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[001] and sealed, and the farmer later says that he was enfeoffed thereof and proffers a
[002] charter or instrument which is denied by the lessor; if he acknowledges the term, and
[003] the document made as to the term and its seal, [and] if the seals of both the term and
[004] the feoffment correspond in all respects, he cannot deny the charter of feoffment because
[005] of the correspondence of the seals, unless he can except against it on grounds of
[006] fraud or duress. Thus charters and documents are proved by a comparison of seals.

If several instruments are produced.

[008] If when several sealed instruments are put forward none of them has earlier been
[009] acknowledged by the other party or proved by him who produces them, recourse
[010] must then of necessity be had to the instruments of others, sealed with the same seal,
[011] which have earlier been acknowledged or proved.1 It suffices if one of them is proved,
[012] provided both are similar.

Another kind of warranty, that is,2 warranty of charter.

[014] There is also another kind of warranty called warranty of charter, where one is bound
[015] by his own deed and feoffment, or that of his ancestors, to defend another in his seisin
[016] and acquit him by the service named in his charter when he is distrained and vexed by
[017] others, as by the chief lords, to do more services than are expressed in the charter.
[018] When he is not impleaded as to the tenement he holds, but vexed, as aforesaid,3 in the
[019] county court, and there4 vouches a warrantor, since [it has no power to summon a
[020] warrantor]5 recourse must be had to the lord king's court, and let him who is bound
[021] to warrant be summoned by this writ.

Writ of warranty of charter.

[023] ‘The king to the sheriff, greeting. Order such a one [B.] that rightfully and without
[024] delay he warrant to such a one [A.] so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill
[025] which he holds and claims to hold of him and as to which he has his [B.'s] charter, as
[026] he says.’ Or thus: ‘and as to which he has the charter or such a one, the father (or
[027] ‘mother,’ ‘brother’ or ‘sister,’ ‘uncle’ or ‘aunt,’ ‘grandfather’ or ‘grandmother,’
[028] ‘greatgrandfather’ or ‘greatgrandmother’) of [B.],’ though he who complains is a
[029] very remote heir, ‘whose heir he is, as he says. And unless he does so and if the said A.
[030] has made you secure with respect to prosecuting his claim, then summon the said
[031] [B.] by good summoners to be before our justices at Westminster on such a day (or
[032] ‘before our justices


1. Om: ‘cum utraque . . . vitosa’

2. ‘scilicet’

3. Om: ‘nisi hoc sit’

4. ‘ibi’

5. Supra 55; om: ‘fuerit . . . casu ibi’

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Page last reviewed April 2003.
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