The appeal from the July 28 Court of Probates sentence disallowing the inventory exhibited by Winthrop was entered on the records as withdrawn. 79 In the appeal from the judgment in the action on the Connecticut administration bond, the Superior Court declared that the act relied upon in the plea in bar did not repeal the clause in the law allowing Special County Courts and affirmed the jurisdiction of the Special County Court. Pleas in abatement were 75 Ibid., 447-49; cf. ibid., 426. "'''lbid., 449-50; cf. ibid., 424—25. 77 MS Conn. Ct. Rec, 14 County Ct. Trials peal, but Winthrop asserted that he had not {New London), 115 (Conn. State Lib.). Win- appeared in court and that no person had been throp alleged that Lechmere took advantage authorized to withdraw the appeal (6 Winthrop of the age of Judge Sewall, making him assert Papers, 452-53; cf. ibid., 425). In a letter to in the writ that inventory had never been given Cotton Mather, Winthrop said that this action at die Boston Probate Court, whereas such in- "was perfidiously wididrawne without my ventory was exhibited before Sewall a few leave or knowledge by Read my attorney (who weeks after the decease of intestate (6 Win- marryed Governor Talcott's sister), who in the throp Papers, 426). beginning took a fee of .£25 from me with 78 MS Conn. Ct. Rec, 14 County Ct. Trials promises as solemn as a man could make to {New London), 116-20; 6 Winthrop Papers, serve me; but all he did for me was to with-451—52. draw my main action when I was sick a 79 MS Conn. Superior Ct. Rec, 1724-27, sub dying, assuring me that the administration bond Sept. 22, 1724. Winthrop alleged in his Privy action, as well as the rest, were continued Council case that when the next Superior Court upon my memoriall to the Court setting forth met he was confined to his bed and incapable the impossibility of my appearing or instructing of appearing or instructing counsel. There- councell by reason of sickness; yet he suffered fore, he petitioned the Court for an adjourn- the action to be carryed against me in the most ment to the following court. The court record unheard of manner" {ibid., 426-27).