 Apr 1342. 22 May 1328 (EFR Jean XXII communes 41242) licentia testandi. 28 Nov 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 552) a Decretum, assigned by the Camera under Benedict XII to Bernardus Fornier, succentor of Narbonne, can be kept by him, although the rest of his goods have been restored to the heirs. No. 618 [olim 552] Hugo Fenollet bishop of Valencia Formerly canon of Elne; bishop of Vich from 1346, of Valencia from 1348; died 21 Jun 1356. 28 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2211) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. 30 Jun 1356 (Coll. 352, 85v) note of the expedition of a commission dated 28 Jun to Fulco Perrier sr. 6 Dec 1356 (Coll. 114, 163r–165r) accounts of the vacancy from the date of Hugo’s death to the date of provision of his successor Vitalis de Blanco. 23 May 1359 (Cambarou Calendar 23, p. 209) orders Joannes Pobol rector of S. Martin, Valencia, to recover a debt owed by Berengarius de Petrapercussa knight of Valencia. n.d. (Coll. 116, 63r) accounts of spoils: £106.11.4 collected. n.d. (Coll. 119, 124v) Fulco Perrier sr. is accused of giving valuable books to his own nephew, Fulco Perrier jr. n.d. (Coll. 430A, 76 fols.) a badly mutilated account of the legal process in the Camera. No. 619 [olim 553] Hugo Gaubert almoner of the Pinhota Died in Curia before May 1341. 11 May 1341 (VQ 4:177) Petrus Natalis pays 6 fl. 4 s. No. 620 [olim 555] Hugo de Harlam canon of Chester (Coventry-Lichfield) Died before Jan 1378. 26 Jan 1378 (Coll. 393, 63v–64r; De Cros Calendar I, 637) treasurer commissions Geraldus Mercadier to collect the spoils. No. 621 Hugo de Lamanhania bishop of Cavaillon LL.D., Formerly canon of Narbonne; bishop of Segovia from 1374, of Cavaillon from 1388; died before Nov 1392. Gallia Christiana 1:951. 15 Nov 1392 (Coll. 369, 41rv) FC orders Guillelmus Sonati castellan of Oppède (Cavaillon) to make an inventory of the goods in the castle and keep them until further orders. 1 Jul 1394 (Coll. 371, 63v–64v) the bishop’s nephew Petrus Didaci bishop of Orange should receive 200 fr. of the remaining spoils. No. 622 [olim 556] Hugo Laporte archdeacon in the church of Tours Died in Curia before Sep 1360. 4 Sep 1360 (VQ 7:299) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 20 fl. No. 623 [olim 538] Hugo de Maisoncomte abbot of Vézelay OClun (Autun) Abbot from 1377; died before Mar 1384. Gallia Christiana 4:474. 30 Mar 1384 (Coll. 359, 209v–212r; Bibliothèques II, 384.2, p. 453–456) quittance to Guillelmus du Lac. No. 624 [olim 557] Hugo de Mandagot provost of Embrun Formerly canon of Aix; died before Jan 1363. Gallia Christiana 3:1101. 23 May 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 28781) licentia testandi. 29 Jan 1363 (Coll. 497, 81v) executor obligated to a composition of 100 fl. No. 625 [olim 558] Hugo de Marcenac abbot of Sauve-Majeure OSB (Bordeaux) Abbot from 1363; died 12 May 1371. Gallia Christiana 2:874. 20 May 1372 (Coll. 358, 48v–49r; De Cros Calendar I, 101, 102) successor Raymundus Bernard de Roqueis made a composition for 800 fr.; his terms and rights are described, including a period of vacancy in 1371. The collector is ordered to compel payment of debts to Raymundus, and the officers of the Camera in Bordeaux are ordered to assist. 9 Jul 1372 (Coll. 358, 66r; De Cros Calendar I, 135) Nicolaus Chautard canon of Paris and fr. Arnaldus de Greylero prior of Novy-lès-Moines (Reims) are commissioned to collect debts. No. 626 Hugo Pelegrini canon of Albi Formerly collector of England; died before Mar 1388. 19 Mar 1388 (Coll. 362, 297r–298v = IM 3346) Guillelmus de S. Claro canon of Albi is to deliver to the executors the balance of his goods and certain sums from other donors for the foundation and endowment of a chapel in the Collegium Scholarum de Pelegrino in Cahors. 10 Jun 1388 (Coll. 362, 246r–247r) the canon left certain bolts of cloth in commendam with Galhardus Caroffi merchant of Avignon. The composition of 100 fr. for the cloths and its profit is transferred to Paulus Riccii merchant of Avignon in partial payment of the Camera’s debt to him. No. 627 [olim 559] Hugo de Peyrac rector of S. Pierre Avignon Died in Curia before Oct 1348. 13 Oct 1348 (VQ 5:413) executors pay 500 fl. composition. No. 628 Hugo Raimbaud bishop of Condom Bishop from 1401; died 11 Oct 1405. Gallia Christiana 2:964–965. 4 Jan 1406 (RA 325, 523v–524r) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, directs Petrus du Pont, collector of Auch and Toulouse, to observe the moderatio in collecting the spoils. late 1406 (RA 325, 570r) quittance to Petrus du Pont for his spoils collections in general. No. 629 [olim 560] Hugo Rigaud familiar of cardinal Galhardus de Lamothe Died before Aug 1347. 28 Aug 1347 (VQ 5:394) heirs and executors pay a composition of 15 fl. No. 630 [olim 561] Hugo Roger abbot of S. Sernin OCSA (Toulouse) Abbot from 1329; died between 1356 and 1359. Gallia Christiana 13:97. 15 May 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19564) licentia testandi. 8 Jan 1360 (Coll. 497, 71v) successor Joannes de Nogaret obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. No. 631 [olim 562] Hugo de Roqua abbot of Pébrac OCSA (Saint-Flour) Died before Dec 1384. Gallia Christiana 2:462. 17 Dec 1384 (Coll. 85, 110v) successor Dalmacius pays a composition of 80 fr. No. 632 [olim 563] Hugo de S. Francisco OFM bishop of Sessa Bishop from 1340; died Apr 1344. 28 Apr – 30 Jun 1344 (Coll. 168, 37v) accounts of Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 633 [olim 564] Hugo de Vaucemain magister generalis OP Died in Curia before Aug 1341. 17 Aug 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 877; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3169) the Dominican provincial of France, Petrus de Parma, is ordered to collect the spoils. No. 634 Hugo de Vienne archbishop of Besançon Formerly dean of Besançon; archbishop from 1333; died 12 May 1355. Gallia Christiana 15:82–84. Fasti 4:59–60. 30 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1606) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent. No. 635 [olim 565] Hugolinus abbot of S. Pietro OSB (Perugia) Died before Nov 1363. 4 Nov 1363 (OS 23A, 94v; Aubert Calendar 193, p. 143) successors Capulus and Philippus were obligated in turn to a composition of 450 fl. by Joannes de Magnavia bishop of Orvieto and collector. Apr, Jul 1364 (IM 2339, 9r, 17r) Nicolaus Nardi provost of S. Cristina de Bulcono (Orvieto), subcollector of the March of Ancona and Duchy of Spoleto, pays to the treasury 2500 fl. and 2079 fr. from these and other spoils of prelates. 20 Jan 1368 (Coll. 353, 106rv; Aubert Calendar 469, p. 263) the commune of Perugia is liable for a debt of 2000 fl.; on their appeal, sentence of interdict is suspended for 2 months. No. 636 [olim 566] Hugolinus Malabranca OESA patriarch of Constantinople in administration of Rimini M.Theol.; patriarch and administrator from 10 Feb 1371; died 1373. 1373 (Coll. 129, 234r) spoils yield 573 ducats 18 s. 4 d. 28 Dec 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 2385) commission to Franciscus, elect of Acqui, and Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello). No. 637 [olim 569] Humbertus de Chevron archbishop of Tarentaise Lic.Decr., formerly prior of Tarentaise; archbishop from 15 Jan 1379; died Apr 1379. Gallia Christiana 12:710–711. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 12 Jun 1387 (Coll. 362, 48v–49r) he directs Antonius [better: Aimo Sechal] patriarch of Jerusalem and legate, to collect debts. 10 Feb 1394 (RV 308, 63v; Favier, Finances pontificales 265 n. 4) on behalf of Antonius Boutaric, procurator fiscal, all officiales and clergy of Tarentaise, Grenoble, Genève, and S. Jean de Maurienne are to publish the canonical summons to all holders of goods. No. 638 Humbertus de Jean patriarch of Alexandria in administration of Reims Died before May 1355. Fasti 3:176–177. 30 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1607) commission to Joannes Servienti canon of S. Genès de Thiers (Clermont). 5 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1624) the same commission. 1 Apr 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2009) appoints Michael Ricomanni bishop of Barcelona and administrator of the Pinhota coexecutor of the testament. 16 Dec 1357 (14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3244) declares Michael Ricomanni the heir of the patriarch. No. 639 [olim 567] Humbertus de Montauro archbishop of Napoli Formerly canon of Napoli; archbishop from 1308; died 3 Jul 1320. 1324 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 151r) Geraldus de Laval collects 1463 unc. 13 tar. 17 gran. 3 d. for spoils and vacancy, half to be paid to Charles duke of Calabria. No. 640 [olim 568] Humbertus Pilot provost of S. André (Grenoble) Died before Mar 1373. 15 Mar 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1152) the governor of the Dauphiné is ordered to remove impediments to the collection of spoils. No. 641 Imislaus Wronski bishop of Pock Died 1365. 12 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 155rv; De Cros Calendar I, 220) successor Nicolaus de Gulczewo took the spoils but died without paying for them. No. 642 Isaias OSB archbishop of Rossano Formerly abbot of S. Giovanni di Calmeto OSB; archbishop from 19 Sep 1365; died before Mar 1373. (The Savoyard Carthusian S. Giovanni di Calmeto died 1134. No Benedictine abbey dedicated to him has been found.) 27 Mar 1373 (RA 220, 239r; De Cros Calendar I, 302) direction to the collector Golferius abbot of Cava: the successor, d. frater Joannes de Gallinario, may purchase anything he wishes from the spoils at a fair price. No. 643 Iterius de Martreuil bishop of Poitiers Formerly provost of S. Omer; bishop of Le Puy from 1392, of Poitiers from 1395; died before Sep 1403. Gallia Christiana 2:730, 1197, 9:756. Rotuli Parisienses 3:277 n. Fasti 10:137–141. 13 Feb 1406 (RA 324, 198r–199r) the cardinal chamberlain Amadeus Saluzzo and papal chamberlain FC, writing from Savona, order the officiales and all other clergy of Paris, Poitiers, Beauvais, and Le Puy to relieve Geraldus de Montaigu bishop of Poitiers (Fasti 10:142–145) from the accumulated arrears of common and minute services left unpaid by him and his three predecessors, and instead to press those predecessors who are still living and translated to other sees, and also the holders of the goods of those deceased. Counting backward, those bishops and their debts were: Iterius de Martreuil himself, 1265 fl., 19 s. 1 d.; Ludovicus d’Orléans, translated to Beauvais, 1521 fl., 25 s. 6 d.; Simon de Cramaud, translated to Alexandria, 1259 fl.; and Bertrandus de Maumont, who died in 1385 (Case no. 228), 514 fl., 10s. Any appeals must be made to Petrus Adémar bishop of Maguelonne, deputy of FC, at Avignon where the records are kept. 9 Mar 1406 (RA 324, 200v–202r) Petrus Adémar bishop of Maguelonne, as deputy of FC, orders the officiales and other clergy of Sens, Reims, Rouen, Paris, Beauvais, and Le Mans to compel the holders of goods of the late Ludovicus d’Orléans and other predecessors of Petrus de Savoisy bishop of Beauvais to pay the arrears of services of those predecessors. No. 644 [olim 570] Iterius de Miremande abbot of Cluny (Mâcon) Died in Curia 20 Feb 1347. Gallia Christiana 4:1152. 2 Apr 1347 (VQ 5:386) successor Hugo pays 300 fl. from spoils for annates. 8 Apr 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3217–3218) composition of the successor Hugo confirmed: 2000 écus. 23 Jan 1348 (VQ 5:408–409) successor pays 1000 fl. 18 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:424) he pays 1000 fl. 22 Nov 1349 (Coll. 289, 28v) goods in an inventory of papal palace. n.d. (OS 23A, 96r) note of final payment of successor’s composition. 1353 (RA 125, 270v; Bibliothèques II, 347.2, p. 214–216) books in the palace at Avignon. No. 645 [olim 571] Jacobus bishop of Malta Formerly bishop of Sebaste in Armenia from about 1330, of Malta from 1346; died before 15 Jun 1356. 28 Dec 1368 (Coll. 353, 132v–133r; Aubert Calendar 536, p. 292) chamberlain orders Dominicus de Sassenorio, collector of Sicilia, to collect 36 unc. silver from Nicolaus da Caltagirone. No. 646 [olim 572] Jacobus bishop of Sora Former canon of Sora; bishop from 1323; died before 4 Sep 1355. 4 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1891) commission to Joannes Mucii archdeacon of Cortona, collector of Campania and Marittima. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3239, 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). mid-1362 (Coll. 169, 136v) spoils collected from successor Andreas, 2 unc. No. 647 [olim 573] Jacobus archbishop of Taranto Formerly archbishop of Corinth from 1340, of Taranto from 1349; died 1378. 1 Aug 1389 (DC 1, 127r; Bibliothèques I, 378.4, p. 265–266) quittance to fr. Michael abbot of S. Salvator de Septimo, for goods assigned to the Roman Camera. No. 648 [olim 574] Jacobus abbot of S. Giovanni in Venere OSB (Chieti) Died before Feb 1362. ca. Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 134rv; Bibliothèques I, 362.3, p. 212) spoils collected: 32 fl. 6 tar. 10 gran. 27 Feb 1363 (IE 303, 10r) Stephanus de Sanitate provost of Ieper paid 40 fl. in the name of the successor abbot for a mitre belonging to abbot Jacobus. No. 649 [olim 575] Jacobus abbot of S. Maria de Arbona OCist (Chieti) Died 1362. mid-1362 (Coll. 169, 136v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector receives spoils collected from successor Bernardus: 20 fl. No. 650 Jacobus abbot of S. Pancrazio OVall (Firenze) Died before May 1355. 12 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1505) commission to Andreas bishop of Arezzo. No. 651 [olim 576] Jacobus abbot of S. Croce di Sassovivo OSB (Foligno) Died 1350. 29 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2000; Coll. 232, 151rv) premature commission to Berengarius Blasin, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 4 Nov 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2327) commission to Petrus Constuci, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 1 May 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 261) orders goods restored to successor Guido in consideration of a composition. 1353 (RA 122, 208r; Bibliothèques I, 350.8, p. 193–194) books in the papal treasure at Avignon. No. 652 [olim 577] Jacobus archimandrite of the monastery of S. Salvator OSBasil (Messina) Died 10 Mar 1373. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 173v) Dionysius de Murcia OESA archbishop of Messina is liable to pay 4 unc. for a ring, cape, and shoes which he received by custom. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 175r) the monks, who divided the spoils, are liable for a total of 134 fl. 17 unc. 15 tar. No. 653 [olim 579] Jacobus d’Abbéville commensal chaplain to cardinal Guillelmus de la Jugie Formerly rector of Carlet (Valencia); parson of Schellebelle (Cambrai); died in Curia before Sep 1360. Rotuli Parisienses 2:512. 22 Sep 1360 (Coll. 231, 100v; VQ 7:299) executor pays 50 fl. composition. No. 654 [olim 580] Jacobus de Albenoriis sacristan of Pamiers Died in Curia before Jun 1336. 20 Jun 1336 (VQ 4:109) Bernardus Faycheti canon of Pamiers pays 100 reg., 64 agni, 15 Paris. auri, 47 fl. 12 d. No. 655 [olim 581] Jacobus Annibaldi OFM bishop of Assisi Formerly papal penitentiary; bishop of Fondi from 1363, of Assisi from 1368; died before 18 Jan 1369. 18 Jan 1369 (Coll. 353, 139rv; Aubert Calendar 551, p. 298–299) a subsidy from the chapter and clergy of Assisi, to pay the late bishop’s services, is still in deposit and should be recovered. 5 Mar 1369 (Coll. 353, 176r–177r; Aubert Calendar 610, p. 323) the services deposited for Jacobus should be paid for his successor Thomas Racani; the spoils are to be collected subject to the moderatio which is rehearsed. No. 656 [olim 582] Jacobus Arnaldi archdeacon of Conflans (Elne) canon and officialis of Mallorca Died before Jul 1375. 3 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 31rv; De Cros Calendar I, 513) the subcollector is ordered to hand over the excess of goods, patrimonial property, etc., to the executor and heir. The full canonical justification of this procedure is given, following the Novella commentaria of Giovanni d’Andrea on X 3.26.7, Cum in officiis, ad verbum remanere. 1 Sep 1375 (Coll. 356, 53r; De Cros Calendar I, 561) a letter to Petrus Borrier, collector of Aragon: the executors are obligated to a composition of 400 reg. and execution in full. No. 657 [olim 583] Jacobus Artaud bishop of Gap Formerly canon of Die, LL.B.; bishop of S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux from 1364, of Gap from 1366; died Aug 1399. Gallia Christiana 1:468, 721. Gallia Christiana Novissima 4:168–177, 1:503–505. 26 Aug 1402 (BnF lat. 5913A, 109r) concordat between Benedict XIII and Louis of Anjou for repayment of the latter’s loan to Gregory XI, including the assignment of these spoils: Favier, “Les galées,” 139 n. 9, and Finances pontificales 629 n. 8. 1403–1406 (Coll. 23, 198r–199r) inventory of goods recovered from a robbery. No. 658 [olim 584] Jacobus Ayas OP bishop of Suelli Bishop from 1384; died 1399. 21 Mar 1399 (Coll. 486, 5v–19v; Bibliothèques I, 399.3, p. 270) inventory by Mattheus de Rapacio, collector of Corsica and Sardegna, in Spanish. No. 659 [olim 585] Jacobus Barrau collector of Saintes and Tulle Secular prior of S. Jean La Rochelle (Saintes); died before Dec 1364. 4 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 26r–27v; Aubert Calendar 293, p. 183–184) Guillelmus Vassal, nephew of Vitalis Vassal, late collector of Saintes, renders last accounts. No. 660 [olim 587] Jacobus de Caussens abbot of Cluny (Mâcon) Died in Curia 6 Jul 1383. Gallia Christiana 4:1155–1156. 13–23 Jul 1383 (Coll. 484, 38 fols.) an inventory lacking its first folio, by Guillelmus du Lac and Petrus Meleti. 23 Jan 1384 (Coll. 501, 10v–11r) FC orders the subchamberlain, sacristan, and pittancer of Cluny to deliver to the present abbot Joannes de Damas-Caussens all the goods of his predecessor. 3 Feb 1384 (Coll. 501, 10rv) FC informs Guillelmus du Lac, clerk of the Camera, and Robertus Chambrier, collector of Lyon, Vienne, Besançon, and Tarentaise, that the current abbot Joannes has compounded for 3000 fl. 30 Mar 1384 (Coll. 359, 209v–212r; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 4) quittance to Guillelmus du Lac. 1388 (OS 45A (formerly Coll. 363) 240v) on behalf of the successor abbot Joannes, FC orders all the clergy of Béziers to publish his canonical summons against all holders of goods. No. 661 [olim 588] Jacobus Colonna bishop of Lombez Formerly canon of Noyon; bishop from 1328; died before Aug 1341. Gallia Christiana 13:321–323. 27 Aug 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 891) commission. 28 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2621) Clement VI orders the commissioners to carry out the mandates of Benedict XII. No. 662 [olim 589] Jacobus de Corvo OP bishop of Toulon Formerly bishop of Zagreb from 1322, of Quimper from 1326, of Toulon from 1330; died before Feb 1341. Gallia Christiana 1:749–750, 14:883. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:190–231, 902. 1343 (Coll. 289, 47v, 56v; Bibliothèques II, 343.1, p. 196–197) books in the palace at Avignon. 29 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2001) commission to Joannes Regis. 21 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2057) the officialis of Sisteron is to cite the bishop’s familiars Jacobus Aloys and Petrus de Corvo to the Curia as holders of the goods. 29 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2075) Joannes Regis is permitted to compound with those condemned in the bishop’s court for their debts. 5 Apr 1346 (VQ 5:366) he pays 250 fl. No. 663 [olim 597] Jacobus Cyon bishop of Tortosa Former canon of Lleida; bishop of Lleida from 1341, of Tortosa from 1348; died 18 Oct 1351. Zunzunegui, “Los espolios del obispo de Tortosa D. Jaime Cyon” 361–390. 27 Oct 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2517) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. provost of Tarragona. 18 Jun 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2652) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. canon of Braga. n.d. (Coll. 98, 20 fols.) inquest of Fulco Perrier sr. 1354 (Coll. 100, 44r–106v) inquest into the rights of Franciscus de Monteolivo bishop of Elne. No. 664 [olim 590] Jacobus Falconieri di Napoli bishop of Bitonto D.Decr.; bishop of Aquino from 1342, of Bitonto from 1348; died before 14 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) expedition by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco, cantor of Auxerre, to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento, of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357. No. 665 [olim 591] Jacobus Fournier OCist bishop of Pamiers Formerly abbot of Fontfroide OCist (Narbonne); bishop of Pamiers from 1317; his spoils were reserved when he was translated to Mirepoix, 3 Mar 1326; later Pope Benedict XII, 1334–1342. Gallia Christiana 6:210–211, 13:160–161, 268–269. 22 Feb 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 24464) licentia testandi. 1 Aug 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2941) some of the goods of Jacobus are to be transferred to his successor Dominicus Grima OP. 14 Nov 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3073–3074) directions to Arnaldus de Verdale and Joannes Regafredi, also to Jacobus bishop of Pamiers, about the disposition of spoils at Pamiers. 7 Jan 1327 (VQ 1:525–526) Arnaldus de Verdale pays 1615 fl. 2000 gros., £9.11.8. 14 May 1327 (VQ 1:526) he pays 208 agni, 114 reg. ca. 1329 (IE 83, 60r–64r) accounts of the vacancy. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12, 138r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale for 67 reg. 3 s. 1 d. ob. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale by Benedict XII for various collections, including his own spoils. 3 Mar 1336 (Coll. 147, 26v) Raymundus Flori pays his collections of debts totaling 46 s. 4 d. No. 666 Jacobus de Gravellis subcollector of Lyon Died before Jan 1394. 13 Jan 1394 (Coll. 370, 6v) Joannes Joly sacristan of S. Nizier (Lyon) is directed to pay half the value of the spoils to Geraldus de Thureyo knight. No. 667 [olim 586] Jacobus de Labroue archdeacon of Lunas (Béziers), papal treasurer Died late May 1348. 1 Jun 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3895) commission to Bernardus Raymundi, almoner of Béziers. 2 Jul 1348 (ASV, AA Arm. C, 18 and 20; Bibliothèques II, 348.45, p. 243–245) two copies of an inventory of goods at Narbonne and Béziers by Eustacius Piscis canon of Béziers. No. 668 [olim 592] Jacobus de Longofonte priest, rector or prior of the parochial church of Notre-Dame d’Orbec (Lisieux) Died before Sep 1388. 18 Sep 1388 (Coll. 362, 281v) commission to Petrus Borrier LL.D., clerk of the Camera and nuncio. 6 Mar 1389 (Coll. 364, 215rv) letter to Armandus Jausserand, clerk of the Camera and regent of the collectory of Sens and Rouen, and Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Graulhet (Castres), collector of Rodez and other dioceses: the executor Joannes Eraclei prior of Ispagnac (Mende) paid a composition of 100 fr. and the spoils were released to him. Apr 1389 (IM 3337, 49) executor Joannes Eraclei prior of Ispagnac (Mende) pays a composition of 100 fr. No. 669 [olim 593] Jacobus Malavolti bishop of Siena Formerly canon of Siena, D.Decr., auditor of the Rota, papal chaplain; bishop 1371; died 8 Nov 1371. 7 Jul 1372 (Coll. 358, 64r–65r; De Cros Calendar I, 132, 133) collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena is ordered to pay the church’s debts out of the spoils and allow support for the successor Guillelmus Gascon OFM at 4 fl. per day, also to compel holders of the goods, including relatives of Jacobus, to surrender them. No. 670 [olim 594] Jacobus de Milas advocate of the Rota Died before Jul 1347. 28 Jul 1347 (VQ 5:393; IM 6455,1) executors pay a composition of 1000 fl. No. 671 [olim 595] Jacobus Muto bishop of Spoleto LL.D., auditor of the Rota; former canon of Ostia, papal chaplain; bishop of Marsi from 1363, of Arezzo from 1365, of Spoleto from 1371. Vicar in Roma 1369–1371; died before 24 Nov 1372. 3 Dec 1372 (Coll. 358, 117v–118r; De Cros Calendar I, 235) instructions to Geraldus du Puy abbot of Marmoutier OSB (Tours) (Gallia Christiana 14:231), receiver general in Italy: the bishop had license to dispose of the goods which he acquired before his translation to Spoleto; the executors are to receive back the goods taken by the collectors, “prout in partibus illis et presertim in Urbe Romana unde .. episcopus originem traxit ipse antequam ad aliquam ecclesiam assumptus fuit et erat homo magne scientie, magni consilii et etiam magne industrie.” 4 Dec 1372 (Coll. 358, 117r; De Cros Calendar I, 236) successor Galhardus de Palliarac is to have the benefit of the moderatio. No. 672 Jacobus Scriva commendator OHosp of Huesca Died before Sep 1411. 14 Sep 1411 (RA 337, 503rv) writing from Tortosa, LP assures the subcollector of Huesca that the 75 fl. Aragon collected as spoils suffice to pay the debts of Jacobus to the Camera. No. 673 [olim 598] Jacobus de Sirano canon of Narbonne Died before Jul 1377. 18 Jul 1377 (OS 42, 107v) almoner of Narbonne pays a composition. 18 Jul 1377 (Coll. 393, 60v–61v; De Cros Calendar I, 631) treasurer releases spoils to the almoner of Narbonne in consideration of a composition. 18 Jul 1377 (Coll. 393, 61v–62r; De Cros Calendar I, 632) he orders the officialis of Narbonne to secure the goods for the almoner. No. 674 [olim 599] Jacobus de Urrea OCSA canon of Zaragoza Died before Mar 1354. 27 Mar 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 847) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. No. 675 [olim 600] Jacobus de Ville canon of S. Marie OSAnt (Cambrai), proctor in the Roman Curia Died Nov 1349. Rotuli Parisienses 1:230, 399 n. Berthe, Procureurs français à Avignon 608–609. Jun 1350 (VQ 5:437) executors pay a composition of 90 écus to Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. No. 676 [olim 578] Jacobus de Villeneuve provost of Toulouse Provost by 1361; died 16 May 1375. Gallia Christiana 13:80–81. 11 May 1375 (Coll. 235, 144v) executor Guillelmus de Rua is obligated to a composition of 125 fl., paid in anticipation of the provost’s death. n.d. (Coll. 236, 323v–324r) accounts of collection of remains by Aymericus Pellicier. No. 677 [olim 601] Jacobus de Vinariis prior of Monserrat (Barcelona) Died before Jul 1376. Jul 1376 (Coll. 121, 3v–5r) accounts of Bernardus Vallesii, subcollector of Barcelona. No. 678 [olim 602] Jacobus Zatria bishop of Girona B.Decr. archdeacon of Mallorca; bishop from 1369; died 30 Mar 1374. mid-1375 (Coll. 121, 7r–8v) Bernardus Vallesii, subcollector of Barcelona, receives £87.17.9 Barc. from debts. 21 May 1376 (IM 2924, 4; OS 42, 68r) Albertus de Trilhia, domicellus, pays 100 fl. of a 300-fl. composition. 6 Aug 1376 (OS 42, 68r) he pays 200 fl. No. 679 [olim 603] Jambertus de Lieuron abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles) Formerly abbot of S. André, Villeneuve (Avignon), of Montmajour from 1353; died 13 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:880; 1:613 cites his testament on the day of his death, ed. Baluze-Mollat 2:442. 8 Feb 1362 (OS 31, 226v; Aubert Calendar 45, p. 79) releases goods to his executors. No. 680 [olim 604] Joannes bishop of Andria Died before Feb 1362. 18 Mar 1362 (Coll. 169, 133v) commissioners Thomasius de Limosano and Bertrandus Lacombe received accounts from Raymundus bishop of Canosa, 25 tar. 5 gran. No. 681 [olim 605] Joannes OSB bishop of Lodève Former abbot of Ménat OSB (Clermont); bishop of Lodève from 1371; died before 27 Aug 1375. Gallia Christiana 2:368, 6:557: his surname may have been Gastelli. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 184v) goods sold for 812 fr. No. 682 [olim 606] Joannes bishop of Lugo Not in Eubel; died before Mar 1375. 5 Mar 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 3200) commission to Bartholomeus de Lausuta OP, lector of Aosta. Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8) Thomas Ammanati bishop-elect of Limassol, nuncio, pays 294 fl. 18 s. for goods received from the lector of Aosta. No. 683 [olim 607] Joannes bishop of Maillezais Died before 20 Feb 1359. Gallia Christiana 2:1372. Jul 1359 (IM 2150) inquest into his goods, which were mostly lost in an English sack before the death of the bishop. The document is two large parchment sheets of an instrument, lacking its last sheet or sheets. The date 1358 is written on the dorse. No. 684 [olim 608] Joannes bishop of Mondoñedo Formerly archdeacon of Calahorra; bishop of Mondoñedo from 1327; died before 27 Feb 1329. 30 Dec 1329 (VQ 1:501) Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga pays 9605 fl. 11 s. No. 685 [olim 609] Joannes OP archbishop of Otranto Formerly archbishop of Korfu from 1320, of Otranto from 1330. 1 Apr 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19240) licentia testandi. 29 Mar 1345 (Coll. 168, 47v) goods collected by Guillelmus de Rosières. 15 Jan 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 881) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi. No. 686 [olim 610] Joannes bishop of Rapolla Formerly bishop of Lavello, of Rapolla from 1342; died before 17 Nov 1346. 1 Dec 1346 (Coll. 168, 59r–60r; Bibliothèques I, 346.8, p. 178) collections and sales by Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 687 [olim 611] Joannes III bishop of Rieux LL.Lic.; former succentor of Béziers; bishop of Rieux from 12 Dec 1371; died before 26 Feb 1375. 26 Feb 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1817) commission to Raymundus de Casilhac and Joannes de Caffris. 3 Apr 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1846) thanks to Petrus Raymond de Rapistagna, seneschal of Toulouse, for his help to commissioners. 11 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 21r–22v; De Cros Calendar I, 469–472) a series of letters from the chamberlain PC: Joannes de Caffris is not to collect from the servants because the successor has made a composition; the successor is empowered to collect goods from familiars; quittance to familiars. 28 May 1375 (OS 42, 14r) Arnaldus Bernard knight is quit of 160 fl. for goods that he received. 28 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 23rv; De Cros Calendar I, 483) Joannes Lacasa and brothers and other familiars have compounded for the goods they hold, and they are freed from excommunication. 28 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 23v; De Cros Calendar I, 484, 485) the six parties named in the last letter may collect a debt owed to the late bishop by Ratherius de Beaufort knight of Cahors. 18 Jun 1375 (OS 42, 23v–24r) Bernardus Martin pays 440 fr. for Bartholomeus Reginaldi, a composition for money that he held in deposit. Jun 1375 (IM 2877, 4) commissioners pay 214 fl. 8 s. 2 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 23r; De Cros Calendar I, 492) Petrus de Cau, his wife Blancha, and their daughter Honorata had nothing to do with the spoils, and they are released from excommunication. Sep 1375 (Coll. 356, 7; OS 42, 43v) Aymericus Pellicier pays 117 fl. 14 s. Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8; OS 42, 43v) successor Joannes IV pays 1000 fr. of a 4000-fr. composition. 3 Oct 1375 (Coll. 356, 57v; De Cros Calendar I, 581) his next term is changed from 22 Jul to 30 Nov. 10 Dec 1375 (OS 42, 44v) Bernardus de Quimballo pays 40 fl. of an 80-fl. composition. No. 688 [olim 612] Joannes IV bishop of Rieux Bishop from 1375; died 1381. 19 Oct 1380 (Coll. 374, 34r; De Cros Calendar II, 868) the bishop, held liable to the Camera for a treasure found in the episcopal palace, pays 100 fl. for a prorogation to Easter next. 1381 (Coll. 235, 144v) collector reports nothing received: goods worth about 100 fl., debts to 1500 fl. An auditor’s marginal note: “Non propter hoc debuisti cessare a factione inventarii.” No. 689 [olim 613] Joannes bishop of Salpe Died before 14 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco, cantor of Auxerre, of a commission to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento, dated 14 Dec 1357. No. 690 [olim 614] Joannes OESA archbishop of Split Formerly bishop of Zengg from 1333; archbishop of Split from 1348; died at Pisa before Mar 1349. 27 Dec 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1884) commission to Andreas di Todi prior of S. Agostino di Fossano. 3 Mar 1349 (Coll. 245, 132v; Bibliothèques I, 349.2, p. 191) receipts by collector Andreas di Todi. No. 691 [olim 615] Joannes bishop of Veszprém Bishop from 1346; died before 18 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 18 Dec 1357 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Arnaldus de Caucina. 24 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 101v) dispatch by hand of the courier Raymundus de S. Michele, sergeant at arms, to Arnaldus de Caucina, collector of Poland and Hungary, of a commission dated 18 Dec 1357. No. 692 [olim 616] Joannes bishop of Viseu Formerly cantor of Viseu; bishop from 1349; died before 2 Jul 1365. 15 Apr 1371 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 196r–197v) balance of spoils collected by Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon. No. 693 Joannes abbot of Clairac OSB (Agen) Died before May 1394. Gallia Christiana 2:943. 25 May 1394 (Coll. 371, 59v–60r) 100 fl. are released to his nephew Joannes Evrard de Lanserta. No. 694 [olim 617] Joannes abbot of S. Lupo OSB (Benevento) Died ca. 1348. 25 Sep 1348 – 10 Jan 1349 (Coll. 168, 75r) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 10 tar. No. 695 [olim 618] Joannes abbot of Jaucels OSB (Béziers) Died before Nov 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:402 lacks this name; there, an abbot Petrus succeeded Ademarus, abbot in 1345. 6 Nov 1361 (Coll. 497, 76v) successor Petrus is obligated to a composition of 100 fl. 1 Feb 1362 (VQ 7:389) successor pays 100 fl. 1368 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 185r) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts, because the successor made a composition in the Camera. No. 696 [olim 619] Joannes abbot of Méobecq OSB (Bourges) Died before Mar 1381. 13 Mar 1381 (Coll. 358, 173v; De Cros Calendar II, 898; Favier, Finances pontificales 281 n. 7) Guillelmus de Riomo, master of the works of Déols OSB (Bourges), is commissioned to make an inventory and pay the Camera. No. 697 [olim 620] Joannes abbot of S. Maria della Vittoria OCist (Marsi) Died before May 1362. 12 May 1362 (Coll. 169, 135v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector renders accounts: a silver cup worth 13 tar. 14 gran., a brown horse for 20 tar., a bay horse for 24 tar. No. 698 [olim 621] Joannes abbot of S. Maria de Irachio OSB (Pamplona) Died before Mar 1383. 14 Mar 1383 (Coll. 360, 39r–40r; De Cros Calendar II, 1125) chamberlain commissions Cardinal Martinus de Zalva bishop of Pamplona to collect the spoils from the holders of the goods. No. 699 [olim 622] Joannes chaplain of S. Vitale Bologna Died ca. 1372. 1372 (Coll. 129, 227v) the nuns of the convent pay 143 ducats. No. 700 Joannes Acciaioli archbishop of Patras Formerly canon of Firenze; archbishop of Patras 1360; died before 5 Apr 1363. 4 Aug 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 5791) at the petition of the successor Bartholomeus, orders Petrus de Placentia OFM bishop of Olenus, also the dean of Olenus and the archdeacon of Methone, to reclaim 6000 fl. taken and held by Nerius, Donatus, and Bindacius Acciaioli, the late archbishop’s brothers. No. 701 [olim 623] Joannes Adémar canon of Lodève Died ca. 1368. 1368 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 184v) Raymundus Adémar pays a composition of 47 fr. No. 702 Joannes d’Agout archbishop of Aix Formerly provost of Riez; archbishop from 1379; died 6 Oct 1394. Gallia Christiana 1:324–325. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:92–94, 647–648. 22 Oct 1394 (Coll. 371, 49r–50v) the officiales and all clergy of Aix, Arles, Marseille, and Fréjus are to publish the excommunication of Bernardus Gerald, the archbishop’s former confessor; Petrus Carliot, his vicar; Guillelmus Martin de Joques; and Petrus Sauquers, clavarius: they had taken possession of the archbishop’s goods. 20 Apr 1395 (Coll. 372, 26rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 27 n. 12) FC orders Petrus Egidii, subcollector of Aix, to assign what is owed to the grocer Raymundus Filiol and the butcher Bertrandus Dalmacii for provisions to the late archbishop’s household. 12 May 1396 (Coll. 372, 51r) FC orders the subcollector to pay 49 fr., the balance remaining of a 200–fr. endowment of an anniversary mass in the church of S. Maria Magdalene OP, S. Maximin (Aix). No. 703 [olim 624] Joannes Afonso bishop of Évora Formerly canon of Évora; bishop from 1352; died before Jul 1356. 27 Jul 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2286) commission to Guillelmus Pilot canon of Braga, nuncio. 4 Aug 1357 (Coll. 352, 66v) dispatch of commission to Guillelmus Pilot canon of Braga. ca. 1360 (Coll. 116, 144r) Alfonsus Egidii is obligated to a composition of £200 Barc. No. 704 Joannes de Altoservienti prior of S. Paulet OSB (Saint-Paul-trois-Châteaux) Died before May 1384. 9 May 1384 (Coll. 360, 100v; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3) FC orders Sicardus de Bourguerol to repay out of his spoils 10 fl. lent to him by Joannes Rousset de Martignac, notary of the Camera. No. 705 [olim 625] Joannes Amalrici bishop of Sorres Bishop from 1342; nuncio in Sardegna; died before Aug 1344. 26 Aug 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1056) commission to Petrus de Portello OP archbishop of Torres and Joannes Rodriguez bishop of Calahorra. 2 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1072) the commission extends to goods and grain in store. 30 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1136) orders the count Gosiani and other nobles of Sorres and Torres to permit the export of the grain. 14 Oct 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1167) orders the officiales of Narbonne and Agde to cite to the Curia Raymundus Amalrici, brother of the late bishop, who is holding certain goods. 28 Feb 1353 (RA 125, 262r) goods in papal treasure. No. 706 Joannes Amici da Firenze canon of Pisa Physician to Pope Clement VI; died in Curia late 1348. Rotuli Parisienses 1:304 n. [as Joannes Anuci]. Wickersheimer, Médecins en France 1:351. 1353 (RA 122, 197rv; Bibliothèques I, 349.9, p.191–192) books, mostly medical, in the papal treasure at Avignon. No. 707 [olim 626] Joannes Arnaud rector of the rural church of S. Julie de Goudours (Carcassonne) Died in the Comtat-Venaissin before Aug 1387. 12 Aug 1387 (Coll. 362, 61v–62v) commission, with powers of summary justice, to Guillelmus de Viridimonte, clerk of the Camera. 16 Oct 1387 (Coll. 362, 100rv) FC orders Henricus de Severi bishop of Rodez and the rector of the Comtat Venaissin (Fasti 6:99–100); the marshal of justice of the Curia; Clemens de Grandmont, auditor of the Camera; and other officers of justice to guarantee the safeconduct of Raymundus Gasbert notary of Carpentras to answer at Avignon for certain chests of money and jewels taken and hidden by him. 3 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 156v–157v) a letter to Henricus de Severi bishop of Rodez and the rector of the Comtat Venaissin and other officials: on the petition of Raymundus Arnaldi, brother and heir of Joannes, FC orders all the holders of clothing, utensils, and furnishings to release them to Raymundus. No. 708 Joannes Arnaud prior of S. Maurice La Rochelle OCSA (Saintes) Died before Oct 1396. 1 Oct 1396 (Coll. 372, 66rv) from these spoils and those of Stephanus Audibert canon of Bourges (Case no. 1292), Guillelmus Saulet, subcollector of Luçon, is to provide to Joannes Lavergne, clerk of the Camera and treasurer general (Case no. 766), his stipend of £30.8.4. No. 709 [olim 627] Joannes Artaud OP bishop of Marseille Formerly bishop of Nice from 1329, of Marseille from 1334; died Jul 1335. Gallia Christiana 1:657, 3:1286. Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:260–295. 29 Jun 1335 (EFR Benoît XII communes 1680) licentia testandi. 7 Jul 1335 (Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:287–288, no. 494) testament. 1335 (Coll. 143, 5r–73v; Bibliothèques II, 335.6, p. 121–122) commissioner’s accounts, including books. Nov 1335 (Coll. 398, 11r–69r) claims to spoils by various plaintiffs before the Camera. 21 Oct 1336 (VQ 4:112) commissioner Hugo Roqua pays 13 fl. 23 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:114) 76 fl. for the sale of a horse. 18 Nov 1339 (VQ 4:149) commissioner Bartholomeus Berbignerii pays £40. 4 Jul 1340 (VQ 4:160) successor Joannes pays 359 fl. No. 710 [olim 628] Joannes Aubriot bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône Bishop from 1345; died before Dec 1350. Gallia Christiana 4:919–921. 24 Dec 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4841) commission to Joannes de Caola. 28 Apr 1351 (Coll. 497, 47v) heirs obligated to a composition of 500 fl. No. 711 Joannes d’Auxois bishop of Troyes Bishop from 1314; died 13 Jan 1317. Gallia Christiana 12:510. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 324 n. 1–2. 22 Apr 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 7015) the officialis of Auxerre is commissioned to recover the goods for the successor Guillelmus Méchin from the executors, who had asserted that the bishop had a testamentary license. 22 Apr 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 7030) the officialis may proceed summarily against the executors. No. 712 Joannes d’Auxois bishop of Auxerre Nephew of Joannes d’Auxois bishop of Troyes (Case no. 711); formerly bishop of Troyes from 1342, of Auxerre from 1353; died 10 Jan 1359. Fasti 16:152–154. 22 Jan 1359 (RV 243, 187v) commission to Bernardus Carit canon of Barcelona and his subcollectors. No. 713 [olim 629] Joannes Bauffès bishop of Lleida LL.B., J.U.D., former cantor of Evreux; bishop of Dax from 1375, deposed by Urban VI; bishop of Vich from 1391, of Huesca from 1393, of Lleida from 1403; died at Marseille about Nov 1403. Gallia Christiana 1:1051. Rotuli Parisienses 2:310, 454. Nov 1403 (RA 325, 196rv) accounts of Joannes Lobera, clerk of the Camera. No. 714 [olim 630] Joannes Belhomme papal scribe Died before Aug 1372. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 704, no. 91. Aug 1372 (IM 2676, 66) Raymundus de Laval and Guido Garin, executors, pay a composition of 100 fl. No. 715 [olim 631] Joannes Bisaci prior of S. Victor (Uzès) Died before 1403. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 159, 439rv) Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne, receives £39.2 from spoils. 17 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 551rv) accounts of Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne. No. 716 Joannes du Bois bishop of Dol Bishop from 1312; died 25 Jan 1324. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 329. Gallia Christiana 14:1056–1057. 1 Jun 1321 (EFR Jean XXII communes 13560) licentia testandi. 3 Mar 1324 (VQ 1:316) executors pay according to the testament 2000 fl. to the Pignota and the Crusade. 27 Jul 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2159) orders Guido de Laval bishop-elect of Quimper to collect the spoils for the executors of the testament. 19 Jan 1325 (VQ 1:321) the remainder of the testament, 2400 fl., claimed by Guido de Laval, for the crusade against the heretics of Milano and Ferrara. No. 717 [olim 632] Joannes Bonvin abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Abbot from 1385; died before Apr 1405. Gallia Christiana 1:693–694. 4 Apr 1405 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8365; RA 54, 358r–366v; Bibliothèques II, 405.3, p. 512–513) inventory by Petrus Olivarii, subcollector of Marseille. 1405 (Coll. 23, 214r–217r) accounts of collector Simon de Prades. 1405 (IM 5204, 13r–19v) quittance to Simon de Prades. 1405 (Coll. 23, 274r and 276r; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 5) receipts 1419 fl. curr. expenses 785, profit 633. No. 718 [olim 633] Joannes de Bourbon bishop of Verdun LL.Lic., former dean of Autun; bishop from 1362; died before Mar 1372. Gallia Christiana 4:435, 13:1225–1226. 20 Mar 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 702) commission to Joannes de Heu bishop of Toul (Fasti 17:101–103) (Case no. 758). 5 Feb 1373 (RA 220, 224rv; De Cros Calendar I, 272) a debt owed to Joannes by Laurentius de Cambio, chamberlain of Verdun, is to be collected from Laurentius. No. 719 [olim 634] Joannes Boutin abbot of S. Croix de Talmont OSB (Luçon) Died before Sep 1365. Gallia Christiana 2:1424. 13 Sep 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1964) commission to Petrus Domaud. ca. 1366 (Coll. 92, 30r) successor pays a composition of 100 nobles. 10 Sep 1372 (Coll. 358, 82r–83r; De Cros Calendar I, 172) Petrus Domaud provost of Poitiers accounts for receipts from spoils. No. 720 [olim 635] Joannes de Campeto canon of S. Ademaro (Muro Lucano) Died in Curia before Aug 1351. 11 Aug 1351 (VQ 5:448) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 15 écus, 6 fl. No. 721 Joannes de Cardaillac patriarch of Alexandria in administration of Toulouse LL.D.; bishop of Orense from 1351, archbishop of Braga from 1361, patriarch from 1371, in administration of Toulouse from 1378 and prior of the secular church of S. Caprais (Agen); died 7 Oct 1390. Gallia Christiana 13:42–43. 3 Dec 1393 (Coll. 370, 4r) FC orders Petrus de Tarascon to pay to the chapter of Toulouse 120 fr. which the patriarch owed for a mitre. 31 May 1395 (Coll. 372, 28v) FC orders Raymundus de Senans canon of Albi, collector of Cahors, to pay from these spoils the debt of 60 fr., owed to Joannes by the consul and men of Beauregard (Cahors), to Bernardus de Valon domicellus of Cahors. No. 722 [olim 636] Joannes de Cardone OCSA archbishop of Arles Formerly sacristan of Maguelonne; archbishop from 1341; died before 14 Aug 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:576–577 calls him nephew of Benedict XII with the surname de Baux. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:657–665. 