Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. 11_1768_00

Isaacks v Stead

Rhode Island 


Case Name Short

Isaacks v Stead

Case Name Long

Jacob Isaacks v William Stead


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.5 [95] p.175 – 16 December 1768 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

George III v.6 (January 1768 – April 1769) p.387: PC 2/113/387


APC Citation 

v.5 [95] p.175 – 27 April 1770 – entry 2

PC Register Citation 

George III v.7 (May 1769 – December 1770) p.297–298, 356: PC 2/114/297–298, 356


Colonial Courts

Unnamed – March 1765 and 28 May 1764


Isaacks, Jacob, merchant, of Newport

Stead, William


Not stated in APC, but see Notes, below




Related to other Privy Council appeals:

    Stead v Hart and Stead v Elizer – Report No. 11_1765_01 (APC, v.4 [600] p.716–717)

    Stead v Isaacs – Report No. 11_1766_01 (APC, v.4 [649] p.759)

Stead v Isaacs and Isaacks v Stead are almost certainly two aspects of the same dispute. The lower court judgments referred to in both cases have the same date, and the Privy Council’s register confirms that the names of the courts are the same. In Stead v Isaacs, the Council apparently agrees that Stead did not properly insure the ship in question, and Isaacs is allowed a new trial on the amount of his damages. In Isaacks v Stead, a judgment for Stead in the amount of £1,200 on a bill of exchange is affirmed. Stead’s actions against Hart and Elizer are against them as endorsers of a note from Isaacks resulting in a judgment for £1,200. This is probably the same piece of commercial paper as is at stake in the subsequent case. Be that as it may be, Isaacks and Stead are clearly the underlying parties in all four actions.


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report – 2 Apr. 1770 – PC 1/54/66C view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC, v.6 [840] p.484
