Levinz, Sir Creswell, counsel on jurisdiction of King's Bench in Barbados, 471-72 Lewis, Dr. David, Judge of Court of Admiralty, 13 [74] Lewis, Ellis, 513 Lewis, Robert, 513 Lieutenant-governor, see Governor Life, Thomas, solicitor, Connecticut agent, 643 on Mohegan controversy, 418 Lillie, Samuel, 207, 225 [57] Limitations of time, see Appeals regulations, time limitations Limitations, Statute of, see Acts of Parliament, Statute 2i Jac. I, c. 16 (1623) Lingley, Samuel, 309 Lisle, Daniel de, 287 [100] Lisle, John, 40 [260] Little, Abigail, 640 Little, Edward, 200 Little, William, 188 Littleton, Edward, Barbados agent, 108 [205] Littleton, Edward, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 30 [189] Littleton, James, shipowner, 187 [306] Liveen, John, 140 [47], 142 [54], 149 [93] Livingston, Robert, 149 [93] Livingston, Robert R., Justice of New York Supreme Court on Colden, 393 [197] on interpretation of instructions of 1753, 397-98, 401-2 removal recommended by Colden, 407 Livingston, William, 407, 646 [616] Livius, Peter, Chief Justice of Quebec on admission of new evidence on appeal, 416 Lloyd, South Carolina agent, 188 [309] Lloyd, Edward, President of Maryland Council, 253 Lloyd, Sir Nathaniel, Judge of Court of Admiralty, 73 [13], 127 Lloyd, Sir Nathaniel, King's Advocate on vice-admiralty appellate forum, 185 Lloyd, Richard, Solicitor General on extension of right of appeal in N.H., 234 [95] Lloyd's Coffee House, 277 Locke, John, philosophy of, 435 [109] Lodwick, Charles, agent of Bayard, 301, 302 London, Bishop of, 73, 323, 327 [349], 546 [109] aid sought by litigants, 610, 621, 625 colonial ecclesiastical jurisdiction, 136 [24] influence in Privy Council, 327 on Va. act for regulating ministers' salaries, 611 London, City of Collector of Customs of, 308 Court of Hustings, 401, 403 proceedings against, 526, 527, 637 London merchants oppose bill for enforcing governors' instructions, 601 [399] petition for extension of English law to Jamaica, 478 [39] petition for nullification of Va. act of 1758, 611 London, Recorder of, see Long, Lislebonc Long, Charles, 476 Long, Edward on legal effect of governors' instructions, 628 [54i] on legal status of colonies, 522 [231] on private nature of governors' instructions, 597 [374] proposed reforms in Jamaica appellate system, 228 [71] Long, Jane Beeston, 476 Long, Lislebone, Recorder of London, 39 [252], 40 [254] Long, Sir Robert, Secretary to Charles 11, 38 [244] Long Parliament, 3, 5 Lord, see Chancellor, Lord; Chamberlain, Lord; Keeper, Lord; President of the Council, Lord; Privy Seal, Lord; Steward, Lord; Treasurer, Lord Lords Commissioners, see Admiralty; Customs; Treasury; Prize Appeals; be, Lords Commissioners of Lords Committee, see Lords Committee of Trade and Plantations; Committee of the Whole Council Lords Committee of Trade and Plantations appraised, 73, 128-31 attendance, 128 composition, 71-72, 128 dissolution, 129 [363], 134 established, 65 executive power, lack of, 99-100 investigation of Barbados appellate system, 81 jurisdiction administrative, 72, 130 appellate, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73 vice-admiralty, 93 on jurisdiction of colonial councils, 96 procedure appearance, 107, 118 argument of counsel, 108-9 consultation of Attorney General, 109 hearings, 99, 100, 106, 108-9, I 2°, 2 97 Pleadings, 108-9 report, 100, 103, 114, 118, 119, 120, 125, 126