8 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3951) commission to Stephanus Cambarou bishop of S. Pons-de-Thomières. 12 Oct 1354 (Coll. 497, 53r) heirs of the debtor Guillelmus Costa are obligated to a composition of 600 fl. 6 Oct 1355 (VQ 7:98) they pay 37 fl. 12 s. 29 Jan 1354 (Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:664–665) Joannes Bonifilii canon of Arles orders all chaplains of the diocese to warn Jacoba, widow of Jacobus Joannis, now wife of Guido de Brossa, to pay to himself as commissioner £30 owed by her late husband, or to answer the complaint of the procurator fiscal before the chamberlain at Avignon on 5 February. 27 Jan 1356 (Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:665, 682) commissioner’s quittance to Petrus and Joannes de Brossa for 50 s. 18 Aug 1360 (VQ 7:297–298; Coll. 231, 95r) the heirs of Guillelmus Costa pay 37 fl. 12 s. 22 Aug 1360 (VQ 7:298) they pay 50 fl. No. 723 [olim 637] Joannes de Castello OFM bishop of Mariana Bishop from 1353; died in Genova Feb 1364. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. Feb – 6 Jun 1364 (Coll. 132, 42v; Bibliothèques II, 364.3, p. 356–357) accounts of Raphael della Torre. 7 Jun 1364 (Coll. 353, 12r; Aubert Calendar 248, p. 165–166; Bibliothèques II, 364.3, p. 357) quittance to Raphael della Torre for books, delivered along with artillery for the defense of the papal palace at Avignon. 23 Aug 1372 (Coll. 358, 85v–86r; De Cros Calendar I, 161) the Camera’s rights in a debt of £200 Genoese is transferred to the governor of Corsica for a composition of 80 fl. Cam. No. 724 [olim 638] Joannes de Castro bishop of Tuy Formerly dean of León; bishop from 1351; died before 20 Jul 1384. 1384 x 1386 (Coll. 122, 72v–73r; Bibliothèques I, 384.6, p. 268) accounts of sales by collector Guillelmus Boudreville. No. 725 [olim 640] Joannes de Cavanhac collector of Cahors, Tulle, Rodez, Albi, Castres, Vabres Canon of Chartres; canon of Cahors; cantor of Coimbra; dean of Compostela; died before Apr 1364. 2 April 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 871) commission to Guillelmus Amarant. 24 Apr 1364 (Coll. 353, 8rv; Aubert Calendar 237, p. 161) commission to Guillelmus Amarant to take what Joannes owed to the Camera and release the remainder to his brother Geraldus de Cavanhac knight and Raymundus Gisberti, the executors. 7 May 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 939) commission to Hugo de Lamanhania and Arnaldus de Vernols. 17 Jun 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1020) commission to Guillelmus Pilot. ca. 1370 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 85v) Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon, receives at Coimbra £330 Port. His unfinished letter of commission is IM 2282. No. 726 Joannes Chambellain canon of Paris Died before 10 Nov 1358. 10 Nov 1358 (RV 244 K, 183B, number 355) commission to Bernardus Carit canon of Rouen (Fasti 2:162). No. 727 [olim 641] Joannes de Champdorat OSB bishop of Le Puy J.U.D., formerly abbot of Chaise-Dieu OSB (Clermont); bishop of Le Puy from 1342; died 15 Sep 1356. Gallia Christiana 2:342–343, 725. 14–15 Sep 1356 (Coll. 8A, fasc.2; Bibliothèques II, 356.7, p. 326–328) testamentary dispositions and an inquest of spoils. 19 Sep 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2378) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Le Puy. 14 Jan 1357 (VQ 7:170) executors pay 1000 fl. of an 1800-fl. composition. 12 Jul 1357 (VQ 7:177–178; cf. OS 23A, 106v) they pay 800 fl. Mar 1363 (IM 2279, 6) 658 fl. Fran. paid for silverware. Dec 1363 (IM 2279, 22) Aymericus Chat de la Joussac bishop of Bologna (Case no. 104) pays 339 fl. for a mitre and crozier. No. 728 [olim 639] Joannes de Châteauneuf canon of Troyes, collector of Reims Died before Nov 1362. 18 Nov 1362 (Coll. 171, 122r–126r; Bibliothèques II, 362.9, p. 344–349) inventory and accounts. Dec 1362 (Coll. 66, 80r–82r; Bibliothèques II, 362.9, p. 349) Aubricus Raoul describes his recovery of the goods from the castle of Montague (Besançon). 2 Mar 1364 (OS 31, 128v–129r; Aubert Calendar 227, p. 158) commissioners Aubricus Raoul and Ricardus de Montemaiano are not to trouble Geralda, widow of Stephanus Mercereti de Sabinis, for a Bible from the spoils, which she has restored. 27 Mar 1364 (Coll. 353, 5r–6r; Aubert Calendar 230, p. 159) obligation of Stephanus de Finis knight to pay a loan of 3158 écus. 9 Oct 1364 (Coll. 353, 18v; Aubert Calendar 274, p. 176) Stephanus’s debt prorogued to 24 Jun 1365, and he is absolved from excommunication; but he should first pay 700 écus as a draft on the royal treasury at Nîmes. 15 Dec 1364 (Coll. 353, 23v–24r) quittance to collector Aubricus Raoul for books and clothing. 11 Jul 1369 (Coll. 354, 71rv) treasurer orders the citation of Bisantius Petit on account of 400 fl. which he borrowed from the late collector to pay for the celebration of his M.D. degree. No. 729 [olim 642] Joannes de Chissey bishop of Grenoble Bishop from 1337; died at Paris Dec 1349. Gallia Christiana 16:247–249. 2 Sep 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4689–4690) commission and instructions to Joannes de S. Petro de Valonis. 13 Apr 1351 (VQ 5:445) successor Radulphus de Chissey pays 100 fl. No. 730 [olim 643] Joannes de Cojordan bishop of Mirepoix Former archdeacon of Lunas (Béziers) papal treasurer; bishop of Avignon from 1336, of Mirepoix from 1349; died between 9 Oct and 17 Dec 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:822, 13:270. Gallia Christiana Novissima 7:331–355. 20 Dec 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 62347) licentia testandi. n.d. (Coll. 66, 44r) Aubricus Raoul, collector of Lyon and Vienne, recounts his recovery of goods taken by Joannes de Cojordan knight. 3 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 214v–215r; Aubert Calendar 27, p. 74) recognition of a composition by successor Arnaldus de Villari. 23 May 1362 (OS 31, 150rv; Aubert Calendar 75, p. 94) commission to the officialis of Carcassonne to collect debts owed to Joannes and to Jean II king of France by 8 named debtors. 24 Apr 1364 (Coll. 353, 11rv; Aubert Calendar 239, p. 162–163) quittance to the collector for recovered stolen goods, with inventory. No. 731 [olim 644] Joannes de Cori OP bishop of Tivoli Former bishop of Knin from 1334, of Tivoli from 1337; died Aug 1342. 17 May 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 828–829) commission to Guillelmus Allemand de S. Gorio bishop of Genève and Bertrandus abbot of Sixt (Genève) to investigate and gather the goods deposited at the Dominican convent of Genève, paying the bishop’s gift of 200 fl. to the convent. 24 Oct 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1180) the commissioners should pay 80 fl. to the convent of Genève and 120 fl. to the convent of Montmélian. No. 732 [olim 645] Joannes Courtois cleric, provisor of the Pinhota Died in Curia before Mar 1348. 17 Mar 1348 (IM 1754; Bibliothèques II, 348.16, p. 229–230) inventory by Petrus Chautard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. 4 Aug 1348 (RA 101, 18r–25v) inventory by Petrus Chautard. 22 Sep 1348 (VQ 5:411) executor pays a debt of 100 fl. 5 Mar 1349 (VQ 5:419) executor Jacobus de Ville pays 200 fl. of a composition. 5 Mar 1349 (OS 23A, 96v) further obligation and payment by the executor. No. 733 [olim 646] Joannes de Craon archbishop of Reims Formerly canon of Angers and Tours; archdeacon of Le Mans; bishop of Le Mans from 1348; archbishop of Reims from 1355; died in Paris 26 Mar 1373. Cazelles, Société, politique, noblesse et couronne 196–197 and index. Gallia Christiana 9:129–130, 14:408. Fasti 3:178–180 and 7:272. 7 Apr 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1588) commission to Bernardus Carit, collector of Sens and Rouen (Fasti 2:162), and Joannes Maubert. 25 May 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1605) faculties granted to Joannes Maubert. No. 734 [olim 647] Joannes Cros cleric Died in Curia before Mar 1352. 22 Mar 1352 (VQ 5:453) Marcus de Corona merchant of Avignon pays 50 fl. No. 735 [olim 700] Joannes Desprès OCist bishop of Castres Former abbot of S. Pierre OCist (Le Puy); bishop of Coimbra from 1333, of Castres from 3 Dec 1347; died before Aug 1348. Samaran-Mollat 218–219 for complaints against the activity of the collector Joannes des Paumes in this case; but according to his own accounts (Coll. 74, 73r–162v) he collected only vacancies in Castres in 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:68, 2:754. 18 Mar 1338 (EFR Benoît XII communes 5824) licentia testandi. 5 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3926) commission to Joannes de Babuis canon of S. Frontin (Périgueux). 16 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:424) the executor, cardinal Petrus Desprès, pays 300 fl. composition. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199) Guillelmus Pilot, collector of Portugal, pays £68.6.8 from spoils at Coimbra. No. 736 [olim 648] Joannes Dieudonné canon of Le Puy, subcollector in Le Puy and Clermont Died in Curia May 1375. 14 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 15rv; De Cros Calendar I, 461) complaints of malfeasance. 28 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 20rv; De Cros Calendar I, 482) commission to Joannes Cabrespí and Joannes de Caffris. 29 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 38r–39v; De Cros Calendar II, 818) heirs make a composition in the Camera, and the spoils are released to them. No. 737 [olim 695] Joannes Dupin abbot of Cluny (Mâcon) Abbot from 1369; died 27 Dec 1374. Gallia Christiana 4:1155. Rotuli Parisienses 2:500 n. 8 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 3v–5r; De Cros Calendar I, 419–421) the successor is granted all the goods except the books at Paris in consideration of a composition: three letters to the same effect. 8 Nov 1375 (IM 2877, 9; OS 42, 41v) successor Jacobus de Caussens (Case no. 660) pays 200 fl. of a 3000-fl. composition. 4 Apr 1376 (IM 2924, 3; OS 42, 66rv) he pays 200 fl. 8 May 1376 (OS 42, 103rv) he pays 500 fl. 28 Oct 1376 (OS 42, 103v) he pays 321 fl., 12 s. 8 Mar 1378 (OS 42, 121r) he pays 300 fl. 16 Jan 1379 (OS 42, 143r) he pays 500 fl. No. 738 [olim 701] Joannes Dupré OP bishop of Evreux M.Theol.; bishop from 1328; died before 30 Jul 1333. Gallia Christiana 11:594–595. 1 Aug 1331 (EFR Jean XXII communes 54402) licentia testandi. 6 Nov 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 509) orders the officialis of Rouen (Bartholomeus Renaud [Fasti 2:160]) to summon executor Michael Salverii to the Curia to render accounts of vacancy and spoils. 18 Feb 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1491) commission to Bernardus Carit, collector of Sens and Rouen (Fasti 2:162) citing the licentia testandi. 23 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2061) orders Bernardus Carit to place goods under the hand of the Camera, because the executors are in disagreement. 13 Apr 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3806) Bernardus Carit is ordered to sell the goods at auction. No. 739 [olim 725] Joannes d’Etienne bishop of Toulon Formerly archdeacon of Figeac (Cahors), protonotary apostolic, papal familiar; bishop from 1368 (but Toulon was administered from 1385 by Jacobus Faysenqui OFM, M.Theol.); died 8 Dec 1393. Gallia Christiana 1:750–751. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:257–270. 9 Mar 1394 (Coll. 366, 149v–151r; Bibliothèques II, 394.2, p. 490–493) quittance to Petrus Merle, collector of Provence. 15 Dec 1396 (Coll. 372, 71v–72v; Favier, Finances pontificales 267–268 n. 1) the bishop’s servant Galvanus de la Barrière was willed several precious objects but has received none; FC orders the subcollector of Toulon to pay him 100 fl. Cam. in satisfaction. 30 Sep 1397 (IE 374, 38r) Joannes Lavergne, papal treasurer (Case no. 766), pays 16 fl. to the Camera for a missal. No. 740 [olim 651] Joannes Fernandez de Sotomayor bishop of Tuy Bishop from 1286; died 14 Jun 1323. 16 Jul 1323 (Bullarium I, 56 = EFR Jean XXII communes 18197) reservation of spoils: the bishop died intestate. 10 Jan 1327 (OS 12, 103v–104r) payments by Petrus de Brunia, nuncio in Portugal, from the spoils of this bishop and others. No. 741 [olim 652] Joannes de Fisco abbot of S. Maria Assuntanella OSB (Firenze) Died before Oct 1339. 15 Oct 1339 (Coll. 244, 34r–35v) accounts of Joannes de Perrier. 6 Jan 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2983) commission to Joannes de Perrier to collect the spoils and the fruits of the vacancy, providing for the necessities of the monastery and the monks. No. 742 Joannes de Fontarigiis prior of S. Corneille de la Chapelle OSB (Albi). Died before Aug 1394. 13 Aug 1394 (RV 308, 173r; cit. Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3) Raymundus de Senans is to cite Rogerius de la Tour abbot of Gaillac OSB (Albi) to answer for the spoils before the chamberlain at Avignon or wherever the Curia might be. No. 743 Joannes Fournier Called dominus; died before Jan 1376. 9 Jan 1376 (Coll. 356, 65r; De Cros Calendar I, 603) the pope has granted to his new works at Chaise-Dieu OSB (Clermont) the 1000 fl. which fr. Petrus Fornerii of Semur-en-Auxois (Autun), a priory dependent on Flavigny OSB (Autun), owes in a composition for the spoils of his late brother d. Johannes Fornerii. PC orders the collectors to pay that sum to fr. Bartholomeus de Rivo, hostelarius, and director of works of Chaise-Dieu. No. 744 [olim 653] Joannes François canon of Chartres, dean of Saintes, collector of Bourges, Poitiers, Saintes J.U.L.; died in Curia early May 1396. 1 Dec 1389 (IM 3418; Bibliothèques II, 389.95, p. 474–475) books appropriated from spoils. 30 Oct 1394 (Coll. 371, 53r–54r) despite warnings, collector Joannes has failed for twelve years to render accounts. The clergy of Bourges, Poitiers, and Saintes are to summon him to appear in the Camera under pain of excommunication. May 1396 (IE 372, 100v; Favier, Finances pontificales 259) testament, copied by clerks of the Camera. 17 May 1396 (Coll. 372, 50r Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 4) FC orders commissioner Petrus Mercerii canon and collector of Tours to assign to Guillelmus Serezeraye priest of Le Mans and Joannes Hardi cleric of Rennes 100 fr. for their services to the collector. 12 Jun 1396 (Coll. 372, 57r) Petrus du Pont should assign 21 fr. (wrongly taken by Petrus de Tarascon, former collector of Toulouse) to Bernardus de Aurenca, master usher of the pope. 27 Jun 1396 (Coll. 372, 54v) the letter of 17 May again, but addressed to Petrus Jovit LL.D. canon of Tours, successor of Joannes François as collector. 28 Jun 1396 (Coll. 372, 51rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 5) Petrus Jovit should pay to Petrus le Veyer, domicellus of Angers, 10 fr. due for his services to Joannes François. 15 Jul 1396 (Coll. 372, 59rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 6) Petrus Jovit should assign to six of the late collector’s servants a total of 60 fr. and some expensive garments quas dictus quondam collector tempore mortis sue Turonis habebat. 1 Sep 1396 (Coll. 372, 62r) commissioner Petrus Mercerii is to assign to Petrus Jovit all the goods that he has collected. 15 Jun 1397 (IE 374, 20v, 28v; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 9) sales of goods yield 25 fl. 4 s. 30 Sep 1397 (IE 374, 37v–38r; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 9) they yield 29 fl. 22 s. No. 745 Joannes de Fraxino OP bishop of Lugo M.Theol., chaplain of honor; died before Jul 1409. 20 Jan 1410 (RA 335, 541v–542r) the successor Joannes Henrici OFM has petitioned for relief: the see is burdened with the unpaid services of his two predecessors, Petrus Lopez de Aguiar OP and Lupus, formerly bishop of Faenza. The reserved spoils of this latest predecessor were sufficient to pay the debt, but they were seized by a certain Rodericus cantor of Santiago for distribution to the relatives and friends of the bishop according to his licensed testament. LP transfers the claim of the Camera to the present bishop, Joannes Henrici. No. 746 [olim 654] Joannes Galtini M.Med.; died in Curia before Sep 1360. Not in Wickersheimer, Médecins en France. 4 Sep 1360 (VQ 7:299) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 10 fl. No. 747 [olim 655] Joannes de Garrigue canon of Narbonne, precentor of Béziers, collector of Narbonne Formerly canon of Lisboa, receiver of Portugal; died 11 x 17 Sep 1369. 11 Sep 1369 (IM 2566) nuncupative testament. 17 Sep 1369 (Coll. 354, 78v; Aubert Calendar 782, p. 402) letter of commission to Guillelmus Amarant to collect the spoils, by treasurer Gaucelmus de Deux, acting for the chamberlain. (These two documents are edited in Dossier, 41–54.) Jan 1372 (IM 2676, 3) collector Bertrandus Raffin pays 61 fl., £137.12.1. Feb 1372 (IM 2676, 7) he pays 262 fr. 3 s. 3 d. Aug 1372 (IM 2676, 51) he pays 15 fl., 30 fr. Mar 1375 (IM 2877, 2) Petrus de Cassanhis, cubicularius, pays 22 fl. 23 s. 4 d. for a chalice. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 153v–154r) summary accounts by the succeeding collector Arnaldus André: 1262 fr. 4 gros. received, 58½ fr. remaining. 28 Aug 1391 (Coll. 365, 243rv) the precentory of Béziers was so plundered by Joannes Canerandi subcollector of Béziers and others, the current precentor Rogerius Fulcaudi complains, that he cannot live in it. The officialis of Narbonne is directed to investigate and report. No. 748 [olim 656] Joannes Gasqui bishop of Marseille Bishop from 1335; died 10 Sep 1344. Gallia Christiana 1:657. Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:296–313. 13 Jul 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 29272) licentia testandi. 5 Sep 1344 (Gallia Christiana 1:657C–D; Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:306–312, no. 514) testament. 28 Jan 1345 (VQ 5:354) executors pay 200 fl. of a 400-fl. composition. 19 Mar 1345 (VQ 5:355) they pay 200 fl. No. 749 [olim 657] Joannes Gasqui bishop of Nîmes Bishop from 1367; died 27 Aug 1369. Gallia Christiana 6:453. 17 Sep 1371 (Coll. 357, 48rv; De Cros Calendar I, 20) executors Petrus and Raymundus Gasqui are obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 19 Sep 1371 (IM 2661; De Cros Calendar I, 21) chamberlain PC instructs the commissioners Bertrandus Pelherii and Raymundus Pegole to assign to the executors the value of the goods in their inventory. May 1372 (IM 2676, 40; Coll. 357, 48v) the executors pay 500 fl. 28 May 1372 (Coll. 357, 48v; De Cros Calendar I, 20) the executors have paid their composition of 3000 fl. in full. 7 May 1373 (Coll. 358, 130v; De Cros Calendar I, 310) the officialis, archdeacon, and subcollector of Nîmes are ordered to force debtors to pay the executors. No. 750 Joannes Gilles canon of Tours Died before 16 Mar 1358. 16 Mar 1358 (RV 243, 112rv) commission to Petrus Beumond canon of Tours. 3 Oct 1358 (RV 243, 171rv) grants the collector permission to make a composition with the executors. No. 751 [olim 658] Joannes Godivosten Anglicus Died in Curia before Sep 1375. Sep 1375 (IM 2877, 7) spoils yield 80 fl. No. 752 [olim 659] Joannes Gomez de Chaves bishop of Évora Bishop from 1356; died 10 Mar 1368. 8 Sep 1368 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 46r–62r) accounts of Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon: £2803.15.2 Port. received. 15 Mar 1369 (Coll. 353, 195v–196r; Aubert Calendar 625, p. 331–332) chamberlain orders collector to observe the moderatio. No. 753 [olim 660] Joannes Grand archbishop of Bremen Formerly archbishop of Lund from 18 Mar 1290, of Riga from 30 Mar 1302, of Bremen from 1310; died intestate in Curia 28 May 1327. 1 Sep 1319 (EFR Jean XXII communes 10028) licentia testandi. 26 May 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 29730) reservation of the sick bishop’s spoils, assuming that he will die in Curia. The original bull is Bullarium I, 60. 28 May 1327 (IM 1004, 1r–4r: Bibliothèques I, 327.5, p. 113–115) inventory of books with estimates. after 30 May 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 29706 = IM 1327, caps. 22, no. 14) inventories of goods. 9 Jun 1327 (VQ 1:521) commissioner Guillelmus Girberti assigns to the Camera 7339 fl., 204 d. ad massam (by weight), etc. 16 Apr 1334 (VQ 1:374–375) books sold for 450 fl.; other assignments by commissioner. No. 754 [olim 661] Joannes Graphei OFM bishop of Patti-Lipari Bishop from 1360; died before 28 Nov 1373. Fussenegger, “Chronica II” 205. n.d. (IM 7205) Bertrandus du Mazel, receiver general in Sicilia, records the wealth and income of the mensa. 1375 (Coll. 222, 173v, 177v, 183rv, 186r, 187r, 192v, 197rv, 202rv, 206r, 208rv; Bibliothèques I, 373.8, p. 258) records of debts due. 1375 (Coll. 222, 210r–211r) goods and cash held by persons in Lipari. 1375 (Coll. 222, 229v) Bertrandus du Mazel collects 30 fl. etc. 1375 (Coll. 222, 238v–242r) note of the remains to be collected. No. 755 Joannes Grinde canon and sacristan of Grenoble, subcollector of Grenoble Died before Feb 1406. 6 Feb 1406 (RA 325, 525r–527r; Favier, Finances pontificales 277 n. 2) two letters: Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, directs Petrus Conilli to take these spoils, which included considerable collections for the Camera, and to investigate the contradictions in his accounts. 26 Jun 1406 (RA 325, 548r–549r; Favier, Finances pontificales 277 n. 3) a letter to Aimo de Chissey bishop of Grenoble: servants of Joannes Grinde stole from him great sums of money, jewels, documents, etc., before and after his death. Aimo should pursue and arrest the thieves and recover the goods. n.d. (RA 325, 500r) rubric of a letter: the dean and chapter of Grenoble have compounded for the spoils, sum not stated. 14 Jul 1407 (RA 326, 28r–29r; Favier, Finances pontificales 286 n. 7) the chapter of Grenoble is obligated to pay the Camera 100 fr., and 25 fr. to each of the two natural daughters of the subcollector. No. 756 [olim 662] Joannes Guilbert dean of Dorpat Died in Curia before Jul 1363. 20 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 187v; Aubert Calendar 161, p. 125–126) composition by successor Goffridus. 9 Aug 1364 (Coll. 353, 15r–16r; Aubert Calendar 261, p. 169–170) Henricus Biscop provost of Bremen reports 330 fl. received. 5 Sep 1364 (IE 303, 22v; IE 311, 61r, ed. Kirsch, Kollektorien 394) successor Goffridus Warendorp compounded for 400 fl., witness an instrument by Joannes Palaysini; he paid 150 fl. and was granted until 20 Jun 1365 to pay the remaining 250 fl. No. 757 [olim 663] Joannes Guilhamin rector of Sarrant (Lombez) D.Decr.; died in Curia before Mar 1362. 11 Mar 1362 (Coll 497, 77v) his father Stephanus obligated to a composition of 700 fl. Ped. 17 Mar 1362 (VQ 7:393–394) father and brother pay 500 fl. 18 May 1362 (VQ 7:402) they pay 200 fl. No. 758 [olim 664] Joannes de Heu bishop of Toul Former archdeacon of Toul; bishop from 1363; died 19 Aug 1372. Gallia Christiana 13:1029–1030. Fasti 17:101–103. 6 Jun 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1251) commission to Joannes de Vitriaco, collector of Toul, etc. 8 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 11v; De Cros Calendar I, 449) commissioner directed to release goods to the successor Joannes de Neuchâtel, but to collect the late bishop’s common services. No. 759 Joannes Hiltalinger de Basel bishop of Lombez M.Theol. prior general, OESA; bishop from 1389; died before Oct 1392. Gallia Christiana 13:324. 9 Aug 1393 (Coll. 369, 238v–239r) Petrus de Tarascon is directed to investigate the complaint of the successor Petrus Villain, that the goods for which he paid the collector had been lost. If this is true, the collector should remit 25 fr. to the bishop. The spoils were collected to cover unpaid tenths and services. No. 760 [olim 665] Joannes de Isoduno Anglicus OCSA Died in Curia before 1 Apr 1348. 15 Dec 1349 (VQ 5:431–432) commissioner Joannes de Balafaso pays 40 fl., £32. 25 Feb 1351 (VQ 5:444) sale of a house yields 52 fl. 10s. No. 761 [olim 666] Joannes Joannis dean of Sigüenza Died before Aug 1375. 23 Aug 1375 (Coll 356, 48rv) the chapter is ordered to surrender goods to the collector of Castile. No. 762 [olim 667] Joannes de Jourens bishop of Le Puy LL.D., former papal chaplain, auditor of contradicted letters; bishop of Riez from 1348, of Valence-Die from 1352, of Luçon in 1354, of Elne from 1354, of Le Puy from 1357; died before Nov 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:405, 2:725–727, with the bishop’s own list of his translations with their dates, 2:1408, 6:1059, 16:325. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:608–610. 25 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1042–1043) commission to Petrus Gervais canon of Le Puy and Guillelmus Tardin dean of Le Puy. 20 Mar 1363 (OS 31, 200rv; Aubert Calendar 133, p. 115–116; Bibliothèques II, 361.75, p. 337–339) quittance to commissioner Petrus Gervais and Guillelmus Dominici rector of La Vallette (Toulouse) for goods listed in an inventory. 31 Mar 1363 (IE 303, 11r) Guillelmus Dominici pays for Petrus Gervais 658 fl. Fran., 1 agnus, 1 fr., £5.11 ob. 3 Jun 1363 (OS 31, 177v; Aubert Calendar 148, p. 121–122) quittance for a white horse to the collector, to Ranulphus de Perussia, marshall of justice, and to Ademarus de Ripperia, courier. 3 Jul 1363 (OS 31, 180v; Aubert Calendar 154, p. 123) orders Petrus Gervais to surrender goods to the new commissioner, Bertrandus de Cosnac bishop of Comminges. No. 763 Joannes Kaiode OESA bishop of Skopje Bishop from 1352; died before Oct 1354. 30 Jan 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1310) commission to Guillelmus de Gennep archbishop of Köln. No. 764 Joannes de Lacour OPraem abbot of La Case-Dieu (Auch) Formerly abbot of Fontcalde OPraem (S. Pons-de-Thomières), of Case-Dieu from 1361; died 25 Sep 1371. Gallia Christiana 1:1033. 17 Feb 1373 (RA 220, 221r; De Cros Calendar I, 276) the subcollector of Auch is to give 100 fl. from the spoils to Joannes Allemand. No. 765 [olim 668] Joannes Laurence subcollector of Langres Died 1360. ca. 1360 (Coll. 66, 38v) collector Aubricus Raoul receives 7 fl. 26 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 192v–197r; Aubert Calendar 182, p. 134) quittance to collector Joannes Rousset de Martignac for 300 fl. No. 766 Joannes Lavergne bishop of Lodève Lord of Tressan (Béziers); precentor of Lodève, collector of Lyon; clerk of the Camera; papal treasurer 1396; bishop of Lodève from 1398 (Gams); died before Aug 1413. Gallia Christiana 6:560. 8 Aug 1413 (RA 341, 139rv) chamberlain FC orders Leodegarius Sapor bishop of Gap (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:510–511) and Constantinus de Pergola bishop-elect of Apt (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:263–265) to collect the spoils, because Joannes died without rendering accounts of his large collections in the name of the Camera from the time of Clement VII of Avignon, including the reserved goods of prelates and other persons, especially Guillelmus Boudreville, collector of Spain. 12 Aug 1413 (RA 341, 140rv) to Constantinus alone: he is to take the testimony of the executors and heirs of the bishop. 15 Sep 1413 (RA 341, 143r–144v) further detailed instructions to the two commissioners. 2 Dec 1413 (RA 341, 153v) to the same commissioners: the hand of the Camera is lifted from the goods. 2 Feb 1414 (RA 341, 162v–163v) the chamberlain warrants m. Nicolaus de Mercatello Lic.Decr., archpriest of San Marcello di Corciano (Perugia), papal scribe and familiar, as his proctor in this affair. No. 767 [olim 649] Joannes Lefèvre OGrand bishop of Carcassonne Formerly abbot of Grandmont; bishop of Le Puy from 1356, of Tortosa from 1357, of Carcassonne from 1362; died before 27 Jun 1371. Gallia Christiana 6:901–902. 16 Feb 1363 (OS 31, 168r; Aubert Calendar 123, p. 110) Fulco Perrier sr. is directed to collect from the bishop’s debtors in his former diocese of Tortosa 4000 fl., which he owes to the Camera but is unable to pay. 9 Jan 1372 (Coll. 358, 24v–25r; De Cros Calendar I, 43) collector Bertrandus Raffin is directed to pay the bishop’s nephew a debt from the spoils. 4 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 107v; De Cros Calendar I, 208) he is directed to turn the utensils over to the successor, Hugo de la Jugie. No. 768 [olim 650] Joannes Lefèvre clavarius of Châteauneuf-du-Pape (Avignon) Died before Jul 1361. 17 Jul 1361 (VQ 7:341) payments by commissioner Nicolaus Cortesii, 313 fl. 7 s. 2 d. 22 Sep 1362 (Coll. 231, 143r) further payments. No. 769 [olim 669] Joannes de Lieux bishop of Poitiers Formerly papal chaplain bishop since 1357; died Aug 1362. Gallia Christiana 2:1191. Fasti 10:113–124. 13 Feb 1365 (Coll. 353, 29v; Aubert Calendar 303, p. 187–188) the chamberlain orders collector Petrus Domaud to release those goods which the bishop had earned by his own industry and left to his heir. 20 Jun 1365 (Coll. 353, 43v; OS 23A, 90v; Aubert Calendar 330, p. 201) obligation of Michael Casse canon of Poitiers (Fasti 10:314) to pay 170 reg. auri and 3 m. silver. Apr 1366 (IM 2435, 5) Petrus de Vergnia canon of Poitiers (Fasti 10:345) pays 379 fl. ca. 1366 (Coll. 92, 29v) payments by several debtors for spoils. 23 Jun 1366 (Coll. 353, 69r–70v) composition by the chapter for spoils and vacancy. 10 Sep 1372 (Coll. 358, 82r–83r; De Cros Calendar I, 172) Petrus Domaud accounts for receipts from spoils. No. 770 Joannes de Lueyo canon of Tours Died before 2 Oct 1358. 2 Oct 1358 (RV 244 K, 161A, number 303) orders Petrus Beumond canon of S. Martin (Tours) to collect the spoils. No. 771 [olim 670] Joannes de Luna bishop of Catania Formerly canon of Toledo; bishop of Catania from 1348; died before 4 Dec 1355. 12 Apr 1356 (Coll. 352, 117r) dispatch of a commission dated 25 Jan 1356 to Martialis bishop of Catania, nuncio in Sicilia. 21 Mar 1369 (EFR Urbain V communes 24048) grants the petition of the late bishop that a precious crozier of crystal and gilt silver should remain in the sacristy there and should be exempt from any future reservation of spoils of himself or any successor. No. 772 [olim 671] Joannes de Magnavia bishop of Orvieto LL.Lic., formerly canon of Agen, nuncio in the March of Ancona; bishop of Orvieto from 1361; died before 29 Oct 1364. Fumi, “L’inventario dei beni di Giovanni di Magnavia.” 21 Jan 1365 (Coll. 478, 1r–7v; Bibliothèques I, 364.8, p. 221–232) inventory of spoils. 18–20 Mar 1365 (IM 2393) successor Petrus Bohier requests the return of goods collected as spoils, but which belonged to the church. n.d. (IM 2585) collector pays 256 fl. and reports expenses. No. 773 [olim 672] Joannes de Mardonia rector of Castanet (Toulouse) Died in Curia before Aug 1382. 12 Aug 1382 (Coll. 360, 16r; De Cros Calendar II, 1064) goods released to Raymundus de Colendris, abbreviator, and other executors for a composition of 60 fl. No. 774 [olim 673] Joannes de Marescalla commensal chaplain Died in Curia before Jan 1355. 31 Jan 1355 (VQ 7:88) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 367 fl. No. 775 [olim 674] Joannes Marignolli de Florentia OFM bishop of Bisignano Bishop from 1354; died before 22 Mar 1359. 9 May 1367 – 18 Dec 1370 (Coll. 248, 30v–31v) Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena collects 65 fl. for goods left deposited in Firenze. No. 776 [olim 675] Joannes Martin OGrand prior of Sermaise (Saintes) Died 1383. 1383 x 1386 (Coll. 277, 142v) subcollector Nicolaus de Seignelay collects £294.6 from sale of wine. No. 777 [olim 676] Joannes Martinez de Barcelona OCSA bishop of Huesca Former archdeacon of Zaragoza, D.Decr.; bishop of Segorbe from 1362, of Huesca from 1369; died before Sep 1371. 19 Sep 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 303) commission to Arnaldus André, collector of Aragon. 13 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 106r; De Cros Calendar I, 221) collector to observe the moderatio. No. 778 [olim 677] Joannes Martins de Solhaes archbishop of Braga Former bishop of Lisboa from 1294; archbishop of Braga from 1313; died 1 May 1325. 1297 (EFR Registres de Boniface VIII, 3013) licentia testandi. 17 Nov 1328 (VQ 1:486) Petrus de Brunia, nuncio in Portugal, pays. 10 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 869) orders Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga to absolve holders of these and other spoils after restitution. No. 779 Joannes Maubert chancellor of Noyon, collector of Reims Formerly cantor of Noyon; canon of Cambrai; died Jun 1388. 20 Jun 1388 (Coll. 362, 247v–248v) a commission to Petrus Borrier, clerk of the Camera, to collect the spoils of the collector, who died without rendering accounts. 11 Oct 1391 (IM 3503; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 3) commissioner should pay the wages of Egidius Forguié, the collector’s clerk. No. 780 [olim 678] Joannes Maurel bishop of Vaison Formerly canon of Sens, provost of S. Croix (Liège); bishop of Vaison from 1362; died before 7 Oct 1370. Gallia Christiana 1:931. 1359 (RA 140, 17r) licentia testandi, rubric. 1370 (Coll. 19, 307v–320v) accounts of Geraldus Mercadier. ca. 1370 (IM 2470) payments from the spoils to the Treasury by Geraldus Mercadier. n.d. (IE 352, 24r; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 3) the late bishop’s cross sold to his successor Eblo de Miers (Case no. 288). Aug 1372 (IM 2676, 66) he pays 400 fr. No. 781 [olim 679] Joannes de Mello bishop of Clermont Formerly archdeacon in the church of Toul, papal chaplain; bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône from 1353, of Clermont from 1357; died before 2 Jan 1376. Gallia Christiana 2:289–290, 4:921–922. Fasti 17:258–259. 13 Mar 1381 (Coll. 358, 174v–175r; De Cros Calendar II, 899) the executors’ petition for return of the goods is granted; the bishop had licentia testandi from Gregory XI. No. 782 [olim 680] Joannes Mercier dean of S. Germain (Auxerre) Died before Jul 1383. Gallia Christiana 12:353–354. 26 Jul 1383 (Coll. 360, 54r–55r; De Cros Calendar II, 1164) the dean had 15,000 fl. Cam. from Pope Urban V for repairs to the monastery of S. Germain d’Auxerre OSB, and he died without rendering accounts. The chamberlain directs Armandus Jausserand, collector of Sens and Rouen, to release the spoils to the executor Adam Sapiens canon of Auxerre, who has answered in the Camera for the spoils. 27 Jul 1383 (Coll. 360, 55r–56r; De Cros Calendar II, 1165; Favier, Finances pontificales 274 n. 2) quittance to Adam Sapiens, nephew and executor, in the same terms as the last letter. No. 783 [olim 681] Joannes de Merulo vicar of Noves (Avignon) Died before Oct 1359. 25 Oct 1359 (VQ 7:267) his successor Jacobus Seguini pays 30 fl. No. 784 Joannes de Montaut bishop of Aire Formerly canon of Tarbes; bishop of Aire from 1361; died before 4 Jun 1386. Gallia Christiana 1:1160. 3 Apr 1388 (Coll. 362, 209rv) the commissioners, Guillelmus de Mespleda monk of S. Quitiere, le Mas-d’Aire OSB (Aire) and Benedictus de Pretorio canon of Aire, have not rendered accounts. FC orders Petrus de Tarascon, collector of Toulouse, to compel them, using the secular arm if necessary. No. 785 Joannes Morales bishop of Jaen Formerly cantor of Córdoba; bishop of Badajoz from 1329, of Jaen from 1335; died before Sep 1357. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 170. 13 Sep 1357 (RV 239, 211v–212r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2998) commission to Joannes Fernandi dean of Jaen to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. No. 786 [olim 682] Joannes Morosini OESA bishop of Cittanova d’Istria Bishop from 1347; died before 15 Mar 1359. 14 May 1360 (Coll. 130, 150v) successor Guillelmus Conti pays 40 ducats composition. No. 787 [olim 683] Joannes Mottula di Napoli bishop of Caiazzo Died 21 Apr 1356. 4 Jun 1362 (Coll. 169, 135v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector reports accounts: spoils, 12 unc. 9 tar., and vacancies, 1 unc. 9 tar. 15 gran. No. 788 [olim 684] Joannes Natimbene OESA bishop of Trivento Formerly bishop of Avellino from 1326, of Trivento from 1334; died before 28 Feb 1344. 15 Jun – 28 Dec 1344 (Coll. 168, 38r–39r; Bibliothèques I, 344.2, p. 157) goods collected by Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 789 [olim 687] Joannes de Neuchâtel bishop of Nevers D.Decr.; cousin of Clement VII; former treasurer of Besançon; bishop of Nevers from 1371; his spoils were reserved when he was translated to Toul, 27 Aug 1372; remaining in administration of Toul, he was created cardinal in 1383; died 4 Oct 1398. Gallia Christiana 12:650, 13:1030. Rotuli Parisienses 3:passim. Fasti 4:166 and 17:103–105. 23 May 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1908) quittance to Raymundus de Casilhac preceptor of the Hospital of S. Jean des Canabières (Rodez), Joannes de Caffris canon of Nevers, and Arnaldus Beraldi lord of Sayssac (Cahors). No. 790 [olim 685] Joannes Nicolas canon of Reims, papal chaplain Died before Apr 1373. Fasti 3:401. 16 Apr 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1202) commission to Joannes Maubert and Radulphus Jaquetelli (Fasti 3:497), canons of Reims. 10 Sep 1373 (RA 220, 259v; De Cros Calendar I, 345) the thirtieths owed by the benefice at Reims are to be paid from the spoils of Joannes. No. 791 Joannes Nitzonis dean of Mâcon Died before Feb 1373. Gallia Christiana 4:1109 lacks this name. 18 Feb 1373 (RA 220, 223rv; De Cros Calendar I, 277) chamberlain releases the goods for a composition of 100 fl. No. 792 [olim 686] Joannes de Nogaret abbot of S. Sernin OCSA (Toulouse) Died 12 Aug 1361. Gallia Christiana 13:97. 24 Mar 1362 (Coll. 497, 78r) successor Radulphus is obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 1 Jan 1363 (Coll. 235, 78r) collector Bertrandus de Castanier notes receipt of 1000 fl., remains of 1000 fl. 1364 (Coll. 235, 121v) 613 fl. received, 69 fl. remaining. 1371 (Coll. 18, 214v) the successor’s composition is given as 3000 fl.; balance remaining, 1312 fl.; Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier received 970 fl. 8 gros. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156r) Aymericus Pellicier reports 870 fl. 8 gros. 3 barc. collected, 341 fl. 9 gros. 9 barc. remaining. No. 793 [olim 688] Joannes Oger dean of Reims, collector of Reims Formerly dean of Beaune (Autun); died before Aug 1349. Fasti 3:402. 23 Aug 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4234) orders Robertus de Vassonia to pay over to Robertus Capiconi rector of S. Remi (Amiens) the moneys deposited by Joannes Oger dean of Reims. 17 Dec 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4350) substitutes Joannes de Châteauneuf for the deceased collector Joannes Oger. 8 Mar 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4430) orders Geraldus d’Arbent treasurer of Notre-Dame d’Ecouis (Rouen) to secure the collector’s goods until his debts to the Camera are satisfied. 20 May 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4972) orders Geraldus d’Arbent to investigate the moneys and other goods of the late collector, who died without rendering accounts. No. 794 [olim 733] Joannes Orsini bishop of Padova Formerly sacristan of Urgell; bishop from 1353; died in Curia before 12 Jun 1359. 1359 (RA 140, 17r) licentia testandi, rubric. 6 Mar 1360 (VQ 7:293) his brother, cardinal Reginaldus Orsini, pays 300 fl. No. 795 [olim 689] Joannes le Parity bishop of Vannes Bishop from 1312; died 20 Jan 1334. Gallia Christiana 14:929. 30 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 63; Benoît XII closes pays autres 332) commission to Bernardus de Cassis. 3 Jan 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 132; Benoît XII closes pays autres 729) goods released to the executors. 26 Jun 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1378) orders Henricus de Bellomonte to collect the wealth not legitimately spent by the late bishop’s coadjutors during his last illness. No. 796 Joannes des Paumes archpriest of Bélaye (Cahors), collector of Cahors, Tulle, Rodez, Albi, Castres, Vabres Died without rendering final accounts before June 1358. Samaran-Mollat 218–219 for a schedule of complaints against this collector’s proceedings. 1 Jun 1358 (Cambarou Calendar 13, p. 206–207) commission to Geraldus Mercadier LL.B., rector of S. Jean de Montfermiers (Cahors), to collect spoils; Cambarou Calendar nos. 14 and 17 appoint him collector. 22 May 1360 (Cambarou Calendar 31, p. 213) commission to Joannes de Cavanhac dean of Compostela, now collector of Cahors, etc., to recover the debts due to Joannes des Paumes and to pay 1000 fl. to the Camera and any residue to Geraldus Mercadier, executor of the testament. No. 797 [olim 690] Joannes Peisson archbishop of Aix Formerly canon of Béziers, papal chaplain and familiar; bishop of Digne from 1341; archbishop of Aix from 1361; died 10 Oct 1368. Gallia Christiana 1:323–324, 3:1125–1126. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:88–90. 14 Oct 1368 (Coll. 478, 9r–37v; Bibliothèques II, 368.7, p. 395–402) inventory by notary Joannes de Lordat. before 1370 (Coll. 19, 258r–279v; Bibliothèques II, 368.7, p. 402–404) accounts of collector Geraldus Mercadier. ca. 1370 (IM 2470) payments from the spoils to the Treasury by Geraldus Mercadier. Feb 1372 (IM 2676, 7) he pays 440 fr. 7 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 12r; De Cros Calendar I, 448) 100-fl. debt of Ludovicus de Forcalquier and his wife Ginnota is forgiven. No. 798 [olim 691] Joannes Pélerin de Vigenère abbot of S. Genis des Fontaines OSB (Elne) Died before Nov 1393. Gallia Christiana 6:1107 lacks this name, but gives a successor Jacobus in 1404. 17 Nov 1393 (RA 272, 146r; Favier, Finances pontificales 252) spoils said to have been reserved before his death. 1393 x 1405 (Coll. 160, 123r) Joannes de Rivesaltes, collector of Elne, receives a composition of £55 from the successor, Jacobus Bonamie. No. 799 [olim 692] Joannes de Perrier canon of Fréjus, nuncio in Sicilia citra Farum Died between 5 Aug and 11 Sep 1343. 11 Sep 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 398) commends the commissioner Arnulphus Marcellini to Giovanna I queen of Sicilia citra Farum. 12 Dec 1343 (Coll. 168, 2r) executors pay 50 unc. 23 Jan 1344 (Coll. 168, 1r) executor Raymundus de Cartayrata pays 10 fl. 24 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 689) Petrus Vitalis primicerius of Lucca, collector, should receive 1600 fl. from the Acciaioli bank. 15 Mar 1344 (VQ 5:344–345) executor pays. No. 800 [olim 693] Joannes Picard canon of Amiens, servant of the Camera Died before Feb 1385. 28 Feb 1385 (Coll. 360, 212rv) chamberlain FC releases spoils to the executors in consideration of 250 fl. composition. No. 801 [olim 694] Joannes Pilusfortis de Rabastens abbot of Mas d’Azil OSB (Rieux) Formerly abbot of Ile-Barbe, of Mas d’Azil from 1354; died before Mar 1367. Gallia Christiana 13:203. 11 Mar 1367 (Coll. 18, 290v) composition by Petrus de Beaufort prior of Montauban and Guillelmus Bonis prior of S. Manfred (Cahors) for 700 fl. Fran. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 148r, 156v) collector Aymericus Pellicier reports 700 fl. paid. No. 802 [olim 696] Joannes de Pommerol archdeacon in the church of Toulouse Died before Apr 1375. 9 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 12v–13r) commission to Aymericus Pellicier. No. 803 [olim 732] Joannes di Poncelo Orsini archbishop of Napoli Formerly archdeacon in the church of Coutances, papal chaplain; archbishop of Napoli from 1327 (at age 25); died 8 Nov 1357. 2 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 70r, number 149) a letter patent copied to four members of the Orsini family: Jordanus, domicellus, rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany, Ludovicus canon of Napoli, Nicolaus count of Nola, Neapoleo count of Manoppello, logotheta or chancellor of the kingdom. The text of the letter is missing, but it was certainly parallel to the next noted, of the same date. 2 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 83B–84A, number 167) a letter close to Philippus de Taranto knight rehearsing another to his brother Ludovico di Taranto, king of Sicilia citra Farum. Innocent VI urges the king to enforce the reservation of the spoils against the violently rebellious canons, and asks Philippus to assist him in every way. The canons had assaulted the procurators Philippus di Amalfi and Nicolaus di Cava when they attempted to post their process on the doors of the chapel of S. Restituta. 4 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 77 A–B, number 156) a letter of this date to the chapter of Napoli ordering the canons to assist the commissioners. 23 Jun 1358 (Coll. 352, 119v) dispatch by Raymundus de Albofolio of a commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco, dated 3 May 1358 and accompanied by the bull Quamquam fabricam militantis, limiting the collection of spoils. 4 Mar 1361 (Coll. 169, 126r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia and rector of Benevento reports collections to the sum of 12 tar. from Paulus de Mugnano, domicellus of the late archbishop. 8 Apr 1361 (VQ 7:336) 769 fl. paid by letter from Reginaldus de Lupchaco archbishop of Capua, commissioner. 24 Jan 1362 (Coll. 169, 126r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector received from Nicolaus Rex de Villapublico (Napoli) a debt to the late archbishop: 1 unc. 10 tar. No. 804 [olim 697] Joannes du Pont abbot of S. Jouin de Marnes OSB (Poitiers) Formerly monk of Montmajour, prior of Charlieu, abbot of S. Jouin from 1362; died before Oct 1384. Gallia Christiana 2:1275. 16 Oct 1384 (IM 5529; Bibliothèques II, 384.8, p. 456–457) inventory by Petrus Guidonis, subcollector of Poitiers, for Joannes François, collector. No. 805 [olim 698] Joannes de Porta archbishop of Capua Formerly archbishop of Brindisi from 1348, of Capua from 1353; died before 14 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 29 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch of the letter of 14 Dec asking information on spoils, by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco, to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. 3 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 73 B – 75 A, number 153 and RV 243, 126r–127v) detailed instructions to the commissioners, directing them to use ecclesiastical sanctions energetically against holders of the spoils and the fruits of the vacancy. 4 May 1358 (RV 244 K, 77 A–B, number 156) a copy of the letter of this date to the chapter of Napoli (Case no. 803) was registered to the chapter of Capua, ordering the canons to assist the commissioners. 