7767 February—Drawing Short Brief proceedings to be laid before Sir Fletcher £. s. d. Norton and M r Jackson in order to have a Consultation with them wher proper to move to Set aside the above Order and to Advise how to Act in the present State of the Appeal two Brief Sheets and a half 1. 5. Carr d forw ds 211. 2. 9. [2] Bro*. over 211. 2. 9. Making These Copies for Sir Fletcher Norton M r . Jackson and D r . Johnson I- 17- 6 - March 10 Paid Sir Fletcher Norton with his Brief 5. 5. Attending him 13- 4- Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. Paid M r Jackson with his Brief 5- 5- Attending him 13- 4- Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. April-i st . Attending the Consultation when Councel was of Opinion that we ought to move to set Aside the Order but left the time of doing it to our own discretion 1. 6. 8. Paid Sir Fletcher Norton on Consultation 5- 5. Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. Paid M r . Jackson on Consultation 5. 5- Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. Paid Sir Fletcher Norton to peruse and Sign Case 15. 15. o. Attending him therewith T 3- 4- Paid his Clerk and Footman 7- 6. July 6 th Paid for Duplicate of Order to Revive &c 3. 2. 6. Making two more Copies of the Brief One for D r . Johnson and the other for myself 104 Sheets each 5 2 ' 7765 April & May For three Different Attendances on M r . Nuttall to whom the Lords of the Treasury had referred the Matter of (sic) of granting M r Mason Money to carry on the Appeal to Acquaint him of the Nature of the Cause and left the Record with him for his perusal and paid for Copy of his Report 2. Nov r . 9 th Paid M r Wedderburn Retainer in the Room of Sir Fletcher Norton who had Quitted the Bar 2. 2. Attending him 13- 4- Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. Paid M r . Wedderburn to puruse and Sign Case 15. 15. Carr a forwards 330. 19. 9. [3] Bro*. over 330. 19. 9. Attending him therewith 13- 4- Paid his Clerk and Servant 7- 6. 30 th Nov r . 2 d 3 a & sth5 th Dec r . For Attendances at the Board of Trade Searching for M r . Horsemandens Letter with his Opinion and M r . Coldens Letter and perusing same And Drawing Memorial to their