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7-8. Ibid., ca. 21; ibid., ca. 14
9-10. Ibid., ca. 22; ibid., ca. 14
11. Miscellaneous observations; no detailed commentary contemplated: cf. Richardson in Traditio, vi, 92, 97-8
12. The assise of 1236 (Cal. Cl. Rolls 1234-37, 362): Facias etiam clamari per totam balliam tuam ... quod nullus sit tam audax quod aliquem extraneum hospitetur nisi veniat de die, et si de die venerit, non permittat eum recedere a domo sua ante diem, set de die veniant et de die recedant. But see Wiltshire Crown Pleas, 29, that the clause reflects the assise of 20 May 1242 (which does not mention guests); Maitland, Select Pleas of the Crown, xxii, n. and Richardson in Traditio, vi, 79, that it reflects an assise of 1253. It is the last that seems to be referred to infra 387.
13. In use in 1235: Wiltshire Crown Pleas, 29; cf. Traditio, vi, 80