23 Jun 1358 (Coll. 352, 119v) dispatch, by hand of Raymundus de Albofolio, of the letter dated 3 May 1358 and accompanied by the bull Quamquam fabricam militantis, which moderates the collection of spoils. No. 806 [olim 699] Joannes de Potgula OESA bishop of Massa Lubrense Died before Apr 1362. 12 Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 131r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector reports accounts: 130 fl.; 3 unc. 5 tar. 9 gran. No. 807 [olim 702] Joannes Prima servant of the Pinhota Died before Jun 1344. 18 Jun 1344 (VQ 5:350) 10 fl. received from spoils. No. 808 Joannes Rame precentor of Fréjus Abbreviator of apostolic letters; died in Curia 1405. 1405 x 1406 (Coll. 23, 236rv; Bibliothèques II, 405.9, p. 515–516) books in spoils. No. 809 [olim 703] Joannes Raymond canon of S. Pierre le Puellier and S. Ursin (Bourges), collector of Bourges and Limoges Died 24 Sep 1362. 20 Sep 1362 (OS 31, 159v–160r; Aubert Calendar 95, p. 101) commission to five agents: the abbot of S. Ambroise OCSA, Ademarus Chautard, Seguinus Elie, Joannes Bertrand, and Joannes Laurentii. No. 810 [olim 704] Joannes Raymundi prior of S. Croce Venezia OClun (Castello) Died before Apr 1372. 8 Apr 1372 (Coll. 358, 28rv; De Cros Calendar I, 72) the priory is a dependency of La Carità OClun, Venezia. Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello), collector of Lombardia, is ordered to restore the spoils unless the prior was a papal officer in debt to the Camera. No. 811 [olim 705] Joannes Recuperi canon of Pisa, papal chaplain, subcollector of Pisa Died before Sep 1344. 30 Sep 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1137) commission to Petrus Vitalis primicerius of Lucca. No. 812 [olim 706] Joannes Revel OP bishop of Orange Bishop from 1349; died 30 Sep 1367. Gallia Christiana 1:779. Gallia Christiana Novissima 6:131–137. 15 Jan 1368 (Coll. 353, 102v–104v; ed. Aubert Calendar 466, p. 260–262) chamberlain Arnaldus Aubert at Rome dictates to the treasurer Gaucelmus de Deux at Avignon the handling of legacies and the acceptable composition. before 1370 (Coll. 19, 165r) accounts of Geraldus Mercadier. No. 813 [olim 707] Joannes Rigaud OFM bishop of Tréguier Formerly papal penitentiary; bishop from 1317; died before 16 Sep 1323. Schmitt, “Review of Schneyer, [Autoren I–J]” 611; Acebal, “Review of Díez Martínez, Dos Catálogos” 493. Gallia Christiana 14:1125. Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 337 n. 359. 15 May 1322 (EFR Jean XXII communes 15424) licentia testandi. 15 Mar 1330 (IM 1146; EFR Jean XXII communes 50753) orders the abbot of S. Croix (Tréguier) and the officialis of Tréguier to summon before the pope certain named holders of the spoils. No. 814 [olim 708] Joannes Rigaud auditor of the Rota LL.D.; died before Nov 1348. 5 Nov 1348 (VQ 5:414) Raymundus Lachaminada, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 43 fl. 14 Feb 1351 (VQ 5:444) Guillelmus de Bordes notary pays 20 fl. for a Decretales. 1353 (RA 125, 231v; Bibliothèques II, 348.95, p. 279) books in the papal treasure. No. 815 Joannes Rigaud provost of S. Didier (Avignon), scribe of apostolic letters Died before Oct 1403. 25 Oct 1403 (RA 306, 79v–80r) FC writes from Salon (Arles) directing Petrus Ximenes de Pilars canon and provost of Lleida and Franciscus de Torria canon and archdeacon of Cerdanya (Urgell) to collect the spoils, observing the moderatio. No. 816 [olim 709] Joannes de Ripière OHosp cleric of Pamiers, rector of the March of Ancona Noted as prior of the Hospital at Roma and Pisa in 1343 (Case no. 242); died before Feb 1350. 14 Feb 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2138) commission to Berengarius Blasin, elect of Lucca. 20 Feb 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2140–2141) commission to Andreas di Todi, and orders to obey the specific instructions of chamberlain SC about the debts owed by the late rector. No. 817 [olim 710] Joannes de Rocca Guillelmi bishop of Chieti Formerly canon of Napoli, papal chaplain bishop from 1326; died 1334. 4 Jan – Aug 1335 (IM 1322, 1326, 5012, 5353, 7183) documents in the spoils process before deputies of Geraldus de Laval, nuncio in Sicilia citra Farum. 6 Jan 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 736) gives the surname Crispani; note that the testament contained a legacy to the Apostolic See. 24 May 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 183; Benoît XII closes pays autres 904) commission to Geraldus de Laval to seize immovables to pay a legacy of 30,000 fl. and 300 m. silver. 25 May – 14 Jun 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 4012) process before Geraldus de Laval: the nephews of the late bishop protest his legacy to the Roman Church. 14 Jul 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 4015) relation of Franciscus Gattula bishop of Gaeta regarding the nephews’ opposition to the collection. 20 Sep 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 220; Benoît XII closes pays autres 1083) urges Geraldus de Laval to intensify the process against holders of the goods; commends him to King Robert of Sicilia citra Farum. No. 818 [olim 711] Joannes Ronsel priest of Lincoln Died in Curia before Jan 1360. 10 Jan 1360 (VQ 7:291) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 24 fl. No. 819 Joannes Rotond rector of the parish church of S. Martial de Varennes (Montauban) Died before Apr 1393. 4 Apr 1393 (Coll. 369, 134r) FC orders Petrus de Tarascon to compel Bertrandus Robert bishop of Montauban to pay the 80 fl. which Joannes owed to the Camera; the bishop took the spoils to the value of 150 fl. No. 820 [olim 712] Joannes Roussell OP bishop of Maillezais Bishop since 4 Jun 1380, his spoils were reserved when he was translated to Osimo, 27 May 1382. Unable to take possession at Osimo, he was granted the priory of Port-Dieu (Limoges) in commendam, lived at least to 1406. Gallia Christiana 2:1372. 4 Jul 1382 (Coll. 359, 128v–129v; De Cros Calendar II, 1051) the goods are reserved, up to the value of 538 fl. for unpaid services; commission to Petrus Domaud, collector of Poitiers. No. 821 [olim 713] Joannes Saie bishop of Albi B.Decr., former canon of Bordeaux; bishop of Lombez from 1362, of Dax from 1363, of Agen from 1375, of Albi from 1382; died 11 Oct 1383. Gallia Christiana 1:29, 1052, 2:926, 13:324. Fasti 5:106–108, 13:358–359. 1364 (RA 157, 47r) licentia testandi, rubric. 14 Nov 1383 (Coll. 84, 156r–181r; Bibliothèques II, 383.8, p. 450–453) accounts by Raymundus de Senans, collector of Albi. 23 Nov 1383 (Coll. 360, 64r; De Cros Calendar II, 1181; Favier, Finances pontificales 266 n. 9, 267 n. 10) collector is to pay certain debts of the late bishop if they can be verified. 22 Dec 1383 (Coll. 501, 2r; De Cros Calendar II, 1192) collector should pay provision to the new bishop Guillelmus de la Voulte out of the spoils. 2 Jan 1384 (IM 3165; Coll. 360, 70rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 281–282 n. 1) chamberlain orders collector Raymundus de Senans to give the goods to the bearers of this letter, Guido Bonafos and Isarnus Cauderie, sergeants at arms. 4 Jan 1384 (Coll. 360, 71rv) collector is ordered to find and prosecute the holders of the goods. 10 Jan 1384 (Coll. 359, 198v–199r; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 2) collector is quit of certain goods which he gave to Isarnus Cauderie. 30 Jan 1384 (IM 3152; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 3) collector assigns jewelry to the sergeant. 10 Apr 1385 (Coll. 360, 232v–234r; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 8) quittance to Guido Bonafos, domicellus, for 152 marks of silverware in spoils. 1386 (Coll. 84, 156r–181r) collector’s accounts. 16 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 82rv) chamberlain orders the sergeant to pay Radulphus de Lestrange, domicellus, 20 m. silver. 16 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 82v–83r) he directs Radulphus to retain his pledges, since the Camera cannot repay his loan of 500 fr. 12 Jul 1388 (Coll. 394, 255r, 256v, 257r; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 2) Raymundus de Senans archpriest of Graulhet (Castres), collector of Albi, reports receipts 3306 fl. curr., expenses (funeral and to heirs) 3866, no profit. No. 822 [olim 714] Joannes de Salagny bishop of Mâcon Bishop from 1330; died 1359. Gallia Christiana 4:1085–1086. 1360 (Coll. 66, 17v–18r; Bibliothèques II, 359.4, p. 328) accounts of Joannes Rousset de Martignac and Aubricus Raoul. 2 Sep 1360 (IM 2196) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent and Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 2 Sep 1362 (IM 2261) successor Philippus receives goods of the church from Joannes Rousset de Martignac. 31 Jul 1366 (Coll. 353, 73v–74r) note that Joannes Rousset de Martignac paid goods to the treasure, 20 Feb 1365. No. 823 [olim 715] Joannes Salamonis OP archbishop of Nazareth Archbishop from 1369; died before 4 Feb 1381. 4 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 79rv; De Cros Calendar II, 942) clerics and the subcollector of Nantes are ordered to recover the goods, particularly from Guillelmus Paris dean of Nantes, a papal chaplain of honor (Burns, “Honorary papal chaplains” 3, p. 81). No. 824 [olim 716] Joannes Sanchez de Maiorali archdeacon of Darocha (Zaragoza) Died before 17 Oct 1368. n.d. (Coll. 116, 95v; Bibliothèques I, 368.8, p. 244) Lupus Fernandez de Luna archbishop of Zaragoza collects £265 Barc. ca. 1369 (Coll. 119, 125r) collector Fulco Perrier sr. is accused of misusing the spoils. No. 825 Joannes Sanchez de las Roelas bishop of Burgos Formerly canon of Toledo, bishop from 1352; died before Sep 1357. 13 Sep 1357 (RV 239, 211v–212r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2997) commission to Joannes Fernandi dean of Jaen and Joannes Garsie de Valmasera canon of Burgos to collect the spoils and the fruits of the vacancy. No. 826 [olim 717] Joannes de S. Cirice prior of S. Firmin (Maguelonne) Also prior of S. Marie des Tables de Montpellier OCSA (Maguelonne); died before 21 Jul 1361. 21 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1042) commission to Guillelmus Guilbert canon of Narbonne. 27 May 1362 (OS 31, 148r; Aubert Calendar 77, p. 94) chamberlain orders collector Joannes de Lacmolio to release goods to the successor Pontius. 5 Aug 1365 (OS 23A, 122r) subcollector Bernardus Cabanerii pays collector Joannes de Garrigue 115 marks, 400 fl. No. 827 [olim 718] Joannes de S. Just bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône Formerly canon of Saintes, canon of Chartres, papal chaplain; bishop from 1361; died before Jun 1369. Rotuli Parisienses 1:446, 448. Gallia Christiana 4:923–924. 28 Jun 1369 (Coll. 354, 74v–75r; Aubert Calendar 744, p. 385) note of a bull of commission. 14 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 205r–208r; Aubert Calendar 826, p. 418–419) Aubricus Raoul is ordered to receive 600 fl. composition from Stephanus de S. Justo abbot of Savigny (Lyon); and a debt of 500 fr., 130 fl. owed to the late cardinal Hugo Roger. 31 Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 11r; De Cros Calendar I, 442) Stephanus abbot of Savigny, is granted a delay of payment. No. 828 [olim 719] Joannes de S. Quentin papal scribe Died in Curia before May 1351. 27 May 1351 (VQ 5:447) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 16 fl. No. 829 [olim 720] Joannes Scarlatto archbishop of Pisa Former archdeacon in the church of Astorga, papal chaplain; elected to Korone in Achaia 30 Aug 1346; archbishop of Pisa from 1349; died Feb 1362. 1 Mar 1363 (IM 2279, 6; Coll. 497, 82r; IE 303, 10r) the executors, Nicolaus Caracciolo archbishop of Cosenza and Nicolaus Capocii cardinal bishop of Tusculum (represented by his chamberlain Joannes Fernandi) made a composition of 400 fl. and now pay it by hand of Lucas de Abbatibus of Firenze, proctor in the Roman Curia. No. 830 [olim 721] Joannes Schadland OP bishop of Augsburg and administrator of Konstanz Resigned 1373; died at Koblenz before 1 Apr 1373. Rotuli Parisienses 2:555. 12 Apr 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1682) commission to Elias de Vodron. 12 Apr 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1683) faculty to Eckhardus de Dersch bishop of Worms and Adolfus de Nassau bishop of Speyer and the collector to seize goods. No. 831 Joannes de Seduno commensal chaplain Died in Curia before Apr 1366. 9 Apr 1366 (Coll. 353, 61v–62r; Aubert Calendar 379, p. 221) quittance and absolution to Albertus de Seduno for delayed payment of 20 fl. No. 832 [olim 722] Joannes Serrani bishop of Sigüenza Former prior of Guadalupe (Toledo); bishop of Segovia from 1388, of Sigüenza from 1389; died before Jul 1402. 6 Jul 1402 (IM 4626, 13–16) spoils inquest. n.d. (IM 4626, 26) list of letters and documents in the case. 14 Nov 1402 (IM 4624) quittance for goods given to officials of the church. No. 833 Joannes di Siena bishop of Adria Died before Apr 1354. 6 Apr 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 872) Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento is commissioned to collect from the commune of Adria 2500 fl. lent by the late bishop. No. 834 [olim 724] Joannes Sierra bishop of Segovia D.Decr.; former dean of Salamanca, bishop of Ourense from 1367, of Segovia from 1370; died 16 Feb 1374. 13 Mar 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 2531) commission to Arnaldus de Bernolio and Jacobus de Sirano. No. 835 Joannes Sorano OP bishop of Alessano Formerly canon of Brindisi; died before Nov 1362. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: the subcollector, abbot of S. Andrea dell’Isola OSB (Brindisi) carried away the household furnishings, utensils, and weapons. AA replies: “Ista pro maiori parte debuerant remansisse ecclesie, et si episcopus repetat ea, quod fiat sibi iustitia.” No. 836 [olim 726] Joannes Strote OP bishop of Skopje, suffragan bishop of Köln Died before Mar 1351. Gallia Christiana 3:699. 5 Mar 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2402) commission to Guillelmus de Gennep archbishop of Köln. No. 837 [olim 727] Joannes Supponi preceptor of S. Antoine (Chalon-sur-Saône) Died before Jul 1325. 20 Jul 1325 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2547) commission to Joannes Bernerii priest of Chalon-sur-Saône. No. 838 [olim 728] Joannes de la Tissandière OFM bishop of Rieux Formerly bishop of Lodève from 1322, of Rieux from 1324; died before Mar 1345. Gallia Christiana 6:553–554, 13:187–188. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. 4 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1520) commission to Morerius de Morières canon of Agen (Fasti 5.178–179). 5 Nov 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3576) another, to the same commissioner. 1345–1347 (Coll. 18, 187r–190r) accounts of debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier: £408.5.1. 14 Aug 1348 (RA 101, 37r–40v, 41r–46v) inventory by the chapter. 21 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3936) commission to Petrus de Sparzelos canon of S. Radegonde (Poitiers), nuncio. 1–4 Oct 1348 (RA 101, 57r–70v; Bibliothèques II, 348.63, p. 264–266) inventory. n.d. (Coll. 30, 281r) accounts of commissioner Raymundus Roger. ca. 1350 (Coll. 233, 1r–37v) accounts of Martinus de Gérard, collector of Auch and Toulouse. 31 Jan 1353 (VQ 7:2) commissioner Petrus Hugues pays 10 coronats. after 1353 (Coll. 31, 190v–191r) accounts of Martinus de Gérard. 1360 x 1363 (Coll. 235, 54r–57r) arrears of debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier. No. 839 Joannes Toulousain prior of Les Mées (Riez), subcollector of Gap and Sisteron Died before Feb 1401. 21 Feb 1401 (RA 305, 444v–445r; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 3, 284 n. 5) Petrus Toulousain abbot of Cruis OCSA (Sisteron), brother of Joannes, has paid a composition of 1300 fl. and petitions for complete quittance for himself and his monastery. No. 840 [olim 729] Joannes de Tournefort OCist bishop of Nice Formerly abbot of S. Honorat de Lérins OCist (Grasse); bishop from 1382 (but Jacobus Isnardi was appointed vicar, 17 Sep 1396); died 1401. Gallia Christiana 3:1203, 1288. 1403–1406 (Coll. 23, 195r–197r; Bibliothèques II, 401, p. 497–498) inventory of goods, books, and provisions remaining after seizures by the governor of Nice. No. 841 [olim 730] Joannes de Treal abbot of Redon OSB (Vannes) Abbot from 1340; died 5 Mar 1371. Gallia Christiana 14:954–955. 4 Apr 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 136) commission to Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours. 1371 x 1372 (Coll. 257, 443v) collector Guido de la Roche received the successor’s obligation to a composition of 700 fr. No. 842 [olim 731] Joannes Turrin canon of Bourges Died before May 1352. 11 May 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5300) instruction to Rogerius le Fort archbishop of Bourges and to the chancellor of Bourges. 1 Feb 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 746) orders the chancellor of Bourges and Guillelmus de Ruffec canon of Limoges (Case no. 555) to arrest and send to the Curia the canon’s nephew, Henricus Turrini, as a holder of reserved goods. 30 Apr 1354 (Coll. 497, 51v) Henricus de Vusione canon of S. Pierre, Bourges, obligated to a composition of 1000 fl. 9 May 1355 (VQ 7:94) nephew pays 200 fl. 13 Aug 1363 (OS 31, 188r; Aubert Calendar 170, p. 129) Henricus de Vusione or Turrini, liable for a composition of 1000 fl., claims to have paid 800 to Joannes Raymond, collector of Bourges. Released from prison in Avignon, he must prove his claim or pay the 800 fl. by 1 Dec 1363. 12 Jan 1364 (IM 2339, 1; IE 303, 16v) nephew Henricus de Vusione pays 100 fl. 12 May 1365, 18 Aug 1366 (Coll. 79, 111r, 236v) he pays 184 fl. No. 843 [olim 734] Joannes de Utica bishop of Nîmes LL.D., papal subdeacon and familiar; former provost of Cavaillon; bishop from 1372; died before Jun 1380. Gallia Christiana 6:453. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. No. 844 [olim 735] Joannes Vaceti abbot of S. Marie d’Arles OSB (Elne) Died 25 Mar 1394. Gallia Christiana 6:1091 lacks this name. before 1405 (Coll. 160, 122rv) Joannes de Rivesaltes notes receipt of a composition “facta inter monachos et me,” £16.1, and goods sold for £2.10.3 (abbot for less than half a year, he was pauperissimus); the clerk of the Camera notes in the margin, “Doce de potestate componendi sine auctoritate domini camerarii.” 30 Jun 1406 (IM 4613, 74 fols.) inquest by Petrus Adémar bishop of Maguelonne, governor of Avignon and the Comtat-Venaissin. No. 845 [olim 736] Joannes Vaquier bishop of Glandèves J.U.D., former officialis of Auch for archbishop Arnaldus Aubert, 1368; canon of Agen; bishop from 1375; died Mar 1402. Gallia Christiana 3:1243. Fasti 5:175. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 23, 167r–188r; Bibliothèques II, 402.3, p. 498–501) accounts of Simon de Prades; the goods were placed sub manu regis by Charles prince of Tarentaise. 1405 (Coll. 23, 273r and 275r; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 4) receipts 1799 fl. curr., expenses 917, profit 882. No. 846 Joannes de Vayroles auditor of the Rota Died before Jun 1390. 4 Jun 1390 (Coll. 365, 96rv) FC instructs Sicardus de Bourguerol D.Decr., collector of Narbonne; Guillelmus Boudreville, collector of Tarragona, Zaragoza, etc.; Raymundus de Senans, collector of Rodez, Albi, Vabres, Cahors, and Tulle; and their subcollectors of Narbonne, Carcassonne, Cahors, and Barcelona to release the goods to the auditor’s executors and heirs. No. 847 [olim 737] Joannes de Vernhio registrar of papal letters Died before Feb 1383. 18 Feb 1383 (Coll. 360, 35v–36r; Bibliothèques II, 383.2, p. 449–450; De Cros Calendar II, 1118) chamberlain directs Petrus de Siris, subcollector of Couserans, to release to the executors (who have paid a composition) the lawbooks, once the property of the chapter of Couserans, which had been given to Joannes to settle a debt. No. 848 [olim 738] Joannes de Vernhola provost of Barjols (Fréjus) Died in Curia before Jul 1344. 6 Jul 1344 (VQ 5:350) receipt of 300 fl. from nephews. 7 Jul 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 950) commission to Morerius de Morières rector of S. Etienne (Toulouse) (Fasti 5:178–179). No. 849 [olim 739] Joannes de Vienne archbishop of Reims Formerly dean of Le Mans; bishop of Avranches from 1328, of Thérouanne from 1330; archbishop of Reims from 1334; died 14 Jun 1351. Gallia Christiana 9:124–126, 10:1559–1560, 11:489–490. Fasti 3:172–174. 21 Oct 1348 (VQ 5:413) Petrus Hugues and Bartholomeus Sanchez de Visper pay the spoils. 12 Jul 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5006) commission to Joannes de Châteauneuf; the archbishop died in debt to the Camera. 24 Jul 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5010) orders Joannes de Châteauneuf to recover from the executors and heirs £14,500 Tur. parv., the arrears of biennial visitationes ad limina for 9 years. No. 850 Joannes de Vigier canon of Clermont Secular abbot of the collegiate church of S. Genès (Clermont) and cantor of Montbrison (Lyon); died before Nov 1393. 17 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 35rv) reservation of the spoils, directed to Joannes Joly. 6 Apr 1394 (RV 308, 104v) addressed to Hugo de Chassanh canon of S. Genès de Thiers (Clermont), commissioner: a general order to all collectors and subcollectors to cease their processes and to absolve all who have been excommunicated in this case. No. 851 Joannes Vigier cleric (Quimper) Died before Apr 1381. 1 Apr 1381 (Coll. 359A, 68v–69v; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 5) commission by Clement VII to Guido de la Roche archdeacon of Tours, nuncio. No. 852 [olim 740] Joannes de Vischhusen bishop of Dorpat Formerly canon of Dorpat; bishop from 1346; died before 5 Sep 1373. 16 Dec 1374 (Coll. 356, 18r; De Cros Calendar I, 405) successor Henricus de Velde is granted a delay in paying his composition. 25 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 25rv) he pays 470 fl. 2 Feb 1376 (OS 42, 50v) he pays the last 827 fl. of a composition of 1500 fl. No. 853 [olim 741] Joannes de Watrelos OCist bishop of Viseu Bishop from 1333; died before 8 Jul 1349. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199) collector Guillelmus Pilot pays £458.15. No. 854 [olim 742] Joannes Windloch bishop of Konstanz Bishop from 1353, killed 21 Jan 1356. Gallia Christiana 5:919–920. 8 Feb 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1928) orders the provost, dean, and chapter of Konstanz to maintain the goods of the see with the greatest care. 8 Oct 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2418) commission to Androinus de La Roche abbot of Cluny; the name of bishop Henricus is here in error for Joannes. 7 Jul 1357 (Coll. 497, 62r) successor Henricus de Brandis obligated to a composition of 10,000 fl. 20 Jul 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2876) the successor Henricus de Brandis is ordered to collect the spoils; the predecessor is named Henricus in error for Joannes. 21 Jul 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2881; see also 2879, 2880) the spoils are released to the successor Henricus de Brandis. 21 Jul 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2883) Geraldus de Puyfaucon abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello) may receive 10,000 fl. from Bishop Henricus. 18 Dec 1357 (VQ 7:185) successor Henricus pays 5000 fl. No. 855 [olim 743] Jordanus bishop of Squillace Died before 12 Dec 1345. 26 Sep – 14 Oct 1346 (Coll. 168, 58v–59r) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 100 unc. No. 856 Jordanus Peyroni priest, chaplain of the Scola of papal couriers Died before May 1388. 23 May 1388 (Coll. 362, 225r–226r) his spoils are freely remitted to the Scola cursorum. No. 857 [olim 744] Lambertinus Balduini bishop of Brescia Formerly cantor of Nicosia, papal chaplain; bishop of Limassol from 1337, of Brescia from 1344; died 3 Sep 1349. 26 Feb 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8766) licentia testandi. 15 Sep 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2064) commission to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello). 30 Nov 1351 (Coll. 130, 87v) the subcollector of Brescia pays 125 fl. 46 s. to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia. No. 858 [olim 745] Lambertus von Born bishop of Speyer, collector of Germany Earlier abbot of Gengenbach; elect of Brescia; bishop of Speyer from 1364, of Strassburg from 1371, later bishop of Bamberg 1374–1399. Gallia Christiana 5:732–733, 811. 24 Apr 1372 (RV 275, 38v: Tihon, Lettres de Grégoire XI 2:1565) Elias de Vodron and Sigerus de Novolapide are ordered to collect the spoils. The goods of Lambertus at Speyer were reserved when he was translated to Strasbourg because he was in arrears in payment of his composition for the spoils of his predecessor at Speyer, Geraldus von Ehrenberg (Case no. 390). No. 859 [olim 747] Landulphus bishop of Valva-Sulmona Formerly provost of Valva; bishop from 1348; died before 17 Jan 1350. 3 Jul 1354 (Coll. 169, 52r) successor Franciscus de Silanis OFM pays 40 fl. No. 860 [olim 748] Lapus abbot of S. Miniato Firenze OSB Died before Sep 1366. 5 Sep 1366 (Coll. 248, 30r; Bibliothèques I, 366.7, p. 232) the collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena sells a Rosarium to Mattheus de Castello vicar of Firenze for 20 fl. No. 861 [olim 749] Laurentius archbishop of Conza Formerly bishop of S. Angelo dei Lombardi; archbishop of Conza from 1346; died before 17 Jun 1351. 20 Dec 1353 (Coll. 169, 51v) successor Philippus OCarm pays spoils, 6 unc. 13 Aug 1354 (Coll. 169, 52v) he pays 13 unc. 15 tar. No. 862 [olim 750] Laurentius abbot of S. Biagio di Mirabella (Frigento) Died before Apr 1345. 9 Apr 1345 (Coll. 168, 51r) successor Henricus pays Guillelmus de Rosières 1 unc. No. 863 [olim 751] Laurentius d’Albiartz bishop of Tulle Formerly archpriest in the diocese of Cahors; bishop of Vaison from 1355, of Tulle from 1361; died before 8 Aug 1369. Gallia Christiana 1:931, 2:670. 10 Jan 1373 (Coll. 358, 133v–134v; De Cros Calendar I, 252) chamberlain orders the collector Guillelmus Amarant and Durandus de Lespicie, subcollector of Tulle, to surrender the spoils to Petrus Fabri. 15 Mar 1373 (RA 220, 237v–238r; De Cros Calendar I, 295) chamberlain orders the officialis of Tulle and other officers to give canonical warning to the subcollector to obey his order of 10 Jan. 5 Apr 1373 (RA 220, 242r; De Cros Calendar I, 305) the collector is to collect a debt owed to the late bishop, and to pay the chapter of Tulle 300 fl. for church ornaments. 26 Apr 1373 (RA 220, 242v; De Cros Calendar I, 306) a note that Durandus and other commissioners will remain excommunicated until they pay Petrus Fabri in full and ask absolution from the chamberlain. 6 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 10v; De Cros Calendar I, 447) chamberlain orders the return of a crozier and mitre to the church. No. 864 [olim 752] Laurentius de Berra abbot of Saint-Pons de Cimiez OSB (Nice) Formerly prior of Les Sales OSB (Riez); abbot of Saint-Pons from 1365; died Oct 1372. Gallia Christiana 3:1299. 2 Jul 1373 (Coll. 480, 2r) his brother Honoratus de Berra LL.D., knight, pays a composition of 450 fl. through the collector Geraldus Mercadier. 8 Jul 1373 (RA 220, 249v–250r; De Cros Calendar I, 325) 800 fl. of spoils were a gift by the city of Nice for the benefit of the monastery and should be paid to the monks. No. 865 [olim 753] Laurentius Le Peintre bishop of Nice Former provost of Nice; bishop from 1360; died 12 Apr 1371. Gallia Christiana 3:1287–1288, 1295. 28 May 1371 (Coll. 492, 3rv) successor Petrus Roccasalva OP compounded for 1000 fl., from which the subcollector paid the funeral expenses and debts, leaving 590 fl. Aug 1372 (IM 2676, 66) collector Geraldus Mercadier paid the Camera 260 fl. 1372–1375 (Coll. 480, 1rv) the collector pays 596 fl. No. 866 [olim 754] Laurentius Rodriguez bishop of Lisboa Formerly cantor of Coimbra; bishop of Idanha from 1347, of Coimbra from 1356, of Lisboa from 1358; died 19 Jun 1364. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 717, no. 144. 1364 (Coll. 275, 113r–161v; Bibliothèques I, 364.5, p. 219–221) accounts of Valascus Dominici, commissioner. 17 Apr 1368 (IE 325, 20v–21r) he pays 121 fl. Cam. 8 s. 6 d. 25 Jun 1369 (Glénisson, “Un agent de la Chambre apostolique” 98–99) the collector entered pleas before Fernando I king of Portugal to release the confiscated goods, and got a papal bull of this date threatening excommunication and interdict. The king yielded, but his treasury proved empty. 11 Jan 1370 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 21r–23r) the remains collected by Bertrandus du Mazel, including a pension on a royal property to pay a debt of £3200 Port. n.d. (Arm. 33, to. 18, 176r–180r) remains of spoils at Idanha. No. 867 [olim 755] Laurentius Rodriguez subcollector of Silves Died before May 1380. 26 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 39v; De Cros Calendar II, 816; Favier, Finances pontificales 276 n. 5–6) Petrus bishop of Silves, collector of Portugal, is ordered to hold the goods pending the subcollector’s accounts. No. 868 [olim 756] Leodegarius de Nabinaud bishop of Famagusta Formerly dean of Nicosia; bishop from 1348; died before 17 Dec 1365. Richard, “La succession de l’évêque de Famagouste” 637–661. 31 Jan 1366 (Coll. 353, 58rv; Aubert Calendar 367, p. 215) successor Arnaldus de Quimballo is to be allowed one-fifth of the current fruits, and collectors are ordered to give account of the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 3 Dec 1366 (RV 248, 185v–186v) commission to Berengarius Grégoire dean of Nicosia and Goffridus Spanzota. 19 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 223v–225r; Aubert Calendar 849 and 850, p. 430–431) the chamberlain orders collectors to release the goods in consideration of a 2000-fl. composition by the successor, and to compel the holders of the spoils to surrender them to him. 29 Jul 1371 (RA 173, 419v–420r; EFR Grégoire XI communes) orders the bishop of Treviso, Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello), and the archpriest of Padova to compel holders of the goods within their districts to surrender them to the successor Arnaldus. 19 Nov, 5 Dec 1372 (IM 4604, 19 fols.) inquest before Aymericus de Laval, canon of Nicosia and vicar of Raymundus de Pradelle archbishop of Nicosia, collector (Case no. 1214). Dec 1372 (IM 2676, 79) successor pays 600 fl. of his composition. 24 Apr 1376 (IM 2924, 3; OS 42, 70r) he pays 100 fl. 6 Aug 1376 (OS 42, 70r) he is granted a delay to 6 Jan to pay the remainder. No. 869 [olim 757] Leonardus bishop of Monteverde Died before Nov 1348. 8 Nov 1348 (Coll. 168, 76r) Laurentius archbishop of Conza pays 13 unc. for these and other spoils. No. 870 [olim 758] Leonardus Ammavengo bishop of Aquino Formerly canon of Aquino; bishop from 1313; died before 30 Jul 1340. 16 Oct 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8332) inventory of goods. 25 Oct 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8334) inventory of goods. 26 Oct 1340 (IM 1532) inventory by Guillelmus de S. Paulo. 2 Nov 1340 (IM 1535–1537) he describes an attack by the people of Aquino against himself. 28 Feb 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3030) orders Guigo de S. Germano, elect of Montecassino, and others to pursue the holders of the spoils. 30 Apr 1341 (IM 7195; Bibliothèques I, 340.5, p. 139–140) inventory in the accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret. 12 Nov 1341 (VQ 4:184–185) they pay through the Buonacursi 491 fl., 344 ducats; through the Acciaioli 454 fl., 467 ducats. 26 Mar 1342 (VQ 4:192) they pay 211 fl. for these spoils and those of Raymundus de Gramat bishop of Montecassino (Case no. 1201). 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:340) further payments. No. 871 [olim 759] Lichotus de Narnia auditor of the Rota Died before Sep 1349. 2 Sep 1349 (VQ 5:429) executor pays 20 fl. composition. No. 872 [olim 760] Ligus da Orvieto bishop of Nola Formerly canon of Reims, papal chaplain; bishop from 1340; died between 13 Jun and 25 Aug 1348. Fasti 3:427. 24 Aug 1348 (IM 7193, 1r; Bibliothèques I, 348.68, p. 181–182) licentia testandi and records of testament and spoils. 22 May 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 303) orders Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento to restore to the church its own goods, and to sell the rest for the Camera. n.d. (IM 7193) the general reservation in the kingdom of Sicilia citra Farum was overcome by the executor, cardinal Bertrandus de Déaux. No. 873 [olim 761] Lombardinus della Torre bishop of Vercelli Formerly papal chaplain; bishop from 1328; died 9 Apr 1343. 7 Jan 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 5831) licentia testandi. 18 Jun 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 193) commission to the cardinal legate Guillelmus Court. 1 Oct 1343 (VQ 5:339) the late bishop’s brother Ludovicus della Torre canon of Aquileia pays 746 fl., 1024 fl. Ped., 220 ducats, 10 d. of Genova. 19 Nov 1343 (Coll. 497, 23r) Ludovicus della Torre undertakes to render full accounts. 11 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 387) a mandate to Ludovicus della Torre to compel Jacobus de Vilanis, Aldibertus de Petra, and Lazarinus Fieschi, vicar of successor Manuel Fieschi, to surrender the goods that they hold without right. 15 Jul 1350 (VQ 5:437) Ludovicus della Torre pays 313 fl. No. 874 [olim 762] Lombardus proctor in the Roman Curia Died in Curia before Oct 1357. 24 Oct 1357 (VQ 7:183) payment of 15 fl. composition. No. 875 [olim 763] Lucanus bishop of Massa Marittima Died before Apr 1349. 22 Apr 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1984) commission to Andreas di Todi for these and other spoils. No. 876 [olim 764] Lucas Manuelli OP bishop of Fano Formerly bishop of Zeitun in Greece from 1344, of Osimo from 1347, of Fano from 1358; died before 8 Nov 1362. Apr, Jul 1364 (IM 2339, 9r, 17r) Nicolaus Nardi provost of S. Cristina de Bulcono (Orvieto), subcollector of the March of Ancona and Duchy of Spoleto, pays to the treasury 2500 fl. and 2079 fr. from these and other spoils of prelates. 16 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 27v–28r; Aubert Calendar 296, p. 185) commission to the treasurer and collector of the March of Ancona to collect the spoils, up to the sum of 375 fl. still due for services. No. 877 [olim 766] Ludovicus de Bollène abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles) Formerly abbot of (Modena), of Montmajour from 1361; died in Curia before 13 Oct 1363. Gallia Christiana 1:109, 613. 19 Nov 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 10628) successor Petrus [de Banhac] has compounded for 200 fl.; Bonuspar Virgili provost of Mende (Fasti 8:173), Berengarius de Ampiaco, and Joannes de Garrigue canon of Narbonne are ordered to oversee the execution of the testament of Ludovicus and release the goods to Petrus. before 1370 (Coll. 19, 165r) accounts of Geraldus Mercadier. No. 878 [olim 767] Ludovicus von Hessen bishop of Münster Formerly canon of Mainz; bishop from 1310 (aged 28); died 18 Aug 1357. 13 Sep 1355 (RV 239, 211v–212r) commission to Hermannus Isslechore dean of S. Moritz (Münster), nuncio. 21 Sep 1357 (Coll. 352, 29r) commission, dated 13 Sep 1357, is given to Hermannus Isslechore, collector of Münster, Osnabrück, and Minden. No. 879 [olim 768] Ludovicus de Montbéliard archbishop of Besançon Formerly dean of Besançon; archbishop from 1361; died 25 Jul 1362. Gallia Christiana 15:85. Fasti 4:61. n.d. (Coll. 66, 79v) report of Aubricus Raoul: debts consumed some of the spoils, and the archbishop’s father, Henricus de Montbéliard count of Montfaucon, has the rest. No. 880 Ludovicus d’Orléans bishop of Beauvais LL.Lic., papal cubicularius, former archdeacon of Cambrai; bishop of Poitiers from 1391, of Beauvais from 1395; died in Jerusalem 27 Mar 1397. Gallia Christiana 2:1196, 9:756. Fasti 10:135–137. 9 Mar 1406 (RA 324, 200v–202r) Petrus Adémar bishop of Maguelonne, deputy of FC, orders the clergy of Sens, Reims, Rouen, Paris, Beauvais, and Le Mans to give canonical warning to the holders of the goods of this bishop and the other predecessors of Petrus de Savoisy to pay the overdue services of those bishops. No. 881 Ludovicus de Villars or della Torre bishop of Olenus Formerly canon of Aquileia; bishop of Trieste from 1346, of Olenus from 1349. Translated to Korone 1357; patriarch of Aquileia from 1359; died 30 Jul 1365. 16 Nov 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1827) commission to Geraldus de Puyfaucon abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello) and Joannes de Seda de Neritone dean of Corfu to collect the spoils in Olenus. No. 882 [olim 765] Ludovicus de Villars bishop of Valence-Die Former archdeacon of Lyon; bishop of Valence-Die from 1354, administrator of Vienne from 1363; died 3 Sep 1377. Gallia Christiana 16:110, 325–326. 19 Nov 1377 (OS 42, 114v–115r) collector Guillelmus du Lac pays from the spoils the balance owed for the tenth in Vienne. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. No. 883 [olim 769] Lupus de Fontecha bishop of Burgos Formerly bishop of Calahorra from 1348, of Burgos from 8 Jun 1351; died 12 Oct 1351. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 155–184 esp. 167 and 174. 6 Jun 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2443) premature commission to Augerius de Osserano. 5 Nov 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2521) commission to Didacus abbot of S. Facond, Sahagun (León) and Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga). 20 Dec 1352 (Coll. 497, 49v) successor Lupus is obligated to a composition of 3200 fl. 10 Jan 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 40) commission to Joannes Bonifatii. 5 Sep 1353 (Coll. 497, 75v) Garsias Petri canon of Burgos assumed an obligation to a composition of 3200 fl. 5 Sep 1353 (IM 1947; EFR Innocent VI secrètes 543) two canons of Valencia and one of Burgos are commissioned to collect the remaining spoils. 8 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 708) Pedro the Cruel, king of Castile and León, is ordered to release the reserved goods; IM 6277 is a preliminary draft of the letter. 31 Mar 1354 (VQ 7:49) the proctors of Garsias Petri and the canons of Burgos pay 1000 fl. of the composition. 9 Jun 1355 (VQ 7:94) they pay 600 fl. 30 Oct 1355 (VQ 7:99) they pay 100 fl. 23 Jan 1356 (VQ 7:170) they pay 100 fl. No. 884 [olim 770] Luzonus de Lemps OCSA provost of S. Lorenzo Oulx (Torino) Died 1363. 16 Jan 1364 (OS 31, 128rv; Aubert Calendar 212, p. 153) the successor Joannes Bigot makes a composition for 2000 fl. and the spoils are to be released to him. 5 Mar 1364 (IE 303, 17v) he pays 1500 fl. 30 Apr 1364 (IE 303, 19r) he pays 500 fl. 24 Jul 1366 (OS 23A, 92v) note of payment of the composition in full. No. 885 [olim 771] Magdalusius OCist abbot of the hospital of Le Piane (Treviso) Died 1361. 1361 (Coll. 130, 151r) successor Franciscus di Padova pays a composition of 300 ducats. No. 886 [olim 772] Magnus Jensen bishop of Ribe Formerly bishop of Aalborg from 1354, of Ribe from 1365; died before 7 Nov 1369. 7 May 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 144) commission to Henricus Biscop bishop of Schleswig. No. 887 [olim 773] Manuel Fieschi bishop of Vercelli Formerly archdeacon de Condrosio (Liège), canon of York, papal chaplain; bishop from 1343; died before 22 Sep 1348. Rotuli Parisienses 1:133, 163. 16 May 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3381) licentia testandi. 23 Sep 1348 (VQ 5:411) a small sum paid by Hubertus abbot of S. Pietro di Monteverde (Volterra). 28 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1719) commission and instructions to Lazarinus Fieschi provost of Biella (Vercelli), papal chaplain. 1 Oct 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1720) commission to Hubertus abbot of S. Pietro di Monteverde (Volterra) and Lazarinus Fieschi provost of Biella (Vercelli) to collect these and other spoils. 28 Feb 1349 (VQ 5:419) Lazarinus Fieschi bishop-elect of Alba pays 20 fl. for goods at Avignon. 27 Mar 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1963) commission to Martinus de Burgaro archdeacon of Vercelli and Bernardinus de Rovedis canon of Tortona for these and other spoils. 15 Oct 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2085) commission to frater Lazarinus bishop of Alba and Papinianus Fieschi provost of S. Agata (Vercelli). 19 Oct 1349 (VQ 5:430) executors pay 550 fl. of a 1050-fl. composition. 21 Jan 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2570) commission to Andreas abbot of S. Andrea (Vercelli). 27 Aug 1352 (VQ 5:457–458) Lazarinus and Papinianus Fieschi, executors, pay 300 fl. of the composition by hand of Guido Malabayla draper of Avignon. 24 Dec 1352 (VQ 5:460) they pay 200 fl. 1353 (RA 122, 202v–203r; Bibliothèques I, 348.78, p. 185–186) books in the papal treasure at Avignon. No. 888 [olim 774] Marcholinus bishop of Fossombrone Bishop from 1358; died before 11 Dec 1363. Apr, Jul 1364 (IM 2339, 9r, 17r) Nicolaus Nardi provost of S. Cristina de Bulcono (Orvieto), subcollector of the March of Ancona and Duchy of Spoleto, pays to the treasury 2500 fl. and 2079 fr. from these and other spoils of prelates. 1374 (Coll. 129, 182v) Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, now bishop of Padova, collector, receives 141 ducats 25 s. for the sale of horses, and 230 ducats composition from nephew Benedictus, OServ. No. 889 [olim 775] Marinus archbishop of Siponto (Manfredonia) Formerly archdeacon of Siponto (Manfredonia); archbishop from 1354; died before 8 Nov 1361. mid-1362 (Coll. 169, 136v) accounts received from Thomasius de Limosano, commissioner of the collector Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento): 69 fl. No. 890 [olim 1188] Marinus abbot of S. Trifone OSB (Ravello) Died early 1362. early 1362 (Coll. 169, 135r) spoils collected from Nicolaus Castaldo his successor: 5 fl. 1 unc. 15 tar. No. 891 [olim 776] Marinus del Giudice OSB bishop of Teano His spoils were reserved in anticipation of his translation to Amalfi, 16 Apr 1361. He died in 1374. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357 to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 892 [olim 777] Martinus bishop of Ourense Former bishop of Plasencia from 1373, of Ourense from 1375; died before May 1380. 25 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 37r) Paschasius Garcia, collector of Castile, is ordered to pay the servants’ wages, and to observe the moderatio. No. 893 [olim 778] Martinus Afonso bishop of Évora Bishop from 1341; died before Oct 1347. 1 Jun 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7931) licentia testandi. 12 Oct 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1516–1517) commissions to Petrus Marcel and Guillelmus de la Garde archbishop of Braga. 14 Apr 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1462) Guillelmus de la Garde archbishop of Braga should order Joannes Afonso bishop of Évora to surrender the goods of his two predecessors, Martinus Afonso and Alfonsus Denis. No. 894 [olim 780] Martinus de Castris scribe of papal letters Died before Jul 1375. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 717, no. 145. 19 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 39v) executors pay 100 fl. composition. No. 895 [olim 779] Martinus Conde bishop of Segovia Formerly dean of Toledo; bishop from 1364; died before Oct 1370. before 3 Oct 1370 (Coll. 215, 2rv; Bibliothèques I, 370.7, p. 245) inventory by the chapter of Segovia, turned over to canon Paulus Petri for safekeeping. 16 Jan 1372 (Coll. 358, 25r; De Cros Calendar I, 49) note of a direction sent to the collector of Castile by hand of his servant Joannes Fernandi, that he should sell the books and pay the present bishop in current florins of 24 s. Jul 1372 (IM 2676, 51) successor Joannes Sierra pays 916 fl. for spoils. No. 896 [olim 781] Martinus de Gérard canon of Agen, collector of Toulouse and Auch Died before Sep 1362. Fasti 5:178. 30 May 1354 (Coll. 114, 60r; Samaran-Mollat 192) the collector renders his accounts. 23 Jun 1358 (Cambarou Calendar 15, p. 207) commission to the officiales of Toulouse, Agen, and Lectoure to collect the arrears found in the accounts of Martinus. 24 Sep 1362 (OS 31, 160rv; Aubert Calendar 96, p. 102) maintenance granted to nephew Bertrandus Guinerii, pending settlement of the spoils. 28 Sep 1362 (OS 31, 160v–161r; Aubert Calendar 98, p. 102) commission to Bertrandus de Castanier to realize 1124 fl. due to the Camera. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 253v) Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse, reports 813 fl. still due from heirs to balance accounts. No. 897 [olim 782] Martinus Logicus bishop of Idanha Bishop from 1319; died before 10 Oct 1322. 1323 (VQ 1:486) receipts. No. 898 [olim 783] Martinus da Todi canon Died in Curia before Jul 1338. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 318. 21 Jul 1338 (VQ 4:132) executor pays 52 fl. No. 899 [olim 784] Mattheus OFM bishop of Civitate Formerly bishop of Urgench, of Civitate from 1348; died before 21 Oct 1360. Acta Episcoporum Constantiensium 2, 4612, 4615, 4633, 4634: indulgences granted and sealed by Mattheus and several other bishops at Avignon in favor of some parish churches of the diocese. 28 Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 133v) accounts received from Thomasius de Limosano and Bertrandus Lacombe: 36 fl. 1 unc. 1 tar. No. 900 [olim 785] Mattheus abbot of SS. Narbone and Felice OSB (Bologna) Died 17 Apr 1370. 1374 (Coll. 129, 227v) collector Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, now bishop of Padova, collects small sums. No. 901 [olim 786] Mattheus abbot of S. Paolo (Bologna) Died 1373. 1373 (Coll. 129, 228v) goods sold for 354 ducats 9 s. 4 d. No. 902 [olim 787] Mattheus abbot of Ripoll OSB (Vich) Died before Nov 1366. 11 Nov 1366 – 23 Jun 1367 (Coll. 248, 30v) 100 fl. collected from members of the order of Altopasso as spoils. No. 903 [olim 788] Mattheus de Alagno bishop of Castellamare Formerly canon of Amalfi; bishop from 1331; died 1362. 