Appeals to the Privy Council from the
Caribbean and Canadian Colonies
Report No. JAM_1759_08

Adams v Nimbhard



Case Name Long

Samuel Adams v John Nimbhard and William Orgill


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [399] p.423 (11 July 1759 – 11 July 1760)

  PC Register Citation

George II v.18 (2 May 1759 – 10 July 1760) p.24, 61–62, 418, 422–425, 443: PC 2/107/24, 61–62, 418, 422–425, 443



Colonial Courts


Chancery – 21 Aug. 1758



Adams, Samuel, appellant


Aikenhead, William (administrator of Ann Ellis)


Barclay, James (administrator of Ann Ellis)


Basnett, Nathaniel, of London


Ellis, Ann, deceased


Nedham, Henry, deceased


Nedham, William (executor of Henry)


Nimbhard (Nembhard), John, practitioner in physic and chirurgery, respondent (executor of Daniel Peyton)


Orgill, William, respondent (executor of Daniel Peyton)


Papley, George (executor of Samuel Seagrave)


Peyton, Daniel, deceased


Seagrave, Samuel, deceased


Seymour, Charles (executor of Henry Nedham)


Tyrrell, James Urshaw (executor of John)


Tyrrell, John, deceased


Tyrrell, William (executor of John)


Wheeler, Thomas (executor of Samuel Seagrave)



Recovery of debts.


The part of the decree complained of is reversed and the injunction dissolved.


The appellant’s and respondents’ printed cases are summarized in Caribbeana: miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies, ed. Vere Langford Oliver (London: Mitchell, Hughes, and Clarke, 1909–1919), 6:156–157 (view).


References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Adams v Nimbhard)


Printed Cases

Appellant’s case

Case of the appellant (Samuel Adams v John Nimbhard and William Orgill, William Tyrrell and James Urshar Tyrrell, Thomas Wheeler and George Papley, William Aikenhead and James Barclay, and Charles Seymour and William Nedham)


Wm. de Grey; Al. Forrester


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36218 f.64r–65v (Printed/manuscript date on dorse July 1760; includes manuscript notes.)


Respondent’s case

Case of the respondent (Samuel Adams v John Nembhard and William Orgill)


C. Pratt; C. Yorke


All the parties are listed at the top of the printed case, but the case is decribed as that of the respondents Nembhard and Orgill.


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36218 f.66r–71v (Undated; includes manuscript notes.)



Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew


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