Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. 08_1741_02

Pearse v Key

New York 


Case Name Short

Pearse v Key

Case Name Long

Capt. Vincent Pearse v John Key and Michael Hubbard


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.3 [528] p.704 – 19 November 1741 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

George II v.8 (22 October 1741 – 29 September 1743) p.14: PC 2/97/14


APC Citation 

v.3 [528] p.704 – 23 March 1743 – entry 2

PC Register Citation 

George II v.8 (22 October 1741 – 29 September 1743) p.210, 259, 261, 305–308, 344–345: PC 2/97/210, 259, 261, 305–308, 344–345


Colonial Courts

Court of King’s Bench


Hubbard, Michael

Key, John

Pearse, Capt. Vincent


Canary Merchant (ship)


Seizure and condemnation of the Canary Merchant (prize)


Judgment reversed, writs of consultation issued, and Admiralty Court ordered to proceed in original cause


Related to another Privy Council appeal:

    Pearse v Cummyns – Report No. 08_1741_01 (APC, v.3 [527] p.703)

Both cases concern the same issue, to wit, whether the vessel seized was at the time “on the high seas or within the body of the city of New York.”

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Pearse v Key and Hubbard)

Additional Sources

See, at the British Library, a manuscript draft described as “proceedings in the case of Capt. Vincent Pearse, appt., and John Key and others, of New York, respts., 1740–1” in Additional Manuscripts 15489, f.118 et seq.


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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