20 Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 132v–133r; Bibliothèques I, 362.2, p. 211–212) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector reports total accounts in auro 23 fl., in argento 7 unc. 4 tar. 11 gran. 4 d. No. 904 [olim 791] Mattheus da Orvieto receptor bonorum of the monastery of S. Giovanni in Lamis OCist (Siponto [Manfredonia]) Died ca. 1324. 1324 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 152r) Geraldus de Laval receives 161 unc. 17 tar. 7 gran. silver; 23 unc. 12 carats gold. Mattheus died without rendering accounts. No. 905 [olim 789] Mattheus de Porta de Cumis OFM archbishop of Palermo M.Theol.; archbishop from 1366; died 28 Jan 1377. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224; Pandžić, “Silloge” 40. 28 Jan 1377 (RA 203, 1r–18v; Bibliothèques I, p. 259–265) inventory by Mattheus de Floreto. n.d. (Indice 254, 97r–101v) accounts of collector Benedictus de Consule, and strictures by the Camera. No. 906 [olim 790] Mattheus Ribaldi bishop of Verona Formerly canon of Konstanz; bishop of Pavia from 1342, of Verona from 1343; died in Curia 1 May 1348. 30 Aug 1350 (VQ 5:438) Geraldus Retroncini is obligated to a composition for 500 fl., pays 150 fl. n.d. (OS 23A, 101r) note, temp. Urban V, that the balance of 350 fl. was still unpaid. No. 907 [olim 792] Mauritius de Darpel advocate in Curia Died in Curia before Jan 1358. 16 Jan 1358 (VQ 7:215) composition of 12 fl. paid. No. 908 [olim 793] Mauritius Fabri rector of Gorron (Le Mans) Died before Jan 1358. 16 Jan 1358 (VQ 7:215) his brother Stephanus Fabri pays 20 fl. No. 909 [olim 794] Maurus abbot of S. Renato OSB (Sorrento) Died before Apr 1346. 27 Apr 1346 (Coll. 168, 56r) Guillelmus de Rosières collects and sells goods for 21 tar. No. 910 [olim 795] Melior Bevilaqua archbishop of Palermo Formerly canon of Verona; archbishop from 1363; died before 15 Jan 1365. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 202r, 234v) collector Dominicus de Sassenorio compounds with Joannes de Claromonte for 500 fl. No. 911 Michael OFM, master of Theology of the Apostolic Palace Died in Curia 1352. 1353 (RA 122, 257r; Bibliothèques I, 352.8, p. 199) books in the treasure at Avignon. No. 912 [olim 796] Michael de Brêche bishop of Le Mans M.Theol., formerly archdeacon of Châteaudun (Chartres); bishop of Le Mans from 1355; died before 25 Oct 1367. Gallia Christiana 14:408. Rotuli Parisienses 2:523. before Feb 1369 (IM 2557, 1r) collector Guido de la Roche estimates the net spoils at 600 fr. 1369 x 1372 (Coll. 257, 439v–442v; Bibliothèques II, 367.8, p. 381–382) net spoils reported at 11 s. 5½ d. No. 913 [olim 797] Michael Ricomanni bishop of Barcelona Formerly canon of Valencia and clerk of the Camera; bishop of Vich from 1345, of Barcelona from 1346; died 7 Jun 1361. 9 Jul 1337 (EFR Benoît XII communes 4695) licentia testandi. 27 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1043) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. provost of Valencia, nuncio, and Joannes de Garrigue provost of Barcelona. 18 Jun 1362 (Coll. 497, 78v; VQ 7:409) Bertrandus de Cosnac bishop of Comminges and Joannes Cabrespí are obligated to a composition of 400 fl.; Fulco Perrier sr. pays his 400-fl. composition. n.d. (Coll. 116, 43r) total collections, £84.11.6. n.d. (Coll. 119, 123v) Petrus Francisci, subcollector of Tarragona, says Fulco Perrier sr. received £100 which he did not report. No. 914 [olim 798] Michael Sanchez de Asiain bishop of Pamplona Bishop from 1356; died Jan 1364. Goñi Gaztambide, “El derecho de espolio en Pamplona” 157–174. 28 Mar 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 866) Fulco Perrier sr. is ordered to proceed against the holders of the spoils. 14 Nov 1364 (IM 2339, 24; IE 303, 24v–25r) Jordanus de Haya, commissioner, pays 100 fl. 6 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 124r; De Cros Calendar I, 213) commissioner Bertrandus Raffin accounts for £380.19.6 of the goods included in the inventory of Fulco Perrier sr. before 1376 (Coll. 118, 144v) Guillelmus de Broa, subcollector of Pamplona, receives £17 in debts and some books. n.d. (Coll. 116, 106v–107r; Bibliothèques I, 364.1, p. 219) accounts: £1037.2.6. No. 915 [olim 799] Monaldus Monaldeschi OFM archbishop of Benevento Formerly bishop of Savona from 1298; archbishop of Benevento from 1303; died before 26 Dec 1331. Fussenegger, “Chronica I” 224. Mollat, “L’application du droit de dépouille” 50–57. 1 Feb 1332 (Coll. 413, 14rv; IE 140, 29v–30r) commission to Petrus de Artusio, rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany, and Stephanus Lascoutz. 1 May 1332 (Coll. 413, 22v–25v; IM 1211; EFR Jean XXII communes 58225; Bibliothèques I, 331.9, p. 117) inquest, including a list of books. 6 May 1332 (IM 1212; EFR Jean XXII communes 58226) Mannus quondam Conradi of Orvieto restores goods to the treasury. 16 Aug 1332 (IE 140, 60rv) a valuable cope is to be restored to archbishop Arnaldus de Brusaco and the chapter of Benevento as church property. 9 Sep 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58312–58313) nephew Beltramus Monaldeschi bishop of Orvieto is granted two terms to pay debts. 11 Jan 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 742) orders Rogerius de Vintono, rector of Campania and Marittima, to compel holders to surrender goods. 27 Aug 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1462) permits the rector to compound for spoils. 30 Mar 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2397) orders Hugo Cornuti, treasurer of the Patrimony, to collect. 6 Mar 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 432) orders Bernardus du Lac, bishop-elect of Viterbo and rector of the Patrimony, to absolve Monaldus Berardi, the archbishop’s nephew, who was excommunicated for holding goods. 7 Jul 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4209) orders the rector to collect from the nephew 1200 fl. at 100 fl. per year. 1 Dec 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2355) orders Pontius de Péret bishop of Orvieto to receive 800 fl. from the goods of Hermannus Monaldeschi, who owed that sum to the late archbishop. No. 916 [olim 800] Morerius de Morières canon of Agen, collector of Narbonne Died Aug 1348. Fasti 5:178–179. 17 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3934) commission to Petrus de Sparzelos canon of S. Radegonde (Poitiers) and Geraldus de Portali rector of Miremont (Toulouse). 1353 (RA 125, 220v; Bibliothèques II, 348.65, p. 266–267) books in the papal treasure. No. 917 [olim 801] Nerses archbishop of Nicosia Formerly archbishop of Malazgerd (Manzikert) in Armenia from 1338 and ambassador of Innocent VI to the catholicos of Armenia; archbishop of Nicosia 1363; died 1363. Acta Episcoporum Constantiensium 2, 4612: an indulgence granted and sealed by Nerses and several other bishops at Avignon 8 Apr 1341 in favor of the parish church of Muri. 12 Jan 1364 (OS 31, 258v; Aubert Calendar 210, p. 152–153) a mitre, staff, chalice, and books are ordered restored to Dominicus OESA, his successor in Armenia. No. 918 Nicodemus OSBasil bishop of Bova Formerly abbot of S. M. de Trajecto OSBasil (Bova); bishop from 1346; died before Apr 1362. 7 Jul 1362 (Coll. 169, 137r) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector received from his commissioner, abbot Nicolaus de Utino canon of Isola, 9 unc. 21 tar., proceeds of a letter of exchange purchased in Tropea from Bernardus Ridolfi de Florentia merchant for 10 unc. No. 919 [olim 802] Nicolaus OSB bishop of Bovino Formerly monk of S. Spirito (Valva); bishop from 1349; died before Feb 1354. 12 Feb 1354 (Coll. 169, 50v) subcommissioner Pontius OP bishop of Trevico pays 5 unc. 10 tar. for wine, a horse, various goods. No. 920 [olim 805] Nicolaus OCist bishop of Penne-Atri Formerly bishop nullius; bishop of Penne-Atri from 1326; died before 8 Oct 1352. 18 Oct 1352 (Coll. 169, 46rv; Bibliothèques I, 352.5, p. 198–199) accounts of commissioner Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and subcommissioner Joannes de Aquila canon of Benevento: total sales 67 fl.; 119 unc. 26 tar. 10 gran. 8 Jan 1353 (Coll. 169, 48v) Joannes Dupin prior of Articella OSB (Acqui), brother and commissioner of Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento, recovers a chest of 4424 fl. 20 Feb 1353 (Coll. 169, 49r) commissioner Joannes bishop of Ariano recovers 7 unc. 4 tar. 12 gran. and seven books. 4 May 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 265) commissioner is ordered to pay 4500 fl. from these spoils to Joannes Orsini archbishop of Napoli and Angelus Tavernini, treasurer of the Patrimony. No. 921 Nicolaus bishop of Ugento Died before Jul 1363. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: The subcollector, abbot of S. Andrea dell’Isola OSB (Brindisi), carried away the household furnishings, utensils, and weapons. AA replies: “Ista pro maiori parte debuerant remansisse ecclesie, et si episcopus repetat ea, quod fiat sibi iustitia.” No. 922 Nicolaus abbot of S. Maria OSB (Firenze) Died before Mar 1355. 21 Mar 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1432) commission to Andreas di Todi OCSA bishop of Rimini. No. 923 [olim 807] Nicolaus OCist abbot of Brondolo (Padova) Died before May 1360. May 1360 – Mar 1361 (Coll 130, 151v) the spoils of the abbot, killed by his own monks, yield 350 ducats. No. 924 [olim 808] Nicolaus abbot of S. Andrea Dovadola OClun (Rimini) Died ca. 1370. 1370 x 1376 (Coll. 129, 234r) priors pay 72 ducats. No. 925 [olim 804] Nicolaus de Acerno bishop of Nola Bishop of Bisignano from 1319, of Nola from 22 Oct 1331; died between 22 Aug and 17 Sep 1340. 17 Sep 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2901; IM 7192, 3r) commission to Arnulphus Marcellini. Oct 1340 – Mar 1341 (IM 7192; Bibliothèques I, 340.7, p. 140–141) inquest of Arnulphus Marcellini. 27 Apr 1344 (VQ 5:347) he pays 220 fl. No. 926 [olim 810] Nicolaus d’Andrea bishop of Catanzaro D.Decr., formerly canon of S. Pietro in Vaticano, Roma; died before 27 Apr 1369. 5 May 1369 (Coll. 353, 219v–220r; Aubert Calendar 684, p. 355) chamberlain orders Dominicus de Sassenorio, collector of Calabria, to observe the moderatio. No. 927 [olim 812] Nicolaus de Aquila advocate of the Camera D.Decr.; died in Curia before 7 Oct 1353. 1353 (RA 122, 336r; Bibliothèques I, 353.75, p. 199–200) books in the treasure at Avignon. 25 Sep 1354 (VQ 7:57) Tancredus Francisci de Florentia pays a debt of 1292 fl. 6 s. 4 d. 20 Jun 1355 (VQ 7:95) Petrus de Perusio pays 50 fl. No. 928 [olim 803] Nicolaus de Arnoldo bishop of Lacedonia Died before 21 Oct 1330. 16 Aug 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 50763) inventory of the movable and immovable goods of the church of Lacedonia. 15–16 Jun 1331 (IM 7188, 8 fols.) inventory by Petrus Regis for Geraldus de Laval. 1331 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 152r) Geraldus de Laval collects 14 unc. 14 tar. 20 Dec 1344 (Coll. 168, 45v–46v) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 28 unc. 17 tar. and vestments. No. 929 Nicolaus de Bignes bishop of Belley Formerly provost of Genève; bishop from 1375; died 19 Apr 1394. Gallia Christiana 15:629, 16:462–463. Rotuli Parisienses 3:51 n. 12 Jul 1394 (Coll. 370, 32rv) Petrus de Chavelluto, sacristan of Belley OCSA, should pay to Guillelmus de Roussillon knight, lord of le Bouchage (Belley) some silver vessels for his services to the pope. No. 930 [olim 813] Nicolaus Canali archbishop of Patras Formerly plebanus of Venezia; bishop of Bergamo from 1342; archbishop of Ravenna from 1342, of Patras from 1347; died before Oct 1349. 25 Oct 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2092) commission to Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello), nuncio, and Bonincontrus abbot of S. Felice de Amiano (Torcello). 30 Jan 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2384) the same, to abbot Raymundus I alone. 18 May 1351 (VQ 5:446) Sirellus di Pietro d’Ancona archbishop of Thiva (Case no. 1285) pays 450 fl. of a composition. 7 Oct 1351 (RV 244N, 113r; EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2506) commission to Georgius bishop of Methone. 20 Nov 1351 (RV 244N, 127rv; EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2552) commission to nuncio Raymundus I to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 23 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 739) Georgius bishop of Methone and Joannes de Seda dean of Corfu, nuncios, are to warn Reginaldus, successor of Nicolaus, to pay the 9000 fl. composition. 27 Jan 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 740) orders Joannes de Seda, nuncio, to transfer 800 fl. to nuncio Raymundus I. 18 Jul 1359 (IM 2168) instruction to Raymundus II (formerly abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, since 1357 archbishop of Patras). 28 Jan 1360 (Cambarou Calendar 29, p. 211) Paulus archbishop of Thiva (Case no. 968) is granted a delay of payment of the composition of 3500 fl. assumed by his predecessor Sirellus (Case no. 1285) for these spoils. No. 931 [olim 814] Nicolaus Carpentarii canon of S. Petrus (Ario in Crete) Died before Oct 1362. 14 Oct 1362 (OS 31, 167r; Aubert Calendar 101, p. 103) quittance to Bertrandus de Tiarno archdeacon of Passey (Sens) for 4 marks of silverware, itemized. No. 932 [olim 811] Nicolaus Fernandez de Aguilar bishop of Cartagena Lic.Decr., former dean of Cartagena; bishop from 1361; died before 24 Nov 1371. 1 Dec 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1228) commission to Arnaldus André. 18 Aug 1375 (Coll. 356, 49v–50r; De Cros Calendar I, 549) successor Guillelmus de Gimiel is granted absolution of the excommunication unjustly imposed by Fulco Perrier jr. No. 933 [olim 1173] Nicolaus de Forazano abbot of S. Maria del Gualdo Mazzocca OSB (Benevento) Abbot from 1324; died 22 Jan 1345. Hilken, Memory and Community in Medieval Southern Italy 42–43 n. 140. 4 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1519) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi to take charge of the goods of the monastery. No. 934 [olim 815] Nicolaus de Genestra alias de Camera canon of S. Donato (Genova) Died before Oct 1348. 1 Oct 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1720) commission to Hubertus abbot of S. Pietro di Monteverde (Volterra) and Lazarinus Fieschi provost of Biella (Vercelli) to collect these and other spoils. 27 Mar 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1963) commission to Martinus de Burgaro archdeacon of Vercelli and Bernardinus de Rovedis canon of Tortona for these and other spoils. No. 935 [olim 809] Nicolaus Gilles canon of Elne, collector of Elne Died 12 Nov 1393. 12 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 9r–10r; Favier, Finances pontificales 275 n. 3) reservation of his spoils, directed to Sicardus de Bourguerol canon and collector of Narbonne, and his subcollector; Nicolaus died without rendering his accounts. 3 Dec 1393 (RV 308, 21r) the same letter, but directed to Joannes de Rivesaltes sacristan of S. Jean de Perpignan (Elne), the successor as collector of Elne. n.d. (Coll. 160, 122r) successor Joannes de Rivesaltes receives the composition of the heirs, £165, and goods; a clerk of the Camera made marginal notes requiring explanations. No. 936 [olim 816] Nicolaus des Granières canon of Genève Died in Curia before Jan 1397. 26 Jan 1397 (IE 374, 13v) executors pay 160 fl. composition. No. 937 [olim 817] Nicolaus de Gulczewo bishop of Pock Died before 1368. 12 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 155rv; De Cros Calendar I, 220) spoils to be collected from successor Stanislaus de Gulczewo. No. 938 [olim 818] Nicolaus de Luxemburgo, patriarch of Aquileia Formerly archdeacon in the church of Praha, papal chaplain; bishop of Naumburg from 1349; patriarch from 1350; died 29 Aug 1358. 17 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 141B, number 267) a courteous but stern order, copied to five persons as holders of the goods of the late patriarch: Franciscus de Saornhano knight of Aquileia; Raynaldus, domicellus, captain of Pieve di Cadore; Gilletus, domicellus, captain of the castle of Belluno; Joannes Rambaldi canon of Aquileia; and Annequinus, domicellus, captain of the castle of Spilimbergo. They should deliver all those goods to Geraldus de Puyfaucon abbot of S. Giorgio di Venezia (Castello), nuncio. 17 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 142A, number 268) calls on Doge Joannes Dolfin and the council and commune of Venezia to pay their debt to the late patriarch of 7500 ducats to Abbot Geraldus. 17 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 143A,, number 272 and RV 243, 172r) the late patriarch owed 10,000 fl. to the pope and cardinals, and the doge and commune of Venezia owed the patriarch 7500 ducats. This letter calls on them to pay the latter sum to Bonjoannes bishop of Fermo or to Abbot Geraldus. 17 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 142B–143A, number 271) demands that the government and commune of Udine deliver all the goods they have stored in the castle of Cadore and elsewhere to Abbot Geraldus. Copies of this letter was sent to the governments and communes of Vrsar (Poreč), Novigrad, Belluno, and Feltre. 19 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 143B, number 273) orders Aymericus Chat cantor of S. Martin (Tours), treasurer general in Lombardia, to receive the payment of 7500 fl. from the doge and commune of Venezia. 27 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 129A–130A, number 246a) asks Emperor Charles IV to compel the captain and commune of Belluno, where the patriarch died, to hand over the goods which they have taken to Abbot Geraldus. 27 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 130A, number 246b) angrily orders the captain and commune of Belluno to restore the goods (marginal note: ista non fiet). 27 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 130B, number 247) orders Philippus de Cabassol bishop of Cavaillon, nuncio, to carry the pope’s urgent message to the emperor, or to send a lieutenant, Henricus Zuderman de Tremonia LL.D. archdeacon of Famenne (Liège). 1358 (Coll. 130, 150r, 168v–170v; Bibliothèques I, 358.5, p. 209–210) accounts. 23 Oct 1358 (RV 244 K, 176A, number 332) calls on the doge and council of Venezia to pay to Bonjoannes or Geraldus the balance from 16,000 ducats owed to the late patriarch. 23 October 1358 (RV 244 K, 176A, number 332) commission to Bonjoannes and Geraldus to collect the debt from the doge and Council of Venezia. 5 May 1362 (VQ 7:400) the collector pays 600 ducats for the sale of a mitre. ca. 1 Apr 1363 (OS 31, 171v–172r; Aubert Calendar 135, p. 117) quittance to Abbot Geraldus, lacking an inventory. 7 Feb 1365 (EFR Urbain V communes 14361) successor Ludovicus took several precious objects (enumerated) and compounded with collector Geraldus but did not pay; summoned to appear before the pope, he has not done so, pleading the dangers of the road. The revenues of the vacant subject church of Forlì were dedicated to repayment, and the city and diocese of Aquileia released from interdict. No. 939 [olim 819] Nicolaus Martini OP bishop of Recanati-Macerata Died before 19 Feb 1369. Jul 1369 (Coll. 353, 248v–249r; Aubert Calendar 754, p. 389) commission with moderatio. No. 940 [olim 820] Nicolaus Matthei de Augina canon of Anagni, papal scribe Died in Curia before Aug 1354. 25 Aug 1354 (RA 128, 599r) licentia testandi. 8 Feb 1360 (VQ 7:292) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays silverware and cash to the sum of 400 fl. 14 s. 9 d. No. 941 [olim 821] Nicolaus Mauri papal scribe Died in Curia before Aug 1352. Gallia Christiana 11:211. 2 Aug 1352 (VQ 5:457) Balduinus Richard pays 50 fl. composition from executors. No. 942 [olim 822] Nicolaus de Nanteuil abbot of Fécamp OSB (Rouen) Formerly abbot of S. Medard (Soissons), of Fécamp from 1343; died in Curia 7 Apr 1356. Gallia Christiana 11:211, 9:419–420. 6 Apr 1358 (VQ 7:219–220) successor Joannes and Joannes de Campis, notary of the Camera, pay 2586 fl. 3 s. 11 d. 15 Sep 1358 (VQ 7:224) Bernardus Bartholomei of Avignon and his wife Agnes pay a loan debt of 170 écus. 30 Apr 1362 (VQ 7:399) Nicolaus Grimaldi de Luca pays debts to a sum of 1808 fl. 9 s. 9 d. 5 Dec 1362 (Beaurepaire, “Anciens inventaires” 160–167) inventory of the abbey treasure by several monks. No. 943 [olim 823] Nicolaus de Parma proctor in the Roman Curia Died in Curia before Oct 1357. 6 Oct 1357 (VQ 7:183) executors pay a composition of 358 fl. No. 944 [olim 824] Nicolaus Policis plebanus of Brumstberg (Worms) Died in Curia before Jun 1345. 23 Jun 1345 (VQ 5:359) Odo canon of Worms pays 14 fl. Ped. No. 945 [olim 806] Nicolaus Roger OSB archbishop of Rouen Cousin of Clement VI; formerly abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne); archbishop from 1343; died 3 Apr 1347. Gallia Christiana 6:957, 11:79. Fasti 2:101. 7 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1531) licentia testandi. 13 Jun 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3315) permits cardinals Hugo Roger and Nicolaus de Besse to proceed to execute the testament. 1 Dec 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3623) orders the officiales of Paris, Orléans, and Bayeux to compel all debtors to pay to the executors. No. 946 [olim 825] Nicolaus Rubei papal chaplain of honor Died before 1371. 1358 x 1371 (Coll. 130, 149v) collector receives 200 ducats. No. 947 [olim 826] Nicolaus de Seignelay archpriest of La Rochelle (Saintes), subcollector Died between 17 Aug 1392 and 8 Feb 1393. 8 Feb 1393 (IM 3562) copy of testament dated 17 Aug 1392. No. 948 Nicolaus de Vères bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône Formerly archdeacon of Sens; bishop from 1374; died 8 Nov 1386. Gallia Christiana 4:925–926. Fasti 11:395–396. 12 Feb 1387 (Coll. 364, 90r) the spoils are to be released to the successor Oliverius de Martreuil. No. 949 [olim 827] Nunius de Fuentes archbishop of Sevilla Formerly secular abbot of S. Anderius, Burgos; bishop of Astorgas from 1346; archbishop of Sevilla from 1349; died in Curia before 18 Jun 1361. 20 Mar 1363 (Coll. 497, 82v) Joannes Fernandi canon of Burgos is obligated to restore the goods to the chapter. No. 950 Obertus Zagno bishop of Piacenza Formerly abbot of S. Giovanni Evangelista OSB (Ravenna); died before Mar 1374. 17 Mar 1374 (RA 220, 287rv; De Cros Calendar I, 382) spoils reserved for Albertinus de Alpinis de Parma, the late bishop’s familiar, to pay several creditors. Mar 1375 (Coll. 356, 3v; De Cros Calendar I, 427) Jacobus abbot of S. Patriniano extra muros OSB (Faenza) has assumed the costs of executing the bishop’s testament. No. 951 [olim 828] Octavianus de Labro archbishop of Palermo Formerly canon of Girgenti; bishop of Girgenti from 1350; archbishop of Palermo from 1362; died before 20 Dec 1363. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 195r; Bibliothèques I, 363.95, p. 219) successor Mattheus de Porta made a composition for 100 fl. No. 952 [olim 829] Odo bishop of Cuenca Formerly bishop of Oviedo from 1323, of Cuenca from 1328; died 1338. 14 May 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 60346) licentia testandi, although he is an Augustinian friar. 28 Dec 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2980) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 30 Jan 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2992) orders Petrus Gerald to take up the process from Almeracius. 1340–1341 (Coll. 229, 60r) accounts of Almeracius Cabrespí. 14 Aug 1341 (VQ 4:181–182) payments by Almeracius from these spoils and those of Ferrarius Colom bishop of Lleida (Case no. 323). 25 Aug 1342 (VQ 5:237–238) successor Gundisalvus de Aquila pays 865½ fl. No. 953 [olim 832] Odo prior of S. Martin (Chartres) Condemned for heresy, 1322. 5 Jul 1322 (VQ 1:476) Bernardus Carit collector of Sens and Rouen (Fasti 2:162) and Raymundus de Parisiis pay 3542 fl., 79 cathedrae. 5 Jan 1324 (VQ 1:476) they pay 500 fl. 25 Sep 1328 (OS 12, 96v) quittance for payments, 171 reg. collected by the late commissioner Raymundus. 18 Nov 1329 (OS 12, 116v = VQ 1:476) Bernardus Carit and Guillelmus Dultoni pay 70 fl. No. 954 [olim 831] Odo de Canqualies bishop of Paphos LL.D.; formerly treasurer of Nicosia; bishop of Paphos from 1337, nuncio; died before 13 Apr 1357. 13 Apr 1357 (RV 239, 46rv; EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2633) commission to Goffridus Spanzota archdeacon of Famagusta and Petrus Domaud de Argendonio canon of Apt, nuncios, to secure the bishop’s account books and spoils. 12 May 1357 (Coll. 352, 95r) note of the dispatch of the commission of 13 Apr. 11 Sep 1357 (IM 4594, 1r–12r; Bibliothèques I, 357.2, p. 208) inventory and accounts; sales to the sum of £380.1.7, 226 ducats, 115 fl. 27 Mar 1360 (Coll. 497, 71v) successor Elias is obligated to a composition of 5000 fl.; payment is delayed until 25 Dec. 4 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:375) he pays 2000 fl. 13 Aug 1362 (VQ 7:418) he pays 1000 fl. 2 Oct 1362 (OS 31, 161v–162r; Aubert Calendar 99, p. 102–103) successor absolved from excommunication, and the last two terms are prorogued. 2 Oct 1362 (OS 31, 162rv; Aubert Calendar 100, p. 103) orders Petrus Domaud to collect the composition of the successor Elias. 12 Oct 1363 (OS 31, 200v–201v; Aubert Calendar 185, p. 140–141) recognition of the accounts of Petrus Domaud, including rings, cloths, and spices from these spoils. No. 955 Odo de Castro chamberlain of the church of Zaragoza Died before May 1380. 27 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 37v–38r) PC orders Guillelmus Arnaldi de Castro to collect any debts owed to Odo, in order to pay 300 fr. due to the Camera from the clergy of Lescar; Lupus Fernandez de Luna archbishop of Zaragoza had received Odo’s spoils. 20 Apr 1382 (Coll. 359, 118v; De Cros Calendar II, 1026) 225 fl. Cam. arrears of annates are to be paid to Petrus de Nyort, squire to Bernardus de la Salle, captain of men at arms in Italy, toward payment of his service stipend; 585 fl. Cam. more were to be paid out of revenues in the province of Auch. No. 956 Odo de Sauvagney abbot of S. Paul OCSA (Besançon) Abbot from 1386; died 7 May 1387. Gallia Christiana 15:224. 14 Dec 1387 (Coll. 362, 149r–150r) on the petition of Guigo Salvagii prior of S. George OCSA (Grenoble), FC directs Joannes Lavergne (Case no. 766) and Joannes Chicot subcollector of Grenoble not to demand from the priory the sums which Odo owed while prior there. 23 Dec 1387 (Coll. 362, 156rv) the officiales and all clergy of Lyon and Vienne are ordered to publish the canonical summons to all holders of goods. 30 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 175rv) FC directs the officialis of Chambéry to collect the debts due to the abbot. No. 957 [olim 833] Olafus OSB archbishop of Trondheim Formerly abbot of S. Maria OSB (Trondheim); archbishop from 1350; died before 22 Oct 1371. 23 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 752) commission to Henricus Biscop bishop of Schleswig. 25 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 756) commendation of the collector to King Haakon VI of Norway. 29 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 760) the collector is directed to cite the successor Trond Gendari before the Camera if he does not surrender the goods. No. 958 [olim 273] Oliverius Dangolmonsier prior of S. Martin de Sancerre OSB (Bourges), papal legate to Flanders Died before Dec 1389. 1 Dec 1389 (IM 3418; Bibliothèques II, 389.9, p. 473–474) inventory of books, received by collector Joannes François from subcollector Joannes Bondierii. No. 959 [olim 834] Oliverius de Serzeto or Cerseto auditor of the Rota, papal chaplain Died in Curia before Oct 1356. 17 Oct 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2445) commission to Guido Geraud canon of S. Hilaire (Poitiers) (Fasti 10:229) and Petrus Ruffi cleric of Rodez. 24 Nov 1356 (VQ 7:137) executors pay a composition of 260 fl. No. 960 [olim 835] Opicinus de Canistris cleric of Pavia, scribe of the Penitentiary Died in Curia before 10 Aug 1355. Salomon, Opicinus de Canistris. Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 343–344 n. 433–435. 21 Aug 1355 (VQ 7:96; OS 23A, 105v) Joannes de Papia pays 120 fl. of a composition of 150 fl. No. 961 [olim 836] Ortolphus de Weisseneck archbishop of Salzburg Formerly provost of Salzburg; archbishop from 1343; died 12 Aug 1365. 13 Jun 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2809) commission in anticipation of the archbishop’s death to Paulus Praunspeck von Jägerndorf bishop of Gurk. 31 Jan 1372 (IM 2676, 3; IE 336, 4v, in Kirsch, Kollektorien 403) successor Pelegrinus von Puchheim pays 200 fl. No. 962 [olim 837] Pandulphus bishop of S. Agata dei Goti Bishop from 1327; died 1342. 20 Aug 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 256) commission to Joannes de Perrier canon of Fréjus. 16 Apr 1347 (Coll. 168, 60r) successor Jacobus pays 12 unc. to Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 963 [olim 838] Pandulphus de Sabello provost of S. Marie de Monredono (Rieux), papal notary Died before Feb 1332. 13 Jun 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 7486) licentia testandi. 8 Feb 1332 (Coll. 29, 199v) assignment by Arnaldus de Verdale of 91 fl., 97 reg., 77 agni, £4.8. No. 964 Paschalis bishop of Canosa Died before Jun 1355. Eubel has a lacuna from 1341 to 1376. 2 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1621) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Jacobus Tura OP archbishop of Trani. 2 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1622) the commune of Barletta is asked to assist the commissioners in recovering the spoils. No. 965 [olim 839] Paschalis bishop of Cuenca Bishop from 1299; died before 21 Aug 1322. 1299 x 1303 (EFR Registres de Boniface VIII, 3989) licentia testandi. 14 Aug 1324 (VQ 1:490) commissioner Raymundus Ebrardi dean of Coimbra pays for the vacancy. 23 Mar 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 59883–59884) confirms the composition made by the chapter of Cuenca. No. 966 Paschasius Garcia bishop of Astorga Formerly dean of Ourense; bishop of Ourense from 1382, of Astorga from 1390; died before May 1393. 10 May 1393 (Coll. 369, 153rv) when the bishop died he held 1000 fl. Aragon, the farm of the abbacy of Compludo (Astorga) which was claimed by Cardinal Hugo de S. Martial. If this claim proves true, Joannes Boudreville archdeacon of Lorca (Cartagena), collector of Burgos, Astorga, etc., is to pay that sum to the cardinal’s proctors. 16 Jun 1393 (Coll. 369, 191r–192v) mentioning the general reservation of spoils by Gregory XI, FC orders all the clergy of Astorga, Leon, and Oviedo to publish a canonical warning to Garsias Fernandi de Hospitali, a layman of Astorga, who took gold and silver, jewels, books, etc., to surrender these to Joannes Boudreville, collector of Cartagena. No. 967 [olim 840] Paulinus de Venetiis OFM bishop of Pozzuoli, papal penitentiary Bishop from 1324; died Jun 1344. Ghinato, Fr. Paolino da Venezia OFM. Franceschi, “Fra Paolino da Venezia OFM” 109–152. Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 339 n. 389. 22 Jun – 28 Dec 1344 (Coll. 168, 39v–41r; Bibliothèques I, 344.3, p. 157–158) accounts of Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 968 [olim 841] Paulus patriarch of Constantinople in administration of Patras Formerly bishop of Smyrna from 1345; archbishop of Thiva from 1357; patriarch from 1366, in administration of Patras from 1367; died before 10 Feb 1371. 6 Jun 1372 (Coll. 358, 66rv; De Cros Calendar I, 113) Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia (Castello), collector of Lombardia and the Romagna, is ordered to audit again the accounts of Joannes de Nomaco canon of Patras, observing the moderatio. No. 969 [olim 842] Paulus abbot of S. Savino OSB (Pisa), papal chaplain Died before Mar 1340. 15 Mar 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2732) commission. 17 Apr 1340 – 29 Mar 1341 (Coll. 244, 36r–37v) accounts of the collector Joannes de Perrier. Apr 1342 (Coll. 244, 97r–102r) account of the safeguard of spoils. No. 970 [olim 843] Paulus de Gabrielibus OSB bishop of Lucca D.Decr., papal chaplain and familiar; bishop from 1374; died 10 Sep 1380. 12 Feb 1390 (DC 1, 160r) books assigned to the Camera at Rome. No. 971 Paulus Zuccari bishop of Massa Lubrense Died before 19 Oct 1351. Oct 1351 (Coll. 169, 105v; Bibliothèques I, 351.8, p. 196) spoils collected for Guillelmus de S. Paulo, rector of Benevento: 1 fl. 1 tar. 10 gran. No. 972 [olim 844] Pelegrinus rector of S. Biagio di Funiculo (Benevento) Died 1372. 1372 (Coll. 129, 227v) debt of 14 ducats 14 s. collected. No. 973 [olim 845] Perinus de Bolonia OCarm papal penitentiary Died before Mar 1348. 26 Mar 1348 (VQ 5:404) executor pays a composition of 100 fl. No. 974 [olim 846] Perinus Francisci canon of S. Thibaut (Metz) Died in Curia before May 1354. 17 May 1354 (VQ 7:52) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 30 fl. 7 s. 4 d. No. 975 [olim 847] Petrus bishop of Ascoli Satriano Died before 29 Jan 1354. 11 Feb 1354 (Coll. 169, 50v) subcommissioner Pontius OP bishop of Trevico collected from Joannes primicerius of S. Angelo, vicar of the late bishop, 26 unc. 10 tar. No. 976 [olim 848] Petrus OCist archbishop of Cagliari Formerly abbot of Benifazano OCist (Tortosa); archbishop from 1348; died before 18 May 1352. 4 Jul 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2661) commission to Bartholomeus Galmari archbishop of Torres. 8 Apr 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 874) commission to Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis, nuncio. 1353 x 1355 (Coll. 168, 111r–132v; 141r–152v) executors’ inventory and commissioners’ accounts. 25 Aug 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2965) Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis is ordered to warn the holders of the goods, Franciscus Carnalis, Franciscus Rubei, and Franciscus de S. Clemente, to surrender them. No. 977 [olim 849] Petrus archbishop of Conza Archbishop from 1332; died 1346. 6 Aug – 1 Dec 1346 (Coll. 168, 56v–58v; Bibliothèques I, 346.3, p. 174–175) accounts of Guillelmus de Rosières. 12 Oct 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1233) commission to Guillelmus de Rosières bishop of Montecassino. No. 978 [olim 852] Petrus bishop of Lettere Bishop from 1327; died before 1332. before 1332 (Coll. 221, 151v) Geraldus de Laval received 10 unc. 25 tar. 14 gran. for spoils and 9 years’ vacancy. No. 979 Petrus bishop of Ourense Died before Aug 1394. 25 Aug 1394 (Coll. 370, 33rv) the cardinal vice-chancellor Joannes de Brogny may take 500 fl. Cam. in repayment of a loan. No. 980 [olim 854] Petrus archbishop of Sorrento Former bishop of Beirut; archbishop of Sorrento from 1348; died before 14 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3239, 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118r) dispatch by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357 to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. 30 Oct 1360 (Coll. 231, 106r; VQ 7:301) Reginaldus de Lupchaco archbishop of Capua pays 342 fl. by a letter of exchange through merchants of Lucca. No. 981 [olim 855] Petrus bishop of Teano Formerly archdeacon of Lunas (Béziers); bishop of Teano from 1338; died before Jun 1340. 29 Jun 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2818) commission. 23 Mar 1353 (Coll. 497, 49r) executors are obligated to a composition of 200 fl. No. 982 Petrus bishop of Venosa Died 1363. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: The bishop left about 800 unc. of silver coin and some silverware; one Mennus, nephew of the late bishop, compounded for 20 unc. with the collector, Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), helped by bribes to the subcollector Nicolaus de Montefalcone, who negotiated the deal (20 unc.), subcollector Dominicus de Sassenorio (1 unc.), and two notaries (5 unc.). AA replies that all those swindles (baractarie) are to be reversed, all the spoils collected, and the guilty subcollector dismissed. No. 983 Petrus bishop of Zamora Died before Jan 1355. Zunzunegui, “La Cámara apostólica y el Reino de Castilla” 170. 10 Jan 1355 (RV 237, 7rv = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1278) Didacus abbot of S. Facond OSB (Leon) and Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga), nuncios, are commissioned to collect the spoils of the late bishop, using summary process and ecclesiastical censures. No. 984 [olim 1171] Petrus abbot of S. Maria Assunta de Positano OSB (Amalfi) Died before Feb 1349. OS 22, 45r gives the name Thomasius, dated 1348, who could well be the successor. 10 Feb 1349 (Coll. 168, 74r) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 2 unc. for goods. No. 985 [olim 856] Petrus abbot of S. Lorenzo OSB (Aversa) Died before Aug 1364. 21 Aug 1364 (IE 303, 22r) Paulus Matthei pays 137 fl. Cam. 24 s. for spoils. No. 986 [olim 857] Petrus abbot of S. Sofia OSB (Benevento) Died in the diocese of Piacenza, 1375. 1375 (Coll. 129, 228r) goods in Bologna yield 558 ducats 12 s. No. 987 [olim 858] Petrus abbot of S. Jacques OCSA (Béziers) Died before May 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:415. 31 May 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3894; IM 1764) commission to Bertrandus Raymundi, almoner of Béziers. 20 Jun 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3905) orders Eustacius Piscis canon of Béziers and Aymericus Charierras canon of Cambrai to collect goods gathered by the late almoner. No. 988 [olim 859] Petrus abbot of S. Satur OCSA (Bourges) Died before May 1382. Gallia Christiana 2:189 lacks this name. 16 May 1382 (IM 1667–1668) commission to Joannes François, collector of Bourges and Limoges. 27 May 1382 (IM 3111; De Cros Calendar II, 1036) collector is to demand restitution of valuable goods from the robbers, mostly religious persons. 29–30 May 1382 (IM 3110; IM 3113; De Cros Calendar II, 1037) chamberlain orders the collector to observe the moderatio, citing the petition of the monks; the spoils are to be released to the successor Joannes. n.d. 1382 (IM 3125) accounts and quittance to Joannes François. 18 Nov 1383 (Coll. 360, 63rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1179) successor is granted a delay until next Easter in paying his composition of 1000 fl. 10 Apr 1384 (Coll. 360, 86v) successor Joannes paid 198 fr., and is granted another delay until Christmas to pay the remainder. No. 989 [olim 1181] Petrus abbot of Montaragon OCSA (Huesca) Obligated himself for services 19 Aug 1353 (OS 22, 147r). Died before Oct 1358. 4 Nov 1358 (RV 243, 175v–176r) commission to Fulco Perrier provost of Valencia, nuncio. 1 Oct 1358 x 24 Oct 1361 (Coll. 117, 175v) collector Fulco Perrier sr. receives 100 fl. composition from successor. No. 990 Petrus abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Formerly abbot of S. Aubin OSB (Angers) from 1375, of Psalmody from 1379; died before Feb 1404. Gallia Christiana 6:478–479, 14:618. 9 Feb 1404 (RA 320, 103v–104r and RA 321, 27v; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 4) the spoils are granted to his successor Aymericus de la Garde in consideration of 400 fl. composition. No. 991 [olim 1190] Petrus abbot of S. Michael della Chiusa OSB (Torino) Paid services for the abbacy 18 Jan 1362 (OS 35, 19r); died before 1380. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 7 Jun 1391 (Coll. 365, 144r–145v) FC directs Guillelmus, the abbot’s successor, to pay a debt of 200 fl. to Antonius de Bocha, master usher of the pope. No. 992 [olim 862] Petrus abbot of S. Pierre-hors-les-Portes OSB (Vienne) Died before Dec 1361. Gallia Christiana 16:158 gives only this name, no Hubertus. 12 Jan 1362 (OS 31, 218v–219r; Coll. 497, 77r; VQ 7:397; Aubert Calendar 29 and 31, p. 75) the successor Hubertus pays 200 fl. of a composition of 500 fl.; the balance is to be paid to Joannes Rousset de Martignac at Vienne. 26 Sep 1363 (OS 31, 192v–197r; Aubert Calendar 182, p. 135) collector Joannes Rousset de Martignac received 300 fl. No. 993 [olim 863] Petrus prior of Cerisy-la-Forêt OSB (Bayeux) Died before Feb 1344. 5 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 650) commission to Bernardus Carit. 6 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:507) Bernardus Carit, collector of Rouen (Fasti 2:162), assigns £1023.10.6 Tur. 30 Sep 1345 (VQ 5:507) he pays 73 écus 20 d. Tur. gros. 26 May 1346 (VQ 5:370) Petrus abbot of S. Pierre de Dijon pays the second half of his composition of 1500 fl. No. 994 [olim 866] Petrus Afonso bishop of Porto Formerly archdeacon of Lisboa; bishop of Silves from 1331, of Astorga from 1333, of Porto from 1342; died before May 1355. 19 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1511) commission to Franciscus Perez prior of S. Cruz (Coimbra), Joannes de Garrigue, and Stephanus Martins. 22 Feb 1356 (Coll. 497, 57v) successor Alfonsus Pedro is obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 5 Mar 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1968) Guilelmus Pilot must permit the successor Alfonsus to collect the goods according to his agreement with the papal chamberlain and treasurer. 5 Mar 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1969) commission to the successor Alfonsus Pedro. 10 May 1357 (VQ 7:176) successor pays 1250 fl. 3 Oct 1358 (VQ 7:226) he pays 580 fl. 24 Jan 1359 (VQ 7:259) he pays 50 fl. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199) collector Guillelmus Pilot pays £500. No. 995 [olim 865] Petrus Alamanni bishop of Fréjus Formerly dean of Brioude (Saint-Flour), notary apostolic; bishop from 1346; died before Nov 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:436. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:366–367. Rotuli Parisienses 1:104, 167, 189. 1 Aug 1333 (EFR Jean XXII communes 60885) licentia testandi. 21 Nov 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4000) commission to Bartholomeus Gaillard canon of Fréjus. 12 Dec 1348 (RA 101, 74r–81v) accounts of commissioner Bartholomeus Gaillard. 6 Feb 1349 (VQ 5:417) Pontius Alamanni pays 500 fl. for goods. 21 Jan 1350 (VQ 5:578–579) commissioner pays £276. 22 Mar 1351 (VQ 5:603) Raymundus Noulon, collector of Aix, pays on arrears of spoils. No. 996 [olim 867] Petrus Alrici collector of Venezia Died before Jun 1340. 10 Jun 1340 (IE 185, 16v, ed. VQ 4:159; Bibliothèques I, 340.3, p. 138–139) Bernardus du Lac assigns four books to the Camera. No. 997 [olim 868] Petrus Ameil subcollector of Béziers Died 1376. before 1377 (Coll. 157, 152v) 5 fl. Fran. paid for goods. No. 998 [olim 869] Petrus André bishop of Cambrai Formerly canon of Paris; bishop of Noyon from 1340, of Clermont from 1342, of Cambrai from 1349; died 13 Sep 1368. Gallia Christiana 2:287–288 and Instrumenta col. 95 (no. 25), 3:44–45, 9:1015–1016. Cazelles, Société, politique, noblesse et couronne 538. Rotuli Parisienses 2:528, 569. 16 Mar 1369 (Coll. 353, 189r; Aubert Calendar 626, p. 332) chamberlain AA asks the Cameral council to advise him on the donations inter vivos which the bishop made in his last illness. No. 999 [olim 870] Petrus de Antra abbot of Toussaints OCSA (Châlons-en-Champagne) Died before May 1352. Gallia Christiana 9:949. 11 May 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5299) commission to Joannes de Châteauneuf canon of Troyes. No. 1000 [olim 872] Petrus de Aquila OFM bishop of Trivento Formerly bishop of S. Angelo dei Lombardi from 1347, of Trivento from 1348; died Apr 1361. 25 Apr 1361 – 11 May 1362 (Coll. 169, 126v–128r; Bibliothèques I, 361.3, p. 211) list of goods collected, including books; spoils yield 632 fl. 26 unc. 18 tar. 9 gran. 1 d. No. 1001 [olim 873] Petrus Artaud OP bishop of Fréjus Formerly bishop of Alba from 1334, of Sisteron from 1349, of Fréjus from 1360; died before 27 Aug 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:494; 1:436 combines this bishop with his predecessor Petrus Alamanni (Case no. 995). Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:369–370, 728–730. 1359 (RA 140, 17r) rubric of his licentia testandi. 12 Nov 1361 (VQ 7:369) commissioner Petrus Torchari pays 100 fl. from goods at Sisteron. 20 Nov 1361 (VQ 7:371) he pays 12 fl. for a mule. 19 Sep 1361 (OS 31, 247rv; Aubert Calendar 10, p. 68) commission to Raymundus Noulon, collector of Aix, and Petrus Torchari, subcollector of Sisteron. 10 Feb 1363 (IE 303, 9v) successor at Sisteron Geraldus (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:730–733) pays 110 fl. pro quadam mitra de argento munita de certis lapidibus et perlis. 17 Feb 1363 (IE 303, 10r) Geraldus pays 195 fl. for goods in an inventory. No. 1002 [olim 871] Petrus Aurelzer bishop of Lectoure LL.D.; formerly cantor of Amiens; bishop from 1351; died before Jan 1365. Gallia Christiana 1:1080–1081. Fasti 1:182. 1364 (RA 157, 47r) licentia testandi: rubric. 6 Jan 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1492) commission to Sancius Vaquier. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 103v–104r) accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. No. 1003 [olim 874] Petrus Auriol OFM archbishop of Aix M.Theol.; archbishop from 1321; died 10 Jan 1322. Gallia Christiana 1:321. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:80–81. 11 Apr 1326 (VQ 1:500) Hugo de Collobrières provost of Aix, commissioner, pays £65.6.2. No. 1004 [olim 875] Petrus Aymé bishop of Auxerre Formerly succentor of Beauvais, LL.D., papal familiar; bishop from 1362; died 2 Sep 1372. Gallia Christiana 12:322. Fasti 16:158–163. 24 Dec 1371 (Coll. 358, 21v–22r; De Cros Calendar I, 38) the pope suspends all sentences by the officialis of Sens against the bishop, who is on an embassy to Charles V king of France, and assumes the processes to the Apostolic Curia; his goods are obligated as security. 11 Sep 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 909) commission to Bernardus Carit, collector of Sens and Rouen (Fasti 2:162), and Bernardus la Vergne, subcollector of Auxerre. 19 Sep 1372 (Coll. 358, 186v) note of dispatch of letters to Bernardus Carit. 18 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 112rv; De Cros Calendar I, 224) Bernardus Carit is ordered to release the goods found outside Avignon to the heirs and executors. 2 Apr 1373 (RA 220, 242r; De Cros Calendar I, 304) Bernardus Carit is to collect spoils until the amount is sufficient to pay the late bishop’s services. 