New York {Continued) Nicholson, Sir Francis, royal officer criminal appeals, Bayard and Hutchins af- agent of Society for Propagation of Gospel, fair, 297-306 222 [41] criminal appeals regulations, 84 [73], 240 Governor of Maryland, 79, 87 [128], 412 Governor of South Carolina, 344 [453] enforcement of Navigation Acts in, 185 hostility to chartered and proprietary colonies, [246], 201, 515-17, 661 146 factions, 297, 301 Nicoll, William, counsel, 294 [149], 367 [66] Governor, see Bellomont, Lord; Burnet, Wil- Nicolls, Col. Richard, Governor of New York Ham; Clarke, George; Clinton, George; grants Elizabeth Purchase lands, 366 Colden, Cadwallader; Cornbury, Lord; member of royal commission of 1664, 55-58, Delancey, James; Dongan, Thomas; 124 [314] Fletcher, Benjamin; Hardy, Sir Charles; Nicolls, William, 159 [163] Hunter, Robert; Lovelace, Francis; Monck- Normandy, 6, 8, 88 ton, Robert; Moore, Sir Henry; Nanfan, North, Francis, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, John; Nicolls, Col. Richard; Osborne, Sir 128 Danvers; Sloughter, Henry; Tryon, Wil- North Carolina Ham act of 1741 for depriving Rice of office (disgovernor's instructions, 84 [73], 219 [23], allowed), 582 220-21, 229 [74], 233, 239-40, 270, 303, act of 1762 on intestacy (disallowed), 577 390-412, 458, 5.19, 597 [297] limited scope of, 239, 265 act of 1773 for regulating intracolonial apintracolonial appeals peals, 415 number of, opinion of Colden, 407 [250] acts disallowed for omission of suspending practice, 391-98 clause, 605 intracolonial appeals regulations acts disallowed for violating instructions, 606 Board of Trade's directions, 159-60 agent, see Abercromby, James colonial acts, 84-85 appeals limited by instructions, 270 governors' commissions, 79 appeals regulations, 232 [87], 233 [89] instructions of 1702, 219 [23], 220-21, Assembly, 582 [302] 239 boundary disputes instructions of 1753, 233, 239-40, 390- with S.C., 419 [7] 412 with Va., 419 [7] instructions of 1765, 409, 410 complaint of Little, 188 reforms proposed by W. Smith Jr., 221 courts intracolonial vice-admiralty appeals, 196-99 Chancery, 196 judicial practice Court of Delegates, 196 conformed to English, 353 Governor and Council, 188 general verdict usual, 659 Provincial Court, 205 [398] recovery used to bar entails, 511 Superior Court, 415 land titles, 130, 393, 394 Vice-Admiralty, 188, 190 [315], 196, 205 lawyers' hostility to Colden, 393-94 [398] Leisler's revolt, 297 Governor, see Dobbs, Arthur; Hyde, Edpublic opinion on Parliamentary sanction of ward instructions, 600 [394] governor's instructions, 232 [87], 233 [89], right of appeal denied, 158-59 270, 606 right of appeal, opinion of Board of Trade, intracolonial appeals regulations, 233 [89], 159-60 415 royal commission of 1664, 55 intracolonial vice-admiralty appeals, 196 Solicitor General, see Weaver, Thomas right of appeal denied, 151 [106] vice-admiralty appeals, 92-93, 185, 186 Surveyor General, see McCulloch, Henry [304], 192 [333], 265 vice-admiralty appeals, 188, 265 vice-admiralty jurisdiction, conflicts with see also Carolina; Royal colonies common law courts, 515-17 Northey, Edward, Attorney General see also Proprietary colonies; Royal colonies drafts Conn.-Mohegan comm'n., 428 [66] Nicholas, Sir Edward, Secretary of State, 38 employed as counsel, 294 [244], 63 [412], 64 [413, 414] on Act for Preventing Frauds, 177 [252]