in the records remaining at the Privy Council Office in Downing Street. To Dr. M. A. Thomson and Dr. R. A. Humphreys of the Institute for Historical Research, London, I am grateful for valuable guidance in the use of English sources; to Dr. J. H. Le Patourel of the Institute for Historical Research, Bailiff A. M. Coutanche of Jersey, Ralph Mollet, Esq., and Attorney- General Sherwill of Guernsey, I am indebted for kind assistance in assembling the Channel Islands material. To J. Bennett Nolan, Esq., and James M. Osborn, Esq., I express gratitude for access to private manuscript collections. To Professor Dorothy Burne Goebel I am especially indebted for search in the Shelburne MSS at the Clements Library and for critical reading of the entire typescript. To my wife, Edith Stenberg Smith, I am grateful for a reading of the proof with the practiced eye of an estates lawyer and for compiling the table of cases. Dr. Donald Tilton and the late Lieutenant William C. Evers, U.S.M.C.R., relieved me of many of the chores incident to research, while the library staffs of Columbia University cheerfully submitted to many demands on their time and patience. Finally my thanks are due to Mr. Samuel F. Howard for undertaking the arduous task of compiling the index, and to the Columbia University Press for the care bestowed in bringing this volume to publication. J. H. S. New Yor\ August, 1949