10 Feb 1374 (RA 220, 283rv; De Cros Calendar I, 375) the chamberlain declares that the executors, the Camera, and the successor Nicolaus de Archeis should share the fruits of the mensa by a formula which was included in the letter but has been lost. 28 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 17r; De Cros Calendar I, 464) commission to subcollector Jacobus Militis canon of S. Marie (Auxerre) and Joannes de Senonis canon of S. Eugénie de Varzy (Auxerre) to cite before the procurator fiscal all those who still hold goods. 31 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 22v; De Cros Calendar I, 488) the collector of Sens and Rouen should persuade the successor Nicolaus to send a proctor to Avignon to settle the claim of the late bishop’s brother Robertus Aymé. No. 1005 [olim 876] Petrus d’Aynard OP bishop of Senez Bishop from 1362; died before Sep 1369. Gallia Christiana 3:1256. 20 Sep 1369 (Coll. 354, 79v–80r; Aubert Calendar 785, p. 403) successor Robertus Gervais compounded by proxy for 400 fl., and the spoils are released to him. No. 1006 [olim 877] Petrus Ayraud prior of S. Eutrope OClun (Saintes) Died before Dec 1362. 14 Dec 1362 (OS 31, 163v–164r; Aubert Calendar 107, p. 104–105) commission to Vitalis Vassal, collector of Saintes, to realize 2000 écus from these spoils to pay the late prior’s composition for the spoils of Galhardus du Puy bishop of Saintes (Case no. 370). No. 1007 [olim 880] Petrus de ?Banhac (des Prez) bishop of Castres Bishop of Castres from 1348; died before 27 May 1364. Gallia Christiana 1:69, followed by Baluze-Mollat 2:548 and n. 1, who confirm that this is not Petrus de Banhac, cardinal 1368–1369, and offer “des Prez” as the second name-element. 29 Jan 1365 (IE 303, 26v) commissioner Guillelmus Amarant pays 408 fl. Fran., 1800 fr. before May 1365 (Coll. 80, 257r) collector notes that he made an inventory and received 2658 fl. Fran. 2 May 1365 (OS 23A, 119v) Raymundus Arnaldi Desprès lord of Montpézat (Cahors), nephew of the late cardinal vice-chancellor Petrus Desprès, is obligated to a composition of 1500 fl.; Petrus des Prez had been the cardinal’s executor. 2 May 1365 (Coll. 353, 37r–39r; Aubert Calendar 316, p. 197) collector Guillelmus Amarant is ordered to release goods to Raymundus Arnaldi in consideration of the composition. 3 May 1365 (EFR Urbain V communes 15049) instructions in detail to the collector regarding the composition. 16 Jun 1368 (IE 325, 21v) composition of 800 fl. received. Jan 1372 (IM 2676, 3) nephew pays 300 fl. No. 1008 [olim 878] Petrus Bardoner master of the papal Chapel Died before Nov 1350. 20 Nov 1350 (VQ 5:441–442) executor Raymundus de Laglada pays 20 fl. composition; from other sources, 11 fl., £12.3.2. No. 1009 [olim 879] Petrus de Bellejotto prior of Charité-sur-Loire OClun (Auxerre) Died before Jan 1335. 30 Jan 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 88) arranges composition. 24 Dec 1335 (VQ 4:105) successor Guillelmus de Pictavia pays 3000 fl., one half of the spoils and arrears of annates. 3 Oct 1336 (VQ 4:111) he pays 500 fl. 28 Nov 1336 (VQ 4:114) he pays 2500 fl. No. 1010 [olim 881] Petrus de Bérail de Cessac bishop of Agde LL.Lic., former archdeacon of Paris; bishop from 1342; died 22 Feb 1354. Gallia Christiana 6:689–690. 5 Mar 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 795) commission to Petrus Ruffi cleric of Rodez, jurisperitus, in default of Bernardus de Abbate, formerly commissioned. 22 Apr 1354 (Coll. 497, 51v) executors are obligated to a composition of 700 fl. 11 May 1354 (VQ 7:52) commissioner Petrus Ruffi pays 20 fl. 14 Jun 1354 (VQ 7:53) nephew executor Joannes de Bérail pays 676 fl. 16 s. in goods and cash. 7 Oct 1355 (VQ 7:98–99) bailiff pays debt of 50 fl. No. 1011 [olim 882] Petrus Bérenger bishop of Sarlat J.C.D.; formerly treasurer of Laon, papal chaplain of honor, auditor of the Rota; bishop from 1338; died 1 Feb 1341. Gallia Christiana 2:1515. Millet, Les chanoines du chapitre cathédral de Laon 445–446. 1 Feb – 1 Oct 1341 (Coll. 197, 3r–10r) accounts of Joannes Bertrand and Guillelmus Ruffi, commissioners. 10 Feb 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 811) commission to Raymundus Flori. 14 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9202; IM 1572) canonical warning by Raymundus Flori canon of Urgell, collector, against the holders of goods. 20 May 1341 (IM 1572) response returned to Raymundus Flori: the holder of the goods was prevented by war from appearing before the collector. n.d. (Coll. 492, 1r) list by brother Lancelinus Bérenger of the goods in his possession. 25 Jun 1342 (VQ 5:462) collector’s report. No. 1012 [olim 883] Petrus de Bolonesio bishop of Aversa Formerly canon of Beauvais, magister capellae to the king of Sicilia citra Farum; bishop from 1309; died before 1 Jun 1324. 1324 x 1332 (Coll. 221, 151v) Geraldus de Laval received 493 unc. 3 tar. 7 gran. 1 d. from the spoils and vacancy. No. 1013 Petrus de Bonfont prior of Éauze (Condom) Died before Jan 1382. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. No. 1014 [olim 884] Petrus Borcier provost of S. Salvy OCSA (Albi) D.Decr., provost from 1322; died before Jun 1329. Gallia Christiana 1:50. 7 Sep 1329 (OS 12, 112r = VQ 1:529) quittance to Guillelmus Bos and Guillelmus Revel for 61 fl. paid to the treasury 22 Jun 1329. 28 Nov 1330 (OS 12, 136r) Raymundus de Chameyrac pays 62 reg., 56 fl. 8 Feb 1332 (VQ 1:529) he pays £82.3. 1335 (Coll. 29, 199r) accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale: total assignments 8 agni, £262.11 Tur. 21 Oct 1340 (VQ 4:165) Geraldus Colle pays 5 fl. No. 1015 [olim 885] Petrus Brun OP bishop of Couserans Bishop from 1342; died before Oct 1345. Gallia Christiana 1:1135 lacks this name. 25 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2064) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). No. 1016 [olim 886] Petrus de Brunia canon of Braga, nuncio in Portugal Died between 17 Nov 1328 and 8 Oct 1329. 8 Oct 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3987) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale to take and keep the chests left by the nuncio in Toulouse and at S. Antoine (Rodez). Oct 1329 (IE 83, 51rv; Bibliothèques I, 329.7, p. 115) accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale. 18 Nov 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4023) commission to Bernardus de Taxeriis prior of S. Denis de Montpellier (Maguelonne) to collect moneys deposited with various persons. 15 Jan 1330 (VQ 1:351) Arnaldus de la Roche pays a debt of 30 fl. 27 Feb 1330 (OS 12, 121r) quittance to Arnaldus de la Roche and Guillelmus de Cadonheto for 30 fl. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 1017 [olim 887] Petrus Buccaplanula OFM archbishop of Cosenza Archbishop from 1298; died 1319. 4 Jun 1320 (EFR Jean XXII communes 12158) orders Guillelmus de Balaeto, rector of Benevento, to inquire whether Petrus had a licentia testandi and, if not, to collect the spoils from the executors. 23 Dec 1320 (EFR Jean XXII communes 12771) orders him to deliver vestments to the church of Cosenza. 22 Sep 1321 (EFR Jean XXII communes 16080) orders him to recover goods which were given away during the last illness, not legitimately. 24 Dec 1322 (IE 54, 18v = VQ 1:310; Bibliothèques I, 319.5, p. 106) Raymundus de Balaeto assigns books for his brother Guillelmus, rector of Benevento and Campagna. No. 1018 [olim 890] Petrus de Calciata prior of Saze (Avignon) Died in Curia before Jan 1348. 7 Jan 1348 (VQ 5:400) Petrus Chautard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 32 s. 6½ d. No. 1019 [olim 891] Petrus de Camiada abbot of S. Croix OSB (Bordeaux) Died 31 Oct 1375. Gallia Christiana 2:863. 28 Jun 1376 (OS 42, 84r) successor Raymundus pays 400 fr. of a composition of 800 fr. 26 Dec 1376 (OS 42, 96r) he pays 300 fr. 29 Mar 1378 (OS 42, 121v) he pays 192 fr. 9 Oct 1378 (OS 42, 121v) he pays 8 fr. No. 1020 [olim 892] Petrus de Canilhac OSB bishop of Maguelonne Formerly abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles); bishop of S. Pons-de-Thomières from 1353, of Maguelonne 1361; died 7 Jul 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:613, 6:239–240, 789. 31 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:367; OS 23A, 108v) his brother Raymundus de Canilhac, cardinal bishop of Palestrina, pays 1000 fl. composition. 1364 (Coll. 156, 63r–65v) accounts of collector Joannes de Garrigue. No. 1021 [olim 893] Petrus de Capra provisor of the Pinhota Died before Jan 1349. 12 Jan 1349 (VQ 5:416) Petrus de Froideville, administrator of the Pinhota, pays 415 fl. and other moneys. No. 1022 [olim 894] Petrus de Casa OCarm patriarch of Jerusalem in administration of Vaison Theol.Prof.; magister generalis OCarm; bishop of Vaison from 1341 and patriarch of Jerusalem from 1342; died 3 Aug 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:930. 17 Jan 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2121) commission to Odo bishop of Paphos. 11 Jan 1356 (VQ 7:127) executor pays legacy of 100 fl. No. 1023 [olim 895] Petrus de Castellus bishop of Valence-Die Formerly abbot of Cluny; bishop from 1342; died before May 1350. Gallia Christiana 16:324–325. 26 Jul 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes France 299–300) commission ante mortem to the abbot of S. Ruf (Valence) and the prior of Les Vaux (Besançon). 16 May 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4510) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent. 28 Feb 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5227) commission to Guillelmus de Balma prior of Tarascon (Avignon). 15 Mar 1352 (OS 28, 145v–148r; Bibliothèques II, 352.2, p. 294–299) commissioner Guillelmus de Balma pays goods to the Camera. 1353 (RA 125, 216v; Bibliothèques II, 352.2, p. 297–299) books in the papal treasure. 30 Jan 1354 (VQ 7:46; OS 23A, 102v) successor Joannes Joffevry pays the last 250 fl. of a composition for 500 fl. No. 1024 [olim 896] Petrus de Castelnau bishop of Rodez Formerly archdeacon in the church of Rodez; bishop from 1319; died at Paris 19 May 1334. Calmet, “Pierre de Castelnau, évêque de Rodez” 116, 138. Saint-Palais, Le droit de dépouille 129–130. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 326–329, 334. Gallia Christiana 1:217. Fasti 6:83–85. 16 May 1334 (Coll. 210, 87r–93v) nuncupative testament, made at Paris. 1334 (Coll. 210, 94r–284r; Bibliothèques II, 334.5, p. 110–121) accounts of Pontius de Péret and Raymundus de Chameyrac, commissioners, including books. 1334–1335 (Coll. 145, 252r–302v) commissioners’ accounts of the vacancy. 1334–1335 (Coll. 145, 304r–318v) brief of the commissioners’ accounts on half-folia. 18 Jan 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 14) orders the vicars to be cited before the Curia. 22 Apr 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 46) orders the vicars to send an inventory and to hold the goods pending instructions. 23 Jul 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 86) commission to Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret. 29 Oct 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 113–116) commissioners pay 600 fl., 600 agni, 7200 reg. 29 Oct 1335 (VQ 4:103) they pay £6525 Tur. parv. for spoils and vacancy. 18 Feb 1337 (VQ 4:119) they pay £5370.10. 27 Jun 1338 (VQ 4:131) commissioner Amanevus de Ramefort pays £1132.6.8. 23 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:136) Pontius de Péret pays £1270. 29 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:167–168) payment by Raymundus de Chameyrac. 14 Oct 1340 – 22 Nov 1343 (Coll. 145, 321r–325v) brief of accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret for the spoils of Petrus de la Pleine Chassagne and Petrus de Castelnau bishops of Rodez Petrus de la Vie bishop of Albi, and Amelius de Lautrec bishop of Castres. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:340) further payment. 25 Jun 1342 (VQ 5:462) payment by collector Raymundus Flori. 18 Mar 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3177) orders Ademarus de Laubrayrie canon of Tournai to pay £1900 Tur. parv. legacy to the bishop’s sister Barrana de Castelnau and her daughters Galharda and Alasia. No. 1025 [olim 897] Petrus de Castroparro abbot of S. Polycarpe OSB (Narbonne) Formerly precentor of Alet; abbot from 1374; died before Dec 1383. Gallia Christiana 6:190. 3 Dec 1383 (Coll. 360, 65v–66r; De Cros Calendar II, 1184) the abbot’s brother Joannes de Castroparro is ordered to appear before the Camera to answer for the goods he has taken. 5 Jan 1384 (Coll. 501, 1v, 7r, 8rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 5) information by FC to Arnaldus André, collector of Narbonne: the successor Antonius is obligated to pay 200 fr. and 40 fl. for the spoils. 6 Jan 1384 (Coll. 501, 9r) FC directs the collector Arnaldus to pursue all holders of goods with ecclesiastical censures and to use the secular arm if necessary. No. 1026 [olim 898] Petrus de Caunis archpriest of Réalmont (Albi), abbreviator Died 1347. 3 Jun 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3382) licentia testandi. 7 Feb 1349 (VQ 5:418) executors pay 100 fl. of a 250-fl. composition. n.d. (OS 23A, 97r) note, temp. Urban V, that the whole composition was paid. No. 1027 [olim 889] Petrus de Chalais bishop of Montauban Formerly provost of Nîmes; bishop from 1368; died 22 Nov 1379. Gallia Christiana 6:467, 13:238–239. 23 Dec 1379 (Coll. 359, 6r–7v; De Cros Calendar II, 748; Favier, Finances pontificales 284–285 n. 1) nephew Elias Jacobi is obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. n.d. (Coll. 374, 20r; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 2) Elias Jacobi divides his composition debt with Petrus Jacobi and Guillelmus du Lac. 19 Jan 1380 (Coll. 359, 162rv; De Cros Calendar II, 764) executors are to pay half of their composition by 2 Feb to the Camera’s banker, Antonius de Ponte of Asti. 12 Feb 1380 (Coll. 374, 20v; De Cros Calendar II, 770) chamberlain orders Jacobus de Cozan abbot of Cluny to pay Antonius de Ponte 1500 fl. 21 Nov 1380 (Coll. 235, 144v) composition of 3750 fl. paid by Elias Jacobi, Guillelmus du Lac, and Petrus Jacobi. 17 Dec 1380 (Coll. 358, 173r; De Cros Calendar II, 877; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 4) holders of goods paid 3000 fr. composition and are absolved of their excommunication. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 12 Feb 1381 (IE 354, 17v; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 3) executors’ last payment of 550 fr. received in the Treasury. n. d. (Coll. 236, 323v) note of spoils and remains by Aymericus Pellicier. No. 1028 [olim 888] Petrus de Chalon bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône Formerly canon of Chalon, archdeacon of Autun; bishop from 1342; died 6 Nov 1344. Gallia Christiana 4:919. Fasti 12:338–339. 21 Aug 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8770) licentia testandi. 24 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1594) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent treasurer of Écouis (Rouen). No. 1029 Petrus de Cima OFM bishop of Mallorca Formerly bishop of Elne from 1371, of Mallorca from 1377; died 25 April 1390. Gallia Christiana 6:1060. 10 Jul 1393 (Coll. 369, 222r–223v) Ludovicus de Prades bishop of Mallorca disputes two matters with Jacobus de Rives, subcollector of Mallorca, before the special commissioner Joannes Lavergne, clerk of the Camera (Case no. 766): the fruits of the vacancy of Mallorca after the death of Petrus de Cima; and the spoils of Petrus, particularly five slaves, 20 cattle, and other items. Compositions have been reached: for the fruits, 650 fr., for the spoils, 180 fr., 16 fr. of court costs; total of 846 fr. paid by the proctor of Ludovicus on this date. No. 1030 [olim 899] Petrus de Clasquerin archbishop of Tarragona and patriarch of Antioch LL.D., former archdeacon of Barcelona; bishop of Huesca from 1348; archbishop of Tarragona from 1357, and patriarch of Antioch from 1375; died 10 Jan 1380. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 1386 (Coll. 152, 181r–183v) goods among those of Arnaldus André, collector of Narbonne. No. 1031 [olim 900] Petrus de Clusello OP bishop of Concordia Formerly bishop of Chioggia from 1346, of Melfi from 1347, of Concordia from 1348; died before 15 Feb 1361. Mar – Apr 1361 (Coll. 130, 150v) collector sells goods for 20 ducats 34 s. 6 d. No. 1032 [olim 901] Petrus de Colle sacristan of Tortosa Died before Dec 1343. 23 Dec 1343 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 359) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí canon of Lleida. No. 1033 [olim 850] Petrus le Colre bishop of Dax Formerly canon and sacristan of Dax; bishop from 15 Mar 1359; died 15 Apr 1359. Dujarric-Descombes, “[Communication]” 222–224. Clergeac, Chronologie, p. 33. Gallia Christiana 1:1051 lacks this name. 31 Mar 1359 (VQ 7:261) Joannes de Gardana, subcollector of Bayeux, pays 50 fl. 12 s. 27 Apr 1359 (RV 243, 187v) commission to Joannes Gardaya scholasticus of Oviedo, nuncio, and Bernardus de Broscereto prior of S. Esprit-chef-du-Pont (Dax). 14 May 1359 (Coll. 497, 68r) Guillelmus Crimelleris et al. are obligated to a composition of 83 fl., 19 écus. 30 Nov 1359 (VQ 7:268) successor Petrus Iterii pays 333 fl. No. 1034 [olim 902] Petrus de Combeton abbot of S. Bénigne de Dijon OSB (Langres) S.T.D.; died 18 Apr 1379. Gallia Christiana 4:690. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 10 Nov 1382 (RA 233, 18r–19v; Favier, Finances pontificales 262) Clement VII to Guillelmus du Lac provost of Genève and the dean of Autun: successor Alexander de Montaigu is summoned to surrender silverware, books, ornaments, and money that are stored in the houses of the monastery at Paris, Chalon, Dijon, and Beaune, or to appear in the Camera to show cause. 7 Jun 1384 (Coll. 359, 208r; Favier, Finances pontificales 264–265 n. 1) Joannes Porteret merchant of Chalon proves that he repaid the 200 fr. that the abbot invested with him. No. 1035 [olim 903] Petrus Cornaro di Venezia OFM archbishop of Patras Formerly bishop of Korone in Achaia from 1367; archbishop of Patras from 1386; died at Tarragona 1397 x 1401. 28 Feb 1402 (Coll. 123, 47r) collector Joannes de Rivesaltes receives £16.10 from Joannes de Marello, subcollector of Tarragona. No. 1036 [olim 906] Petrus Corts provost of S. Michel de Cuxa OSB (Elne), chaplain of honor Died ca. 1393. 1393 x 1405 (Coll. 160, 123r) Joannes de Rivesaltes, collector of Elne, receives £30. An auditor’s marginal note: “Doce de inventario et venditione bonorum.” No. 1037 [olim 904] Petrus de Cosnac bishop of Tulle Bishop from 1376; died 1402. Gallia Christiana 2:670–671. before 5 Apr 1407 (Coll. 91, 337r) the collector Petrus Brengas reports that the goods were seized by royal officials. No. 1038 [olim 905] Petrus de Cuellar bishop of Segovia Bishop from 1342; died before 30 May 1351. 6 Jun 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2443) commission to Augerius de Osserano. (The EFR heading reads Petri Segobricen., in error for Segobien.) No. 1039 [olim 907] Petrus de Dacia OP papal penitentiary Died in Curia before Aug 1347. 20 Aug 1347 (VQ 5:394) executors pay a composition of 60 fl. No. 1040 [olim 943] Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento Formerly bishop-elect of Fréjus; bishop of Viterbo from 1348; archbishop of Benevento from 1350; died 12 Sep 1360. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:367–368. 1360 (Coll. 169, 106r) gives date of death; the archbishop had been the usual commissioner for spoils in the province of Benevento. 14 Nov 1360 (Coll. 231, 107v; VQ 7:302) commissioner Reginaldus de Lupchaco archbishop of Capua sells goods to Florentine merchants; their letter of exchange for 1510 fl. Cam. for these spoils and those of Guillelmus bishop of Aquino (Case no. 455). No. 1041 [olim 853] Petrus Dupin bishop of Périgueux Formerly bishop of Viterbo from May 1348, of Verona from Jul 1348, of Périgueux from 1349; died before May 1372. Gallia Christiana 2:1478–1479 combines Petrus Dupin with Petrus Tizon (Case no. 1110) as Petrus IV. 4 Feb 1370 (EFR Urbain V communes 26459) the executors of the late Nicolaus Digni merchant of Avignon, who took usury from the bishop and in his testament left 1936 fl. to repay, are excommunicated pending judgment of the case. 4 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 766) commission to Arnaldus Gavin canon of Saintes. 4 May 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 768) letter commending the commissioner to the seneschal of Saintes. No. 1042 [olim 960] Petrus d’Estaing OSB, cardinal bishop of Ostia D.Decr., former prior of Canonica OSB (Mende); bishop of Saint-Flour from 1361; archbishop of Bourges from 1368; cardinal from 1370; papal legate to Lombardia; died 24 Nov 1377. Gallia Christiana 2:82–83. n.d. (RA 346, 179r–182v) record of the goods of Rogerius le Fort, his predecessor as archbishop of Bourges, which were transferred to Petrus d’Estaing. 21 Mar 1380 (Coll. 359, 23v–24r; De Cros Calendar II, 788) Artaudus de Milano bishop of Grasse is commissioned to collect the goods, ut indempnitate dicte Camere curemus obviare. No. 1043 [olim 962] Petrus Etienne Jourdain prior of Auzielle OCSA (Toulouse) Died before Oct 1349. 1 Oct 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4270) commission to Hugo Roger abbot of S. Sernin OCSA (Toulouse), Petrus Lefèvre archdeacon of Cahors, and Petrus Majeur precentor of Valence. No. 1044 [olim 908] Petrus Fabri de Leschemel bishop of Riez Formerly cantor of Orléans; bishop of Riez from 1352; died Dec 1369. Gallia Christiana 1:405. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:610. 7 Oct 1365 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2003) premature commission to Raymundus Noulon and Jacobus de la Salle to collect the goods of episcopi Regensis, nuper extra Curiam defuncti. 1370 (Coll. 19, 281r–293r) accounts of Geraldus Mercadier. 7 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 12r; De Cros Calendar I, 448) 120 fl. debt of Ludovicus de Forcalquier and his wife Ginnota is forgiven. No. 1045 [olim 909] Petrus Ferri bishop of Chieti Formerly bishop of Anagni from 1320, of Marsi from 1327, of Chieti from 1336; died 17 Nov 1336. 10 Jul 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3387) licentia testandi. 24 Aug 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2495) commission to Petrus Vasconis, rector of Benevento. No. 1046 [olim 910] Petrus Frétaud archbishop of Tours Formerly archdeacon in the church of Tours; archbishop from 1335; died 21 May 1357. Gallia Christiana 14:118. 20 Apr 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 791) commission ante mortem to Raymundus de Caunes cantor of S. Martin (Tours). 11 Dec 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1229) commission to Petrus Beumond in anticipation of death. 25 May 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2716) commission to Petrus Beumond canon of S. Martin (Tours). 26 Aug 1357 (Coll. 497, 62v) executors are obligated to a composition of 2000 fl. ca. 1358 (Coll. 255, 128r) 1400 fl. of composition is paid. No. 1047 [olim 911] Petrus de Froideville administrator of the Pinhota Died before Jun 1361. 30 Jun 1361 (VQ 7:340) executors Guillelmus Amici and Raymundus Gueyraldi, almoners, and Ademarus Deodati, servant of the Pinhota, pay a composition of 800 fl. 13 Sep 1362 (Coll. 231, 141r) another note of the same payment. Apr 1363 (IM 2279, 11) the executors are granted half of the 258 fl. found after the composition was settled. 9 Apr 1363 (IE 303, 11r) executors pay 129 fl. No. 1048 [olim 912] Petrus Gabrieli bishop of Gubbio Formerly canon of Gubbio; bishop of Fossombrone from 1317, of Gubbio from 1327; died before Jul 1345. 6 Jul 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1815) commission to Berengarius Blasin, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. 12 Jul 1345 (Coll. 232, 142r–144v) accounts and compositions. 30 Aug 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1934) orders the podestà, governors, and council of Gubbio to assist the commissioner. No. 1049 [olim 913] Petrus de Galganis archbishop of Cosenza Formerly archdeacon of Siponto (Manfredonia); archbishop of Reggio (Calabria) from 1328, of Cosenza from 1354; died 3 Nov 1362. 4 May 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 45099) licentia testandi. 5 Aug 1354 (RA 128, 599r) licentia testandi. 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch of an anticipatory commission dated 14 Dec 1357, by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco, to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: The subcollectors took household furnishings and utensils, also the lumber and nails from a ship that the archbishop had bought for the repair of his castle. AA replies that Guido bishop of Veroli as commissioner had settled the matter, but if the new archbishop Nicolaus Caracciolo made a further claim, justice should be done for him. No. 1050 [olim 914] Petrus Gasqui rector of Benevento Died before Dec 1339. 15 Dec 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2627) Arnulphus Marcellini is substituted for the late Petrus Gasqui. 23 Apr 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8292) quittance for an inventory of the late rector’s goods sent to the Curia by Guillelmus de S. Paulo. No. 1051 [olim 917] Petrus Geoffroi OESA bishop of Toulon Sacristan, librarian, and confesssor to Innocent VI; bishop from 1355; died before 18 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:750. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:243–248. 9 May 1364 (Coll. 353, 11r; Aubert Calendar 245, p. 164–165) subcollector is directed to pay a legacy of 300 fl. to the Augustinian convent of Limoges. No. 1052 [olim 915] Petrus Germani archdeacon in the church of Sens, registrar of supplications Died in Curia Nov 1355. Fasti 11:423. 2 Dec 1355 (VQ 7:100) executors Elias de Vodron and Guillelmus de Alayraco pay 300 fl. of a 400-fl. composition. 29 Dec 1355 (VQ 7:101 = OS 23A, 108r) they pay 100 fl. No. 1053 [olim 916] Petrus Gervais canon of Clermont and of Le Puy, collector of Le Puy Formerly collector of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark; died before Apr 1375. 14 Apr 1375 (Coll. 356, 14r–16r; De Cros Calendar I, 458–460) letters to bishop Bertrandus de la Tour and the chapter of Le Puy, and commission and instruction to Joannes Cabrespí. 28 May 1375 (OS 42, 22r) commissioner pays 320 fl. Cam. 17 s. 3d. 28 May 1375 (Coll. 356, 25v–26v; De Cros Calendar I, 486) goods released to executors in consideration of a composition. No. 1054 [olim 918] Petrus de Golard OSB bishop of Condom Formerly prior of Nérac OSB (Condom); bishop from 1340; died 24 Oct 1369. Gallia Christiana 2:963. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 143r–148r) accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. after 1385 (Coll. 35, 323r–325r) remains collected by Sicardus de Bourguerol. No. 1055 [olim 919] Petrus Gomez Barroso archbishop of Sevilla Archbishop from 1380; died 1 Jul 1390. Pierre Jugie, “L’orfèvrerie dans tout ses états” 372 n. 8. Alvarez Márques, Manuscritos localizados passim. 30 Jan 1392 (IM 3537) collector Fulco Perrier jr. receives 80,000 maravedis. 5 Sep 1397 (IM 3326) quittance for 6000 maravedis monete veteris given from the spoils to the church of Todos los Santos by the collector. No. 1056 [olim 920] Petrus Gougeul bishop of Le Puy Formerly bishop of Le Mans from 1312, of Le Puy from 1326; died 6 Feb 1327. Gallia Christiana 2:723–724, 14:405–406. 11 Feb 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3138) commission to Lancelotus de Perperiis, Jacobus Folquerii, and Guillelmus Ruffi, canons of Le Puy. 13 Feb 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3141) the same, to Guillelmus Ruffi alone. Feb 1327 (Auguste Chassaing in Annales de la Société d’agriculture, sciences et arts du Puy 28 (1866–1867) 568–592) inventory of the bishop’s vestments, silverware, and books in the castle of Espaly. 2 Jun 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3269) commissioners Lancelotus de Perperiis, Jacobus Folquerii, and Guillelmus Ruffi must surrender any goods they hold to Guillelmus Bibare archdeacon of Passey (Le Mans) and Joannes Goujeul, citizen of Paris. 12 Sep 1332 (RA 44, 653r, ed. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 338 n. 1–2) the pope declares the testament unlicensed and invalid. 12 Sep 1332 (VQ 1:522) composition of 5000 fl. received from nephew-executors. No. 1057 [olim 921] Petrus de Grassinis OP bishop of Anagni Formerly bishop of Sorres, of Anagni from 1348; died before 30 Oct 1362. 1 Feb 1369 (Coll. 353, 149r; Aubert Calendar 568, p. 306–307) chamberlain warns Jacobus Muto bishop of Arezzo that Magnus Vetulus provost of Anagni has been granted a judgment against him for 150 fl. taken from the spoils. No. 1058 [olim 922] Petrus Guillem bishop of Orange Formerly rector of the Comtat-Venaissin; bishop of Toulon from 1325, of Orange from 1328; died Dec 1341. Gallia Christiana 1:749, 778–779. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:177–186, 901, 6:116–128. 30 Dec 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 919) commission to Pontius de Péret. 31 Dec 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9248; RA 55, 491r) first folio of a copy of an inventory by Pontius de Péret. 1 Feb 1342 (VQ 4:189) commissioner Pontius de Péret pays 1428 fl., 419 fl. Ped., etc. 4 Mar 1342 (VQ 4:191–192) he assigns silver, rings, etc., to successor Guillelmus. 3 Dec 1343 (VQ 5:341) Joannes d’Arpadelle bishop of Fréjus (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:363–364) pays 104 fl. No. 1059 [olim 923] Petrus de Jean prior of S. Remy OCSA (Avignon), collector of Arles Died before Aug 1348. 8 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3950) Guillelmus de Balma OCSA, collector of Arles, is directed to inquire into the payments made by subcollectors who are now dead. 1353 (RA 125, 221r; Bibliothèques II, 348.67, p. 271–272) books in the papal treasure. No. 1060 [olim 924] Petrus de Jean de Moussey bishop of Carcassonne Formerly archdeacon of Beauvais and Bayeux; bishop of Meaux from 1321, of Viviers from 1325, of Bayeux from 1326, of Carcassonne from 1330; died 17 May 1338. Gallia Christiana 6:897–898, 8:1634, 11:372–373, 16:573. Guiraud, “Inventaire de Pierre de Jean, évêque de Carcassonne” 25–152, 533–638. 1 Sep 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26369) licentia testandi. 7 Mar 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 48759; Coll. 94, 1v–2r) licentia testandi. 20 May 1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 440; Coll. 94, 1rv) commission to Amanevus de Ramefort and Pontius de Péret. 27 Jun 1338 (VQ 4:131) commissioner pays £1132.6.8. 28 Jul 1338 (VQ 4:132; EFR Benoît XII closes France 479; EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1933) commissioner Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179) assigns a mitre and crozier. 23 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:136) he pays £1250.18.4. 1 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:150) he pays £555.8.6. Sep 1340 (Coll. 426, 64 fols.) accounts of Pontius de Péret. 13 Jul 1341 (VQ 4:181) he pays 89 fl. etc. 9 Feb 1342 (VQ 4:190) he pays £31.12.7 and 24 fl. 8 Jan 1343 (Coll. 289, 37v) goods in inventory of papal treasure. 17 Apr 1344 (Coll. 289, 37v) Petrus de Franconia pays 10 d. 5 Jan 1339 (OS 18, 14v) Pontius de Péret assigns goods and jewels. 1338–1342 (Coll. 94, 1r–70v; Bibliothèques II, 338.4, p. 147–157) accounts of Pontius de Péret and Amanevus de Ramefort, including books. No. 1061 [olim 925] Petrus de Lapeirareda OP bishop of Mirepoix M.Theol.; bishop from 1327; died 19 Aug 1348. Gallia Christiana 13:269–270. 23 Aug 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 46077) licentia testandi. 23 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3939) commission to Petrus Hugues for these and other spoils. 15 Jun 1350 (Coll. 497, 43v) executors obligated to a composition of 150 fl. No. 1062 [olim 926] Petrus Lasteyrie abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Died before Feb 1376. Gallia Christiana 6:478. 1 Feb 1376 (OS 42, 50v) Petrus de Bonfont, monk, pays 300 fr. No. 1063 [olim 973] Petrus de Laval physician M.Med.; died in Curia 1361. Wickersheimer, Médecins en France 2:665. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 60 fl. No. 1064 [olim 927] Petrus Leterii abbot of S. Croix d’Angle OCSA (Poitiers) Died before Feb 1351. Gallia Christiana 2:1347. 12 Feb 1351 (Coll. 497, 46v) Reginaldus Leterii prior of Issoire OCSA (Tours) is obligated to a composition of 1200 fl. 28 Mar 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4939) commission to Geraldus Jugie canon of Angers (Fasti 7:231). 6 Apr 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4944) commission to Reginaldus Leterii prior of Issoire (Tours). No. 1065 [olim 928] Petrus Lobet abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) Abbot from 1343; died before Nov 1369. Gallia Christiana 16:197–198. 21 Mar 1354 (RA 128, 598rv) licentia testandi. 25 Nov 1369 (Coll. 354, 83r; Aubert Calendar 796, p. 408) commission by treasurer to Jacobus Golferii. Jun 1375 (IM 2877, 4) Jacobus Malheti canon of S. Antoine pays the last 50 fl. of a 90-fl. debt. No. 1066 [olim 929] Petrus Loherii prior of S. Etienne de Beaune OSB (Autun) Died before Sep 1381. 10 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 84r; De Cros Calendar II, 950) goods to be held for the prior’s uncle, Cardinal Petrus Ameil. 24 Sep 1381 (Coll. 359, 90r; De Cros Calendar II, 959) orders goods surrendered to the cardinal. No. 1067 [olim 932] Petrus Lopez de Luna archbishop of Zaragoza Formerly abbot of Mons Aragon OCSA (Huesca); archbishop from 1317; died 22 Feb 1345. 22 Jul 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 4486) licentia testandi. 5 Feb 1319 (EFR Jean XXII communes 8932) licentia testandi. 1 Mar 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1506) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 12 Jul 1345 (VQ 5:510) collector Almeracius Cabrespí pays 352 écus. 3 Sep 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 764) asks Pere IV king of Aragon to remove his hand from the goods. 8 Oct 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 783) Lupus de Luna lord of Segovia must surrender the goods in consideration of a composition of 20,000 fl. 1345 (Coll. 229, 197r) accounts of the collector. 20 Jan 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2278) Almeracius Cabrespí ordered to collect 9100 fl., first half of a composition. 10 Feb 1346 (VQ 5:364–365) Lupus de Luna pays half of a composition of 18,200 fl. 17 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1024) faculty to Almeracius Cabrespí to collect 9100 fl. of the composition. 8 Jul 1346 (VQ 5:374) Lupus de Luna pays the other half of his composition. No. 1068 [olim 930] Petrus de Luc archbishop of Bordeaux Archbishop from 1332; died 1345. Gallia Christiana 2:834. Fasti 13:153–157. 28 Aug 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58156) licentia testandi. 5 Jan 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2252) the goods are to be seized by Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye (Bordeaux) pending accounts. 5 Mar 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2343) orders Henry earl of Lancaster to recover for the commissioner goods seized by officers of King Edward III of England. 15 Mar 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2371–2375) commission and instructions to Petrus Archambaldi archpriest of Blaye (Bordeaux). 24 Mar 1346 (IM 1664) the collector Elias Magnan protests against holders of the goods, including the successor. 8 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2552) orders Radulphus baron of Stamford, seneschal of Gascony, to pay a loan of £40 of Bordeaux. 8 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2553) orders Joannes Bajuli, constable of Bordeaux, to pay 400 modii of salt, 20 startae of wheat, and 38 startae of millet. 8 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2554) orders abbot Elias Magnan to compel testimony about thefts of goods by familiars. 8 Jun 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2555) orders him to seize the accounts of administrators. 13 Apr 1347 (Coll. 497, 32v) successor Amanevus de Cassis is obligated to a composition of 1000 fl. for fruits of the vacancy. 3 Nov 1347 (Coll. 497, 35v–36r) he is obligated to a composition of 3000 écus for spoils. 11 Nov 1347 (IM 5282) note of the obligation sent to the collector. 9 Jul 1349 (Coll. 497, 41v) the next successor Bernardus de Cassis (Case no. 166) adopts the obligations for 1000 fl. and 3000 écus. 3 Oct 1352 (Coll. 497, 49r) obligation of the next successor, Amanevus de Apta. 5 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1179) Amanevus de Apta, who has settled for the spoils of his three predecessors, may freely dispose of them. No. 1069 [olim 931] Petrus de Luna bishop of Urgell Formerly precentor of Girona, LL.D.; bishop from 1365; died 1370. 1370 (Coll. 479, 1r–16v) inventory and sales by Joannes Andressa, collector of Aragon. 1370 (Coll. 479, 17r–22v) accounts of the fruits of 1370 and revaluation of the bishopric. No. 1070 [olim 934] Petrus de Mandagot chamberlain of the monastery of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes) Died before 1334. 11 Jan 1343 (VQ 5:332) Almeracius Cabrespí pays 170 fl. for spoils reserved by John XXII. No. 1071 [olim 933] Petrus Marcel collector of Portugal Died 30 Mar 1355. Dossier, passim. 1356 (IM 4592, ed. Dossier, 148–149) brief of accounts of commissioner Joannes de Garrigue. 1356 (IM 7288, ed. Dossier, 149–159 and Bibliothèques I, 355.7, p. 200–208) inventory of books by Joannes de Garrigue. 1356 (Arm. 33, to. 19, 34r–36r; to. 20, 23r–24v, ed. Dossier, 134–139) records of collection and sales of spoils. 1355–1357 (RA 191, 479r–524r, ed. Dossier, 74–134) fair copy of the complete accounts of Joannes de Garrigue, including his narrative of piracy. 14 Apr 1356 (IE 282, 21v–22r = VQ 7:173–174, ed. Dossier, 289–290) Cameral record of goods recovered from the piracy of the ship S. Vincent, Joannes de Lordello of Lisboa, master. 11 May 1356 (IM 2054, ed. Dossier, 40–41) draft of a letter to Reginaldus Chauveau bishop of Châlons-en-Champagne (Case no. 1230; Fasti 14:100–102) and master of the royal accounts (Gallia Christiana 9:892–893) ordering him to arrest and detain Michael Petri of Vertus, who had absconded with 6000 fl. of the spoils of Petrus Marcel. 25 May 1356 (Coll. 352, 66r) dispatch of a letter “super facto cuiusdam incarcerati in ipsius domini episcopi carceribus pro 6000 fl. subtractis furtive per eum de bonis quondam domini Petri de Marcello." No. 1072 [olim 935] Petrus de Marville OP bishop of Toulon Bishop from 1395; died 4 Sep 1402. Gallia Christiana 1:751. Gallia Christiana Novissima 5:271–284. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 23, 192r–193v) partial inventory and payments by the collector Simon de Prades. 1405 (Coll. 23, 273v and 275v; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 1) receipts 336 fl. curr., expenses 468, loss 132. No. 1073 [olim 936] Petrus Matthei archdeacon of Mutavedre or Sagunto (Valencia) Died before 26 Sep 1328. 26 Sep 1328 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3688) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale; Petrus died in the diocese of Maguelonne. Oct 1328 (IE 83, 49v–50v; Bibliothèques I, 328.6, p. 115) accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale. 18 Apr 1329 (OS 12, 106r; VQ 1:347) he pays 120 fl. Ped. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12, 137r–138r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale, edited in full. No. 1074 [olim 937] Petrus de Mesenchis abbot of Quarante OCSA (Narbonne) Formerly prior of Murat (Castres); abbot from 1357; died 1 Sep 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:196. 9 Feb 1363 (Coll. 156, 15r) successor Stephanus pays a composition of 10 fr. 1368 x 1374 (Coll. 157, 19r) successor pays 150 fl. of a composition for 300 fl. No. 1075 Petrus de Monte Jay prior of Corenc OCSA (Grenoble) Papal chaplain of honor from 1381; died before Dec 1403. Burns, “Honorary papal chaplains” 169, p. 92. 7 Dec 1403 (RA 320, 72rv) writing from Tarascon, FC orders Joannes Grinde subcollector of Grenoble to stop demanding from the next prior, Guichardus de Chissey, 18 fl. arrears of dues owed by Petrus; the priory is poor and in debt. One Joannes Chicot, then subcollector of Grenoble, took the spoils in payment of all dues. No. 1076 [olim 938] Petrus de Montrevel bishop of Lectoure Formerly archdeacon of Pont-Audemer (Lisieux); notary apostolic, papal familiar; bishop from 1365; died 1368. Gallia Christiana 1:1081. 26 May 1369 (Coll. 353, 226r) chamberlain orders the collector to pay the back wages of the bishop’s vicar from the spoils. before 1370 (Coll. 19, 165v) accounts of collector Geraldus Mercadier. ca. 1370 (IM 2470) payments from the spoils to the Treasury by Geraldus Mercadier. 31 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 217rv; Aubert Calendar 867, p. 437) collector Aymericus Pellicier is ordered to investigate the claim of Germanus de Mauriaco that the late bishop owed him for loans that the executors should pay him. n.d. Mar 1371 (RA 182, 225v–226v; Aubert Calendar 859, p. 433) chamberlain directs Bertrandus Raffin, collector of Narbonne; Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse; Arnaldus de Borda prior of S. Aubin (Lectoure): the bishop earned his own wealth, and willed money to a college at Toulouse and other pious causes; his executors paid a composition of 4000 fl.; and the goods are to be released to them. 6 Feb 1372 (Coll. 358, 27rv; De Cros Calendar I, 55) same content as the last, to the same commissioners, only Sancius Vaquier, collector of Auch, instead of Arnaldus de Borda. 6 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 124r; De Cros Calendar I, 213) Bertrandus Raffin accounts for a composition of 1837 fl. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 104v–108r) accounts of the vacancy by Arnaldus de Peyrat. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. after 1385 (Coll. 35, 261r–262r) remains of spoils collected by Sicardus de Bourguerol. No. 1077 Petrus de Mortiers collector of Gascogne Formerly canon of Bordeaux; died 1 Jul 1394. Fasti 13:392. 15 Jul 1394 (Coll. 371, 71r–72r) commission to Petrus Buade prior of Pont-Roumieu OCSA (Sarlat). No. 1078 [olim 939] Petrus de Narbonne bishop of Urgell Formerly secular abbot of S. Paul (Narbonne); bishop from 1341; died before 13 Jun 1348. Gallia Christiana 6:149. 26 Nov 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1541) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí. 12 Mar 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2154) successor Nicolaus Capocii is permitted to recover jewels and books, etc., willed to the church of Urgell. n.d. (Coll. 116, 54v) arrears of spoils collected temp. Urban V. No. 1079 [olim 940] Petrus d’Olargues OSB bishop of Vabres Formerly abbot of Vabres from 1307; bishop from 1317; died 26 Oct 1329. Gallia Christiana 1:277–278. 3 Nov 1329 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4012) commission to Guillelmus Ruffi canon of Le Puy. 19 Feb 1330 (OS 12, 120v) successor Raymundus d’Olargues (Case no. 1211) pays 300 fl. of a composition for 600 fl. 30 Jun 1330 (OS 12, 128r) he pays 300 fl. No. 1080 [olim 941] Petrus de la Palu OP patriarch of Jerusalem in administration of Couserans M.Theol.; patriarch from 1329, in administration of Couserans from 1336; died in Apulia 31 Jan 1342. Gallia Christiana 1:1135 lacks this name. 13 Jul 1329 (EFR Jean XXII communes 45696) licentia testandi. 10 Apr 1342 (VQ 4:194) Geraldus de la Trémouille, administrator of the Pinhota, assigns money and rings. 1342 (Coll. 30, 146v–150v) Raymundus de Chameyrac collects spoils at Couserans. 17 Jan 1345 (Coll. 168, 46v–47r; Bibliothèques II, 342.1, p. 191–193) goods collected in Apulia by Guillelmus de Rosières, including books. No. 1081 Petrus Pellicier preceptor of Cadoule OSAnt (Maguelonne) Died before Jan 1388. 3 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 160r–161v) commission to collect the spoils, with authority of summary justice to Michael Sarlandi provost of Nîmes OCSA, subcollector of Maguelonne. No. 1082 [olim 942] Petrus de Pinosio prior of Tortosa Died in Curia before Oct 1346. 17 Oct 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1240) commission to Almeracius Cabrespí to collect the fruits of the vacancy a tempore quo fuit suspensus Petrus de Pinosio. 8 Feb 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1314) faculty to Almeracius Cabrespí to collect spoils. No. 1083 [olim 944] Petrus de la Pleine Chassagne OFM patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Rodez Bishop of Rodez from 1302 and patriarch from 1314, retaining the onus et honor of Rodez; died 6 Feb 1319. Gallia Christiana 1:215–217. Calmet, “Pierre de Pleine-Chassaigne” 487–529. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 325–327. Fasti 6:80–83. 15 Sep 1309 (Regesta Clementis V, 4290) licentia testandi. 12 Jul 1317 (Coll. 210, 82v–85r) testament. 1 Feb – 18 Mar 1319 (Coll. 210, 3r–51r Bibliothèques II, 319.1, p. 77–86) inventory, including books. 12 Nov 1319 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 960 and Jean XXII communes 12038) commission to Petrus de la Roche dean of Capdrot (Sarlat). 21 Feb 1320 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 999 and Jean XXII communes 12065) he is directed to cite the vicars and other holders of goods. 26 Feb 1320 (EFR Jean XXII communes 12067) instructions to Guillelmus de Balaeto and Stephanus Dupin, vice-auditor of the Camera (dispatched in March: Coll. 350, 15v–16r) regarding certain goods left in the care of Ivo archbishop of Nazareth. 15 Jun 1320 (VQ 1:471) Petrus Danrocha pays £5029 Tur. gros. 27 Oct 1323 (ed. Bion de Marlavagne, Histoire de la cathédrale de Rodez 260–263) inventory of goods willed to the church of Rodez by the late patriarch. 17 Aug 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26349) Petrus de Castelnau, the successor of Petrus at Rodez, is ordered to restore to Raymundus Bequin OP, his successor as patriarch of Jerusalem, a pastoral staff and documents. 3 Feb 1329 (IM 1088; EFR Jean XXII communes 46251) inventory of goods which Geraldus bishop of Paphos delivered to Petrus de Manso and Arnaldus de Fabrègues of Cyprus. 23 Jul 1335 (EFR Benoît XII communes 2484) interpretation of the licentia testandi granted to the latest bishops of Rodez. 29 Oct 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 115) directs Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret to pay reasonable legacies. 14 Oct 1340 – 22 Nov 1343 (Coll. 145, 321r–325v) brief of accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret for the spoils of Petrus de la Pleine Chassagne and Petrus de Castelnau bishops of Rodez; Petrus de la Vie bishop of Albi; and Amelius de Lautrec bishop of Castres. 29 Dec 1340 (VQ 4:167–168) payment by Raymundus de Chameyrac. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:340) another payment. No. 1084 [olim 946] Petrus de Porta OCist archbishop of Messina Formerly monk of Boulbonne OCist (Mirepoix); archbishop from 1349; died before 23 Dec 1355. 16 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2186) commission to Martialis bishop of Catania. 23 Jul 1356 (Coll. 352, 118r) expedition of the commission to Martialis bishop of Catania, dated 17 May 1356. 1373 x 1375 (Coll. 222, 223r) note of a debt due to spoils. No. 1085 [olim 945] Petrus du Puy abbot of Marmoutier OSB (Tours) Abbot from 1352; died 6 Aug 1363. Gallia Christiana 14:231. 29 Oct 1363 (OS 31, 203rv; Aubert Calendar 190, p. 142) chamberlain limits commissioner Rigaldus Rogeti to a spoils claim of 12,000 fl. 1 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 870) directs Petrus Beumond, Olricus Alberici, and Petrus Bori to cite the successor, cousin Geraldus du Puy, to appear within 30 days to answer for the spoils. 26 Apr 1364 (IM 2339, 9; IE 303, 18v) he pays 1100 fr. of a composition of 12,000 fl. 15 May 1364 (IM 2339, 12; IE 303, 19r) he pays 3000 fl. 23 Jul 1364 (IM 2339, 17; IE 303, 21v) he pays 923 fl. 21 Nov 1364 (IM 2339, 24; IE 303, 25r) he pays 1000 fl. 21 Feb 1365 (IM 2378, 9; IE 303, 26v) he pays 850 fr. 7 Apr 1365 (IM 2378, 14; IE 303, 27rv) he pays 1125 fl. 5, 31 May 1365 (IM 2378, 21; IE 303, 29rv) he pays 1967 fl. and 2110 fl. to complete payment of 12,000 fl. n.d. (OS 23A, 112r) records payment of 8805 fl., 6 s. 8 d. and 1950 fr. in the time of Urban V. 11 Mar 1382 (Coll. 359, 116v–117r; De Cros Calendar II, 1020) Armandus Jausserand, collector of Sens and Rouen, is not to demand arrears of annates from the prior of S. Pierre de la Celle en Brie (Mende), a dependency of Marmoutier: the debts of the priory are part of the spoils of abbot Petrus du Puy. No. 1086 [olim 860] Petrus de Rainzeville abbot of S. Bénigne de Dijon OSB (Langres) Abbot from 1342; died before Nov 1354. Gallia Christiana 4:689 divides this abbacy between Petrus VI, Petrus VII. 24 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1218) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent. 28 Dec 1354 (VQ 7:62) he pays 240 fl., 200 écus. 2 Mar 1355 (Coll. 497, 54v) successor Petrus is obligated to a composition of 1200 fl. 2 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1619) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent. 28 Apr 1356 (VQ 7:132) successor pays 400 fl. 17 Apr 1357 (VQ 7:175) he pays 200 fl. 7 Apr 1358 (VQ 7:220) he pays 200 fl. 5 Oct 1359 (VQ 7:267) he pays 200 fl. 2 Jan 1360 (VQ 7:331; Coll. 231, 118r) he pays 200 fl. No. 1087 [olim 947] Petrus Raussen bishop of Saint-Flour Formerly provost of Lleida, J.U.D., notary apostolic; bishop from 1368; died before 14 Jul 1374. 23 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 35r; Coll. 85, 252r; De Cros Calendar I, 532) commission to Stephanus Arnaldi deacon of Saint-Flour. 26 Sep – 27 Nov 1375 (Coll. 85, 252r–259r) accounts: net proceeds £206.13. 3 Oct 1375 (Coll. 356, 63v; De Cros Calendar I, 582) directs the commissioner to release the grain. 1 Dec 1375 (OS 42, 44r) he pays 50 fl., 40 fr. 1385 (Coll. 85, 266r) a Pontificale from these spoils assigned to the second successor, Petrus de Vissac. No. 1088 [olim 948] Petrus Raymond de Montbrun bishop of Tarbes LL.D.; formerly provost of Agde, papal chaplain; bishop from 1339; died 14 Mar 1353. Gallia Christiana 1:1235. 16 Mar 1353 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 195) commission to Martinus de Gérard. No. 1089 [olim 949] Petrus Retroncini commensal chaplain Died in Curia before Aug 1372. 27 Aug 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 889) commission to treasurer Petrus de Vernols abbot of Aniane. No. 1090 [olim 950] Petrus Richard bishop of Città di Castello Formerly canon of Tours; bishop from 1347; died before Oct 1357. 30 Sep 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3052) commission to Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini. 9 Oct 1357 (Coll. 352, 105r) dispatch of a commission dated 30 Sep 1357 to Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini. No. 1091 Petrus de Rippa rector of Retiers (Rennes) Died before Sep 1403. 18 Sep 1403 (RA 306, 63rv) FC directs Andreas Figuli Lic.Decr., rector of Brigne (Angers) (Fasti 7:212) and subcollector of Nantes, to collect the spoils, taking advice from the servants of Petrus and allowing his heirs to take the patrimonial goods. No. 1092 [olim 951] Petrus de Rocafolio abbot of S. Guillem du Desert OSB (Lodève) Abbot from 1370; died 26 Mar 1374. Gallia Christiana 6:597. 1368 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 185v) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts, because the successor made a composition in the Camera. No. 1093 [olim 952] Petrus Roccasalva de Soliers OP bishop of Nice Bishop from 1371; died 31 Aug 1379. (Possibly identical with Roccasalva de Soleriis, OP provincial of Provence.) Gallia Christiana 3:1288. 1379 (Coll. 480, 12r–22v; Bibliothèques II, 379.7, p. 440–441) inventory and accounts by Geraldus Mercadier. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC urges the collector to take spoils, and demands accounts. No. 1094 [olim 955] Petrus de Rochefort bishop of Carcassonne Bishop from 1300; died 31 Mar 1322. Gallia Christiana 6:893–895. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 340–342. 26 Feb 1309 (Regesta Clementis V, 4287) licentia testandi. 11 Nov 1316 (EFR Jean XXII communes 1814) licentia testandi. 5 Feb 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1364–1365) orders Hugo d’Engoulême archdeacon of Billom (Clermont) to claim and keep the goods and treasure of the late bishop, and if he is said to have made a testament, the executors should be cited to appear. 8–10 Mar 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1382–1386) Hugo is warranted to give quittances for spoils and ordered to deliver all goods to the Camera; the chapter of Carcassonne is ordered to surrender all to the commissioner, and the executors are not to hinder the collection. 19 Jul 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1473–1478) bids Charles IV king of France to countermand the claims of Hugo Geraldi seneschal of Carcassonne on the spoils; a letter to the king as count of Valois. Both letters are to be carried by Dominicus, reader in theology of the Roman Curia, and Joannes d’Arpadelle canon of Paris. They are to receive the counsel and assistance of Stephanus de Mornay dean of S. Martin de Tours, Petrus Rodier canon of Reims (Fasti 3:482), and Guillelmus de Flavacourt bishop of Carcassonne. 30 Jul 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1482) thanks to Hugo Geraldi seneschal of Carcassonne for his response to the letters sent to him. 8 Aug 1322 (VQ 1:477) Hugo d’Engolême pays 6257 agni, 5520 fl. 3 Sep 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1510–1512) letters to the king and count of Valois. 3 Sep 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1513–1514) commends the diligence of Dominicus, Joannes d’Arpadelle, and Petrus Rodier. 18 Sep 1322 (VQ 1:477) Hugo d’Engolême pays 20,184 fl., 8935 agni, etc. 30 Oct 1322 (EFR Jean XXII communes 16521–16525) orders him to collect from the chapter and pay the executors, restore the books including a Bible in ten volumes, etc. 10 Jan 1323 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1583) instructions to Hugo d’Engoulême. 15 Jun 1323 (EFR Jean XXII communes 17702) faculty to Joannes de Belna OP, inquisitor of France, and Bertrandus Auriacho, executors, to sell a house in Paris and to found an anniversary Mass at S. Germain-des-Prés from the proceeds. 13 Nov 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2275) quittance to Bernardus Amorosi rector of Moussoulens (Carcassonne). 24 Nov 1324 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2282) grants Bernardus Amorosi powers to negotiate with holders of goods. 1 Aug 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2938) commission to Arnaldus de Verdale and Joannes Regafredi. Aug 1326 x 1330 (IE 83, 44r–45v) accounts of remains of debts by Arnaldus de Verdale. 21 Aug 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3321) Arnaldus de Verdale is to execute the commission alone, since Joannes Regafredi is otherwise occupied. 27 Dec 1331 (OS 12, 137r–138r) quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. 10 Dec 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 246; EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1163) commission to Raymundus Flori canon of Urgell and Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida to finish the process of Arnaldus de Verdale and Bernardus de Péret. No. 1095 [olim 953] Petrus Rodier bishop of Carcassonne Bishop from 1323; died at Paris, 25 Dec 1329. Gallia Christiana 6:896–897. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 342, n. 2. 1 Apr 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 19251) licentia testandi. 13 Feb and 15 Mar 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4096, 4117) Rogerius le Fort bishop of Limoges is to take and keep a chest stored in the church of Limoges, and goods found elsewhere in the diocese. 23 Mar 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4135, 4137) commends the successor Petrus de Jean de Moussey, who is seeking the liberation of the goods, to Philippe VI king of France; asks the aid of Petrus Roger archbishop of Sens (Fasti 11:131–132). 11 Apr 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4155) asks the assistance of Guillelmus de S. Mora dean of Tours. 14 May 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4200, 4201) again to Philippe VI king of France and Guillelmus de S. Mora. 10 Jul 1330 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 4249) commission and instructions to Arnaldus de Verdale and Bernardus de Péret canon of Agde. 1331 (IE 83, 202r–245v; Bibliothèques II, 329.9, p. 96–98) accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale, including books. 22 Feb 1331 (OS 12, 138r) Arnaldus pays 1000 agni, 450 fl., etc. 21 May 1331 (EFR Jean XXII communes 53674) orders Petrus de Jean de Moussey bishop of Carcassonne to absolve the executors who have not fulfilled the testament. 28 Jul 1332 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1932) orders Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179) to assign the spoils of bishop Petrus and of his predecessor Petrus de Rochefort to the repair of the cathedral and of rural churches. Arnaldus de Verdale and Bernardus de Péret did nothing on this commission, ditto Raymundus Flori and Guillelmus Mège. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. 1336–1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 217, 246, 479) instructions. 1342 (Coll. 30, 131r) Raymundus de Chameyrac collects £74.17. No. 1096 [olim 954] Petrus de Roya dean of S. Quentin-en-Vermandois (Noyon) Died before 27 Mar 1378. 25 Oct 1379 (IM 2999) bull of Clement VII orders Egidius de Lorris bishop of Noyon and Petrus Aycelin de Montaigut bishop of Laon to compel the dean’s brother Joannes de Roya to restore the goods that he has seized. 25 Oct 1379 (IM 3032) bull of Clement VII ordering the dean’s brother Joannes de Roya to answer to the chamberlain for goods seized. 2 Jan 1380 (IM 3032) the executors of the papal bull, Egidius de Lorris bishop of Noyon and Petrus Aycelini de Monteacuto bishop of Laon, appoint a subexecutor, Joannes, secular canon of S. Barthélemy. 3 Jan 1380 (IM 3032) subexecutor publishes the bull. 4 Jan 1380 (IM 3032) publication reported to the chamberlain. No. 1097 Petrus de S. Rembert collector of Tours Formerly scribe and abbreviator of papal letters; canon of Rennes; archdeacon of Outre-Loire (Angers); rector of Torcé-en-Vallée (Le Mans); died in Curia 1399. Fasti 7:318. 26 Aug 1402 (BnF Lat 5913A, 111r–114r) the collector’s spoils, including some precious vessels deposited in the church of Angers, are assigned by concordat to Louis of Anjou, king of Jerusalem and Sicilia citra Farum (Favier, Finances pontificales 629 and n. 9; and “Galées de Louis d’Anjou” 139 n. 9). No. 1098 [olim 957] Petrus Sardina bishop of Nice Formerly canon of Nice; bishop from 1348; died 8 Mar 1360. Gallia Christiana 3:1287. 25–28 Jan 1361 (IM 4270; Bibliothèques II, 360.2, p. 328–330) inventory and inquest by Guillelmus Digne bishop of Vence, commissioner. No. 1099 [olim 958] Petrus de Saron bishop of Oloron D.Decr., LL.D.; canon of Lescar; bishop of Oloron from 1348; died 4 Dec 1370. Gallia Christiana 1:1273. 13 Feb 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 70) Gaston III Phoebus count of Foix is asked to aid collector Aymericus Pellicier. 2 May 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 196) he is asked to apply pressure on the holders of the spoils. 2 May 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 198) commission to Arnaldus de Caraygue canon of Castelnaudary (Saint-Papoul). 5 Jul 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 292) the count of Foix is asked to aid the new commissioner; an explanation of the reservation of spoils. 18 Jun 1372 (Coll. 358, 60rv; De Cros Calendar I, 122) quittance to the commissioner for goods assigned 2 Jun 1372, with inventory. 18 Jan 1373 (Coll. 358, 140r–141r, 139r; De Cros Calendar I, 263) commissioner ordered to turn over some goods to the count of Foix. No. 1100 [olim 956] Petrus de Savoy archbishop of Lyon Formerly dean of Salisbury; archbishop from 1308; died Nov 1332. Gallia Christiana 4:161–163. 22 Oct 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1565) orders Joannes Oger dean of Beaune to secure the funds which the late archbishop collected for the Camera in the province of Lyon, either from the heirs or from the present archbishop Guillelmus de Sure. 12 Aug 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7585) Joannes Oger orders the present archbishop to render accounts of decima and spoils. No. 1101 [olim 851] Petrus Seguier bishop of Elne Bishop from 1342; died 18 Sep 1346. Gallia Christiana 6:1058. 19 Sep 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2810) Almeracius Cabrespí is commissioned to investigate: Petrus rendered no account of the spoils of his predecessor Guido de Terrena (Case no. 447). 12 Oct 1346 (VQ 5:525) Almeracius Cabrespí, collector of Tarragona and Zaragoza, pays £137 Barc. Nov 1346 (Coll. 497, 30v) successor Bernardus Hugues Fournier is obligated to a composition of 1100 fl. 12 Jan 1347 (IE 248; VQ 5:380; Bibliothèques II, 346.6, p. 205–206) executors pay 1000 fl. composition, partly in books. 10 Feb 1347 (VQ 5:381) successor pays 550 fl. 5 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:389–390) he pays 550 fl. before Oct 1348 (Coll. 113, 89r–98r) debts collected by Almeracius Cabrespí in the accounts of his nephew Joannes Cabrespí. No. 1102 [olim 959] Petrus Sicard rector of Combrouze (Rodez), papal penitentiary Died before Dec 1350. Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 338 n. 368. 9 Dec 1350 (VQ 5:443) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 6 fl. for goods. No. 1103 [olim 961] Petrus Stanislas bishop of Kraków Bishop from 1347; died 6 Jun 1348. 13 Sep 1349 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2062) commission to Arnaldus de Caucina scholasticus of Kraków. No. 1104 [olim 963] Petrus de Tallisata Died in Curia before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 50 fl. No. 1105 Petrus de Tarascon secular prior of Lescure-Jaoul (Rodez), collector of Toulouse and Auch Canon of Mirepoix, dean of Isle-Jourdain (Lombez); died before Jun 1396. 20 Jun 1396 (Coll. 372, 55r; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 11) commissioner should pay off the valet of the late collector. 10 Jan 1397 (Coll. 372, 76v–77r) FC orders Petrus du Pont to pay the late collector’s debt of 371 fr., 15 gros. 10 Dec 1403 (RA 320, 75v) FC declares that the collector’s spoils were reserved and collected, and no further demands are to be made on his benefice, the secular priory of Lescure-Jaoul (Rodez). No. 1106 [olim 964] Petrus de Tegula Died in Curia 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 50 fl. from goods. No. 1107 [olim 965] Petrus de Teutonico OFM bishop of Patti-Lipari Bishop from 1346; died 21 Jan 1354. Alessandri and Pennacchi, “I più antichi inventari” 339. 24 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 199) commission to Martialis bishop of Catania. 12 Apr 1356 (Coll. 352, 117r) dispatch of commission to Martialis bishop of Catania. No. 1108 [olim 966] Petrus Tholoni provost of Lleida Died before Feb 1372. 4 Feb 1372 (Coll. 358, 26r; De Cros Calendar I, 54) note that Petrus Borrier, collector of Aragon, was ordered to restore to the executors 300 fl. for which they had compounded. 9 Aug 1378 (OS 42, 129v) quittance to Arnaldus André, collector of Narbonne, for 60 fr. for a Decretales which he bought from these spoils in the papal treasure. No. 1109 Petrus Tilhin canon of Mende, dean of S. Félix (Toulouse), collector of Toulouse Lic.Decr.; rector of Montberon (Toulouse); died before Oct 1412. Favier, Finances pontificales 712. Fasti 8:223. 25 Oct 1412 (RA 341, 81r–84r) 3 letters: goods released to the executors. No. 1110 [olim 967] Petrus Tizon bishop of Périgueux Not in Eubel. Died 11 Aug 1380. Gallia Christiana 2:1478–1479 combines Petrus Dupin (Case no. 1041) with Petrus Tizon as Petrus IV. Rotuli Parisienses 3:356 n., 936. Aug–Oct 1380 (Coll. 37, 20rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 2) expenses of the collector Petrus de Mortiers. 19 Nov 1384 (Coll. 37, 9v–10r) successor Elias Servient is to receive the spoils in consideration of a composition of 300 fr.; the collector notes that he has not collected any. 2 Jul 1386 (Coll. 37, 12v–13r; Favier, Finances pontificales 289 n. 2) collector ordered to proceed against Laurentius Picard canon of Périgueux, who holds goods. 31 Oct 1387 (Coll. 37, 15v) goods left to successor Elias Servient, now deceased, are reserved to the Camera (Case no. 303). 13 Apr 1385 (Coll. 360, 238v; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 2) orders Petrus de Mortiers to collect the remains of spoils for the next successor, who has paid a composition. 25 Aug 1385 (Coll. 359, 216v–217r; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 2, 289 n. 1) collector is empowered to compel the administrators of the diocese to render accounts. 10 Aug 1386 (Coll. 428, 21r–41v) inquest. n.d. (IE 359, 17r; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 2) composition of 400 fl. paid. No. 1111 [olim 969] Petrus de la Tour prior of Charlieu (Apt) Died between 4 Nov 1329 and 3 Aug 1330. 31 Oct 1329 (IM 1136; EFR Jean XXII communes 50736) a paper original letter of chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval, ordering the officialis of Apt to summon Petrus de la Tour and two clerics, his accomplices, to appear before the chamberlain to answer the charge that they violently robbed Bernardus du Puy, clavarius of Noves. The endorsement declares that accomplice Franciscus Raynaud failed to appear on 8 Nov, and the chamberlain declared him contumacious. 3 Nov 1329 (IM 1135) a paper original letter close: the officialis of Apt acknowledges receipt of the chamberlain’s order. 4 Nov 1329 (IM 1137) a similar letter from Stephanus Marroti, chaplain curate of Reilanne (Aix). 3 Aug 1330 (OS 12, 141v = VQ 1:536–537) after the death of Petrus, commissioner Joannes Regis pays 883 fl. Ped., 62 agni, etc. 27 Nov 1330 (OS 12, 134r) successor Cyprianus de Bastita pays 231 fl. 13 Dec 1330 (OS 12, 123v) commissioner pays 350 fl. from the prior’s cousin Raimbaudus. 7 Mar 1331 (OS 12, 139v–140r) successor pays 231 fl. No. 1112 Petrus de la Tour prior of Beaumont OCSA (Gap) Died before Sep 1387. 15 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 80v) FC directs Joannes Joly to release the spoils at the petition of the provost of S. Lorenzo, Oulx OCSA (Torino), on which the priory depends. 21 Oct 1387 (Coll. 362, 104rv) repeats the command of 15 Sep. No. 1113 [olim 968] Petrus Trinci bishop of Spoleto Formerly sacristan of Narbonne, procurator of the college of cardinals; bishop from 1307; died before Feb 1320. 9 Feb 1320 EFR Jean XXII communes 12062) orders Reginaldus de S. Arthémie, rector of the Duchy of Spoleto, to compel holders of the spoils to surrender them to himself and to Joannes Ameil, treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto. No. 1114 [olim 970] Petrus Urgellesii archdeacon of Tortosa Died in Curia ca. 1364. 1364 (Coll. 119, 124r) charges against the collector Fulco Perrier sr. No. 1115 [olim 971] Petrus de Uxua OFM bishop of León M.Theol.; bishop from 1361; died before 5 Mar 1375. 22 Sep 1375 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 3480) asks Charles II king of Navarre not to aid those who seized the goods. No. 1116 [olim 972] Petrus de Valerianis bishop of Mileto Formerly canon of Reims; bishop of Mileto from 1348; died before 28 Nov 1373. Fasti 3:486. Dec 1373 (RA 220, 267v–268r; De Cros Calendar I, 358) order to Golferius abbot of Cava OSB (Salerno) to make an inventory of the spoils. 10 Mar 1375 (OS 42, 7v; IM 2877, 2) successor Thomas de Buccamugellis pays 200 fl. of a 500-fl. composition. No. 1117 [olim 974] Petrus le Vayer abbot of Bourgeuil OSB (Angers) Lic.Decr.; abbot from 1362; died 17 Apr 1371. Gallia Christiana 14:663. 1371 x 1372 (Coll. 257, 443v) collector Guido de la Roche asks if he should collect the wine, the only movable. No. 1118 [olim 975] Petrus Vera OP bishop of Bethlehem Formerly bishop of Zengg from 1346, of Bethlehem from 1347. 2 Aug 1356 (VQ 7:134) executor Petrus Retroncini, commensal chaplain, pays 50 fl. No. 1119 [olim 976] Petrus de Vernols OSB bishop of Maguelonne, papal treasurer Formerly abbot of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne) from 1369; papal treasurer from 1370, and bishop of Maguelonne from 1373; died 3 Oct 1389. Gallia Christiana 6:793–795, 847. 8 Nov 1389 (Coll. 365, 42rv) FC directs Sicardus de Bourguerol, collector of Narbonne, to assign to Guillelmus Vincent LL.Lic. rector of the parish of Cavanhac (Cahors) “duo modia duo molegia bladi et 10 fl. auri.” Nov 1389 (IM 3337, 60) Joannes Joly, collector of Provence, pays 186 fl. Cam. 13 s.; banker Catalanus de la Roche pays 945 fl. Cam. 6 s. 10 d. for silver vessels. 1 Nov 1392 (Coll. 369, 72r) quittance to Joannes Joly, collector. 30 Aug 1396 (Coll. 372, 61rv) Sicardus de Bourguerol is to pay a legacy of 325 fl. to four canons OCSA of Maguelonne, the late bishop’s cousins. No. 1120 [olim 977] Petrus de la Vie bishop of Albi Nephew of John XXII; formerly archdeacon in the church of Narbonne, papal chaplain; bishop from 1334; died 21 Aug 1337. Gallia Christiana 1:25. 3 Dec 1334 (EFR Jean XXII communes 64225; Coll. 1, 3rv) licentia testandi. 29 Aug 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 360) commission to Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret to collect spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 9 Dec 1337 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 386) directs them to keep the balance after funeral expenses. 1337–1343 (Coll. 1, 210 fols.; Coll. 2, 169 fols.; Bibliothèques II, 337.7, p. 129–132) accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret, including books. 23 Dec 1338 (VQ 4:137) Pontius de Péret pays £3172.3.3. 1 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:150) commissioners pay £1347.6.7. 13 Jan 1340 (VQ 4:153) they pay £265.9.3. 14 Jul 1340 (VQ 4:161) Pontius de Péret assigns six rings. 26 Sep 1340 (VQ 4:164) they pay 1 coronat, £84.16.1. 14 Oct 1340 – 22 Nov 1343 (Coll. 145, 321r–325v) brief of accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret for the spoils of Petrus de la Pleine Chassagne and Petrus de Castelnau bishops of Rodez; Petrus de la Vie bishop of Albi; and Amelius de Lautrec bishop of Castres. 27 Nov 1340 (VQ 4:166) they pay £309.0.2. 27 Nov 1340 (VQ 4:166–167) they pay £200. 29 Dec 1340 (VQ 4:167–168) payment by Raymundus de Chameyrac. 10 Nov 1341 (VQ 4:184) he pays 327 écus. 25 Jun 1342 (VQ 5:462) Raymundus Flori collector of Albi, pays from spoils. Dec 1342 – Nov 1344 (Coll. 73, 69r–72v; 105r) Ademarus de Laubrayrie, collector of Albi, receives 144 fl., 84 écus, 28 agni etc. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:340) further payments. No. 1121 [olim 978] Petrus de Vigono canon of Embrun Died before Jun 1350. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 725, no. 179. 27 Jun 1350 (VQ 5:438) executor pays 20 fl. of a 30-fl. composition. No. 1122 [olim 979] Petrus Villain de Paris bishop of Lombez LL.D.; formerly dean of Gap; auditor of the Camera, papal chaplain and familiar; bishop from 1382; died before Mar 1389. Gallia Christiana 13:324. Apr 1389 (IM 3337, 49) executors pay the last 210 fl. of a 400-fl. composition. No. 1123 [olim 980] Petrus Vincent prior of Peterlingen OClun (Lausanne) Died before Jan 1388. 10 Jan 1388 (Coll. 361, 24r) note of instructions by chamberlain FC to Joannes Joly. 4 Feb 1388 (Coll. 362, 179rv) the priory is dependent on the abbey of Cluny, and all the proceeds of the spoils in excess of a debt to the Camera of 1300 fl. are to be released to Cluny. No. 1124 [olim 981] Petrus Vitalis primicerius of Lucca and Genova, collector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany Died between 18 May and 3 Jul 1348. 18 May 1348 (Lucca, Archivio Capitolare, Plut. XI, V 2, ed. Blume, “Ueber eine juristische Bibliothek” 390–393) inventory of books in testament. 3 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1681) Andreas di Todi appointed collector of the Patrimony. 8 Sep 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1706) he is directed to investigate deposits by the late collector with the Buonsignori of Siena. 1 May 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1989) he is directed to absolve the Sienese holders of goods of their excommunication, and release the city from interdict. n.d. (Coll. 114, 34v) Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga), collector of Castile and León, reports collections to a sum of 150 fl. 1353 (RA 122, 272r; Bibliothèques I, 348.25, p. 179–180) 16 books under the name Petrus Vitalis in the inventory of the papal palace at Avignon, corresponding to the testamentary inventory. No. 1125 [olim 982] Philippus bishop of Isernia Died before Feb 1362. Immediate predecessor of Philippus Ruffini OP; not in Eubel or Gams. 16 Feb 1362 (Coll. 169, 131v) Guillelmus jr. abbot of S. Sofia (Benevento) and collector gives accounts: in auro 175 fl., 1 unc. 9 tar. 10 gran. No. 1126 [olim 983] Philippus abbot of Montevergine OSB (Avellino) Died before Nov 1348. 22 Nov 1348 (Coll. 168, 74v) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 3 tar. for goods. No. 1127 [olim 984] Philippus d’Alençon, patriarch of Jerusalem in administration of Auch Promoted cardinal by Urban VI of Rome in 1378 and despoiled by Clement VII of Avignon in 1379. Formerly archdeacon of Brie (Meaux); bishop of Beauvais from 1356; archbishop of Rouen from 1359; patriarch in administration of Auch from 1375, but the administration and patriarchate were revoked May 1379, and the spoils reserved. Later captured by Clement VII, ca. 1390; died as collector of Tarbes and Oloron, 1397. Gallia Christiana 1:996–997, 9:751–752, 11:81–83. Fasti 2:107–109. 17 Jan 1368 (RA 161, 310–316; Bibliothèques II, 368.2, p. 382–388) inventory of books of Philippus as archbishop of Rouen. Jan 1379 (Coll. 359, 18rv) chamberlain orders Bertrandus de Roffiac abbot of Simorre OSB (Auch) to give the collector the goods and spoils he holds, including those of earlier administrators of Auch. 1379 (Coll. 480, 21r) Petrus Egidii, subcollector of Aix, spent 93 fl. 10 gros. to transport 18 bundles of goods to Aix by pack animals, to Avignon by wagon. 31 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 41rv) Arnaldus de Peyrat collector of Auch, his subcollector in Auch, and Raymundus Bruni, sacristan of Viviers and treasurer to Joannes Flandrin archbishop of Auch, are directed to collect goods. No. 1128 [olim 985] Philippus d’Arbois bishop of Tournai Formerly dean of S. Donatiaan, Bruges (Tournai); bishop of Noyon from 1349, of Tournai from 1351; died 25 Jul 1357. Gallia Christiana 3:228–229, 5:257, 9:1016. 28 Jun 1369 (Coll. 354, 74v–75r) note of a bull by Urban V reserving spoils, with the moderatio. No. 1129 [olim 986] Philippus Blanche archbishop of Tours Formerly cantor of Avranches; archbishop of Tours from 1357; member of the Council of Jean II; died 5 Sep 1363. Gallia Christiana 14:119. Cazelles, Société, politique, noblesse et couronne 284–287. Sep 1364 (IM 2339, 22) Petrus Bori, commissioner, pays 700 fl. 4 Nov 1364 (IE 303, 23v–24r) summary of the debts due for common services and visitations, and quittance to Petrus Bori priest of Saint-Flour, commissioner, for 700 fl. 9 May 1375 (OS 42, 12v) executor pays composition of 113 fl. 23 s. 5 d. to Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours. No. 1130 [olim 987] Philippus de Castiglione archbishop of Reggio (Calabria) Formerly canon of Cosenza; archbishop from 1354; died before Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357 by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 1131 [olim 988] Philippus Gaston archbishop of Bordeaux LL.Prof.; formerly canon of Tournai; bishop of Sion from 1338, of Nicosia from 1342; archbishop of Bordeaux from 1360; died before 26 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:836 and 12:745. Fasti 13:166–170. 13 Jan 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7030) licentia testandi. 26 Jun 1361 (Martène-Durand CLXXXVI, 2:1014–1016) Commission to Petrus Domaud de Argendonio canon of Apt to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 28 Jun 1361 (Martène-Durand CLXXXVII, 2:1016) Commission to Guillelmus Guilbert canon of Narbonne, nuncio, copied to Petrus Dupin bishop of Périgueux (Case no. 1041) and to Elias Magnan abbot of S. Sauveur de Blaye, collector of Bordeaux. 2 Feb 1362 (OS 23A, 75r) composition by the executors Raymundus and Aymericus de Chambarlhac for 10,000 fl.; they paid 500 fl. in the time of Innocent VI, and Elias Magnan, collector of Bordeaux, paid 500 leopardi at the same time. 7 Feb 1362 (OS 31, 143r–145r; Aubert Calendar 43 and 44, p. 78–79) note of composition of 10,000 fl. to be paid in three terms by 21 June 1363; and the release of the goods. 30 Apr 1362 (VQ 7:399–400) executors pay 1500 fl. 30 Apr 1362 (OS 31, 144v; Aubert Calendar 72, p. 93) quittance for 2500 fl. to the executors. 18 May 1362 (VQ 7:403) subcollector Petrus Boraci pays 500 leopardi. 23 Jan 1363 (Coll. 497, 81v) executors are granted delay of the payment of 5500 fl. of their composition. 5 Aug 1365 (OS 23A, 122r) subcollector pays Joannes de Garrigue 80 m. of silverware. 7 Mar 1367 (Coll. 156, 41r and 133r) Pontius de Afriano abbot of S. Tiberi (Agde) pays 330 fl. for silverware. 27 Oct 1368 (IE 325, 24rv) executors pay 1885 fl. of composition. 10 Jun 1372 (IM 2676, 40) Fredericus and Marcus de Venetiis pay 500 fl. of the executors’ composition. 25 Sep 1375 (Coll. 356, 56v–57r; De Cros Calendar I, 572) the executors are released from excommunication; the debts were collected along with the spoils of Raymundus de Pradelle archbishop of Nicosia (Case no. 1214). No. 1132 [olim 989] Philippus Hombaldi OP bishop of Girgenti Bishop from 1328; died before 12 May 1350. 1 Jul 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1008; original is Bullarium II, 1, p. 35) commission to Guillelmus Monstrius bishop of Mazzara. 1 Aug 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1045) the same commission. 24 Jan 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1908) commission to Guillelmus Monstrius, now archbishop of Messina. 12 Apr 1356 (Coll. 352, 117r) dispatch of a commission to Martialis bishop of Catania. No. 1133 [olim 990] Philippus de Lancilla bishop of Firenze Formerly secular prior of S. Pietro, Firenze; papal chaplain; bishop of Ferrara from 1349, of Firenze from 1357; died 1363. 7 Jan 1368 (Coll. 353, 92v–93r; Aubert Calendar 457, p. 255–256) Azzolinus de Malavoltis bishop of Siena and Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena are ordered to release the bishop’s nephews from excommunication in consideration of their composition for 1500 fl. 5 Aug 1368 (Coll. 248, 31r) Bartholomeus and Nascius, sons of Simon de Lancilla, pay 300 fl. of their composition. 8 Dec 1369 (Coll. 248, 31r) they pay 200 fl. 30 Sep 1370 (Coll. 248, 31v) they pay 200 fl. No. 1134 [olim 991] Philippus de Limoges notary apostolic Died in Curia Jan 1356. 29 Jan 1356 (VQ 7:128) Geraldus de Puyfaucon, auditor of the Rota, pays the last 40 fl. of a 45-fl. composition. No. 1135 [olim 992] Philippus de Revestro OCSA canon of S. Agricol (Avignon), scribe of the Penitentiary Prior of Gigognan OCSA, then canon of S. Agricol (Avignon), papal familiar; died in Curia before Jun 1348. Bilotta, “Manuscrits peints du pape Jean XXII” 577. 7 Jun 1348 (VQ 5:408) his clerk Stephanus Florentie pays 20 fl., etc. No. 1136 [olim 993] Philippus de Sainte-Croix bishop of Mâcon Formerly dean of Mâcon; bishop from 1360; died 10 Oct 1380. Gallia Christiana 4:1086–1088, 1109. 7 Oct 1380 (IM 5342, 1, 12 fols.) inventory at the order of the dean and chapter. 3–21 Oct 1380 (IM 5342, 2, 34 fols.; Bibliothèques II, 380.8, p. 441–442) inventory of goods and books at the order of collector Guillelmus du Lac. 12 Aug 1381 (Coll. 374, 70v; De Cros Calendar II, 935) Guillelmus du Lac is to pay 300 fl. curr. from the spoils, a debt owed by the pope to Cardinal Joannes de la Grange. 12 Oct 1381 (Coll. 359, 94v–95r; De Cros Calendar II, 965; Favier, Finances pontificales 284 n. 3) collector ordered to receive the composition of the cousin Hugo de Sainte-Croix, and to observe the moderatio. No. 1137 [olim 994] Pictavinus de Montesquiou bishop of Maguelonne Formerly canon of Bazas; bishop of Bazas from 1325, of Maguelonne from 1334; his goods were reserved when he was translated to Albi, 27 Jan 1339. (Later created cardinal, 1350; died 1 Feb 1355.) Gallia Christiana 1:27, 1203–1204, 6:782–783. 2 Feb 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 562) quittance to Almeracius Cabrespí. 29 Mar 1339 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 582; Coll. 229, 28r–32v) the same. 17 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:152) he pays £203.4.8 of debts collected at Maguelonne. 30 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:570) he and his successor Arnaldus de Verdale bishop of Maguelonne pay 175 fl., etc. No. 1138 Pileus da Prata archbishop of Ravenna Formerly bishop of Padova; archbishop of Ravenna from 1370, created cardinal by Urban VI, condemned by Clement VII and his spoils reserved, Sep 1378; defected to Clement VII in 1387, defected to Boniface IX in 1391; died ca. 1400. 5 Dec 1379 (Coll. 359, 106v; De Cros Calendar II, 746) the procurations acquired by Pileus in France and England must be collected from his proctor by Arnaldus de Peyrat, because Pileus accepted creation as cardinal from the “Antichrist Bartholomeus.” No. 1139 [olim 995] Pontius abbot of Villemagne OSB (Béziers) Abbot from 1368; died before Jan 1387. Gallia Christiana 6:409. 21 Jan 1387 (IM 5328) inventory by Raymundus Tessier, subcollector of Béziers. No. 1140 [olim 996] Pontius abbot of S. Volusien de Foix OCSA (Pamiers) Died before 1371. Gallia Christiana 13:182 lacks this name; there is a lacuna 1337–1384. 1371 (Coll. 18, 290v) successor Bernardus Martin pays 433 fl. of a composition for 466 fl. 1371 (Coll. 235, 139v–140v) note of 33 fl. still due. 14 Aug 1372 (Coll. 356, 75r; De Cros Calendar I, 155) chamberlain orders Aymericus Pellicier to compel the present abbot to pay a debt to m. Raymundus Gavarra. 1 Oct 1372 (Coll. 236, 148r, 156v) Aymericus Pellicier reports the composition and remainder. No. 1141 [olim 997] Pontius provost of Maguelonne Died before Aug 1365. Gallia Christiana 1:948. 5 Aug 1365 (OS 23A, 122r) subcollector pays collector Joannes de Garrigue 2 marks. No. 1142 [olim 998] Pontius Auger de Laneis bishop of Cavaillon Bishop from 1311; died before 19 Apr 1322. 17 Dec 1322 – 31 Mar 1323 (VQ 1:479–480) relatives and the successor, Goffridus Isnardi, pay for spoils. 31 Mar 1323 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1658) quittance to Raymundus Gautier knight of Cavaillon. No. 1143 Pontius Barrière prior of S. Jean-le-Centenier OSB (Viviers) Died before Oct 1393. Gallia Christiana 2:345–347. 5 Oct 1393 (Coll. 369, 277r) the reservation of his spoils, addressed to Philippus Salferii, subcollector of Viviers. 18 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 15v–16v; Favier, Finances pontificales 286 n. 5) Andreas Airaud de Chanac abbot of Chaise-Dieu OSB (Clermont), on which the priory was dependent, compounded with the Camera for 2000 fl. 24 Nov 1393 (RV 308, 16v–17r) all the clergy of Le Puy, Mende, Viviers, and Valence are ordered to publish the canonical summons to holders of the goods, which are to be delivered to the abbot’s proctors. No. 1144 [olim 999] Pontius Béraud archdeacon of Les Vaux (Cahors), corrector of papal letters Died in Curia before Apr 1388. Jugie, “Cardinaux et chancelleries” 727, no. 191. Rotuli Parisienses 3:582. Apr 1388 (Coll. 362, 207rv) the executors are called on to settle their account. 1 Apr 1388 (IM 3337, 6) executors pay 800 fl. curr. 6 Apr 1388 (Coll. 362, 212r–213r) the executors and heirs did not pay his legacy of 500 fl. to the Camera, but then they compounded for 800 fl., which they paid. The spoils are released to the executors, and all officers of the Camera are to assist them in collecting. 23 May 1388 (Coll. 362, 222rv) the heirs of Pontius are not to be molested for annates due for his parochial church of Conilhac (Narbonne). No. 1145 [olim 1000] Pontius de Canilhac abbot of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne) Abbot from 1349; died before Oct 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:846. 12 Oct 1361 (VQ 7:361–362) subcollector Bernardus Cabanerii receives the income of the church of Cellanova as part of spoils. 5 Aug 1365 (OS 23A, 122r) subcollector Bernardus Cabanerii pays the collector Joannes de Garrigue 80 m. of silverware de bonis bone memorie dni. P. abbatis mon. Aniane reservatis. No. 1146 Pontius Cavayrac priest, chaplain of honor residing in the Curia Died before Aug 1403. 31 Aug 1403 (RA 306, 57rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 278 n. 3) his heir and executor Joannes Bolhonis declares that he has paid in legacies more than three times the amount left by Pontius, and should owe no more to the Camera. FC so orders the subcollector of Orange. No. 1147 [olim 1001] Pontius Fabri papal scribe Died in Curia before Sep 1360. 9 Sep 1360 (Coll. 231, 98v; VQ 7:299) executors pay a composition of 30 fl. to Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera. No. 1148 [olim 1002] Pontius Ferral OCSA abbot of S. Volusien de Foix (Pamiers) Died before Nov 1346. Gallia Christiana 13:182. Vidal, “La succession de Pons Ferral” 285–300. 4 May 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7034) licentia testandi. 4 Nov 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2929) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). n.d. 1347 (IM 4268; Bibliothèques II, 346.7, p. 206–209) inventory of books. 10 Apr 1347 (Coll. 497, 32rv) successor Bernardus is obligated to a composition of 2000 fl. 31 Dec 1347 (VQ 5:398) he pays 1000 fl. 31 Dec 1348 (Coll. 497, 40r) delay granted in payment of the balance. 15 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:424) successor pays 300 fl. No. 1149 [olim 1003] Pontius de la Garde OCSA bishop of Mende Formerly prior of S. Firmin (Montauban), notary apostolic; bishop from 1376; died before 22 Apr 1387. Gallia Christiana 1:100. Fasti 8:114–116. 16 Jul 1387 (Coll. 359, 229r–230r) chamberlain FC notes that the nephew Pontius de Chaudayraco is obligated to a composition of 400 fr. for goods in an inventory. 19 Jul 1387 (Coll. 362, 57v–58r) 400 fl. worth of gold, silverware, and jewels were kept out of the inventory as the price of the bishop’s funeral and for payment of debts, and so not reckoned in the composition. FC directs Pontius de Cros canon of Le Puy and dean of Billom (Clermont), collector of Mende, to investigate and settle. 22 Dec 1387 (Coll. 364, 117r–118r) the spoils are released to the executors for a composition of 240 fr. Mar 1388 (IM 3337, 1) Pontius de Chaldayraco, chamberlain of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne), nephew and executor, pays 60 fr. Jun 1388 (IM 3337, 10) he pays the last 200 fr. of the composition. 4 Sep 1388 (Coll. 362, 267rv) the officialis of Mende should absolve of excommunication the executors holding goods when they surrender them. 28 Nov 1391 (Coll. 365, 280r–282r) the nephew and executor Pontius de Chaudayraco, chamberlain of the monastery of Aniane OSB (Maguelonne), paid his composition for the spoils, but the subcollector took goods to the value of 240 fr. which Pontius claims back. FC orders Raymundus Manuelli subcollector of Mende and the subcollector of Maguelonne to end all their claims and to assist the executor in collecting the outstanding goods and debts. No. 1150 [olim 1004] Pontius Mitte abbot of S. Antoine Chef de l’Ordre (Vienne) Formerly precentor of Lyon; abbot from 1370; died 1374. Gallia Christiana 16:198. 30 Nov 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7044) licentia testandi. Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8) sale of grain yields 342 fl. 24 s. 26 Aug 1376 (IM 2924, 6; OS 42, 87r) successor Bertrandus Mitte pays the last 1300 fl. of a 2000-fl. composition. No. 1151 [olim 1009] Pontius de l’Orme abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Formerly abbot of Montmajour (Arles), of S. Victor from 1379; died in Curia 1382. Gallia Christiana 1:613–614, 693. 28 Mar 1383 (Coll. 360, 40v–41r; De Cros Calendar II, 1127; Favier, Finances pontificales 252–253) chamberlain directs subcollector Vitalis Guillelmi and sergeant at arms Begotus de Costa to secure the goods at the monastery and its castles without delay. 4 Mar 1384 (Coll. 359, 200v–201r) Vencianus de Cros, chamberlain of S. Victor, and the almoner of Montmajour are ordered to observe the moderatio and grants to the successor Joannes Bonvin. No. 1152 [olim 1005] Pontius Pelaprati canon of Embrun Died before Feb 1346. 20 Feb 1346 (VQ 5:509) Stephanus Plantier, collector of Embrun, pays 34 fl. Flor., 44 fl. Ped. No. 1153 [olim 1006] Pontius de Péret bishop of Orvieto Formerly archdeacon in the diocese of Chartres; bishop from 1348; died in Curia before 8 Oct 1360. 14 Jun 1361 (Martène-Durand CLXXIII, 2:1001–1003) commission to Blasius de S. Gemino bishop of Chiusi and Joannes de Magnavia canon of Agen to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 396 fl., 21 s. 18 Mar 1365 (IM 2393) successor Petrus Bohier requests the return of goods. 18 Jan 1367 (OS 38A, 10rv; Aubert Calendar 427, p. 240) chamberlain orders Guillelmus de Lordat to compel the commune of Orvieto to pay 1500 fl. owed to the late bishop. No. 1154 [olim 1007] Pontius de Rochefort d’Aurose bishop of Saint-Flour Formerly dean of S. Brieuc; bishop from 1374; died 11 Jan 1383. 11 Jan 1383 (Coll. 85, 260r–272v; Bibliothèques II, 383.1, p. 447–449) accounts of subcollector Stephanus Aubert. No. 1155 [olim 1008] Pontius Saturnin canon of Béziers, administrator of works of the papal palace Died before Apr 1349. 11 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:423) Joannes Belli pays 1 fl. for goods. No. 1156 [olim 1010] Pontius de Villemur OClun bishop of Couserans Formerly abbot of S. Antoine de Lésat OClun (Rieux); bishop from 1362; died before 19 Aug 1370. Gallia Christiana 1:1136, 13:212–213. 1364 (RA 157, 47r) licentia testandi, rubric. 30 Jul 1372 (Coll. 358, 72r; De Cros Calendar I, 146) goods collected against a 300 fl. condemnation in the Rota in favor of d. Guillelmus Deura archdeacon of Couserans. 1 Nov 1375 (Coll. 34, 55v–69v) spoils and vacancy, accounts by Guillelmus de la Roche, subcollector of Couserans. 19 Oct 1379, confirmed 20 Dec 1381 (Coll. 359, 100v) Arnaldus de Peyrat sold to Robertus de la Roche for 300 fl. the right to the spoils of Pontius and his predecessor Berengarius (Case no. 144). Jan 1382 (Coll. 34, 104r; De Cros Calendar II, 995) the buyer Robertus de la Roche is empowered to collect the spoils. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. No. 1157 [olim 1011] Pontius de Villeneuve abbot of S. Marie d’Arles OSB (Elne) Abbot from 1394; died 4 Jun 1403. Gallia Christiana 6:1091–1092. before 1405 (Coll. 160, 123v) Joannes de Rivesaltes, collector of Elne, made a composition with administrator Petrus Ros for £100 Barc., plus £50 for the fruits of the vacancy. No. 1158 [olim 1012] Prosperus da Pistoia Died in Curia before Jun 1347. 18 Jun 1347 (VQ 5:390) commissioner Petrus Chautard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 50 fl. No. 1159 [olim 1013] Radulphanus archdeacon of Šibenik Died in 1374. 1374 (Coll. 129, 247v) Raymundus III abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia, now bishop of Padova, collector of Lombardia, pays 12 ducats. No. 1160 [olim 1014] Radulphus dean of Gaye OClun (Troyes) Died in Curia before Jul 1322. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 320 n. 2, 337 n. 4. 5 Jul 1322 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1465) orders Joannes d’Arpadelle canon of Paris and papal chaplain to recover the goods which the late dean deposited with Simon prior of Ancra and chamberlain of S. Martin des Champs (Paris) and other persons. 18 Aug 1323 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 1772; VQ 1:464) Philippus Raynerii of the Bardi company pays 300 fl.; Bertrandus de Narcès pays 600 fl. for his brother Armandus de Narcès, the successor, who bought the spoils. No. 1161 [olim 1015] Radulphus de Castello OESA bishop of Senigallia M.Theol.; bishop from 1370; died before 5 Jul 1375. 11 Aug 1375 (OS 42, 27r; IM 2877, 5) Philippus de Marseille, Florentine merchant at Avignon, pays 620 fr. for the goods left in deposit with him. No. 1162 [olim 1016] Radulphus de Chissey archbishop of Tarentaise Formerly canon of Genève; bishop of Grenoble from 1350; archbishop of Tarentaise from 1380; died before Dec 1385. Gallia Christiana 12:711, 16:249–250. 10 Feb 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 648) commission to Aubricus Raoul and Durandus Clavelli to collect the spoils of Radulphus as bishop of Grenoble. 12 Dec 1385 (Coll. 361, 22rv) commission. 12 Nov 1386 (Coll. 362, 10rv) FC testifies that the silver and silver-gilt ware from the spoils was delivered to the Camera by Amadeus count of Savoy. All excommunications in the case are to be annulled. n.d. (IE 361, 25v; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 4) the papal chapel received a reliquary with two heads of the 11,000 Virgins. 28 Dec 1386 (Coll. 362, 20v) release to the prior and chapter for a mitre, crozier, and ring. 28 Dec 1386 (Coll. 362, 20v–21r) quittance to Amblardus de Bellomonte, domicellus, lord of Grenoble, for debts amounting to 100 fl. collected in the archbishop’s former see of Grenoble. 28 Dec 1386 (Coll. 362, 21rv) Michael Coqueti de Vennone is obligated to pay a debt of 100 fl. 28 Dec 1386 (Coll. 362, 21v–22r) FC assigns the value of remaining arrears in Grenoble, 12 fl., to Petrus Surrelli, rector of the parish of S. Martin d’Hères (Grenoble). 8 Mar 1387 (Coll. 362, 21v–22r = 32v–33r) 300 fl. of the heirs’ composition is released for repairs to the church. 11 Mar 1387 (Coll. 362, 33v) the composition of Amblardus de Bellomonte is reduced to 100 fl., to be paid half by Christmas 1387, half by Christmas 1388. 11 Mar 1387 (Coll. 362, 34r) the composition by Michael Coqueti de Vennone, 160 fl., is to be paid half by Easter (7 Apr) 1387, half by Easter (29 Mar) 1388. 11 Mar 1387 (Coll. 362, 34r) Joannes Basini canon of Tarentaise owed 250 fl. and has paid. 31 May 1387 (Coll. 362, 44r) Antonius de Avise, condominus of the castle of Avise (Aosta), acted as the archbishop’s receiver for two years; his debts are forgiven. 1 Aug 1387 (Coll. 362, 58v) quittance to Joannes Basini canon of Tarentaise, for vessels and spoons weighing 9 m. 4 unc. 6 d. 9 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 73v–74r) Joannes Chicot, collector of Grenoble, is ordered to collect debts there. 10 Sep 1387 (Coll. 362, 77v–78r) Joannes Chicot, subcollector of Grenoble, is directed to pay to Joannes Bermundi, nephew and heir of Franciscus Bermundi, the late archbishop’s sealbearer, 114 fl. 3 gros. due for his services. 23 Oct 1387 (Coll. 362, 108v) Guillelmus Riboti, layman of S. Hilaire, is forgiven a debt of 15 fl. 8 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 165r) Petrus Gay, layman of Grenoble, is forgiven his debt of 15 fl. 27 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 172v–173r) FC directs Joannes Chicot to lift the excommunication from Petrus Ferret rector of the parish of S. Jean des Vaux (Grenoble) for grain not supplied to Radulphus as bishop of Grenoble. 30 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 175rv) FC commissions the officialis of Chambéry (Grenoble) to collect outstanding debts of the late archbishop. 31 Jan 1388 (Coll. 362, 177rv) FC directs the commissioner Joannes Basini to pay Humbertus de Moribus, domicellus of Genève, 52 fl. 8 gros. due for his services to the archbishop. 14 Jun 1388 (Coll. 362, 242rv) FC directs Joannes Basini to transfer 200 fl. to Aimo de Chissey bishop of Grenoble, formerly prior of Mégèves OSB (Genève), toward the archbishop’s legacy of 600 fl. for the construction and endowment of a Carthusian chapel in the major cemetery of Grenoble. 17 Dec 1389 (RA 277, 124v–126r; Favier, Finances pontificales 287 n. 1) the successor at Tarentaise Edwardus de Savoy pays a composition of 4340 fl. No. 1163 Radulphus de Machecoul bishop of Angers LL.Lic., formerly dean of Angers; died 1355. Gallia Christiana 14:594–595. Fasti 7:169. 10 Jan 1356 (RV 242, 157r = EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1893) Petrus Beumond canon of S. Martin (Tours) and an unnamed canon of Angers, nuncios, are commissioned to collect the spoils of the late bishop. No. 1164 [olim 1017] Ranulphus Jourdain provost of S. Etienne de Bassac OSB (Saintes) Died before Nov 1331. 5 Nov 1331 (IE 105, 46r–48v) accounts. 1 Feb 1334 (IE 105, 65rv) assignments. No. 1165 [olim 1018] Ranulphus de Valignac secular abbot of S. Sernin (Toulouse) Died 19 Feb 1376. Gallia Christiana 13:97. n.d. (Coll. 236, 323v–324r) note of collections by Aymericus Pellicier. 1376 (Coll. 235, 144v) successor Petrus Vitalis Blasini is obligated to a composition of 400 fl. No. 1166 [olim 1019] Ratherius von Herzogenbusch dictus Rex Died in Curia before Sep 1357. 4 Sep 1357 (VQ 7:182) executors pay a composition of 30 fl. No. 1167 [olim 1020] Ratherius de Penna provost of S. Salvy (Albi) Provost from 1329; died before Apr 1353. Gallia Christiana 1:50. 8 Apr 1353 x 8 Apr 1355 (Coll. 73, 230r) collector Joannes des Paumes receives 10 fl., 10 écus, etc. before 15 May 1358 (Coll. 76, 75r) account of the next collector Geraldus Mercadier: a composition of 150 fl. was paid by Bertrandus de Penna to Joannes des Paumes. No. 1168 [olim 1021] Raymundus bishop of Coimbra Formerly dean of Coimbra; bishop from 1318; died 15 Jul 1324. 11 Nov 1319 (EFR Jean XXII communes 10657) licentia testandi. 1 Jan 1327 (OS 12, 103v–104r) quittance to Petrus de Brunia, nuncio in Portugal. No. 1169 Raymundus OFM bishop of Fondi Bishop from 1368; died before Jan 1383. 27 Jan 1383 (Coll. 360, 33v–34r; De Cros Calendar II, 1113) the bishop’s spoils were reserved, but his donations to the Franciscan convent of Aubenas (Viviers) are to be delivered to its guardian, frater Petrus de Suco. No. 1170 [olim 1023] Raymundus abbot of S. Michel de Cuxa OSB (Elne) Died 1357. Gallia Christiana 6:1103. n.d. (Coll. 156, 186r) successor Bertrandus is obligated to a composition of 150 fl. 30 Oct 1358 (VQ 7:227) he pays 150 fl. No. 1171 Raymundus abbot of S. Pere de Rodes OSB (Girona) Died before Jun 1355. 18 Jun 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1640) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. canon of Barcelona and Jacobus Massoti, beneficiatus of Girona. No. 1172 [olim 1024] Raymundus abbot of Sorèze OSB (Lavaur) Abbot 1361; died 1361. Gallia Christiana 13:365 lacks this name. 1361 (Coll. 235, 78r) 158 fl., etc., received from spoils. 1364 (Coll. 235, 121r) 190 fl., etc., received. 1371 (Coll. 18, 214r) successor Philippus Crolli pays 181 fl. 4 gros. of a composition of 341 fl. 6 gros. to Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156r) Aymericus Pellicier reports a balance remaining of 159 fl. 1 gros. 9 Barc. No. 1173 [olim 1025] Raymundus abbot of S. Guillem du Desert OSB (Lodève) Abbot from 1349; died 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:597. 1368 x 1377 (Coll. 157, 184v) collector Arnaldus André reports no receipts, because successor Petrus de Rocafolio made a composition in the Camera. No. 1174 [olim 1022] Raymundus d’Aigrefeuille OSB bishop of Rodez Formerly abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne), papal familiar; bishop from 1349; died 22 Jul 1361. Baluze-Mollat 2:413. Gallia Christiana 1:218–220, 6:958. Fasti 6:89–91. 14 Jul 1361 (Archives départementales de l’Aveyron, G 42, 30r–39r) testament. 21 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVI, 2:1041–1042) commission to Joannes de Cavanhac dean of Comostela and Guilolelmus de Cavanhac, clerk of the Camera. 20 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:377; OS 23A, 110r) Fayditus d’Aigrefeuille, the bishop’s brother, executor, and successor, pays a composition of 2000 fl. 31 Jan 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 5224) validates the two chaplaincies founded in the testament. No. 1175 [olim 1041] Raymundus d’Angoulême bishop-elect of Saintes Died in Curia before 1 Jun 1361. Gallia Christiana 2:1078. 1 Jun 1361 (Martène-Durand CLIX, 2:990–991) commission to Petrus Ayraud prior of S. Eutrope OClun (Saintes) (Case no. 1006) and Jacobus Barrau prior of S. Jean extra muros La Rochelle (Saintes) to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 1 Jun 1362 (VQ 7:407–408) executor Guillelmus de la Roche pays 500 fl. composition. No. 1176 [olim 1064] Raymundus d’Apremont de Roquecorne bishop of S. Pons-de-Thomières Formerly monk of Chaise-Dieu; abbot of Gaillac OSB (Albi); bishop of Sarlat from 1318, of S. Pons-de-Thomières from 1324; died 1345. Gallia Christiana 1:53–54, 2:1512–1513, 6:237–238. 7 Aug 1319 (EFR Jean XXII communes 9921) licentia testandi. 21 Jul 1337 (EFR Benoît XII communes 4697) licentia testandi. 19 Jan 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1800) commission to Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5.178–179). 21 Jan 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2284) notice to Morerius de Morières that the spoils are reserved. No. 1177 [olim 1026] Raymundus de Argentico abbot of S. Gilles OSB (Nîmes) Died before Nov 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:500. 18 Nov 1361 (Coll. 497, 76v) successor Arnaldus is obligated to a composition of 200 fl. No. 1178 [olim 1027] Raymundus Athon OCSA bishop of Mirepoix Formerly abbot of S. Sernin (Toulouse); first bishop of Mirepoix from 1318; died 25 Feb 1326. Gallia Christiana 13:96, 267–268. 26 Feb 1325 (EFR Jean XXII communes 21655) licentia testandi. 7 Mar 1326 (IE 83, 65r–86v; Bibliothèques II, 326.2, p. 91–93) commission and accounts of Arnaldus de Verdale, including books. 8 Apr 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2755–2756) orders Arnaldus de Verdale to make an inventory and keep the goods securely; he should release sufficient resources to the successor abbot of S. Sernin, Dominicus. 1 Aug 1326 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 2939–2941) Arnaldus should release to the executors enough of the spoils to satisfy the testament. 7 Jan 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3115; VQ 1:526) Arnaldus de Verdale and Joannes Regafredi pay 1476 agni, 135 fl. 27 Mar 1327 (EFR Jean XXII secrètes France 3195) Arnaldus de Verdale should act alone. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 1179 [olim 1029] Raymundus Barrani OP, commensal chaplain Died in Curia before Oct 1340. 11 Oct 1340 (VQ 4:164) Joannes Maurel, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 97 fl., etc. No. 1180 [olim 1030] Raymundus de Belleria OSB bishop of Vich Formerly monk of S. Michel de Cuxa OSB (Elne); bishop from 1352; died 10 Jun 1377. 10 Oct 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 2229) premature commission to Jacobus de Sirano and Petrus Cavaler. 19 Jun and 4–6 Jul 1377 (IM 2971) collector’s inquest. No. 1181 [olim 1031] Raymundus de Bernadone rector of Rouvenac (Alet) Died before Dec 1336. 15 Dec 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 250) commission to Raymundus Flori canon of Urgell and Guillelmus Mège canon of Lleida. No. 1182 [olim 1032] Raymundus Bernard de Lamothe bishop of Bazas Formerly canon of Bazas; bishop from 1348; died before Feb 1358. Gallia Christiana 1:1204. 26 Sep 1354 (RA 128, 599r) licentia testandi. 19 Feb 1358 (VQ 7:218) executor pays a composition of 50 fl. 27 Nov 1358 (RV 243, 182r) commission to Amanevus de Lamothe archbishop of Bordeaux (Fasti 13:161–166) and Petrus de Scoteto officialis of Bazas. 18 Dec 1363 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 721) orders Deodatus Rotbaldo bishop of Agen (Fasti 5:102–103) and the officiales of Auch and Aix to regain the goods from holders. No. 1183 [olim 1033] Raymundus de Biscotio de Cambavelha bishop of Lectoure Lic.Decr.; canon of Lectoure; bishop from 1383; died 18 Aug 1406. n.d. (RA 325, 197r–198r; Bibliothèques II, 405.8, p. 513–515) books distributed by Joannes Romani, pope’s valet. n.d. (RA 327, 79v–80v; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 5) books and cutlery to Benedict XIII. No. 1184 [olim 1034] Raymundus Bot bishop of Apt Formerly master of the works of Apt; bishop from 1319; died Jan 1330. Gallia Christiana 1:362. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:242–243. 15 Oct 1326 (EFR Jean XXII communes 26735) licentia testandi. 27 Jun 1330 (OS 12, 128rv) the executors were obligated to a composition of 831 fl. remaining after legacies; they paid in full. No. 1185 [olim 1035] Raymundus de Boulbon abbot of Montmajour OSB (Arles) Formerly chamberlain of Montmajour abbot from 1329; died 17 Feb 1348. Gallia Christiana 1:612–613. 20 Jan 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3693) commission to Petrus de Jean prior of S. Remi (Avignon). 28 Feb 1348 (VQ 5:549) Petrus Jean pays £10. 15 Apr 1348 (Coll. 497, 37v; OS 23, 16r) successor Petrus de Canilhac is obligated to a composition of 600 fl. 22 May 1348 (VQ 5:412) he pays 300 fl. 24 Sep 1350 (VQ 5:439–440) priests of Arles pay 50 fl. for grain. No. 1186 [olim 1037] Raymundus de Caunes dean of Tours, collector of Tours Formerly cantor of S. Martin (Tours); collector from 1342; died before Jul 1352. 17 Aug 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5385) commission to Petrus Raymond. n.d. (Coll. 255, 123r–126v; Bibliothèques II, 352.3, p. 299–301) goods held by Petrus Raymond. No. 1187 [olim 1036] Raymundus de Chameyrac bishop of Orvieto, papal vicar in Roma Formerly canon of Amiens, Lic.Decr.; scribe of papal letters; bishop of Rieti from 1342, of Orvieto from 1346; vicar of Roma from 1343; died 20 Aug 1348. Fasti 1:196. 20 Aug 1348 (Coll. 232, 158r–173v; Bibliothèques II, 348.66, p. 268–270) inventory. 26 May 1352 (VQ 5:454) 220 fl. paid. 18–20 Mar 1365 (IM 2393) bishop Petrus Bohier seeks the return of some goods. No. 1188 Raymundus de Colognatis scribe of apostolic letters Died before Feb 1388. 13 Feb 1388 (Coll. 362, 189v) FC directs Sicardus de Bourguerol, subcollector of Narbonne, to pay the debt of 80 fr. claimed by Bonetus de Mayranicis, Jew of Avignon. No. 1189 [olim 1038] Raymundus Dachon OESA bishop of Pamiers M.Theol.; sacristan, librarian, and confessor to Urban V and Gregory XI; bishop of Toulon from 1361, of Fréjus from 1364, of Pamiers from 1371; died in Curia before Feb 1380. Gallia Christiana 1:437, 750, 13:163. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:371–373, 5:248–251. 16 Feb 1380 (Coll. 374, 18rv; De Cros Calendar II, 771; Favier, Finances pontificales 275 n. 6) commission to Arnaldus de Caraygue dean of Castelnaudary, and Arnaldus de Sercimoniis LL.Lic., subcollector of Pamiers, to investigate and collect the spoils. 29 Feb 1380 (Coll. 359, 166r) Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse, should pay a debt of 50 fr. out of the spoils. n.d. (IE 352, 15v; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 7) 145 marks of silverware in spoils. 29 Feb 1380 (Coll. 359, 166v; De Cros Calendar II, 777) collector is ordered to pay a debt of 50 fl. at Pamiers. 9 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 30v–31r; De Cros Calendar II, 803) he is ordered to pay Gilbertus de Dittinghem 90 fl. 11 May 1380 (Coll. 359, 31v–32v; De Cros Calendar II, 804) commission to Audebertus de Sauso provost of Pignans (Fréjus) with a letter close to Aymericus Pellicier. 20 Jun 1380 (Coll. 358, 149r; De Cros Calendar II, 830) commissioner is ordered to pay a debt of 90 fl. to Gilbertus de Dittinghem, papal secretary. n.d. (IE 350, 64r; Favier, Finances pontificales 267 n. 3) commissioner should redeem the bishop’s mitre for 40 fr. n.d. (IE 352, 14v; Favier, Finances pontificales 283 n. 2) books purchased by Bertrandus Raffin and Antonius de Sesto. 23 Jun 1380 (Coll. 358, 149v; De Cros Calendar II, 834) collector Arnaldus Pellicier canon of Albi is ordered to collect only 300 fr. and end his execution; the remaining spoils will not cover the debts or even the cost of the funeral. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) chamberlain PC demands accounts. 1380 (Coll. 235, 144v) “Nihil fuit receptum quia gentes comitis Fuxi omnia receperunt de facto” and an auditor’s marginal note: “at quare non fuerunt facti processus soliti per Cameram?” n.d. (Coll. 236, 324r) “Dominus [Gaston III Phoebus] comes Fuxi debet omnia bona et spolia . . . que recepit sine extimatione sua propria auctoritate.” No. 1190 Raymundus Donarelli dean of Carennac OClun (Cahors) Died before Oct 1391. 25 Oct 1391 (Coll. 365, 264r–265r) this deanery was a dependency of the monastery of Aurillac OSB (Saint-Flour). Joannes de Securo, subcollector of Rodez, is directed to determine the question of a debt owed by the late dean to the abbey. No. 1191 [olim 1039] Raymundus de Durfort bishop of Périgueux Formerly archdeacon of Périgueux; bishop from 1314; died 1 May 1341. Gallia Christiana 2:1477. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 337 n. 7. 11 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 820) reservation in anticipation of death. 9 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 837; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3080) commission to Joannes Bertrand and Guillelmus Ruffi. 30 May 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9204) processes by commissioners against holders of the goods. 9 Jun 1341 (Coll. 428, 3r–15r) inquest by Joannes Bertrand and Guillelmus Ruffi. 1 May 1341 (Coll. 197, 12r–18v) accounts of vacancy by Joannes Bertrand and Guillelmus Ruffi. 18 Jul – 28 Jul 1341 (EFR Benoît XII communes 9211–9216; IM 1575–1582) warning by commissioners Joannes Bertrand and Berengarius Blasin against holders of goods; protest by nephews on the ground of custom. 8 Aug 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 873; Benoît XII closes pays autres 3156) orders executors to hold goods for commissioners. 1 Dec 1341 (VQ 4:185) nephews’ deposits with cardinal Galhardus de Lamothe paid to the Camera: 3249 reg., 1150 écus. n.d. 1342 (OS 19, 111v–112v; Bibliothèques II, 341.2, p. 180–183) books delivered to the Camera. 27 Sep 1342 (OS 19, 471) commissioners assign four rings. 28 Oct 1342 (OS 19, 464–465) Morerius de Morières (Fasti 5:178–179) pays goods deposited at S. Sernin, Toulouse. 1342 (Coll. 30, 151r–152r) accounts of Morerius de Morières. 1353 (RA 122, 261v) books in papal treasure. No. 1192 [olim 1040] Raymundus Ebrardi bishop of Coimbra Former dean of Coimbra; bishop from 1325; died before 3 Jul 1333. 23 Apr 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 28503) licentia testandi. 10 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 869) Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga may absolve the holders of the late bishop’s goods who have made restitution. No. 1193 [olim 1028] Raymundus d’Eyrague precentor of Arles Died before May 1327. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:1415. 17 May 1327 (VQ 1:518) Raymundus de Morières pays £7.16.4 Tur. gros. etc. No. 1194 [olim 1043] Raymundus de Falguière abbot of Joucou OSB (Alet) Died before Jul 1406. Gallia Christiana 6:289 lacks this name. 1403 x 1406 (Coll. 159, 94v–97r) Joannes Martin, collector of Narbonne, receives £19.2.4. 17 Jul 1406 (RA 325, 550r–552r) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, recognizes the accounts of Joannes Martin. No. 1195 [olim 1044] Raymundus Foucault abbot of Grasse OSB (Carcassonne) Died before Apr 1363. Gallia Christiana 6:959. 18 Apr 1363 (OS 31, 175v) chamberlain orders collector Joannes de Garrigue to yield the pontificalia to successor Guido. 28 Nov 1363 (OS 31, 207rv; Aubert Calendar 201, p. 147–148; OS 23A) successor Guido is obligated to a composition of 1500 fl., noted paid; another composition of 1900 fl. also noted paid. 12 Jun 1364 (Coll. 156, 214v) successor pays 250 fl. No. 1196 [olim 1045] Raymundus Garcia canon of Comminges, subcollector of Comminges Died before Oct 1373. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 252r) Aymericus Pellicier, collector of Toulouse, reports 10 fl. 4 gros. 52½ écus still to be collected. No. 1197 [olim 1046] Raymundus Gastón bishop of Valencia Bishop from 1312; died 19 Jun 1348. 4 May 1318 (EFR Jean XXII communes 7120) licentia testandi. 23 Jun 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1679) orders Petrus de Moncellis rector of Inca (Mallorca), officialis of Barcelona, and Jacobus Romaci canon of Valencia to collect spoils. 29 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1699) commission to Antonius de Alpitato canon of Valencia. 7 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:423) commissioners pay 1000 fl. 10 Jul 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2242) orders Jacobus Cyon bishop of Tortosa to investigate injuries done to the commissioner Antonius by the justice, jury, and council of Valencia in the spoils process. 8 Oct 1350 (VQ 5:440) commissioners pay 6000 fl. 20 Jul 1354 (VQ 7:55–56; OS 23A, 97r) they pay the last 1166⅔ fl. 1358 (Coll. 114, 13r) accounts of Fulco Perrier sr. after 1362 (Coll. 116, 63r) arrears of spoils collected, £33.6.8 Barc. No. 1198 [olim 1048] Raymundus Gauserand conversus of Fontfroide OCist (Narbonne), bullator Died in Curia before Jan 1360. 28 Jan 1360 (VQ 7:292) Petrus de Froideville, administrator of the Pinhota, and Hugo du Puy, abbreviator, executors, pay 200 fl., Raymundus’s share of a loss by theft from the emoluments of the papal bull during his lifetime. No. 1199 [olim 1047] Raymundus Geoffroi de Castellane bishop of S. Paul-Trois-Châteaux Formerly provost of Aix; bishop from 1367; died before 10 Nov 1378. Gallia Christiana 1:721–722. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:166, 428, 4:177–184. 8 Mar 1380 (Coll. 359, 23r) all the grain in the spoils is granted to Antonius de Ponte banker. No. 1200 [olim 1049] Raymundus Gileti bishop of Sulcis, collector of Sardegna Formerly canon of Cagliari; bishop from 1349; died before 8 Jun 1359. before 24 Oct 1361 (Coll. 117, 175v) collector Fulco Perrier sr. receives £158.11 owed by citizens of Barcelona. No. 1201 [olim 1050] Raymundus de Gramat OClun bishop of Montecassino Formerly prior of Paray-le-Monial; bishop from 1326; died 26 Jul 1340. 17 Aug 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2851) commission to Geraldus de Laval and Arnulphus Marcellini. 23 Sep 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8325; IM 1523) Geraldus de Laval reports to the chamberlain Gasbertus de Laval on resistance by the chapter and interference by Guillelmus de S. Paulo. 5 Dec 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 8280; Benoît XII closes pays autres 2961; Coll. 95, 1r–2r) commission to Raymundus de Chameyrac canon of Amiens (Fasti 1:196) and Pontius de Péret canon of Chartres. 12 Dec 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 796; Benoît XII closes pays autres 2967–2968) commission presented by the chamberlain. 12 Dec 1340 (Coll. 95, 72 fols.; Bibliothèques II, 340.4, p. 173–179) accounts of commissioners, including books. 1340 (IM 6598) narrative by successor Guigo de S. Germano of spoils and the election of Jacobus de Plumbayrola. 13 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 824) asks King Robert of Sicilia citra Farum to recover goods robbed from commissioners. 17 Mar 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3029) account of the robbery of spoils. 15 Apr 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 831) thanks the king for recovering goods and punishing the robbers. 28 Jun 1341 (VQ 4:179–180) commissioners pay through the Buonacorsi company 15,797 fl., 601 ducats, etc.; through the Acciaioli, 12,998 fl., 601 ducats, etc. 28 Aug 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3172) instructions to Raymundus de Chameyrac and Pontius de Péret. 11 Oct 1341 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 3212) orders them to hold an inquest against accused holders of goods. 26 Oct 1343 (Coll. 168, 14r) debts collected by Guillelmus de Rosières. 29 Feb 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 422) Guillelmus archbishop of Trani should take a sufficient bond for the appearance in the Curia of Benedictus da Piemonte monk of Montecassino, accused of theft of goods, and release him from prison. 21 Jul 1345 or 1346 (Coll. 95, 66r) letter of Raymundus de Chameyrac bishop of Rieti and vicar in Roma, disclaiming responsibility for the books. No. 1202 [olim 1051] Raymundus de Jarjaya prior of S. M. de Mandanays OSB (Gap) Died before Apr 1351. 5 Apr 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 4943) commission to Raymundus Lombard canon of Sisteron. No. 1203 Raymundus Jouve prior of Thémines (Cahors) auditor of the Camera Formerly canon and scholasticus of Périgueux; prior of Thémines; died intestate in Curia before Jan 1322. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 331 n. 5. 26 Jan 1322 (VQ 1:462–464) four chests of liturgical goods taken as spoils. No. 1204 [olim 1052] Raymundus de Lancanta papal scribe Died in Curia before Sep 1357. 27 Sep 1357 (VQ 7:182) executors pay a composition of 25 fl. No. 1205 [olim 1071] Raymundus de Laval archdeacon of S. Céré (Cahors), notary and familiar Died in Curia 9 Aug 1347. 5 Apr 1330 (EFR Jean XXII communes 49104) licentia testandi. 21 Aug 1347 (VQ 5:394) heir Raymundus de Laval and executors Arnaldus de Molières and Gilbertus de Sept-Fons, bullator, pay 500-fl. composition. 15 Sep 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3440) commission to Raymundus des Paumes to collect debts, half for the Camera and half for the heirs. 2 May – 14 Jun 1348 (Coll. 74, 74v–75v, 156r) Joannes des Paumes collects £116.19.9. No. 1206 [olim 1042] Raymundus Lefèvre canon of S. Seurin (Bordeaux), papal treasurer Died Oct 1317. 17 Oct, 20 Nov 1317 (IM 619; Bibliothèques II, 317.8, p. 65–66) inventory of goods including books at Bordeaux. No. 1207 [olim 1053] Raymundus Magistri papal scribe Died in Curia before Jun 1375. Jun 1375 (IM 2877, 4) executors pay a composition of 50 fl. No. 1208 [olim 1054] Raymundus Manuelli subcollector of Mende Lic.Decr.; died in prison at Avignon, 1398. 1396 (Coll. 85, 330r–371v; Bibliothèques II, 396.9, p. 493–497; Favier, Finances pontificales 280 n. 4) goods collected against debts to the Camera: 511 fl. curr., expenses 123, profit 388. No. 1209 [olim 1055] Raymundus Monnier rector of Tarascon (Pamiers) Died before Mar 1377. 10 Mar 1377 (OS 42, 98v) Raymundus Dachon bishop of Pamiers pays the last 50 fr. of a 100-fr. composition. No. 1210 [olim 1056] Raymundus Noulon canon and archdeacon of Aix, collector of Aix Died before Jul 1366. 6 Jul 1366 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2313) commission to Geraldus Mercadier. 8 Aug 1369 (Coll. 354, 75v; Aubert Calendar 772, p. 398) commission to Petrus Olivarii LL.Lic. to hear the plea of Hugo Asani de Signa that Geraldus Mercadier falsely claimed for the Camera goods willed to the nephew of Raymundus. No. 1211 [olim 1057] Raymundus d’Olargues OSB bishop of Vabres Formerly prior of Lavernhe OSB (Rodez); bishop from 1329; died before Oct 1347. Gallia Christiana 1:278–279. 23 Oct 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3549) commission to the officialis of Vabres and Raymundus de Mayrenco, cleric of Saintes. 6 Feb 1348 (VQ 5:401) Raymundus de Mayrenco pays. No. 1212 [olim 1058] Raymundus d’Oppède d’Avignon bishop of Sisteron Formerly canon of Sisteron; bishop from 1310; died before 31 Oct 1328. Gallia Christiana 1:494. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:725–726. 12 Mar 1329 (OS 12, 103r) quittance to successor Rostagnus de Sandran for 500 fl. of a 1000-fl. composition. 21 Apr 1329 (OS 12, 105v) he pays 200 fl. 31 May 1329 (OS 12, 107v = VQ 1:539) he pays 300 fl. No. 1213 [olim 1059] Raymundus Pallaysina canon of Montréal, rector of Gramazie (Carcassonne) Familiar of Cardinal Guillelmus de Aura; died in Curia before Mar 1350. 10 Mar 1350 (VQ 5:434) Rogerius Picarella, the cardinal’s chamberlain, commissioner, pays 38 fl. Flor., 30 fl. Ped. 11 Mar 1354 (VQ 7:48) the goods were said to be confiscated; the arrears of his salary were paid to the Camera by the commissioner. No. 1214 [olim 1061] Raymundus de Pradelle archbishop of Nicosia Formerly canon of Girona; archbishop from 1361; died in Curia before Aug 1375. Aug 1375 (IM 2877, 5) money found in chests in the keeping of cardinal Petrus de Monteruc: 7285 fl. 15 s. 3 d. Sep 1375 (IM 2877, 7) three merchants pay 5823 fl. 49 s. 25 Sep 1375 (Coll. 356, 56v–57r) calls for money held by the archbishop as the spoils of Philippus Gaston archbishop of Bordeaux (Case no. 1131). Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8) three payments to the Camera, total 403 fl. 35 s. 3 d. Aug 1376 (IM 2924, 6) sale of silver yields 4124 fl. 6 s. 3 d. 26 Sep 1376 (Coll. 358, 177v; De Cros Calendar I, 615) utensils granted to Guillelmus de Beaufort viscount of Turenne. 30 Sep 1376 (OS 42, 57rv) Paulus Matthei banker of Firenze pays 1967 fl. 25 s. Cam., 2333 fl. 8 s. comm. for goods. 12 Apr 1380 (Coll. 359, 25r; De Cros Calendar II, 793; Favier, Finances pontificales 268 n. 2) Raymundus bishop of Paphos, collector of Cyprus, is ordered to pay 7000 fl. Cam. to Garnonetus de Abzado knight. 12 Apr 1380 (Coll. 359, 25rv; De Cros Calendar II, 794) he is ordered to pay Fulconetus de Sarvallo, former squire, 200 ducats. 12 Apr 1380 (Coll. 359, 25v–26v; De Cros Calendar II, 795) asks the collector if a due called lapidaria is owed to the chapter of Nicosia. 22 May 1382 (Coll. 359, 120v–121r; De Cros Calendar II, 1034) a letter close asking the new collector to pay the knight the 4000 fl. remaining. No. 1215 [olim 1062] Raymundus des Préz bishop of Clermont Formerly canon of Couserans; papal chaplain; bishop of Couserans from 1329, of Clermont from 1336; died 1 Apr 1340. Gallia Christiana 1:1135, 2:286–287. 1 Apr 1340 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7930) licentia testandi. 9 Apr 1340 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 714) commission. No. 1216 [olim 1060] Raymundus du Puy bishop of Agde Bishop from 1296; died 1331. Gallia Christiana 6:687–688. 13 Jul 1312 (Regesta Clementis V, 8239) licentia testandi. before Easter 1333 (IE 83, 157rv) executors pay Arnaldus de Verdale a composition of £200. 3 Feb 1334 (VQ 1:371) he pays the Camera £200. 30 Nov 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes France 122) general quittance to Arnaldus de Verdale. No. 1217 Raymundus Regordi collector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany Died before Jun 1373. 14 Jun 1373 (RA 220, 247r; De Cros Calendar I, 314) Petrus Arsenh, bishop of Montefiascone, nuncio, is to collect the goods and debts of the collector, who died without rendering accounts. No. 1218 [olim 1063] Raymundus Renouard almoner of S. Victor Marseille OSB Died before Jul 1350. 28 Jul 1350 (Coll. 497, 44r) successor Bernardus Fabri is obligated to a composition of 300 fl. 31 Oct 1351 (VQ 5:449) he pays 100 fl. 29 Nov 1352 (VQ 5:460) he pays 100 fl. No. 1219 [olim 1065] Raymundus de Salgis patriarch of Antioch in administration of Elne D.Decr.; formerly dean of Paris from 1350; papal chaplain; bishop of Elne from 1357; archbishop of Embrun from 1361; patriarch in administration of Elne from 1364; died early Jun 1375. Gallia Christiana 2:925, 6:1059–1060, 7:211. 6 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 25rv; De Cros Calendar I, 499) commission to Bertrandus Raymundi, subcollector of Uzès, and Joannes canon of Tulle. 5 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 36v–37v; De Cros Calendar I, 517) the heirs are obligated to a composition of 500 fl. 5 Jul 1375 (Coll. 356, 38rv; De Cros Calendar I, 518, 519) the heirs are empowered to collect, with authority to issue quittances. 20 Aug 1375 (Coll. 356, 43v; De Cros Calendar I, 551) cancels debt of domicellus Arnaldus de Montrial, 108 fr. 24 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 22v) heir Petrus de Salgis pays 250 fl. of the composition with books and horses, 117 fl. cash. n.d. (Coll. 235, 145r) Aymericus Pellicier reports that the accounts were not prepared by the late subcollector; an auditor’s marginal note: “Non videtur sufficere ista excusio quoniam collector debuisti in hiis diligenter adhibere et supplere illud quod subcollector non potuit facere.” n.d. (Coll. 236, 323v, 324r) Aymericus Pellicier notes collections and arrears. No. 1220 [olim 1066] Raymundus de Salis domicellus and familiar of Benedict XII Died in Curia before Oct 1340. 13 Oct 1340 (VQ 4:164) Guillelmus Bos, clerk of the Camera, pays 21 fl. No. 1221 [olim 1067] Raymundus de S. Gemma bishop of Castres LL.D., formerly dean of Burlats (Castres), notary apostolic; bishop from 1364; died 5 Dec 1374. Gallia Christiana 1:69–70. Jan 1375 (RA 220, 289r; De Cros Calendar I, 410) cathedral chapter prior Berengarius, subcollector Guillelmus Franchi, and Bertrandus de Prohinis canon of Arbas are commissioned to secure the goods for executors Raymundus de Senans and Bertrandus Raffin, who have compounded for the spoils. 23 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 23r) Bertrandus Raffin pays 480 fr. Aug 1375 (IM 2877, 5; Bibliothèques II, 374.8, p. 428) Guido de Malsec bishop of Poitiers (Fasti 10:119–124) pays 3 fl. for books. 12 Sep 1376 (OS 42, 86r) executors pay 327 fr. 3 gros. No. 1222 [olim 1068] Raymundus Saquet archbishop of Lyon LL.D.; formerly dean of Beauvais; bishop of Thérouanne from 1334; archbishop of Lyon from 1356; died before 14 Jul 1358. Gallia Christiana 4:168, 9:771, 1560–1561. 23 Aug 1358 (RV 243, 153v) commission to Geraldus d’Arbent obedientiarius of S. Just (Lyon). 2 Jan 1361 (VQ 7:331) commissioner Bertrandus de Cosnac bishop of Comminges pays 80 fl. 17 s. 4 d. for books. 1 Apr 1365 (Coll. 353, 35rv; Aubert Calendar 311, p. 190–191) chamberlain orders collector Aymericus Pellicier to compel payment of 1400 fl. from the spoils to cardinal Egidius Aycelin de Montaigut. No. 1223 [olim 1069] Raymundus de Sérignac abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes) Died Jan 1344. Gallia Christiana 6:477–478. 18 Aug 1317 (EFR Jean XXII communes 4789) licentia testandi. 19 Jan 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 626) commission to Raymundus Flori canon of Urgell. 29 Jan 1344 (Bullarium I, 38, p. 14) the pope orders the treasurers Stephanus Cambarou bishop of Montecassino and Guillelmus d’Aubussac bishop of Fréjus (Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:364–366) to secure goods which have been carried away. 26 Feb 1344 (Coll. 497, 23v) successor abbot Guillelmus is obligated to a composition of 2000 fl. 31 Mar 1344 (VQ 5:346) successor Guillelmus pays 1000 fl. of his composition. 6 Sep 1344 (VQ 5:351–352) he pays 500 fl. 18 Dec 1344 (VQ 5:353) he pays 500 fl. n.d. (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 534) the papal treasurers are directed to seek information about certain missing goods. No. 1224 Raymundus Situal perpetual vicar of the castle church of Le Puy S. Réparade (Aix) Died before Feb 1382. 21 Feb 1382 (Coll. 374, 91v–92r; De Cros Calendar II, 1012) commission to Petrus Egidii subcollector of Aix and Petrus Dominici canon of Notre-Dame de Forcalquier. No. 1225 Raymundus I di Treve abbot of S. Nicolò al Lido di Venezia OSB (Castello) Died before Jun 1353. 29 Jun 1353 (RV 242, 159rv) commission to Raymundus II, his successor as abbot and nuncio, to collect everything belonging to the Camera; his predecessor died without rendering final accounts. 25 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1534) commission to Nicolaus Morosini bishop of Castello, the abbot of S. Cipriano de Murano OSB (Torcello), and Bencivenna de Auximo archpriest of S. Paulo (Rimini). 25 May 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1355) the commissioners are to compel the relatives and servants of the late abbot to surrender the goods. No. 1226 Raynaldus abbot of Santa Mustiola OVall (Siena) Died before Nov 1354. 6 Nov 1354 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1180) Andreas di Todi bishop of Rimini and Blasius Geminelli bishop of Pesaro, nuncios, commissioned to collect the spoils. No. 1227 [olim 1072] Raynerius bishop of Acerra Formerly cantor of Acerra; bishop from 1348; died before 14 Dec 1357. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357, to himself and Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento. No. 1228 [olim 1073] Raynerius prior of S. Salvatore (Bologna) Died 1374. 1374 (Coll. 129, 228r) sales yield 570 ducats 10 s. No. 1229 [olim 1074] Reginaldus abbot of S. M. La Réau OCSA (Poitiers) Died before Aug 1384. Gallia Christiana 2:1346 lacks this name. 12 Aug 1384 (Coll. 359, 223rv) chamberlain directs Joannes François to give the spoils to the successor Joannes in consideration of a composition. No. 1230 Reginaldus Chauveau bishop of Châlons-en-Champagne Formerly bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône, of Châlons-en-Champagne from 1352, killed in the battle of Poitiers, 15 Sep 1356. Gallia Christiana 4:921, 9:892–893. Fasti 14:100–102. 8 Oct 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2417) commission to Androinus de La Roche abbot of Cluny, nuncio. No. 1231 [olim 1075] Reginaldus de Maubernart bishop of Autun, papal treasurer Formerly canon of Liège; archdeacon of Thiérache (Laon); bishop of Palencia from 1353, of Lisboa from 1356, of Autun from 1358; died in Curia 21 Jul 1361. Martène-Durand, CCXVII, 2:1042–1043. Millet, Les chanoines du chapitre cathédral de Laon 439. Gallia Christiana 4:414–415. Fasti 12:133–134. 21 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1042–1043) commission to Petrus de Cuysiac canon of S. Just (Lyon) and Guillelmus Guilbert canon of Narbonne. 24 Dec 1361 (VQ7, 379) Nicolaus Grimaldi de Luca pays 3263 fl. 5 s. 20 Jun 1362 (OS 31, 152v–154v; Aubert Calendar 80, p. 95–97) accounts and composition by nephew and successor Goffridus David Pauteix. 19 Jan 1363 (EFR Urbain V communes 6003 and 6004) quittance to successor for 5712 fl. and silver worth 63 fl., 23 s. Avin.; all holders of goods are to deliver them to the successor. 4 Mar 1363 (IE 303, 10v) successor Goffridus, found in arrears of 147 m. 7 unc. of silver, pays 51 fl. 16 s. 17 Apr 1363 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 367) Jordanus de Haya, procurator fiscal, is ordered to assign the spoils to the successor. ca. 1370 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 24r) collector Bertrandus du Mazel reports receipts at Lisboa of £120, balance due of £146.6.8. No. 1232 [olim 1076] Reginaldus de Moulins bishop-elect of Nevers Formerly archdeacon of Étampes (Sens); elect to Nevers 6 Nov 1359; died in Curia before Nov 1360. Gallia Christiana 12:650. Rotuli Parisienses 2:564, 565 n. Fasti 11:450. 28 Nov 1360 (Coll. 231, 109r; VQ 7:302) executor pays a composition of 100 fl. No. 1233 Reginaldus de Sailleville subcollector of Noyon LL.Lic.; formerly canon of Seclin (Tournai); died before Feb 1391. Rotuli Parisienses 2:338. 8 Feb 1391 (IM 3484) FC assigns 100 fr. from the spoils to Michael Manin, prosecutor of apostolic letters. No. 1234 Ricardus bishop of Anglona Died before Aug 1363. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: The collector of Sicilia citra Farum, Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), sent his subcollectors, abbot Ricardus de Salerno and Dominicus de Sassenorio, who made an inventory that indicated goods worth more than 4000 fl. and instruments of debts owed to the late bishop, but only in general terms. A straw buyer, Nicolaus, a priest of Salerno, took the blame for the swindle by compounding for just 8 fl. which would be returned to him with a share of the profits. Then Ricardus bribed the other subcollector with 70 fl., the cooperative notary with 50 fl., and the approving collector with a copy of the Catholicon, and then carried off all of the movable goods. AA replied that the fraudulent sale should be rescinded, both subcollectors punished, and the collector severely questioned and corrected. No. 1235 Ricardus Bousanville master of the papal chapel Died in Curia at Nice before Jan 1405. 27 Mar 1391 (IM 3489; Favier, Finances pontificales 258) licentia testandi. 1 Feb 1405 (RA 321, 45v; Favier, Finances pontificales 258) some 2,000 écus, deposited with his sister in the convent of S. Catherine at Avignon, taken as spoils. No. 1236 [olim 1078] Ricardus de Drax Anglicus advocate in Curia Died in Curia before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 187 fl. No. 1237 [olim 1079] Rigaldus abbot of Bonneval OCist (Rodez) Abbot by 1374; died before Sep 1381. Gallia Christiana 1:261. 10 Sep 1381 (Coll. 374, 73r–74r; De Cros Calendar II, 949) commission to Guillelmus Amarant prior of Brousse (Rodez) (Fasti 6:158), collector of Rodez. 15 Nov 1381 (Coll. 359, 98v–99r) collector Guillelmus Amarant is directed to give the bearer, Michael de Verger, the 390 fr. 20 s. 18 d. listed in his inventory. 22 Sep 1382 (Coll. 359, 185rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1081; Favier, Finances pontificales 278–280 n. 1) collector Raymundus de Senans is directed to end his processes and lift excommunication from the successor, the prior, and the subprior. No. 1238 Robertus bishop of Lecce Died before Jul 1373. 2 Jan 1374 (RA 220, 272r; De Cros Calendar I, 366) orders Joannes de S. Maximo, collector of Sicilia citra Farum, to observe the moderatio; there has been a complaint by the successor Antonius de Ferrariis. No. 1239 [olim 1081] Robertus bishop of Tropea Bishop from 1322; died before 14 Jun 1357. 14 Dec 1360 (Coll. 169, 105r; Bibliothèques I, 357.5, p. 208–209) goods collected for the nuncio, Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento, 13 fl. No. 1240 [olim 1082] Robertus Le Coq bishop of Calahorra Formerly provost of Soissons; bishop of Laon from 1351, of Calahorra from 1362; died before Sep 1372. Gallia Christiana 9:548–549, but 9:386 lacks this name. Cazelles, Société, politique, noblesse et couronne index s.v. Le Coq. 25 Sep 1372 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 1029) commission to Arnaldus André. 10 Apr 1374 (RA 220, 297v–298r; De Cros Calendar I, 387) the bishop owed a debt of 1000 fl. to Radulphus d’Ailly, chamberlain of Cardinal Robert de Genève, the future Clement VII of Avignon, which was paid in part with more than 30 books, which are listed (not edited in Bibliothèques I); if the estimated value of the books is less than the debt, the balance should be paid to Radulphus out of the bishop’s spoils. 4 Jul 1381 (Coll. 359, 73r–74r; De Cros Calendar II, 930) collector is directed to gather 1000 fl. owed to the Camera. No. 1241 [olim 1083] Robertus Darby rector of a parochial church Died in Curia before Oct 1375. Oct 1375 (IM 2877, 8) 200 fl. paid. No. 1242 [olim 1084] Robertus de Mandagot bishop of Marseille Formerly provost of Yzés, D.Decr.; bishop from 1344; died 1358. Gallia Christiana 1:657–658. Gallia Christiana Novissima 2:314–327. 27 Dec 1358 (RV 243, 184v) commission to Guillelmus de Balma prior of Tarascon (Avignon), nuncio. 5 Apr 1359 (VQ 7:261) executor Andreas Saonis pays 600 fl. 1 Jun 1359 (VQ 7:264) collector Guillelmus de Balma pays 100 fl. 18 May 1360 (VQ 7:295) he pays 300 fl. No. 1243 [olim 1085] Robertus Paynel bishop of Nantes Formerly canon of Orléans; bishop of Tréguier from 1353, of Nantes from 1354; died 23 Feb 1366. Gallia Christiana 14:825–826, 1126. 16 Apr 1366 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2202) commission to Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours. 14 Nov 1366 x 20 Oct 1372 (Coll. 257, 439rv) report of the collector Guido de la Roche: the goods in his inventory were worth less than the debts and moderatio; he could find no agent willing to act in the execution, and did not undertake it himself. Marginal note: “De hoc debuisti petere et optinere licentiam a domino camerario.” No. 1244 Robertus de Saleu archdeacon of Álava (Calahorra), subcollector of Calahorra Died before Feb 1394. 5 Mar 1394 (RV 308, 84v) reservation of his spoils, directed to Jacobus de Rives, collector of Tarragona, Zaragoza, and Mallorca. No. 1245 [olim 1086] Robertus Sustede advocate in Curia Died in Curia before Jul 1375. 31 Jul 1375 (OS 42, 27v) Adam Easton, monk of Norwich, executor, pays 400 fl. composition. No. 1246 [olim 1087] Robertus de Tresk advocate in Curia Died in Curia before Oct 1350. 11 Oct 1350 (VQ 5:441) Goffridus, servant and heir, pays a composition of 60 fl. No. 1247 [olim 1088] Robertus de Vie bishop of Lavaur Formerly provost of Fréjus; bishop of Lodève from 1348, of Lavaur from 1357; died before Sep 1383. Gallia Christiana 6:556, 13:334. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:428. 2 Jan 1384 (Coll. 360, 70v) chamberlain orders Sicardus de Bourguerol, collector of Toulouse, to give the spoils to the bearers, Guido Bonafos and Isarnus Cauderie, papal sergeants. 12 Aug 1384 (Coll. 360, 163r–164r) the chamberlain releases the spoils to fulfill legacies to the Dominican convent of Revel (Lavaur), except 1300 fl. reserved for a school at Périgord. No. 1248 [olim 1089] Rodericus de Oliveyra bishop of Lamego Bishop from 1311; died 1330. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 339 n. 1. 26 Aug 1330 (Coll. 112, 88r–91v; Bibliothèques I, 330.7, p. 116–117) accounts of Guillelmus Bos, including a list of books. 3 Feb 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58224; IM 1210) commissioner permitted to arrange a composition with executors. 17 Mar 1332 (VQ 1:561) they pay 1650 fl. 26 Aug 1332 (EFR Jean XXII communes 58252) the composition agreed between the commissioner and executors. 30 Nov 1338 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 2129; Portugalia pontificia 1, 682, no. 1149) commission to Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga to collect the remaining spoils. No. 1249 [olim 1091] Rogerius d’Armagnac bishop of Laon First bishop of Lavaur from 1317, of Laon from 22 May 1338; died before 1339. Gallia Christiana 9:547, 13:332–333. 29 May 1338 (EFR Benoît XII communes 5825) licentia testandi. 1 Sep 1338 (Coll. 30, 77r–89r) accounts of Raymundus de Chameyrac of spoils at Lavaur. 1 Dec 1339 (VQ 4:151) Raymundus de Chameyrac pays £639.10 from debts. 25 Jan 1342 (VQ 5:462) Raymundus Flori reports collections. No. 1250 [olim 1093] Rogerius de Mirepoix Called dominus; died in Curia before Sep 1361. 17 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:357) Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera, pays 300 fl. No. 1251 [olim 1090] Rogerius de Noerio bishop of Lombez Formerly provost of Toulouse from 1340; bishop of Lombez from 1352; died 1361. Gallia Christiana 13:80, 323. 1362 (Coll. 235, 67r–72v) accounts of Bertrandus de Castanier, collector of Toulouse. 1364 (Coll. 235, 114v–115r) report of estimates of books and remains to be collected. 1371 (Coll. 18, 203v–209r; Bibliothèques II, 361.95, p. 340–341) debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier, 1060 fl. Fran. 22 Nov 1372 (Coll. 358, 139v; De Cros Calendar I, 225) collector Aymericus Pellicier, sacristan of the secular church of S. Jean de Perpignan (Elne), is ordered to pay a debt to the bishop’s brother Joannes de Noerio knight. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147r, 155v) he reports 1060 fl. collected and 482 fl. remaining to be paid. No. 1252 [olim 1094] Rogerius de la Tour abbot of Marcilhac-sur-Célé OSB (Cahors) Formerly abbot of Gaillac (Albi) from 1377, of Marcilhac 1403; died before Oct 1404. Gallia Christiana 1:177 lacks this name. 15 Oct 1404 (Coll. 91, 332r–336r; Bibliothèques II, 404.8, p. 511–512) inventory and narrative by collector Petrus Brengas. No. 1253 Rogerius Villesangues bishop of Oloron Died before May 1394. Elected in 1378, according to Gams. Gallia Christiana 1:1273–1274. 20 May 1394 (Coll. 370, 23v–24r) Petrus de Tarascon should pay from the spoils of the last bishop of Oloron to Geraldus Darlo, domicellus of Genève, 200 fl. of 2503 fl. promised by the seneschal of Provence for Geraldus’s services in Provence to Louis II of Anjou, king of Sicilia citra Farum. No. 1254 [olim 1095] Romanus abbot of S. M. de Muro OSBasil (Lecce) Died before Feb 1354. 10 Feb 1354 (Coll. 169, 50r) commissioners abbot Nicolaus de Morcono archpriest of Casalbatice and notary Jacobus de Jaguto of Benevento report that the successor Hilarion pays as a composition for spoils 21 fl. 2 tar. 8 gran. No. 1255 [olim 1096] Romanus abbot of S. M. de Bondonario OSBasil (Messina) Died 8 Oct 1373. ca. 1375 (Coll. 222, 173v) Dionysius de Murcia OESA archbishop of Messina owes 4 unc. 7 tar. 1 gran. for sale of a mare, which he had taken by custom. No. 1256 [olim 1097] Rostagnus OP bishop of Nice Formerly prior of Marseille; bishop from 1323; died before 9 May 1329. Gallia Christiana 3:1286. 28 Sep 1329 (OS 12, 112v) successor Joannes Artaud pays 300 fl. of a 600-fl. composition. 1 Feb 1330 (OS 12, 119v) he pays 300 fl. No. 1257 [olim 1099] Rostagnus Alziaci provost of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus) Died between 28 Mar and 15 Dec 1338. 9 Feb 1339 (VQ 4:139) successor Bertrandus Gasqui pays 900 fl. of a composition for 1800 fl. 14 May 1339 (VQ 4:142) he pays 400 fl. 17 Mar 1340 (VQ 4:156) he pays 300 fl. 5 Jul 1340 (VQ 4:160) he pays 200 fl. No. 1258 [olim 1100] Rostagnus de Lexis sacristan of Maguelonne Died before Mar 1373. 15 Mar 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1153) commission to Bertrandus Raffin. No. 1259 [olim 1101] Rostagnus de Merindol abbot of S. André Villeneuve OSB (Avignon) Died in Curia ca. Jul 1340. Gallia Christiana 1:879. 12 Jul 1341 (VQ 4:181) commissioner Berengarius Blasin pays 450 fl., etc. 24 Dec 1341 (VQ 4:186) 100 fl. paid, due to Guillelmus Cataroni. 14 May 1342 (VQ 4:338) Eliziarius Cabassol pays 50 fl. owed to Guillelmus Cataroni. 5 Dec 1342 (VQ 4:330) Berengarius Blasin pays 230 fl. through Jacobus de Labroue. No. 1260 [olim 1098] Rostagnus de Mézoargues bishop of Orange Formerly provost of Avignon; bishop from 1319; died before 28 Mar 1324. Gallia Christiana 1:778. Gallia Christiana Novissima 6:102–107. 24 Apr 1324 (VQ 1:487) commissioner Rostagnus de Bonivayleti pays 1000 fl., 37 agni, 4 d. Tur. gros. No. 1261 [olim 1102] Rostagnus de Minulis provost of Pignans OCSA (Fréjus) Died before Apr 1329. 18 Apr 1329 (OS 12, 105r; VQ 1:517) successor Rostagnus Alziaci pays 350 fl. of a 700-fl. composition. 31 Aug 1329 (OS 12, 111r) he pays 350 fl. No. 1262 [olim 1103] Rostagnus de Sandran OCSA bishop of Sisteron Formerly abbot of S. M. de Sablonceaux (Saintes); bishop from 1328; died before 28 Jan 1349. Gallia Christiana 1:494; Gallia Christiana 2:1131–1133 has a lacuna from 1317 to 1365. Gallia Christiana Novissima 1:726–728. 16 Dec 1346 (EFR Clément VI closes France 2998) commission ante mortem to Joannes Regis, scribe of the Penitentiary. 1 Feb 1349 (VQ 5:416) commissioner Guillelmus de Labroue pays 296 fl., etc. 1 Apr 1349 (VQ 5:423) successor Petrus Artaud OP pays 300 fl. of a composition for 600 fl. 2 Jul 1349 (VQ 5:427) he pays 300 fl. 1353 (RA 125, 211v; Bibliothèques II, 349.1, p. 280–282) books in the papal treasure. 3 Sep 1354 (VQ 7:56–57) proctors of the commune of Fourcalquiers pay 80 fl. due as a fine in the late bishop’s court for a riot against the Jews by priests and laity there. No. 1263 [olim 1104] Rufinus de Ficeclo archdeacon of Reims J.C.Prof.; died before Aug 1345. Fasti 3:522. 17 May 1339 (EFR Benoît XII communes 7036) licentia testandi, as canon of Reims. 15 Aug 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 755) commission to Petrus Vitalis primicerius of Lucca to collect from merchants of Pistoia £3000 Tours deposited by the late Rufinus. No. 1264 [olim 1105] Saltarellus canon of Firenze, chaplain of honor Died before Jul 1363. 17 Jul 1363 (OS 23A, 115v) Bonacursus Lapi Joannis merchant of Firenze pays a composition of 800 fl. No. 1265 [olim 1106] Sancius bishop of Oviedo Formerly secular abbot of S. Hilarius; bishop from 1348; died before 10 Feb 1371. 7 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 204v–205r; Aubert Calendar 816, p. 416) chamberlain orders the collector, Arnaldus de Vernols, to observe the moderatio. No. 1266 Sancius de Beaulieu subcollector of Auch Died before Oct 1382. 10 Oct 1382 (Coll. 360, 21v–22r; Favier, Finances pontificales 277 n. 1) the costs of collecting his spoils were given as 1000 fr., while his spoils yielded 700 fl. His heirs were required to pay the difference at 25 fl. per year at All Saints. No. 1267 [olim 1107] Sancius Canalis auditor of the Rota Died before Nov 1347. 14 Nov 1347 (VQ 5:397) executors pay a composition of 80 fl. No. 1268 [olim 1108] Sancius Dull bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin Bishop from 1319; died before Aug 1356. 11 Aug 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2319) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. to collect the spoils, including the award and expenses in the litigation with Vitalis de Blanco bishop of Valencia. 1358 (Coll. 114, 13v) Fulco Perrier sr. reports receipts from spoils and vacancy of £323.1.2 Barc., £400 Jac, 400 fl. 14 Jan 1361 (VQ 7:331–332) a debt owed to the late bishop by the church of Valencia was set by a judicial commission of cardinals at 11,000 fl.; Vitalis de Blanco bishop of Valencia pays 3428 fl. 26 Jun 1361 (Martène-Durand CLXXXIII, 2:1010–1012) the sentence of excommunication and suspension on the chapter of Valencia over the debt owed by them and their late bishop Hugo Fenollet (Case no. 618) to Bishop Sancius is lifted; they have satisfied their debt to the present bishop Elias (Case no. 294). 23 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:378–379) he pays 2143 fl., etc. 24 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:380) he pays 357 fl., etc. 22 Dec 1362 (IE 303, 8v–9r) Vitalis pays 3109 fl. 9 s. and 518 fl. 6 s. 6 d. by hand of his proctor, Arnaldus de Thorono abbot of S. Genis des Fontaines OSB (Elne). 11 Feb 1363 (IM 6274) mention of the reservation of spoils by Innocent VI. No. 1269 [olim 1109] Sancius Lopez de Ayerbe OFM archbishop of Tarragona Bishop of Tarazona from 1343; archbishop of Tarragona from 1346; died 22 Aug 1357. Mollat, “Clement VI et l’Ordre des Frères Mineurs” 259. 28 Aug 1357 (IM 6282; EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2975) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. in anticipation of the archbishop’s death. 31 Aug 1357 (Coll. 352, 87r) the same commission, dispatched by hand of Guillelmus Martorerii canon of Tortosa. 26 Feb 1358 (Cambarou Calendar 11, p. 206) successor Petrus Clasquerin is obligated to a composition of 2000 fl., and must spend 30,000 s. Barc. for repairs to the mensa; the collector Fulco Perrier sr. has paid £800 Barc. as a subsidy to King Pere IV of Aragon. 26 Apr 1358 (VQ 7:220) successor Petrus pays 1000 fl. of a 2000-fl. composition. 20 Jun 1358 (VQ 7:222) he pays 600 fl. n.d. (OS 23A, 108v) note that the successor paid 1600 fl. of a composition, and the collector paid 288 fl. No. 1270 [olim 1110] Sancius Vaquier archdeacon of Bazas, collector of Auch and Bordeaux Died before Jan 1382. 28 Jan 1382 (Coll. 359, 107r–109v; De Cros Calendar II, 1005) recognition of the accounts of Arnaldus de Peyrat, collector of Auch, 1375–1380. late 1385 (Coll. 35, 61r–65v, 64r, 96r–97r, 222r, 325r, 345r–346r, 366r) accounts of collector Sicardus de Bourguerol. No. 1271 [olim 1111] Savaricus Christian abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Died before Jan 1385. Gallia Christiana 1:693. Jan 1385 (IM 3203, 3) Aldibertus Galterii pays income of the castle of Vernet (Digne): 42 fl. 24 s. Jun 1385 (IM 3203, 20) 21 fl. 12 s. paid for a house in Avignon. 27 Jul 1386 (Coll. 364, 26v–27r; Favier, Finances pontificales 263 n. 6) the late abbot owed Joannes Garansoni merchant of Avignon 60 fl. That sum was owed in turn to the abbot by Jordanus de S. Jorio prior of La Canourgue OSB (Mende), who has been excommunicated for failure to pay. Raymundus Manuelli, subcollector of Mende, is ordered to seize the property of the priory. 7 Nov 1392 (Coll. 369, 40r) FC orders the subcollector of Mende to execute the warrant for 60 fl. owed by Jordanus de S. Jorio prior and canon of Mende, who had received that sum to pay an obligation of the late abbot to the Camera. No. 1272 [olim 1112] Saxius Jument de Montesquieu abbot of Montolieu OSB (Carcassonne) Died 9 Nov 1384. Gallia Christiana 6:995–996. Jan 1385 (IM 3203, 3) successor Bertrandus de Palaiano pays 200 fr. of a composition of 533 fr. for spoils and arrears of other debts. Jan – May 1385 (IE 359, 19r, 25r, 34r: Favier, Finances pontificales 347–348 n. 1) successor completes payment for the spoils of Saxius. No. 1273 [olim 1113] Scotus de Linières bishop of Comminges Formerly canon of Toulouse; bishop from 1317; died 4 Jul 1325. Gallia Christiana 1:1101. 25 Oct 1325 (VQ 1:487) nephew pays 212 fl. 5 Sep 1329 (RA 83, 389rv) a Bible from these goods is donated to the newly founded Carthusian abbey of Notre-Dame du Temple (Cahors). 31 Aug 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3945; original is Bullarium I, 104, p. 33) commission to Petrus de Sparzelos canon of S. Radegonde (Poitiers), nuncio. 1 Sep 1351 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5043) commission to Martinus de Gérard. 7 Oct 1352 (EFR Clément VI closes France 5420) the same, to the same. No. 1274 [olim 1114] Seguinus d’Authon abbot of S. Tiberi OSB (Agde) Died before 21 Jul 1361. Gallia Christiana 6:715. 21 Jul 1361 (Martène-Durand CCXVII, 2:1043) commission to Guillelmus Guilbert canon of Narbonne, nuncio; Galhardus de Balasaco, subcollector of Lodève; and Guillelmus Palaysini B.Decr., canon of L’Isle-Jourdain (Toulouse). 1365 (Coll. 156, 41v) prior pays 40 fl. 4 gros. 1365 (Coll. 156, 43v) 20 fl. paid for wine to the Pinhota. 1365 (Coll. 156, 231r) debts of 46 fl. 4 gros. No. 1275 [olim 1115] Sicardus de Lautrec bishop of Béziers Formerly provost in the church of Girona; bishop of Agde from 1354, of Béziers from 1371; died 22 Jul 1383. Gallia Christiana 6:351–352, 691. 2 Aug 1383 (Coll. 360, 56rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1166; Favier, Finances pontificales 252) chamberlain FC directs Arnaldus André, collector of Narbonne, to pay cardinal Guillelmus d’Aigrefeuille, legate in Germany, 1000 fr. from spoils. 25 Sep 1383 (Coll. 360, 59rv; De Cros Calendar II, 1171) collector is directed to observe the moderatio in collecting spoils from the successor, Simon de Cramaud. 17 Dec 1386 (Coll. 364, 31v; Favier, Finances pontificales 272 n. 6) the bishop’s debt to Hugo abbot of S. Guillem du Désert is not to be paid out of the spoils, nor demanded later from the abbot. No. 1276 [olim 1117] Sigfridus Blomberg archbishop of Riga Formerly canon of Riga; archbishop from 1370; died 30 Jun 1374. 5 Apr 1376 (OS 42, 61v; IM 2924, 3) successor Joannes von Zitten pays 200 fl. of his composition. 11 Sep 1376 (OS 42, 61v) he pays 200 fl. No. 1277 [olim 1116] Sigfridus Jonsson bishop of Skara Bishop from 1341; died 1350. 25 Feb 1356 (Coll. 97, 42r–49v; Bibliothèques I, 350.9, p. 194–195) goods among spoils of Emmingus Larsson bishop of Uppsala (Case no. 309). No. 1278 Silvester abbot of Isola Gallinara OSB (Albenga) Died before Nov 1355. 16 Nov 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1828) commission to Maurinus Fieschi canon of Genova. No. 1279 [olim 1118] Simon OFM bishop of Tuy Formerly bishop of Badajoz from 1309, of Tuy from 1324; died Aug 1326. 3 Dec 1324 (EFR Jean XXII communes 21158) licentia testandi for his goods from the church of Badajoz; an appropriate portion of the current fruits of Tuy is to be reserved for his successor, Rodericus Ibañez. 12 Dec 1328 (OS 12, 100 = VQ 1:487) commissioner Berengarius de Landorra archbishop of Compostela pays 120 fl. No. 1280 [olim 1183] Simon abbot of S. Victorián de Arasanz OSB (Huesca) Priest, prior of Taberne OSB (Lleida), abbot from 27 Nov 1338 (EFR Bénoît XII communes 5293); died before May 1363. n.d., temp. Urban V (Coll. 116, 87r) successor Bernardus (confirmed 5 May 1363) pays a composition and damages of £165 Barc. No. 1281 [olim 1119] Simon abbot of S. Symphorien OSB (Metz) Abbot from 1348; died before Mar 1365. Gallia Christiana 13:851. 27 Mar 1365 (IM 2394) inventory made by his executors. 20 Mar 1366 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 2166) commission to Joannes de Heu, elect of Toul (Fasti 17:101–103) (Case no. 758). No. 1282 [olim 1120] Simon de Brosse abbot of Cluny (Mâcon) S.T.D.; monk of Cluny, prior of S. Marguerite (Troyes), of S. Christophe en Halatte (Beauvais); abbot from 1361; died at Paris, 27 May 1369. Gallia Christiana 4:1155. Rotuli Parisienses 1:450, 2:499, 518, 551, 552 n. 28 Jun 1369 (Coll. 354, 74v–75r; Aubert Calendar 744, p. 385) note of a bull of commission. 19 Mar 1371 (RA 182, 239r; Aubert Calendar 851, p. 431) the prior of Cluny and the abbot’s proctor are cited to render accounts of debts owed to the late abbot. Jan 1372 (IM 2676, 40) successor Joannes Dupin pays 300 fl. of a composition for 4000 fl. May 1372 (IM 2676, 3) he pays 500 fl. No. 1283 Simon de Grillans abbot of Ile-Barbe OSB (Lyon) Died at Paris, 6 Sep 1349. Gallia Christiana 4:230. 1353 (RA 125, 210r; Bibliothèques II, 349.8, p. 290–291) books in the papal treasure. No. 1284 [olim 1121] Simon de Renou OSB archbishop of Tours Formerly abbot of S. Nicolas OSB (Angers) from 1356; archbishop from 1363; died 2 Jan 1379. Gallia Christiana 14:119–120, 769. 1364 (RA 157, 47r) licentia testandi, rubric. 11 Jan 1380 (Coll. 359, 11v–12r; De Cros Calendar II, 756) commission and instructions to Harduinus de Bueil bishop of Angers (Fasti 7:175–179) and the canons of Tours. 12 Jan 1380 (Coll. 359, 12v–13v; De Cros Calendar II, 757) commissioners are to secure the debt to the Camera first: 11,292½ fl. 12 Jan 1380 (Coll. 359, 13r–14r; De Cros Calendar II, 758) Guido de la Roche, collector of Tours, should proceed to pay from the spoils to Louis duke of Anjou. 21 Feb 1380 (Coll. 359, 19v; De Cros Calendar II, 772) Nicolaus de Mulley subdean of S. Martin (Tours) commissioned to pay 10,000 fl. from spoils to Antonius de Ponte. 21 Feb 1380 (Coll. 359, 19v–20r; De Cros Calendar II, 773) explanations to Guido de la Roche. 21 Feb 1380 (Coll. 359, 20rv; De Cros Calendar II, 774) to Guido de la Roche: successor Seguinus d’Authon is to be supported from the spoils until the next fruits are paid. 12 Apr 1380 (Coll. 359, 24v–25r; De Cros Calendar II, 792; Favier, Finances pontificales 285 n. 7) 7000 fr. of proceeds, are to be given to Joannes de Murol d’Estaing bishop of Genève. 5 Jun 1381 (Coll. 359, 67r–68r; De Cros Calendar II, 922) successor Seguinus d’Authon should be maintained at the rate of 8 fr. per day until 15 Aug. No. 1285 [olim 1122] Sirellus di Pietro d’Ancona archbishop of Thiva Formerly canon of Patras; archbishop from 1351; died before 15 May 1357. 13 Jul 1357 (Coll. 497, 62v) successor Paulus is obligated to a composition of 3500 fl. No. 1286 [olim 1123] Stephanus OCarm bishop of Calvi Bishop from 1343; died between 22 Jun and 31 Jul 1344. 31 Jul 4 Oct 1344 (Coll. 168, 41v–43r; Bibliothèques II, 344.4, p. 197–198) goods collected by Guillelmus de Rosières, including books. 21 Jan 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1407) asks Giovanna I queen of Sicilia citra Farum not to prevent Guillelmus de Rosières archbishop of Brindisi from collecting a deposit of 1000 fl. from Franciscus di Giovanni merchant of Firenze. No. 1287 [olim 1124] Stephanus OFM bishop of Cuenca Formerly bishop of Porto from 1310, of Lisboa from 1313, of Cuenca from 1322; died before 11 Apr 1326. 10 May 1335 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 869) orders Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga to absolve holders of these and other spoils after restitution. 10 Jan 1327 (OS 12, 103v–104r) Petrus de Brunia canon of Braga pays spoils from Lisboa. No. 1288 [olim 1125] Stephanus bishop of Massa Lubrense Bishop from 1322; died before 4 Apr 1343. 6 Apr 1343 (Coll. 168, 37r) collections by Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 1289 [olim 1126] Stephanus abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Died before Apr 1362. Gallia Christiana 1:693. Apr 1362 (OS 31, 141v; Aubert Calendar 67, p. 91) detailed quittance for silverware to Geraldus Mercadier. No. 1290 [olim 1134] Stephanus Annes Tristão OSB bishop of Idanha Formerly canon of Coimbra; bishop of Idanha from 1356; died before 21 Sep 1358. 21 Sep 1358 (RV 244 K, 144B, number 275) orders Guillelmus Pilot cantor of Lisboa, nuncio, to collect the spoils and fruits of the vacancy. 8 Oct 1360 (Coll. 231, 101v; VQ 7:300) successor Egidius de Viana pays a composition of 1200 fl. ca. 1370 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 176r–180r) remains of spoils collected by Bertrandus du Mazel. No. 1291 [olim 1127] Stephanus Aubert abbot of S. Victor OSB (Marseille) Died before 25 Jan 1379. Gallia Christiana 1:693. ca. 1380 (IM 4746) collector Geraldus Mercadier is admonished by PC to collect spoils. n.d. (IE 352, 16r; Favier, Finances pontificales 282 n. 5) 111 marks of silverware paid into the Treasury. 22 Feb 1380 (Coll. 469, 160v–161r) goods from spoils dispersed from the Treasury. 5 Mar 1380 (Coll. 359, 21v–22r; De Cros Calendar II, 780; Favier, Finances pontificales 271 n. 1) the prior and convent of S. Victor have petitioned for their necessities. 5 Mar 1380 (Coll. 359, 22v; De Cros Calendar II, 781) vicar and prior general granted 60 fl. expenses from spoils. 13 Aug 1380 (Coll. 359, 52v–53r; De Cros Calendar II, 852) Guillelmus Thonerat, magister cerae (Case no. 565), is commissioned to collect arrears. No. 1292 Stephanus Audibert canon of Bourges Died before May 1396. 20 May 1396 (Coll. 372, 50v; Favier, Finances pontificales 254 n. 7) FC orders the dean and chapter of Bourges to assign 20 fr. to canon Bernardus Matthei for his services to the Camera. 1 Oct 1396 (Coll. 372, 66rv) from these spoils and those of Joannes Arnaud prior of S. Maurice La Rochelle OCSA (Saintes) (Case no. 708), Guillelmus Saulet, subcollector of Luçon, is to provide to Joannes Lavergne, clerk of the Camera and treasurer general (Case no. 766), his stipend of £30.8.4. No. 1293 [olim 1128] Stephanus de Bourgueil archbishop of Tours Formerly archdeacon in the church of Tours; archbishop from 1323; died 7 Mar 1335. Gallia Christiana 14:117–118. 9 Feb 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1482) orders Raymundus de Caunes to examine the accounts of the executors. 15 Jun 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1792) commission to Simon Le Maye abbot of Marmoutier (Tours) (Gallia Christiana 14:230–231) to inquire into injuries done to the commissioner, the cantor of S. Martin, Tours, over the pious legacies. 20 Oct 1347 (EFR Clément VI closes France 3528) commission to Raymundus de Caunes cantor of S. Martin to keep the goods for the Camera, since the executors, including the present archbishop Petrus Frétaud (Case no. 1046), have not executed the legacies and administered the goods in the 12 years since Stephanus died. 1347 (Bibliothèque municipale de Tours, ms. 1222, no. 18 and ms. 1265–1266, vol. 4, no. 6) dossier on the execution of the testament. No. 1294 [olim 1129] Stephanus Cambarou OSB archbishop of Toulouse, papal chamberlain Formerly monk of S. Allyre OSB (Clermont); abbot of La Celle (Troyes); bishop of Montecassino from 1343, of S. Pons-de-Thomières from 1346; archbishop of Arles from 1348, of Toulouse from 1350; died in Curia 15 Mar 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:577, 6:238–239, 13:40–41 give the surname Aldebrando. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:665–672 gives the surname Aldebrand. Cambarou Calendar 195–215. 31 Mar 1361 (VQ 7:337; OS 23A, 110v) nephew Petrus Aymé made a composition of 20,000 fl. for the archbishop’s spoils and paid 16,000 fl. sent. within the year. 1 Jan 1363 (Coll. 235, 78r) collector Bertrandus de Castanier, ignorant of the total composition, notes receipts of 1100 fl. from Petrus Ayme, now bishop of Auxerre (Fasti 16:158–163). 26 Aug 1363 (OS 31, 190r; Aubert Calendar 174, p. 130–131) commission to Bertrandus de Castanier to collect the 4000 fl. remaining of the composition by Petrus Aymé from Aymé’s proctor Mattheus de Bardeto canon of L’Isle-Jourdain (Toulouse). 22 May 1364 (Coll. 353, 11v–12r; Aubert Calendar 247, p. 165) collector ordered to gather at least 5000 fl. to complete the composition. 1364 (Coll. 235, 120v) 1276 fl. received from various debtors. 3 Oct 1356 (Coll. 353, 74v; OS 38A, 16v–17r; Aubert Calendar 406, p. 231–232) collector Aymericus Pellicier is ordered to collect 4000-fl. balance of composition in florins of Florentine weight, not current weight. 1371 (Coll. 18, 213rv) remains of debts collected by Bertrandus de Castanier and Aymericus Pellicier: 2039 fl. 9 gros. 1 Oct 1373 (Coll. 236, 147v, 156r) Aymericus Pellicier reports the same receipts, remains of 1276 fl. 11 gros. 26 Jun 1392 (RA 270, 78r; Favier, Finances pontificales 284 n. 1) Clement VII pays the wages of his own servant Geraldinus de Rollecourt with an old debt due to the chamberlain Stephanus Cambarou of 1400 fl. No. 1295 [olim 1130] Stephanus Digne bishop of Vence Formerly canon of Vence, scribe of papal letters; bishop from 1361; died before Dec 1372. Gallia Christiana 3:1223. Dec 1372 (IM 2676, 79) the bishop’s proctor Hugo de Vinariis pays 50 fr. No. 1296 [olim 1138] Stephanus Dupin archbishop of Benevento Formerly vice-auditor, then auditor of the Camera; secular abbot of Le Dorat (Limoges); patriarch of Constantinople 1346; archbishop of Benevento from 1346; died before Sep 1350. Guillemain, Cour pontificale d’Avignon 291–292 n. 77–79. 2 Sep 1336 (EFR Benoît XII communes 3388) licentia testandi. 3 Sep 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2295) commission to Guillelmus Equitanicus abbot of S.M. del Gualdo (Benevento), nuncio (Case no. 512). 7 Nov 1350 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 2325) commission to Guillelmus Stivalis, vice-rector of Benevento. The previous commissioner Guillelmus died 10 Oct 1350. No. 1297 [olim 1131] Stephanus de la Garde archbishop of Arles Formerly archdeacon of Beauvais, papal chaplain; bishop of Lisboa from 1344, of Saintes from 1348; archbishop of Arles from 1351; died 19 May 1361. Gallia Christiana 1:577, 2:1077. Gallia Christiana Novissima 3:672–682. 1361 (Coll. 19, 164rv) spoils collected by Geraldus Mercadier. 5 Mar 1364 (IE 303, 17v) successor Guillelmus de la Garde compounded for the spoils at 3000 fl., witness an instrument by Joannes Palaysini; he pays 600 fl. by hand of Aymericus de la Garde, treasurer of Braga. 20 Mar 1364 (IE 303, 17v) he pays 400 fl. in the same way. 26 Jun 1364 (IM 2339, 15; IE 303, 21r) successor pays 500 fl. in the same way. Jan 1365 (IM 2378, 3) he pays 422 fl. Feb 1372 (IM 2676, 7) he pays 250 fl. No. 1298 [olim 1132] Stephanus Hugues subcollector of Reims Died before Dec 1371. 5 Dec 1371 (Coll. 358, 18r; De Cros Calendar I, 30) Joannes Maubert canon of Cambrai and collector of Reims is ordered to collect spoils against 600 fr. of debts to the Camera. No. 1299 [olim 1133] Stephanus Joannis servant of the Pinhota Died 1348. 27 Feb 1348 (VQ 5:403) brother pays a composition of 110 fl. No. 1300 [olim 1135] Stephanus de Mazerolles prior of Veules (Rouen) Died before May 1355. 9 May 1355 (VQ 7:91) Petrus de Labatat, secretary to Jean II king of France, pays 200 fl. composition. No. 1301 Stephanus Mitri de Salernis prior of the secular priory of SS. Laurent et Vincent Bargemon (Fréjus) This secular priory may have been very short-lived. Died in Curia intestate before Oct 1388. 30 Oct 1388 (Coll. 362, 296rv) on the petition of Rostagnus abbot of San Severino Maggiore OSB (Napoli), now resident in the Curia, all the clergy of Avignon are to summon canonically all holders of the prior’s goods. No. 1302 [olim 1136] Stephanus Mulceo bishop of Lleida Bishop from 1348; died 10 May 1360. 4 Jul 1360 (Coll. 497, 72v) executors are obligated to a composition of 3000 fl. 29 Aug 1360 (Coll. 231, 100v; VQ 7:298) executors pay 1500 fl. of a composition for 3000 fl. n.d. (Coll. 116, 87v–89r) report: collections of £2854.19.3 ob., arrears of £2789.11.6 ob. No. 1303 [olim 1137] Stephanus de Omale OSB bishop of Tortosa Formerly abbot of Case Dieu OSB; bishop of Elne from 1350, of Tortosa from 1352; died in Curia 1356. Gallia Christiana 6:1058–1059. 25 Oct 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2458) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. canon of Barcelona, nuncio. 4 Jan 1357 (VQ 7:169) commissioner Petrus Ruffi pays 1000 fl. No. 1304 [olim 1139] Stephanus Priosi rector in the diocese of Châlons-en-Champagne Died in Curia before Dec 1361. Rotuli Parisienses 1:333 n. 9 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:375) executor Joannes Palaysini pays 100 fl. composition. No. 1305 [olim 1140] Sugerius Gomez archbishop of Compostela Formerly dean of Toledo; archbishop from 1362; died 29 Jun 1366. 10 Feb 1370 (Coll. 119, 98r) collector Arnaldus de Vernols receives 300 maravedis from income due in the diocese of León. No. 1306 [olim 1141] Tasius abbot of Donadula OSB (Forlì) Died before May 1372. 13 May 1372 (Coll. 129, 237r) grain in store yields 23 ducats 18 s. No. 1307 [olim 1142] Tedicius cantor of Badajoz Died in Curia before Mar 1375. 19 Mar 1375 (OS 42, 8r; IM 2877, 2) Mattheus de Maselis, subcollector of Maguelonne, collects a debt of 273 fl. from the commune of Aigues-Mortes and pays the Camera 68 fl. No. 1308 [olim 1143] Tedicius Aliotti bishop of Fiesole Bishop from 1312; died 1335. Mollat, “À propos du droit de dépouille” 336 n. 6. 11 Jun 1335 (IE 145, 2v) commission to Pontius Stephani. 28 Oct 1336 (EFR Benoît XII closes pays autres 1122–1123) reservation and commission to Pontius Stephani, nuncio in the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany. 21 May 1337 (VQ 4:118) successor Filignus Carboni pays 100 fl. of a composition for 200 fl. 21 Feb 1339 – 7 Mar 1341 (Coll. 244, 8v–10v; Bibliothèques I, 335.5, p. 119–125) accounts of Joannes de Perrier. 5 Jun 1339 (OS 18, 28r; IE 145, 57v) Pontius Stephani pays 100 fl. for goods sold to successor Filignus. Apr 1342 (Coll. 244, 97r–102r) safeguard of spoils. No. 1309 Theobaldus bishop of Sarno Died before 24 Nov 1372. 4 Dec 1372 (Coll. 358, 117r; De Cros Calendar I, 236) successor Joannes di Cicco Eriotti is granted the moderatio of Urban V. No. 1310 [olim 1145] Theobaldus de Castillon bishop of Lisboa Formerly cantor of Bazas; bishop of Bazas from 1313, of Saintes from 1318, of Lisboa from 1348; died 28 May 1356. Gallia Christiana 1:1202–1203, 2:1077. Renouard, “Tibaldo di Castillon” 116–133. Dossier, passim. 27 Jun 1313 (Regesta Clementis V, 9404) licentia testandi. 19 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2201) commission to Guillelmus Pilot canon of Braga, nuncio. 21 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2206) commission to Guillelmus Guilbert for goods within the province of Narbonne. 21 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2207) commission to Fulco Perrier sr. for goods in the provinces of Tarragona and Zaragoza. 21 Jun 1356 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2208) commission to Guillelmus Pilot and Joannes de Garrigue for goods in the province of Braga. 15–18 Jan 1357 (RA 133, 370r–371v, ed. Dossier, 164–172) inventories and records of process by Guillelmus Guilbert, collector of Narbonne, seeking goods at Montpellier. 11 Feb 1357 (RA 133, 445r–454r, ed. Dossier, 243–261) inventory by Joannes de Balmis, notary of the royal judge Pontius de Baryaco, of goods recovered from a galley beached at Carnon. 20 Feb – 20 Jun 1357 (RA 137, 28r–47v, ed. Dossier, 261–288) notary’s dossier of the process by Guillelmus Guilbert, collector of Narbonne, to recover the bishop’s goods. 14 Apr 1357 (IE 282, 21v–22r = VQ 7:173–174, ed. Dossier, 289–290) narrative of the piracy and sums of money recovered from pirates and received in the Camera. May – Jul 1357 (Coll. 275, 100r–108v, ed. Dossier, 205–222) examination of witnesses in the process to recover the goods of the bishop. 21 Jun 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2827) commission to Jacobus Barrau prior of the church of S. Jean La Rochelle (Saintes). 17 Feb 1358 (VQ 7:217, ed. Dossier, 290–291) the pirates Joannes Catolli and Franciscus Rolerii of Savona pay their composition of 400 fl. 1 Aug 1358 (Coll. 497, 65r, ed. Dossier, 222–223) Guillelmus Parayre is obligated to a composition of 400 fl. 2 Aug 1358 (RV 243, 148v–149r; minute in RV 244 K, 127A–B, number 241) commission to Gaucelmus de Deux abbot of Psalmody OSB (Nîmes), Bernardus de Rodes canon of Beauvais, and the officialis of Barcelona. They are especially to pursue the investments of the bishop under other names, which may amount to 25,000 fl. 3 Sep 1359 (IE 271, 59v = VQ 7:266, ed. Dossier, 223) Petrus de Laugautru pays 1000 écus of a composition of 8000 écus. 7 Sep 1359 (IE 271, 59v = VQ 7:266, ed. Dossier, 223) Guillelmus Parayre pays 100 fl. of a composition of 400 fl. 4 Dec 1359 (OS 31, 241v–242v, ed. Cambarou Calendar 26, p. 210, ed. Dossier, 225–227) orders the sale of salt taken in part payment of a debt by Petrus de Laugautru. 3 Jul 1360 (IE 293, 28v–29r = VQ 7:296–297, ed. Dossier, 230) salt was sold to agents of Jean II king of France by Petrus de Laugautru for 6000 fl., of which 3000 are paid. 24 Nov 1360 (IM 2199, ed. Dossier, 73–74) Guillelmus Pilot pays £1600.7.3 for spoils to Joannes de Garrigue. 5 Dec 1360 (Coll. 231, 110r, ed. Dossier, 223–224) Joannes de Cruce pays 2000 of the 3000 écus due from agents of Jean II king of France. 1361 (IM 4592, 1rv, ed. Dossier, 148–149) Joannes de Garrigue, collector of Portugal, accounts for receipts: £7750.14.3½. 1 Mar 1363 (Coll. 497, 81v = Coll. 387, 93r, ed. Dossier, 224–225) Petrus de Laugautru renews his obligation for 8000 écus. 26 Mar 1367 (OS 23A, 104r, ed. Dossier, 225) Petrus de Laugautru paid 8000 écus, less 1000 écus owed by agents of Charles V king of France. ca. 1368 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 23v, ed. Dossier, 161–162) Bertrandus du Mazel, collector of Aragon, receives £120 Port., notes a balance due of £96.6.8. No. 1311 [olim 1144] Theobaldus Seyde de Avalone canon of Langres Died before Jun 1375. 15 Jun 1375 (Coll. 356, 52v–53r; De Cros Calendar I, 504, 505) the goods are granted to Joannes de Mello bishop of Clermont in consideration of a composition; Bertrandus de Rochefort knight is the bishop’s proctor. No. 1312 Theobaldus de Villette prior of Allevard OClun (Grenoble) Died before Aug 1384. 22 Aug 1384 (Coll. 360, 162v–163r; Favier, Finances pontificales 273 n. 3) spoils are released to the holders after one of them made and paid a composition for the prior’s debts. No. 1313 [olim 1146] Theodericus de Bardewine Died in Curia before Feb 1354. 1 Feb 1354 (VQ 7:47) Balduinus Richard, sealbearer of the auditor of the Camera, pays 7 écus, 6 fl. No. 1314 [olim 1147] Thomas bishop of Telese Formerly archdeacon of Telese; bishop from 1340; died before 15 Jul 1345. 5 Jun 1346 (Coll. 168, 56v) brother Leonardus pays 3 unc. to Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 1315 [olim 1148] Thomas bishop of Terni Formerly canon of SS. Lorenzo e Damaso, Roma; bishop of Terni from 1323; died before 14 Dec 1357. 11 Jul 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 2869) commission to Petrus Constuci, cleric (Saint-Flour), treasurer of the Duchy of Spoleto; the bishop was still alive. 14 Dec 1357 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 3240) commission to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and Reginaldus de Lupchaco cantor of Auxerre (Fasti 16:462–463). 28 Dec 1357 (Coll. 352, 118v) dispatch by hand of Reginaldus de Lupchaco of a commission dated 14 Dec 1357 to Petrus Dupin archbishop of Benevento and bearer. No. 1316 [olim 1149] Thomas de Florentia papal scribe Died in Curia before May 1352. 27 May 1352 (VQ 7:404) Joannes Sinrane, precentor of S. Didier, Avignon, pays 150 fl. 28 May 1352 (VQ 7:405) Joannes Petri archpriest of S. Didier pays 50 fl. 75 écus, less 10 fl. rent for Thomas’s house owed to the chapter of S. Didier. No. 1317 Thomas Grot canon of S. Timothée (Reims) Died before Oct 1355. 12 Oct 1355 (EFR Innocent VI secrètes 1765) subcollector of thirtieths in Reims, he died in possession of large sums of money and without rendering accounts. No. 1318 [olim 1150] Thomas Guierre canon of Clermont Died before Feb 1380. 9 Feb 1384 (Coll. 359, 195v–196r; Favier, Finances pontificales 284 n. 3) 100 fr. composition arranged with the heirs; collector Pontius de Cros is directed to release the spoils. No. 1319 [olim 1151] Thomas de Lisle OP bishop of Ely Bishop from 1345; died in Curia 23 Jun 1361. 29 Sep 1361 (OS 31, 251v–252v; Aubert Calendar 12, p. 68) 500 fl. debt from Robertus de Nassington, late abbot of Ramsey, collected from his sureties: Thomas Paston LL.D., Guillelmus de Spaldewyke, Guillelmus Marshall, Petrus de Hakenenesse, Petrus de Hackney, Petrus de Bellee, Petrus de Olney, Petrus de Halughton, rectors of churches in the dioceses of London and Lincoln. 30 Sep 1361 (VQ 7:358) Thomas Paston and Petrus de Hakenesse pay 200 fl. of a debt owed by the late abbot of Ramsey OSB. 20 Dec 1361 (VQ 7:377) they pay 300 fl. 23 Jun 1362 (VQ 7:410) Thomas Paston pays 500 fl. No. 1320 [olim 1152] Thomas de Muro bishop of Ancona Formerly papal chaplain and subdeacon; bishop of Cesena from 1324, of Ancona from 1326; died before 18 Jul 1342. 31 Oct 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1207–1208) orders Berengarius Blasin rector of S. Servian (Béziers) to collect a 200-fl. testamentary bequest to the Camera; commission to Joannes de Ripière, rector of the March of Ancona. No. 1321 Thomas de Negrepont OFM archbishop of Thiva and administrator of Nisyros Both Thiva and Nisyros adhering to the Roman sect, in 1390 Clement VII made Thomas nuncio and collector of Colossi in Rodos, where he died before Aug 1403. 27 Aug 1403 (RA 306, 58rv; Favier, Finances pontificales 288 n. 6) FC commissions Buffillus Brancacci, marshall of justice of the Roman Curia, who has paid a composition of 600 fl., to collect the spoils in the islands of Nisyros and Rodos, with full powers of summary justice. 5 Sep 1403 (RA 306, 59v) FC calls on Antonius de Fremajariis archbishop of Colossi to assist Buffillus Brancacci in collecting the spoils. No. 1322 [olim 1153] Thomasius abbot of S. Pietro di Piemonte OSB (Caserta) Died before Dec 1354. 31 Dec 1354 (Coll. 169, 51v) the price of a bed collected by subcommissioner Joannes abbot of S. Sebastiano (Napoli): 15 tar. No. 1323 Thomasius Pucci bishop of Marsi Formerly archpriest of Roseto (Ariano); died before Oct 1363. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: the collector of Sicilia citra Farum, Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), sent his subcollector, who made an inventory but could gather nothing; the canons maltreated him and sent him away, then complained to the collector about him. The collector negotiated a composition of 60 fl. and released all the goods. AA replies that the inventory seems to justify that settlement. No. 1324 [olim 1154] Trasmundus bishop of Alife Died before 27 Sep 1345. 27 Sep 1345 (Coll. 168, 51v–52r Bibliothèques I, 345.6, p. 172–173) heir Joannes de Aspri gives books to Guillelmus de Rosières. No. 1325 [olim 1155] Valascus archbishop of Braga Formerly cantor of Idanha; bishop of Idanha from 1363, of Coimbra from 1346, of Lisboa from 1371; archbishop of Braga from 11 Aug 1371; died before Jun 1372. 16 Jun 1372 (Coll. 358, 55r) Gundisalvus scholasticus of Coimbra, proctor and familiar of the late archbishop, is arrested at Avignon until he accounts for 800 fl. given him by the late archbishop. 1 Sep 1375 (OS 42, 34r; IM 2877, 7) successor Laurentius Vicente pays 3000 fl. of a composition of 7000 fl. No. 1326 [olim 1156] Valascus bishop of Segovia Formerly archdeacon in the church of Toledo; bishop from 1351; died before 13 Feb 1352. 28 Jul 1352 (Coll. 497, 48v) cardinal Egidius Albornoz is obligated to a composition of 2000 fl. 17 Nov 1354 (VQ 7:60) he pays the last 1000 fl. of his composition for the spoils of the late bishops Petrus de Cuellar and Valascus. 1354 (Coll. 114, 34v) collector Augerius de Osserano archdeacon of Bierzo (Astorga) reports collections of 11,000 marks. No. 1327 [olim 1157] Valascus de Lourenço bishop of Silves Formerly canon of Sevilla; bishop of Silves from 1350; died before 5 Nov 1365. 6 Jul 1369 (Arm. 33, to. 18, 80rv; Bibliothèques I, 365.9, p. 232) accounts of Bertrandus du Mazel: £1085.9 and three rings. No. 1328 [olim 1158] Valascus Martins bishop of Lisboa Formerly dean of Évora; bishop of Porto from 1328, of Lisboa from 1342; died 5 Jul 1344. 25 Jan 1327 (EFR Jean XXII communes 27663) licentia testandi. 2 May 1331 (EFR Jean XXII communes 54828) testament of Valascus as bishop of Porto, leaving all his goods to the chapter of Porto. 25 Nov 1344 (IM 1179; Bibliothèques I, 344.8, p. 159–163) donation inter vivos. 17 Dec 1344 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1340) commission to Gundisalvus Pereira archbishop of Braga. 8 Jan 1345 (VQ 5:353) proctor at Avignon pays 1000 duple. 1345 (VQ 5:371–372). 1345 (Coll. 277, 157r–212r; Bibliothèques I, 344.8, p. 163–170) disposition of the goods by testament, executor Franciscus Dominici, vicar general to Petrus Afonso bishop of Porto. No. 1329 [olim 1159] Valascus Martins cantor of Braga Died in Curia before 20 Mar 1348. 20 Mar 1348 (OS 23, 15r; Bibliothèques I, 348.17, p. 179) Fernandus Stephani pays 33⅓ fl. for books. 20 Mar 1348 (VQ 5:403) legacy of 20 fl. paid to the Camera. 12 Apr 1348 (VQ 5:405) 33⅓ fl. received from Fernandus Stephani. No. 1330 [olim 1160] Vincentius de Sassaro OFM bishop of Ajaccio Bishop from 1351; died before 19 Dec 1369. 24 Feb 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes pays autres 60) commission to Bernardus archbishop of Cagliari and Raphael della Torre canon of Genova. 2 Aug 1373 (RA 220, 253v; De Cros Calendar I, 329) the bishop’s sister Margarita de Loreto must pay the Camera £20 Genoese owed by the late bishop. No. 1331 [olim 1186] Vitalis abbot of S. Giustina OSB (Padova) Obligated himself for services 3 Jul 1359 (OS 22, 240r); died 1361. 1361 (Coll. 130, 151r) the successor’s composition and sales yield 211 ducats. No. 1332 [olim 1161] Vitalis abbot of S. Vito de Pizzo OSBasil (Taranto) Died before Jan 1354. 8 Jan 1354 (Coll. 169, 50r) successor Nettorius pays for spoils, including spoils of monks who died during the vacancy, 31 fl. 6 tar. 8 gran. No. 1333 [olim 1162] Vitalis de Blanco bishop of Valencia Formerly secular abbot of S. Felix, Girona; bishop from 1356; died before 5 Mar 1369. n.d. (Coll. 116, 63r) spoils pay £60.4.7. No. 1334 [olim 1163] Vitalis de Bosméjo collector of Le Puy and Clermont Lic.Decr.; canon of Le Puy; died before 6 Jun 1382. 17 Jan 1384 (Coll. 85, 110r) successor Pontius de Cros reports collections of 294 fr. 6 s. 6 d. No. 1335 [olim 1164] Vitalis de S. Pierre de Lavardac familiar and papal scribe Died before Jul 1348. 25 Jan 1345 (EFR Clément VI closes France 1418) licentia testandi. 23 Jul 1348 (EFR Clément VI closes pays autres 1694) commission to Didacus abbot of S. Facond OCSA (León) and Joannes de Gardaya scholasticus of Oviedo, nuncios. 7 Feb 1352 (VQ 5:451) his brother and heir Arnaldus de Banardo, hostiarius, pays 150 fl. of a 300-fl. composition. No. 1336 [olim 1165] Vitalis de Savignac prior of Nérac OSB (Condom) Died before Dec 1374. 9 Dec 1374 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 1730) commission to Guillelmus Borrel, subcollector of Condom. No. 1337 [olim 1166] Vitalis Vassal provost of Lleida, collector of Saintes Died before Apr 1364. 2 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 872) commission to Guillelmus Amarant. 22 Nov 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 1384) successor Arnaldus Gavin appointed. 4 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 26r–27v; Aubert Calendar 293, p. 183–184) nephew Guillelmus Vassal renders the collector’s last accounts, approved by Eblo de Miers, clerk of the Camera. No. 1338 [olim 1167] Vitalis de Vilanueva provost of Castellion (Girona) Died before Apr 1364. 9 Apr 1364 (EFR Urbain V secrètes France 879; Aubert Calendar 233, p. 160) Fulco Perrier sr., Petrus Rubei, and Jordanus de Haya ordered to cite Ennecus Valterra bishop of Girona as holding reserved spoils. 20 Aug 1369 (Coll. 354, 76v–77r; Aubert Calendar 775, p. 399–400) treasurer orders Jacobus Zatria, the present bishop, and the chapter to pay as spoils a debt of 1000 fl. No. 1339 [olim 1168] Vivianus de Cana prior of S. George d’Oleron OSB (Saintes) Died in Curia before 2 Aug 1361. 31 Aug 1361 (VQ 7:355–356) commissioner pays 1000 fl.; he reported receipts of 1400 mutones by letter of 2 Aug. 4 Jan 1365 (Coll. 353, 26r–27v; Aubert Calendar 293, p. 183–184) Guillelmus Vassal, nephew of collector Vitalis Vassal, makes payment. Anonymous, Arranged in Order of Diocese No. 1340 [olim 1170] ____ cleric; died in Avignon Died before May 1355 in the house of Ademarus Aubert, father of Innocent VI. 29 May 1355 (VQ 7:92) Balduinus Richard pays 10 fl., etc. No. 1341 [olim 1172] ____ abbot of ?S. Clemente ?Castel del Monte (?Penne-Atri) Died before Feb 1346. 20 Feb 1346 (Coll. 168, 55rv) successor Petrus de Cortuciis pays a composition of 5 unc., and Guillelmus de Rosières also received a debt of 3 unc. No. 1342 [olim 1175] ____ preceptor domus S. Antonii (Béziers) Died in Curia before Sep 1369. 10 Sep 1369 (Coll. 354, 82v; Aubert Calendar 778, p. 401) treasurer orders Gaucelmus de Sala to collect spoils and fruits of the vacancy. No. 1343 [olim 1176] ____ prior of S. Fulgence OCSA (Bourges) Died before May 1371. 22 May 1371 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes France 241) commission to Audebertus de Gorses canon of Bourges. No. 1344 [olim 1177] ____ abbot of Madonna della Basilica OSB (Chieti) Died before Aug 1344. Hoberg, Taxae 221: 18 Mar 1345, BAV, Borghese 125, 4v. 29 Aug 1344 (Coll. 168, 43v) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 2 unc. 1 tar. 10 grani. No. 1345 [olim 1178] ____ abbot of S. Reparata di Marradi OVall (Faenza) Hoberg, Taxae 310: 11 Aug 1371 in OS 35, 160r. Died before Aug 1372. 14 Aug 1372 (Coll. 358, 79v–80v; De Cros Calendar I, 156) collector Lucius de Calis bishop of Cesena is ordered to summon the subcollector, Geraldinus archpriest of Bologna, to Firenze to answer the complaint of the present abbot and convent over his collections of spoils and fruits of the vacancy contrary to the moderatio. No. 1346 [olim 1182] ____ abbot of S. M. de Cerrate OSBasil (Lecce) Died before May 1346. Hoberg, Taxae 230: nothing before Feb 1347. Enzensberger, “Der ordo Sancti Basilii,” does not list S. M. de Cerrate among the Greek monasteries in Italy in this period. 28 May 1346 (Coll. 168, 56r) Guillelmus de Rosières sells goods for 50 fl. No. 1347 [olim 1184] ____ Aubert prior of Bénévent OCSA (Limoges) Died before Dec 1348. Gallia Christiana 2:619 is blank from 1357 to 1374. 9 Dec 1348 (VQ 5:415) his brother Audoinus Aubert pays a composition of 400 fl. No. 1348 [olim 1185] ____ prior of S. Savournin OSB (Marseille) Died before Dec 1342. 5 Dec 1342 (VQ 5:331) money and cups paid by Berengarius Blasin. 27 Nov 1343 (VQ 5:341) ? further payment. No. 1349 ____ abbot of the monastery of S. Gennaro (?Napoli) Died ca. 1363. 1363 (IM 5344) brief of a criminal information by Guillelmus abbot of San Severino OSB (Napoli), collector of Sicilia citra Farum, and an instruction in reply by the chamberlain AA: the abbot died in the house of a relative, where his wine and goods remain, worth 600 unc. AA replies that the goods should be taken, unless the family has an instrument proving their right. No. 1350 [olim 1191] ____ abbot of Pinerolo OSB (Torino) Died before Jul 1373. Hoberg, Taxae 254: 16 Feb 1345 in Borgh. 125, 4r. 17 Jul 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes autres 2004) orders the castellan of Pinerolo not to impede the collectors. 17 Jul 1373 (EFR Grégoire XI secrètes autres 2005) orders Petrus Gervais and the sons and treasurer of Amadeus VI count of Savoy to restrain the castellan. No. 1351 [olim 1189] ____ abbot of S. Maria di Ripalta OCist (Troia) Died before Apr 1346. 16 Apr 1346 (Coll. 168, 55r) Guillelmus de Rosières collects 10 unc. for goods of the last abbot. No. 1352 ____ prior of Aurel OClun (Valence-Die) Died before Oct 1406. 8 Oct 1406 (RA 325, 560v) Petrus de Foix bishop of Lescar, lieutenant of FC, directs Hugo Guidi, subcollector of Die, to collect spoils. |